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Cresco School Reports
April 13
June 8
September 29
October 26
December 21

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Aberg, Inger14
Adams, Pearl2 and 31
Andrus, Doris11
Bader, Adolph2 and 31
Bader, Emma2 and 34
Bakin, Freeman2 and 3HS
Baldner, Leonard2 and 34
Barker, Lolah2 and 3HS
Barker, Mattie2 and 3HS
Barnes, Wilma2 and 34
Bickford, Henry12
Blackburn, Lois2 and 34
Block, Harry13
Block, Meyer12
Block, Zullet11
Bly, Leslie2 and 35
Bly, Rollo2 and 35
Borchard, Frank2 and 38
Boughner, Ben2 and 3HS
Bowers, Donald2 and 35
Bowers, Grant2 and 33
Boyd, Gertrude2 and 34
Boyd, Norbert2 and 35
Boyer, Helen2 and 3HS
Breedlove, Harry2 and 37
Breedlove, John2 and 34
Breedlove, Nettle2 and 3HS
Bronner, Florence13
Brooks, Vance2 and 35
Brown, Katharine2 and 36
Brown, Leone2 and 32
Brown, Tillie2 and 3HS
Cameron, Paul2 and 38
Campbell, Cecelia2 and 37
Campbell, Lloyd2 and 34
Carman, Ned2 and 34
Caward, Helen2 and 3HS
Caward, Walter2 and 38
Christ, Bessie2 and 34
Church, Donald13
Church, Gordon12
Church, Harlan11
Clark, Alta2 and 35
Clark, Ellis13
Clark, Frances2 and 32
Clark, Maud2 and 31
Clark, Roger2 and 35
Clemmer, Alice2 and 35
Combs, Donald11
Converse, Dorothy2 and 34
Converse, Ruth2 and 38
Davis, Bennie2 and 33
Davis, Bessie2 and 34
Dean, Lloyd14
DeLange, Frank2 and 36
Dempewolf, Clara2 and 38
Dempewolf, Lydia2 and 3HS
Despard, Lily13
Donaldson, Bessie2 and 33
Donaldson, Lulu2 and 31
Donegan, Blanche2 and 3HS
Donegan, Raymond2 and 34
Donnegan, Alma2 and 31
Donnegan, Alvin2 and 31
Eakin, Ruth2 and 37
Eakln, Chas.2 and 3HS
Eaton, Hugh2 and 33
Eaton, Leone13
Eaton, Lyle12
Eaton, Mary2 and 35
Eaton, Merle2 and 3HS
Enyart, Addie2 and 34
Ernst, Willie11
Evertt, Louise14
Evertt, Minnie13
Evertt, Will13
Fairbanks, Mary2 and 33
Fessenden, Dale2 and 3HS
Fessenden, Ray2 and 35
Fields, Lester2 and 38
Fish, Fred2 and 34
Foye, Myrtle2 and 38
Freehauf, Harvey2 and 32
Freehauf, Robert2 and 32
Friend, Alice2 and 34
Fuller, Bertie2 and 36
Gager, Emma11
Gager, Roy12
Gibbons, Bessie2 and 37
Gill, Harley2 and 36
Glass, Ellis2 and 3HS
Goettel, Clara2 and 35
Goettel, Freddie2 and 32
Goettel, Leda2 and 31
Goocher, Maude2 and 37
Goooher, Margery2 and 34
Graf, Leone2 and 37
Graham, Lee2 and 31
Gravos, Anna2 and 36
Gravos, Anton2 and 34
Gravos, Clara2 and 32
Gue, Fred11
Guyette, Maud13
Hall, Leland2 and 34
Hamilton, Archie2 and 3HS
Hanson, Joe11
Harlan, Marion2 and 34
Henderson, Ethel13
Henry, Clement2 and 37
Hess, Elsie12
Hoppe, Sadie2 and 3HS
House, Nell2 and 33
Hoy, Harold2 and 38
Huntting, Emily2 and 35
Huntting, Marjorie2 and 32
Ingraham, Mary12
Johnson, Reuben14
Jones, Ina2 and 3HS
Kaatz, Albert14
Kakac, Helen2 and 38
Kakac, lone2 and 37
Kellogg, Hazlett2 and 33
Kiethley, Granville2 and 35
Klaffke, Carl2 and 37
Klaffke, Minnie2 and 38
Kuntz, Bertha2 and 38
Kuntz, Vlra2 and 34
Lambert, Lillian2 and 38
Laub, Cecilia2 and 32
Laub, Consuelo2 and 34
Lee, Anna2 and 33
Lent, Don2 and 3HS
Lind, Ivan2 and 37
Lind, Jennie2 and 38
Ling, Millicent2 and 3HS
Mabon, Pearl2 and 33
