Kassel - Kurtz

Jacob Kassel

Jacob Kassel, who since 1900 has been a resident of New London and since 1904 has been a representative of its trade interests, being engaged in the lumber business here, was born in Union township, Des Moines county, Iowa, on the 23rd of March, 1856, his parents being Conrad and Mary Anna ( Hentz ) Kassel. The father removed from St. Louis to Burlington, Iowa, in 1849, and soon afterward purchased a claim in Union township, Des Moines county, on Long Creek. It was but a small tract, which he afterward sold. He then bought out on the prairie, where he lived up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1886, when he was seventy-two years of age. He found that the prairie land was rich and productive and he developed there a good farm. His wife survived him for a number of years, passing away in 1901 at the age of seventy-eight years.

In their family were ten children, of whom six are living: Henry, who resides in Montgomery county, Iowa; John, a resident of Augusta township; Mary, the wife of Christ Hauber, who is living in Burlington; William, a resident of Union township, Des Moines county; Jacob, of this review; and Anna, the wife of George Nau, whose home is in Augusta township, Des Moines county. Those who have passed away are: Conrad, who died at the age of sixteen years; Christina, at the age of twenty-two years; Louisa, when about thirty years of age, and Philip when twenty-eight years of age.

Jacob Kassel, whose name forms the caption of this review, was reared under the parental roof. His educational privileges were those afforded by the public school system of Union township and he was reared to the occupation of farming, early becoming familiar with various duties and labors incident to the development of the fields and the care of the crops. He continued his identification with agricultural pursuits until 1900 and remained upon the home farm until 1884, when he purchased eighty acres of land of Joseph Aller, residing thereon until 1888, when he sold that farm and bought a tract of land of eighty acres from D. B. Copeland. The following year he invested in forty acres of land which he purchased from Mr. Kissinger, but which was known as the Hathaway place and upon this farm he put about one thousand rods of tile. Two years later his house was destroyed by fire, but he did not allow himself to become discouraged by this disaster and at once erected a modern residence, which he continued to occupy until his removal to New London in 1899. He carried on general farming and the neat and thrifty appearance of his fields indicated his careful supervision and practical methods.

After taking up his abode in this village he rested from further labor for several years, but in 1904 purchased the lumber business which up to that time had been conducted by A. C. Sater. The business was established by R. H. Peterson and adjoined the yards of the Gilbert & Hedge Company, of Burlington. Later the two interests were consolidated and conducted by the firm of Linder & Carden, successors to T. B. Lee. At a still more recent date Mr. Ganaway became the owner of the business and eventually sold out to A. C. Sater. He continued as proprietor until 1904, when he sold to Mr. Kassel, who is now engaged in the lumber trade, having a well appointed yard and receiving from the public a liberal patronage. His close application and unfaltering energy have constituted the strong directing force in his business life and have resulted in the acquirement of a large and profitable trade.

On the 31st of December, 1884, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Kassel and Miss Ratha Estella Hannah, daughter of Sylvester O. and Jane ( Devault ) Hannah. There has been one child born of this marriage, Ruby Belle, whose natal day was April 16, 1887.

Mr. Kassel belongs to the Knights of Pythias Lodge, No. 184, of New London and his religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Presbyterian church. Politically he is a democrat, but without aspiration for office, preferring to devote his time and energies to his business affairs. He has never been known to take advantage of the necessities of his fellow men in any trade transactions and is fair and just in all of his dealings, having due regard at all times and under all conditions for the rights and privileges of others.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. .Chicago: Hobart Publishing Company, 1906. p. 350) (PE)


William Kean

WILLIAM KEAN, section 7, Center Township, is a native of Berkeley County, Va., born Nov. 25, 1815. His father, William Kean, was born in Cumberland County, Pa., in 1774. He married Miss Barbara Spangler, a native of Lancaster County, Pa., born in September, 1783 or 1784. There were four children born to them in that State. In 1812 they removed to Berkeley County, Va., where six more children were born: Margaret is the wife of John Lee, of Trenton Township; John came to Henry County in 1836, and died some years ago; Elizabeth is the wife of Chauncey Cole, residing near Salem, Ore.; Percival died in Henry County in 1840; Mary married Thomas Downing; both died in Trenton Township; William and Thomas reside in this county. Sarah A. died while en route to California; Isabel, wife of Charles Dark, resides in Oregon; James died in this county. In 1833 the family left Virginia, and went by team direct to Clarke County, Ohio, and from there to Henry County, Iowa, where the father bought a claim to a section and a half of land in Center Township. With the help of his son, he broke and fenced a large share. William Kean, Sr., was an old-line Whig, and a great admirer of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. He was a man of more than ordinary ability, a great reader and one of very retentive memory. While never aspiring for office he was often sought to run for various local offices, and at any time could have received the nomination for the Legislature in his native State. In early life he was a member of the Lutheran Church, of which body his wife was also a member, but after going to Ohio, in 1833, they united with the Reformed Methodists, and after coming to Henry County, Iowa, united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, with which they affiliated until their death. Mr. Kean died in 1849, and Mrs. Kean in 1852. They were people who stood high in the community in which they lived, and were known and respected as honest, upright citizens. The maternal grandfather of the subject of this sketch, Mr. Percival, was a native of Ireland, where he married, and from whence he emigrated to America, settling in Pennsylvania. In their family were three sons and one daughter-John, Thomas, William T. and Barbara.

