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1912 Knights of Columbus Initiation

Cresco Council, Knights of Columbus, Initiate a Big Class

With the initiation here Sunday last of a class of 53 candidates into the order Cresco Council No. 1571 has now a membership of nearly 200. Knights from all over the nearby territory were here for the doings, which began with a solemn high mass at St. Joseph's church and concluded with a banquet at the armory where plates were laid for 300.

The Knights and candidates assembled at the K. C. hall in the morning and at 8:45 marched in a body to St. Joseph’s church to attend mass. The Very Rev. D. M. Gorman, of Dubuque, preached a powerful sermon on the Armor of God, which as told by St. Paul to the Ephesians, is Faith, Justice, Truth and Peace, and that these were likewise applicable to the Knights of Columbus. The church wsb beautifully decorated for the occasion.

At 10:30 the exemplification of the degree work began in the K. of C. rooms. The first and second degrees were in charge of the Austin Council, and the third degree was in charge of M. J. Fitzpatrick of Fort Dodge and Fred Colloton of Mason City. The degree work was a big success and was exemplified in an artistic manner.

At 6 o’clock the Knights and newly made members assembled at the armory to partake of the grand banquet served by the ladies of the Assumption parish. The toast program was quite in keeping with the lessons of the day. Hon. D. A. Lyons, Past Grand Knight, presided. Rev. J. P. Wagener gave a hearty address of welcome to the visititors. Very Rev. Dr. Gorman spoke on Christian education and the Christian home. The principal idea that be wished to bring out was that our boys were more neglected in education than our girls, and that Christian education in the home is especially fostered by good literature. M. J. Fitzpatrick spoke on Knighthood. The different candidates were asked to give some impressions of the day. The musical program during the banquet was in charge of Miss Ruth Connolly. It was well selected and received the applause and compliments of everyone for its excellence.

Following is the list of candidates:

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Ahern, F. J.Cresco
Balik, Anton Spillville
Cardan, PhilRidgeway
Carolan, A.Cresco
Carolan, James P.Decorah
Carolan, John J.Decorah
Carolan, Thos. J.Decorah
Carroll, J. K.Cresco
Casey, J. P.Decorah
Courtney, P. F.Ridgeway
Courtney, P. J.Ridgeway
Croatt, JacobWaucoma
Croatt, V. N.St. Lucas
Drew, Wm.Cresco
Driscoll, John J.Cresco
Flemming, K. W.Cresco
Glass, Chas.Cresco
Gossman, JosephDecorah
Greteman, N.St. Lucas
Hayes, Jos. P.Cresco
Heinman, H. J.Ossian
Kapler, Henry P.Cresco
Keffeler, Rev. N. U.Elma
Kelly, PatrickChester
Kruse, Geo. W.Fort Atkinson
Lakomy, Rev. R.Protivin
Leferink, Geo.Cresco
Lusson, JosephCresco
McCabe, Harry P.Cresco
McCabe, JohnCresco
McCabe, Terrence H.Cresco
McConnell, RayRidgeway
McEnaney, J. E.Waucoma
Mullaney, Geo.Cresco
Mullaney, Walter J.Cresco
Mullaney, Wm. T.Cresco
Norton, John J.Elma
O’Brien, A. A.Ridgeway
O’Brien, P. F.Ridgeway
O’Brien, ThomasRidgeway
Peterson, O. G.Cresco
Ptacek, Louis J.Cresco
Reilly, Jos.Waucoma
Rink, Jos. P.Cresco
Schmitt, FrankSt. Lucas
Schmltz, T. F.Ossian
Schneberger, J. P.Ossian
Schneider, John W.Dubuque
Sobollk, C. F.Ossian
Widmeier, A. C.Waukon
Wlckman, Geo. G.Waucoma

The list of graduates was extracted from Library of Congress Micro-Film using: Chronicling America, transcribed and prepared for the Web by Bill Waters. This Report was published in the Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Nov. 29, 1912, P-2, C-1