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Orphan Train Riders to Iowa  Orphan Train Riders

~ Hardin County ~

Iowa Falls Sentinel
Tuesday, 24 June 1902


Thirty two orphan children in Hardin county there was a surprising demand for children was shown Wednesday when thirty two orphans were taken into Hardin county homes in less than three hours. The mere announcement of homeless children would be placed in good homes in this vicinity brought people here from every part of the country and it is estimated that no less than five hundred call at the Woods House interested in securing a child for their home. Before noon the thirty two boys and girls had been taken to home in Hardin and will make their future homes in various parts of the country. Long after the last child had been placed, people arrived in the city seeking an opportunity to secure a child from their home. The children's ages ranged from seven to fourteen years and were of various nationalities. The children are placed by a society that is given assurance that the children will be given the best of treatment and education. The places in this county to which the children went are ....