The subject of this sketch came to Henry County in 1838, making the trip from Ohio on horseback. Soon after arriving here he entered a tract of land and began the improving of his farm. In March, 1842, he was united in marriage with Miss Matilda McMillen, a daughter of Thomas McMillen, who was also one of the pioneers of Henry County. By this union there have been four children: Mary is now the wife of Robert Lynn, of this county; Charles resides at home; Laura is the wife of Cary Cox, of Marion Township; Willis died March 3, 1851.

For a period of fifty years Mr. Kean has been a citizen of Henry County, and in common with the early settlers experienced the toil and privation incident to pioneer life. He has sold wheat for twenty-five cents per bushel, and hogs for $1.25 per hundred, and for years lived alone upon what the country could produce. In looking back over the past, and reflecting upon what he has passed through, he has little sympathy with those today who plead hard times, when surrounded by all the comforts which wealth can procure.

Few men are better known in this section of the county than William Kean, and none are more universally respected. In early life he was a Whig, and on its formation affiliated with the Republican party, voting with that party until 1872, since which time he has been liberal in his views, voting for the best man nominated. Like his father before him, he never sought office, but has filled several positions of trust in his township, among which is that of Township Trustee, an office which he filled for several years. He has always been a friend to education, and has given much of his time to that cause. Religiously he is connected with the Christian Church, and for many years he has been a member and an Elder of the congregation in Mt. Pleasant. Well posted in the Scriptures, he can express himself fluently and intelligently upon all subjects connected therewith.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 208-209.)(JC)

Joseph P. Kerr

JOSEPH P. KERR, residing on section 31, of Center Township, was born in Butler County, Pa., May 18, 1829, and is the son of Andrew and Sarah (Porter) Kerr, natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. Kerr is of Irish descent; his great-great-grandfather, Thomas Kerr, was born in Ireland in 1721, as was also his great-grandfather, Thomas Kerr, Jr., who was born in Ireland in 1743, and who married Margaret Clerk, a native of Ireland, and by this union there were ten children: Mary, who married William Steward; John, who married Jane Porter, was drowned; Thomas, whose first wife was Ann Williams, and whose second wife was Elizabeth Douglas; Ann, who was united in marriage with Thomas Parks; David, who married Rebecca Kennedy; Rebecca and Ella died when children; Margaret, who married Thomas Walker; Jonathan, who formed a matrimonial alliance with Mary Bradin, and Joseph, who married Nancy Bradin. Our subject's grandfather, John Kerr, was a native of Pennsylvania, being born near Emlenton, in 1767, and united in marriage with Jane Porter in 1791. By this union there were also ten children: Sarah, who born in 1792, and who married Andrew Sloan, died of consumption March 24, 1821; Thomas, who was born in 1793, was united in marriage with Isabel Stewart, and died Sept. 14, 1857; Margaret, who was born in 1794, and who married Mathew McDowell, died in 1848; Rebecca, born in 1796, married Daniel Spicer in 1812, and died of typhus fever in 1815; John, who was born in 1798, and who married Mary Berry, died in 1830; Jonathan, who was born in 1799, and was the husband of Nancy Keifer, died in 1876, from a third stroke of paralysis; Jane, who was born in 1801, was united in marriage with Robert Crawford, and died from a cancer in 1858; David, who was born in 1803, was united in marriage with Mary Zigler; Andrew, the father of our subject; Ann P., who was born in 1807, was married to Jack Zigler, in 1827.

Andrew Kerr, the father of Joseph P., was born Jan. 11, 1805. He was a pioneer of Venango County, Pa., where his parents moved when he was but a lad, and where his early days were spent. He was married, on the 2d of September, 1828, to Miss Sarah Porter, born May 13, 1804, who was the daughter of Joseph Porter. They were the parents of three children: Joseph P., our subject; David, who was born June 5, 1832, was united in marriage with Nancy Black in the year 1852, and resides in Missouri; John, who was born June 9, 1835, was married Dec. 25, 1860, to Philena Alden; three children were born to them. He was drowned in the Des Moines River on the 13th of April, 1867. Andrew Kerr died March 5, 1839.

The early life of our subject was spent upon the farm in Butler County, Pa., receiving his education in the district schools of his native State. He emigrated with his mother to Henry County in 1856, settling on section 31, of Center Township, where his step-father, Mathew McDowell, had purchased 130 acres of land, partially improved. Here the family still reside, and here on the 11th of September, 1859, Mr. McDowell departed this life. Mr. Kerr purchased 130 acres of land on section 31 of Center Township, and now has a finely improved farm. On the 22d of October, 1863, Mr. Kerr led to the marriage altar Miss Eliza Ann Nicholson, a native of North Carolina. Her grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary War; her parents, John and Sarah (Brooks) Nicholson, were natives of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr are the parents of eight children, all of whom are living: Andrew John, now in Missouri; Sarah, the wife of Albert Smith, of Center Township; Joseph Byron, Charles M., Ira N., Leander B. and Mahlon A. are still at home.

Mr. Kerr's business is that of general farming; he is a well-educated man, having been a teacher in Pennsylvania for many years, and has taught ten terms in this county. He has held various township offices, and his success in life has all been due to his own efforts. Thought never enjoying good health, Mr. Kerr has worked on and now has the reward due to those who help themselves. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church and his wife of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and they are always ready to help those in need. They have the confidence and respect of the whole community. Mr. Kerr always cast his vote with the Republican party.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 545-55.)