Mabon, Tom2 and 3HS
Macket, Ulrlc2 and 32
Marsh, Willie2 and 34
Marshall, Anthony2 and 34
Marshall, Harold2 and 35
Marshall, Stanley2 and 33
Martin, Virtus2 and 35
McCook, Bessie2 and 37
Melaas, Anna2 and 33
Mellang, Dora2 and 33
Melvold, Julius13
Meyer, John2 and 38
Miller, Blanche11
Miller, Earl12
Miller, Helen2 and 32
Miller, Sadie2 and 34
Miller, Vera2 and 36
Mitchell, Mae2 and 3HS
Moen, Alve2 and 3HS
Moen, Arthur14
Moen, Carl2 and 3HS
Moen, Cora13
Moen, Gertrude2 and 38
Moen, Grant14
Moen, Josephine13
Moen, Reuben14
Morgan, Ellis2 and 31
Morgan, Leon2 and 35
Moulton, Geneva13
Moulton, Olive14
Nash, John2 and 3HS
Nichols, Harold2 and 38
Nichols, Luverne2 and 37
Oathout, Marguerite2 and 37
Ofstedahl, Cora13
Ofstedahl, Ida13
Ofstedahl, John12
Omacht, Hannah2 and 33
Orvold, Adolph2 and 37
Orvold, Anna2 and 32
Orvold, Ernest2 and 31
Orvold, Helena2 and 33
Orvold, Oluf2 and 38
Orvold, Oscar2 and 35
Otterson, Ragna2 and 33
Otterson, Rudolph2 and 34
Owen, Gordon2 and 35
Owen, Grace2 and 37
Owens, Beatrice2 and 33
Owens, Melbourne2 and 37
Patterson, Grace2 and 33
Patterson, Henry2 and 36
Patterson, John2 and 31
Patterson, Ruth2 and 33
Peckham, Ruth2 and 38
Perry, Dora2 and 3HS
Pierce, Ralph2 and 37
Pike, Earl2 and 31
Pless, Arnold2 and 33
Pless, William2 and 34
Plopper, George2 and 36
Powers, George2 and 32
Powers, Lucy2 and 34
Rakow, Albert14
Rakow, Amelia13
Rakow, Willie14
Rathert, Donald2 and 31
Rathert, Willie2 and 33
Reckamp, Lloyd2 and 36
Reece, Gertrude2 and 31
Richards, Esther2 and 31
Rogers, Dorothy2 and 33
Rogers, Mary2 and 38
Rose, Willie2 and 35
Ryan, Winnie2 and 38
Salisbury, Louise2 and 34
Salisbury, Olive2 and 38
Smith, Arthur2 and 3HS
Smith, Ben2 and 3HS
Smlth, Merle2 and 3HS
St. John, Lillian2 and 38
Stander, Minnie2 and 37
Stelnmetz, William2 and 38
Stinger, Arthur2 and 3HS
Stinson, Maggie2 and 3HS
Strawn, Addie13
Strawn, Althea12
Strawn, Howard13
Strawn, Johnie11
Swenson, Emma2 and 38
Swenson, Florence14
Terry, Doris2 and 31
Thayer, Ruth2 and 3HS
Thompson, Clarice2 and 38
Thompson, Thelma2 and 31
Thomson, Mae2 and 37
Thuerk, Martha14
Tillson, Gladys2 and 34
Torgeson, Agnes2 and 32
Torgeson, Clarence2 and 31
Tyrrell, Lloyd2 and 34
Upton, Clark2 and 35
Upton, Gertrude2 and 36
Wanless, Paul2 and 32
Watson, Emma2 and 38
Watson, Kate2 and 34
Watts, Ruth13
Webber, Charles2 and 35
Webber, Elva2 and 31
Webber, Harold2 and 32
Webber, Willard2 and 37
Webster, DeWltt2 and 34
Weinands, Martha2 and 34
Weinands, Theodore2 and 34
Welsh, Alfred2 and 37
Welsh, Alice2 and 37
West, George13
Wheeler, Glen12
Wheeler, Ruth2 and 38
Wheeler, Willie2 and 38
Wienands, Lydia2 and 32
Wienands, Willie2 and 35
Wilkin, Eddie13
Williams, Laura2 and 38
Williams, Virgil2 and 32
Woodard, Willie2 and 34
Yates, Pearl2 and 34
Yates, Percy2 and 32
York, Sidney11

These School Report Scans were extracted from Library of Congress Micro-Film using: Chronicling America ,transcribed and prepared for the Web by Bill Waters. This Report was published in the Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer on June 12, 1906  Page 4.