Waterloo Courier
14 Apr 1899
Orphan Girl Refuses to Live With People who were to Adopt Her.
Yesterday the police were notified of the disappearance from her home of
a young girl named Ada Rudd. She had been living with Mr. and Mrs.
Sebastean Reiger, 503 Almond Street, but on Wednesday evening she left
the house and disappeared. The family searched for her that evening
without avail. Yesterday they reported the case to the police and last
evening the girl was located at the home of Mrs. Ann DePew, 502 Saxson
She told the officers that she would not return to the Reiger home, and
claimed she ran away because she was abused while there.
The girl is 14 years of age. She came to Waterloo about 7 months ago
from an orphan's home at Randolph, New York. She first came to live with
Mrs. Maxson, but the Reiger family offered to adopt here it is stated
and she went to live with them. The adoption papers had been partially
prepared, but never executed.
Now the girl wants to return to New York, and the officers don't know
what action to take.