Jesse Ketchum

JESSE KETCHUM, of Mt. Pleasant, was born at Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N. Y., on the 9th of April, 1809. His father, Timothy Ketchum, was born at Huntington South, Long Island, in 1731. He served through the Revolutionary War, and at Fairfield, Conn., was wounded in the head, necessitating the removal of some pieces of skull. After the war he returned to Danbury, Conn., where he had previously located. He was twice married; his second wife was Miss Rebecca LaDue, a native of New York. By this union there were nine children, three of whom are now living: Jesse, of Mt. Pleasant; James Madison, of Long Island; and Mary, of Queens County, Long Island, widow of George W. Anderson. Those deceased are Charity, Samuel, John, Ebenezer, Timothy, and an infant. Timothy Ketchum was a man who was highly respected for his honesty and integrity, and his word was as good as his bond. His motto was "to do good for evil." In politics Mr. Ketchum was an old-time Republican, and was a great admirer of President Madison. At the time when Dr. Barton White was elected to Congress he told Mr. Ketchum that when he went to Washington he would get him a pension. Mr. Ketchum said he did not want one, but when the Doctor returned he had a pension of $1,800 for him, but he would not receive a cent, returning it to the Government, saying: "I did not fight for money; it was for liberty, the country, and my God." Mr. Ketchum died at the advanced age of ninety-eight. Mrs. Ketchum was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and an earnest Christian. She died at the age of forty-nine, in Dutchess County, N. Y.

The subject of this sketch grew to manhood in Dutchess County, N. Y., and was educated in the primitive school-houses of those times, his books consisting of a Testament and a Webster's spelling-book. He was married to Miss Eliza Churchill, of Dutchess County, July 30, 1830. She was the daughter of John Churchill, a soldier of the French and Indian wars. Eight sons and three daughters were born to them: ,Julia A. is the wife of Richard Armstrong, of Tuttle's Point, Ill.; Oscar C., a resident of Southern Kansas; William B., living at Mt. Pleasant; Leander, also of Mt. Pleasant; Edward D., who enlisted in the 4th Iowa Cavalry, died of disease contracted in the army; Eliza is the wife of John Peterson, of Mt. Valley, Kan.; Frank, of Henry County; Winfield, of Mendota, Mo.; Albert, now deceased; Hattie, at home, and Jesse, Jr., at home.

In 1855 Mr. Ketchum came to Henry County and located, and the following year moved his family. He worked at the carpenter's and joiner's trade for a short while, but afterward became a butcher, and gave that up to live on a farm. In 1865 he removed to Mt. Pleasant, at which place he has since resided. In politics he is a stanch Republican. Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum stand high in the community where they have so long resided. They are both members of the Baptist Church. always living a true Christian life, and are only waiting the call of their Master to their final home.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 198-199.)(JC)

James M Kibben

JAMES M. KIBBEN, deceased, was born in Culpeper County, Va., near Harper's Ferry. He was left an orphan at the tender age of nine years, without fortune or friends, and began the battle of life as an apprentice to a wagon-maker. His early years were such as often fell to the lot of the destitute orphan. Hard work and abuse were rewarded with a pittance. Possessed of a strong will and superior intelligence, he fought his way through to manhood, and then went to Columbus, Ohio, where he worked at his trade a short time only, when he removed to Fayette County, Ind., and there engaged in farming. He was married in Fayette County, Oct. 3, 1833, to Miss Jane Sample, by whom he had one child, a son, Marcus, who died in infancy. His wife survived but a few years, and died Sept. 23, 1836. Mr. Kibben was again married, Nov. 22, 1839, in the same county, to Miss Rebecca Farmer, daughter of William Farmer. She was born near Dayton, Ohio, Nov. 2, 1810. Her father was born in South Carolina, and her mother in Georgia. They were members of the Society of Friends, and were earnestly opposed to slavery, so much so that they would not own negroes, or reside in a slave State; therefore they wended their way northward to the free State of Indiana. Separated from those of like faiths and living in a sparsely settled country, they attended the Methodist Episcopal Church as that the nearest in sympathy with them. Mr. Farmer united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, but his wife clung to the Quaker faith. Their daughter, now Mrs. Kibben, united with the Methodist Episcopal Church when fifteen years of age, and has now been a member of that society for sixty-two years.

Mr. and Mrs. Kibben had five children born to them, of whom three are now living: Mary, widow of Rev. P. P. Ingels, a prominent minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church,. who resides at Des Moines, Iowa; Walter S. and Oliver P. were twins; Walter was drowned at the age of twenty years; Oliver P. married Miss Della Gamage, of Mt. Pleasant, and resides at Curtis, Neb., where he is engaged in the cattle-raising business; Prudence M. is the wife of Rev. S. S. Murphy, a well-known minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Burlington, Kan.; Virginia, the youngest, died in infancy.

Mr. Kibben removed with his family from Indiana to Will County, Ill., in 1846, and engaged extensively in farming and stock-growing at Twelve-Mile Grove. He continued to reside in Illinois for ten years, and in 1856 came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. At this time he was possessed of liberal means, and soon bought an interest in the Saunders' bank. He was instrumental in the organization of the First National Bank of Mt. Pleasant, and for many years served as a Director of that institution. In his political views he was an earnest Democrat, and believed in maintaining the constitution and union of the States, regardless of the institution of slavery. He was fearless and outspoken in his views, and on the breaking out of the late war he found himself placed in a false position. While he contended that a failure on the part of the free States to properly observe the Constitution precipitated the conflict he did not sympathize with or apologize for armed opposition to the Government. He was true to the Union and the principles of the Constitution. His death occurred Sept. 9, 1874.

Mr. Kibben was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with which he bad been connected since his youth. He was a warm-hearted, upright gentleman, who commanded the respect and esteem of even those who were bitterly opposed to him in political opinion, and was eminently a self-made man. Starting in life an orphan and penniless, by industry, strong will and fine business ability, he won his way to wealth and independence. His widow, an estimable lady, survives him, and still resides in Mt. Pleasant. While her life now numbers seventy-seven years, and she has witnessed all the wonderful discoveries in science and mechanics, and the great march of improvement of the present century, her eyes are still bright, her form erect, while a genial, kindly intelligence endears her to all who are so fortunate as to be classed among her friends.

The many friends of Mr. Kibben will be pleased that we have secured an excellent portrait of the gentleman, which is presented on an accompanying page to the readers of this volume.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 319-320) (JC)

George A. King

GEORGE A. KING is one of the prominent citizens and pioneer settlers of Henry County, Iowa, residing on section 36, Scott Township. He is a native of Broome County, N. Y., born Aug. 12, 1820. His father, William W. King, was of English descent, though born in Broome County, and his mother, Edna (Adams) King, was of German and English descent. Lyman King, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of Massachusetts. William W. King was a farmer, and reared a family of seven children: Eliza, who wedded Lucius Eldridge, deceased, resides in Broome County, N. Y.; Amos, a painter, also of Broome County; Lyman, deceased; Harry, a farmer of Broome County; Mary, who wedded Calvin Tyler, deceased, now resides in Chenango County, N. Y.; Lydia L., wife of Clark Ferguson, of Broome County, N. Y.; Zenas was killed in the battle of the Wilderness during the Rebellion, and Franklin died in childhood.

Our subject was reared on the home farm, and at the age of twenty left home, going to Hillsdale County, Mich., where he engaged as a farm hand for ten years, teaching school in the winter time, when work was scarce. At the end of that time he purchased a farm which he cultivated for three years. In 1856 Mr. King came to Henry County, Iowa, purchasing eighty acres of land on section 36 of Scott Township. By care and cultivation the raw land has been transformed into one of the finest farms in the township. Every tree upon the place was set out by Mr. King, and the farm purchased in 1856 could scarcely be recognized as the one of to-day.

On the 17th of June, 1845, Mr. King led to the marriage altar Mary Lauder, a native of Montgomery County, N. Y., and a daughter of John Lauder, who was of Scotch descent. their union has been blessed with two children: Edna C., wife of Allen Swan, of Scott Township, and Harry G., residing at home.

Mr. King held the office of Township Clerk for one year in Michigan, and of Township Trustee of Scott Township. He is at present Notary Public, having received his appointment from Gov. Sherman. He has also held the office of Postmaster of Mt. Union for a year. In politics he is a stalwart Republican, and in early life was a Whig, and cast his first Presidential vote for Henry Clay in 1844. He was a delegate to the State Convention, June 27, 1881, which nominated Gov. Sherman. Such men as Mr. King may well furnish an example for rising generations. His business, social and moral life is free from reproach. Commencing life with no pecuniary aid he has yet by his own honest labor accumulated a comfortable competence, and is the owner of 120 acres of land, all under cultivation, and none of Henry County's citizens are more universally respected than is George A. King.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 516-17.)

Albert Washington Kinkead

Albert Washington Kinkead, who in the development of his native powers and latent energies has attained prominence at the bar of Mt. Pleasant [Iowa], where he is also successfully conducting an abstract business in addition to the general practice of law, was born in the town of Homer, Licking County, Ohio, on the 22nd of February, 1853 [sic], his parents being Robert Willis and Jerusha (Smith) Kinkead. The father was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, February 25, 1817, and was a son of Joseph Kinkead, a pioneer of the Buckeye State, who removed there from Virginia. He was a soldier of the War of 1812, and when a young man went from the Old Dominion to Ohio, casting in his lot with the pioneer settlers of Muskingum County, whence he afterward removed to Licking County. He engaged in the operation of a tannery in both counties and in 1852 he brought his land warrant -- received for service in the War of 1812 -- to Iowa, and located a claim three miles west of Morning Sun, where he developed a good farm upon which he and his wife spent their remaining days. Robert W[illis] Kinkead was reared in the state of his nativity, where he learned the trade of a shoemaker, after having first become familiar with the tanner's trade. In the town of Homer, Licking County, he conducted an extensive business in the manufacture of shoes, employing seven men. This was before the period of the extensive shoe factories of the country, when most of the work was done by hand. Later he rem ved to a farm, thinking it would be better to rear his sons there and at that time his eldest son [Wallace Henry Kinkead] was a soldier in the Civil War. The family resided upon the farm until1865, when they took up their abode near Cincinnati, in Hamilton county, there remaining until 1869, when the father came to Iowa, accompanied by his wife and children, with the exception of Albert W. and his next older brother. The family home was established near Chariton, Lucas County, where Mr. Kinkead was identified with farming interests for a long period, making his home there until his death, in December, 1898. He had been married near Granville, Ohio, at a settlement called the Welch Hills, to Miss Jerusha Smith, a daughter of Jesse Smith, who came from Wales in early life. In the year 1857 Mrs. Kinkead was called to her final rest, leaving four children who reached mature years, Albert of this review being the youngest. Both parents were members of the Presbyterian Church.

In the common schools of his native town Albert W. Kinkead acquired his early education, which was supplemented by study in other Ohio schools and later in Howe's Academy, at Mt. Pleasant, where he pursued a full course. At that time this institution was a very strong school, the founder, Samuel L. Howe, being the principal. Mr. Kinkead engaged in teaching for a time both before and after pursuing his academic course, and subsequently he entered the law office of H. & R. Ambler, at Mt. Pleasant, who directed his reading, after which he was admitted to the bar by examination before the circuit court of Henry County on the 13th of August, 1877. Immediately afterward he entered into partnership with C. B. Whitford, a relation that was maintained for three years, after which Mr. Kinkead was elected city solicitor in 1879, serving for two years. In 1886 he was chosen, by popular suffrage, to the office of County Attorney of Henry County, and for four years filled that office, having been re-elected in 1888. It was at the former date that the office of district attorney was abolished and the position of County Attorney was created. Upon his retirement from office on the 1st of January, 1891, Mr. Kinkead resumed the general practice of law, in which he has met with gratifying success. A liberal clientage is accorded him which indicates the consensus of public opinion regarding his legal talents and capability as well as his devotion to the interests of those whom he serves. He has also prepared a set of abstract books that are unsurpassed anywhere and has a fine business in that line as well. He has developed and improved his system and the abstracts that have been furnished have numbered over twenty seven hundred and fifty since the completion of his set of books. He began the work in 1882 and now has a fine set of verbatim copies such as is to be found nowhere else in the west. Fraternally Mr. Kinkead has gained considerable distinction by reason of his hearty sympathy with the principles of the different organizations with which he is allied and his exemplification of every principle in his daily life. He was made a Mason in Mount Pleasant Lodge, No. 8, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, was for four years worshipful master and has likewise been representative to the grand lodge. He also belongs to Henry Chapter, No. 8, Royal Arch Masons, in which he has been high priest six times and in the grand chapter has been principal sojourner and delegate to the grand chapter in Ohio. He also took the degrees of the council but there is no organization of the council in Mount Pleasant at the present time. He has attained to the order of high priesthood, however, and has been trustee of the Masonic bodies. He belongs to Mystic Lodge No. 55, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, but has avoided office in that organization although he is chairman of the trustees. His political support is given to the Republican Party and he has taken an active interest in its work, attending the various county, state and congressional conventions, while at this writing in 1906, he is chairman of the judicial convention.

On the 2nd of May, 1888, Mr. Kinkead was married to Miss Lorena Lois Wallar [sic], of New London, Iowa, a daughter of W. D. and Peninah Wallar. She was born and reared at New London and, by her marriage , became the mother of one daughter, Leah, who graduated from the Mount Pleasant High School with the class of 1906, [who] is now at home. The wife and mother died February 16, 1892. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Kinkead has a pleasant home at No. 206 North Harrison Street, where warm-hearted hospitality is freely extended to his many friends. Without special pecuniary or family advantages to aid him at the outset of his career, Mr. Kinkead has made steady progress toward his objective point, his professional career being characterized by unremitting industry, laudable ambition and successful accomplishment. Moreover the salient principles of his manhood have been such as to command respect and confidence and Mount Pleasant numbers him among its representative citizens who are worthy of the trust and good will of their fellow men.

(Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. .Chicago: Hobart Publishing Company, 1906. pp. 700-703) (RK)

David Kinney

DAVID KINNEY, deceased, was a prominent pioneer settler of Henry County, Iowa, having come to this county first in 1845 from Ohio. Remaining some six months he returned home, and again, in April, 1850, came to Henry County, at which time he purchased 160 acres of land on section 33, Trenton Township. He removed to this farm the same year, and by his own labor transformed it into one of the best in the county, residing upon it until his death. He was one of the successful farmers of Henry County, and in time became owner of 532 acres of land. Mr. Kinney was born Jan. 9, 1814, and died April 5, 1883, mourned by a large circle of friends as well as relatives. Having lived in this county for so many years he was universally known, and was respected alike by old and young, rich and poor.

On the 22d of December, 1835, he was united in marriage with Margaret Johnson, a native of Ohio, and a daughter of Frederick Johnson. Five children blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Kinney: Mary Catherine, wife of Thomas J. Wilson, now residing in Harvey County, Kan.; Frederick J., residing in Tippecanoe Township, married Mary Bonfield, 25th of March, 1870, and died on the 29th of September, 1881 ; they had one child, Franklin I., who died in infancy; Elizabeth S., died when eleven years of age; Rosamond, wife of Warren Chandler, a resident of Jefferson County, Iowa, died June 27, 1877; and Franklin T.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 199.)(JC)

Franklin T. Kinney

FRANKLIN T. KINNEY, residing on section 33, Trenton Township Henry Co., Iowa, was born June 16, 1857, on the farm where he now lives. His education was received at the district school. He was married, April 19, 1877, to Emma Mickey, a native of Jefferson County, Iowa, and a daughter of Bryson and Harriet (Berlin) Mickey, the father a native of Ohio, and the mother of Kentucky. They came to Iowa at an early day, settling in Jefferson County. Mr. and Mrs. Kinney are the parents of two children: Myrtle Beele, horn July 21, 1883; and Frederick Johnson, born April 6, 1886. Politically he is a Democrat. He owns 285 acres of land, which constitutes one of the best farms in the county. The lessons of thrift and industry taught by Mr. Kinney's father have never been forgotten, and among the enterprising citizens of Henry County none more truly deserves a place in this volume than does Franklin Kinney.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 200.)(JC)

Jacob S. Kinney

JACOB S. KINNEY, a prominent farmer residing on section 30, Marion Township, was born in Pennsylvania, Sept. 15, 1817, and is the son of John and Betsey (Hunt) Kinney. His father was a native of Pennsylvania and his mother of Germany, and by their union there were four children: David, who came to Henry County in 1855, died near Rome, Iowa, in March, 1883; Elizabeth, wife of William Cassner, both died in Greene County, Ohio; Aaron, a farmer near Red Oak, Iowa; our subject was their second child. Mrs. Kinney died in Greene County, Ohio, in 1823. She was a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Kinney was again united in marriage, in 1825, to Margaret Boren, and by this union there were twelve children, all of whom grew to man and womanhood. Mr. Kinney was a public-spirited man, and always cast his vote with the Democratic party, taking a lively interest in all that pertained to the same. He was also a member of the Presbyterian Church, and was called to his final home in 1864.

Jacob Kinney, our subject, remained at home until 1830, at which time he led to the marriage altar Miss Susan Glasgow, a native of Maryland. He rented a farm, for which he gave half that was raised in payment of rent, and also had to thrash the grain and deliver it at the mill. Mr. Kinney lived on a rented farm in Ohio until 1851, when he decided to go west. He accordingly loaded his effects into a wagon and started for Illinois, but passed through that State and located in Tippecanoe Township, Henry Co., Iowa. Here he rented a farm for three years, and in 1853 purchased 100 acres of land, on which he now resides. Mr. Kinney now owns 216 acres in all, and has given 155 acres to his children. What this worthy couple possess they have obtained by hard labor and close economy. Mr. Kinney brought to Henry County some of the finest horses seen in this part of the State, and now owns a number of fine horses, which sell at good prices. Mr. Kinney received his education in a log-cabin school-house in Ohio. He is a pioneer of both Ohio and Iowa, and takes an active interest in all public affairs. He cast his first vote for the Democratic party, and has ever since favored the same. He is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is much interested in the welfare of humanity. The union of Jacob Kinney and Susan Glasgow has been graced with five children: Robert J. married Emeline Gaston, who died about 1876, when he subsequently married Mary Loganstein, and lives in Marion Township, having four children living and one deceased; George married Martha Allender; Martin L., a sketch of whom appears in this work; Franklin P., at home; Nancy J. married Asbury Allender, and resides in Marion Township.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 201.)(JC)

M. L. Kinney

M. L. KINNEY, residing on section 23, Trenton Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Dayton, Ohio, and is the son of Jacob S. and Susan (Glasgow) Kinney, the father a native of Pennsylvania, and the mother of Ohio. M. L. Kinney came to Henry County, Iowa, with his parents when but a small lad, and here has resided ever since. He was married, in March, 1875, to Miss Laura Neice, who is a native of this county, and a daughter of Morgan Neice. To Mr. and Mrs. Kinney have been born five children - Jesse Omer, Anna Belle, Susan Jane, Morgan and Rosa. In Trenton Township Mr. Kinney owns a fine farm of 170 acres, all of which is under cultivation. His general business is that of farming and stock-raising. His stock is of the best grades, and his farm is well improved. Mr. Kinney holds the political views of the Democratic party, yet is liberal.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 389-90.)

Grafton Kirby

GRAFTON KIRBY, of section 3, Center Township, was born in Morgan County, Ohio, May 20, 1843, and is a son of Thomas and Rebecca Ann (Grafton) Kirby. Their marriage was celebrated in Morgan County, Ohio, and to them was born a family of six children, four sons and two daughters: Mary J., wife of Isaac Thomas, a resident of Wilmington, Ohio; Isaac, a resident of New Mexico; Martha E. married Stephen Livzy, of Keokuk, Iowa; Grafton, the subject of this sketch; Milton S., of Des Moines County, Iowa; Melvin C., deceased. In 1866 Thomas Kirby removed to Henry County and purchased the land on which Mr. Backus now lives. In politics he was a Democrat, and a great admirer of Stephen A. Douglas. He and his estimable wife were members of the Congregationalist Church of Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Kirby took great interest in all matters pertaining to education, and was always well informed on the affairs of the county and nation.

Grafton Kirby, the subject of this sketch, was reared in Morgan County, Ohio, until eighteen years of age, receiving a common-school education in his native State. He came to Henry County in 1836, and in 1869 was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth J. Barclay, a daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Barclay, natives of Greene County, Pa. Henry Barclay was born in Greene County, Pa., in 1799, and in the year 1828 formed a matrimonial alliance with Elizabeth Armstrong, who was born in 1809. In 1858 Mr. Barclay came to Henry County and purchased the place where Mr. Kirby now resides. They were the parents of nine children: Helen, wife of James Davidson, of Chariton, Iowa; Mary, wife of John Biddle, deceased, now resides in Shenandoah, Iowa; Henry A., of Bird City, Kan.; Elizabeth, wife of Grafton Kirby, of Henry County, Iowa; Laura, widow of Melvin C. Kirby, resides at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay were members of the Presbyterian Church, and always ready to advance the cause of their Master. Mr. Barclay was called to his final home in 1862, preceding his wife twenty years, she dying in February, 1882. In early life he held the political views of the Whigs until the organization of the Republican party, when he cast his vote with that body.

Mr. and Mrs. Kirby are the happy parents of two daughters: Lena, a graduate of the High School of Mt. Pleasant, is now in Chicago studying short-hand and type-writing; Laura, the other daughter is at home. In 1882 Mr. Kirby suffered quite a loss by the cyclone of June 17, his loss being valued at $1.000. His business is that of a farmer and general stock-raiser. He owns eighty acres of land, situated two and a half miles from Mt. Pleasant, valued at from $50 to $75 per acre, all of which is under a high state of cultivation. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby are earnest Christian people, and are members of the Presbyterian Church of Mt. Pleasant. In politics Mr. Kirby is a Democrat.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 220-221.) (JC)

Nels Klen

NELS KLEN, a farmer residing on section 23, Wayne Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born near Hesselholm, Sweden, Oct. 15, 1838, and is the son of Nels and Panilla (Benson) Rasmusson, born in the same country, where they were reared, married, and became the parents of seven children. Nels Rasmusson was a farmer and carpenter in Sweden, and during his life engaged in those occupations. He became quite wealthy and died in the autumn of 1878. His widow resides on the old homestead and has reached the mature age of seventy-eight years. Only two of the children are residents of America, our subject and Rasmus Nelson, who resides in York County, Neb., the husband of Louie Palmblad. The children living in Sweden are: Peter Nelson, who is the eldest brother and unmarried; Banta, wife of O. Oleson, resides on the old homestead; Anna came to America in 1868, but in 1872 returned to Sweden where she afterward married; Bengt, the youngest son, is also unmarried, and is a farmer in his native country.

In 1865 our subject came to America and went to Galesburg, Ill. He was married, December 16 of that year, to Miss Panilla Benson, who came to America from Hastveda, Sweden, the same year with her brother John, now of Brown County, Kan., and a cousin, John Swenson. Her people remained all their lives in Sweden, and died on the old homestead before the daughter left her native land. A brother, Benjamin, preceded Mrs. Klen to America, coming in 1868. He became an employe of the Government in the Naval Department. Prospering greatly, he went to Helena, Mont., began mining, became wealthy, and now owns extensive water-works in that city. He was married in that country to a German lady and they now have three children. There were six children in the Benson family who reached adult age: the two mentioned above, Mrs. Klen, Mrs. John Peterson, and two brothers yet in Sweden-Peter, who married Bessie Oleson, and Nels, who is unmarried.

Mr. KIen was acquainted with his wife in Sweden during her girlhood, and since their marriage many happy days have been spent. The trials of life have long since been passed. When Nels arrived at Galesburg he only had $1 in his pocket, and being ill for almost six months, he ran greatly behind. Upon their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Klen started even with the world, but with strong arms and willing hearth they began the battle of life, and to-day have a nice competency and are yet in their prime. They became residents of Henry County, Iowa, in 1872, having purchased his land three years previously. The broad acres that are now so finely improved were a vacant prairie, and every stick, every tree, everything in fact which makes life enjoyable, have been placed there by Mr. Klen. No children bear their name. No more worthy family is a resident of the township, and since their arrival here both have been members of the Swedish Lutheran Church at Swedesburg. Nellie Patterson, known as Nellie Klen, has been reared from her third year by Mrs. Klen, and in her tidy home Nellie has been taught all the mysteries of housekeeping.

Mr. Klen is a Republican and received his citizenship in full in this county. He owns a fine farm on section 23, and we gladly give him and his wife a deserved place. among the noted Swedish families of the county.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 171-172.)(JC)

Thomas Knox

THOMAS KNOX, one of the enterprising and progressive farmers of Henry County, residing on section 15, Center Township, was born in Washington County, Pa., on the 4th of December, 1816, and is the son of John and Margaret (McKay) Knox, who were natives of Ireland. They were married in 1811, and immediately set sail for the United States. Arriving after a long and tedious voyage, they concluded to make their home in Washington County, Pa.  Mr. and Mrs. John Knox were the parents of nine children, four sons and five daughters, six of whom are now living: Jennie, wife of Dr. Edward Milligan, now residing in Parker County, Tex.; Nancy, wife of Alex Gabby; both died in Clarksville, Butler Co., Iowa. Thomas, a resident of Henry County, Iowa; Robert, a farmer of Washington County, Pa.; Jane S., wife of Jacob Alter, died near Danville, Iowa; William, still residing on the old homestead in Washington County, Pa.; Elizabeth, wife of John Donnelly, died in Washington County, Pa.; John, also of Washington County; Margaret married George Smith, also a resident of Washington County, Pa. Politically, Mr. Knox espoused the cause of the Democrats. Mr. and Mr. Knox were both members of the Seceder Church, of which they were earnest, faithful workers for many years. The death of Mr. Knox occurred in 1865, and that of his good wife in 1833.

Thomas Knox, the subject of this sketch, grew to manhood in Washington County, Pa., and obtained his education in the subscription schools of early days. He was married, Oct. 2, 1845, to Miss Sarah Ely, who was born in Washington County, Pa., June 3, 1826. In the spring of 1846 they loaded their household goods into wagons, and emigrated to Harrison County, Ohio, where they remained until 1866, when they decided to go further west, this time locating in Henry County, Iowa, where Mr. Knox purchased the farm on which he now lives. This farm, consisting of 280 acres, is only a mile from Mt. Pleasant. In addition to general farming Mr. Knox is extensively engaged in stock-raising, and has one of the finest and best stock farms in the county. Twice he has suffered loss by fire, once in Ohio, before coming west, and again in this county, where his residence was destroyed. Mr. and Mrs. Knox are the happy parents of eight living children: John M., of Noble County, Ohio; Robert, a resident of Henry County; Margaret married Ed S. Cheoweth, a resident of Rush County, Kan.; Martha J. married James Davis, who died in 1883; she with her three children now resides at home with her parents; James F., still at home; Nettie, wife of J. D. Forbes, of Dawes County, Neb.; Ellen married Allen Chandler, a resident of Henry County; William still resides at home.

Mr. Knox and his estimable wife were reared in the Presbyterian Church, and have always lived in accordance with that faith. In all educational matters Mr. Knox has take a great interest, believing that to be successful in life one must not only have a knowledge of books, but of all local and National affairs. It may be truly said that Mr. Knox is a self-made man, making the most of every opportunity that has presented itself to him. He is an exemplary and energetic farmer, a shrewd business man, and few men in the county enjoy more of the confidence and esteem of the people than does Mr. Knox.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 526-27.)

John Koch

JOHN G. KOCH, manufacturer of and dealer in boots and shoes, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was born in the village of Hoefingen, Oberamt, Leonberg, in the Kingdom of Wurtemberg, Germany, Oct. 25, 1849, and is the son of Frederick and Anna Mary (Etzel) Koch. In his youth our subject served a regular apprenticeship to the shoemaking trade in his native country, first serving three years and then spending one year in travel as a journeyman. He emigrated to America in 1867, coming directly to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where he engaged with William Timmermann & Co. as a journeyman, and continued to work with them for ten years. In 1878 he formed a partnership with Mr. William Schnurr in the boot and shoe business, under the firm name of Koch & Schnurr. This connection continued five and a half years, since which time Mr. Koch has conducted the business alone. Mr. Koch was married at Mt. Pleasant, Feb. 8, 1874, to Miss Catherine Schmitt, daughter of Peter and Katherine (Bardo) Schmitt. Mrs. Koch was born near Augsburg, Germany, Dec. 24, 1850, and came to America in 1855. Five children were born to their union-one son and four daughters-all born in Mt. Pleasant: Clara M., born Jan. 26, 1875; Anna M. Helen, born April 13, 1876; John Frederick, born Jan. 31, 1878; L., Julia, born Nov. 14, 1879; L. Katie, born Jan. 10, 1885. Mr. and Mrs. Koch are members of the German Presbyterian Church, of which he is a Trustee, and has been Superintendent of the Sunday-school; at present he is Assistant Superintendent. Mr. Koch is a Republican in his political views, with a tendency to being independent in local elections. He has built up a fine trade, and has made a reputation for good work and fair prices. Repairing receives his special attention. His store is situated on the south side of the Public Square.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 201-202.)(JC)


John Kurtz

JOHN KURTZ, a farmer residing on Section 7, Jefferson Twp., Henry Co., IA, was born in Maryland in 1829, and is the son of John and Margaret (Harget) Kurtz, who were of German origin, but were born, reared and married in Maryland. His grandfather, on his father's side was in Germany, and his name was also John Kurtz. The given name of his wife was Susan, who bore two children: John and Susan, who remained in MD, and probably never married. The children of John Kurtz, father of our subject, are mentioned individually in the sketch of Newton McClintic, who married Ann R., the second youngest daughter. John Kurtz, Sr., died at the age of 64, and his wife survived him a number of years, reaching the age of 72. Both were buried on the old homestead side by side, and also with one son, Peter, who died unmarried.

John Kurtz, our subject, was married in 1850 to Martha K. Mason, a daughter of A. W. and Cynthia (Rogers) Mason, who were married in Monroe Co., TN. Mrs. Kurtz was born there and came with her parents to Henry Co., in 1842, settling where Wayland is now located. Later Mr. Mason purchased a farm on Sect. 8, where he lived for some years, but later purchased a small home on Sect. 6, where he and his wife died. They were born in NC and reared a family of 10 children, the first 8 being born in TN--James N., William R., Martha A., Mary J., Andrew J., Arch McCracken; Rufus and Thomas, Leo and Margaret, in Iowa. The wife of A. W. Mason died in her 41st year, and Mr. Mason wedded Isabella Murry, who bore Henry H., Charles A., Elizabeth C., Samuel D., Viola J., and Ida, all born in this county. A. W. Mason died in May 1869, age 64. His widow yet resides in Washington County, now the wife of Joseph Young. Forty-six years in the county have crowned the head of John Kurtz, Jr. with hairs of gray, but he is the same genial man of 25 years ago. He is the father of seven children: Samantha, wife of John Lute, a farmer in Jefferson Twp.; Aramintha, wife of Abner Edwards, a farmer of Washington Co.; William husband of Mattie Essley, is faming near Coppack; David, the husband of Mary Windling, resides in Jefferson Co.; Mattie, wife of John Page, an employee on the C.B. & Q.R.R.; Charles, and employee in the State Asylum, and Frank complete the number. Mr. Kurtz owns 140 acres situated near Wayland., within easy walking distance of Coppack. He has served longer on the School Board than any other.

(Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 190)

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