![]() Written in 1920 by H. H. McKenney Pages 31-39 |
James FRY and his wife Sally FRY, came to Harris Grove in 1854, and lived in numerous cabins during their stay in the Grove. Mr. FRY was a shoe cobbler, raised and manufactured homemade tobacco twist, for his own comfort, split rails, cleared land by the job or day, and was an expert hunter. He never owned his own team, and would take the hindquarters of venison on his shoulders and walk to Council Bluffs or Magnolia and exchange his cargo for groceries and return the same day. He had but one competitor in the walking game and that was David YOUNG of Elk Grove.
Mrs. FRY helped the pioneer housewives cook, wash, knit, butcher, and scrub.
Their family was composed of:
Eva married Eli CUPPY
Solomon, Pattie, Patrick, James Buchanan, Calvin, Ulysses G., and William Tecumseh
Thomas WILKINS was born in Portsmouth, England, in 1819, and was married to Caroline LANSLIE, June 1, 1845; she was born in Portsmouth, England, also. March 29, 1824, they immigrated to the United States, arriving in Council Bluffs in 1853. They lived for a time at "Ellis Dale," a Mormon settlement between Council Bluffs and Crescent City. Moving from there to the Grove in 1855, they lived for a year or so in the ORANDER cabin, then moved to a home they built just east of a small branch in Lot 2, Sec. 6, Union Twp. This tract of land was a dense hazel thicket. They returned to Council Bluffs in 1860, returning to the Grove in 1864, making their home near REEDER's Mill, where they spent the remainder of their lives. Mr. WILKINS was a carpenter by trade and preached the Latter Day Saint doctrine as occasion required. He departed this life Oct. 28, 1881, and his wife, Caroline, Sept. 28, 1912.
Thomas lost at Sea
Caroline married Addison YOUNG
George H. married Ida M. O'NEAL
Charles E. married Frances HANER
Anna L. married Wm. D. ARMSTRONG, the Adv. writing genius
William C. married Margaret A. ERVIN
Henry KNAUSS, born Luzerne Co., Pa. July 4, 1811, was married to Rachel DUNGAN, who was born in Nobles Co., Ohio, Oct. 23, 1820, the marriage taking place in 1837. In 1855 they emigrated via covered wagon, the Pullman car of the prairie in those days, to the Grove, selecting a home in the SW 1/4 SE 1/4, Sec. 26. Jefferson Twp., which adjoined the Grove near the extreme northeast corner. The Bethel Church and cemetery is now on this tract.
This quarter section was unbroken prairie, but was soon transformed into a fine farm and home by the energy and wisdom and good taste of Uncle Henry and Aunt Rachel. Here they lived in comfort until they passed in the palace of the dead. Rachel obeying the summons in Nov. 1892, and Uncle Henry, April 3, 1897.
Levi M. married Ann E. HENDERSON
Sarah E. married John TICKER
Anne Eliza married Henry KIRK
William Wesley married Kate HILLMAN
Samuel H. married Emma STONER
Ida F. married Milton MILLER
Henry J. married Mary THORPE
Emma J.
Edon M.
Harry L. married Nettie IRWIN
Charles BAUGHN and wife Pencila BLUE BAUGHN, and family came to the Grove from Ohio, buying the farm of Elbridge DOW. Mr. BAUGHN farmed on a large scale, was a contractor, and during the Pike's Peak gold discovery equipped and sent to Denver an overland freight train of wagons drawn by oxen and loaded with merchandise. Soon after this he moved to Counsel Bluffs, where he became a dealer in city property.
The family composed of:
Emily married Henry C. WARNER
Elvira M. married Wm. F. VORE
Ardella married George S. GIBBS
A. Bruce married Bell CLEMENS
Harmon married Lulu BERTON
Ellen married Wm. ARMSTRONG
William L. married Uranda ADAMS
Marcella married Warren LETSON
Pierson VORE was born April 22, 1797, his wife Cynthia JOY was born April 4th, 1804. They moved from Ohio to Harris Grove in 1855, buying for a home, the Simeon J. COMFORT farm, where they lived until the infirmities of age made it necessary for them to finish their wondrous journey of life with their children. Cynthia obeyed the summons Oct. 7th, 1881, and Pierson, January 29th, 1883.
The children were:
John VORE married Anna WHITMORE
Peter remained in Ohio
Reuben married Anna WHALEY
William married Elvira BAUGHN
Sarah married George W. ABRAMS
Rebecca married Samuel JACK
William N. PERRY, a brother of Ezra PERRY was born in Greenbrier Co., West Virginia, in 1816; he emigrated to Harris Grove in 1855 and selected a home in NW1/4 Sec. 32, Jefferson Twp. He was a farmer and dealer in livestock. Married Mary A. PARKER May 6th, 1876. Died June 5, 1886.
Joseph SCEBOLD was born in New York, Nov. 7th, 1826. He married Jane PALMER, Jan. 10th, 1856. She was born in Cass Co., Michigan, Feb 27th, 1834. Mrs. SCEBOLD came to Harris Grove in the fall of 1852. He went to California overland in 1849, returning via the Isthmus of Panama to Michigan, thence to the Grove in 1855. He was a carpenter by trade.
Soon after their marriage they moved to Pottawattamie County, settling on a portion of the farm owned in early times by Dr. Robert MCGAVREN. Mrs. SCEBOLD died Feb. 3, 1914; Mr. SCEBOLD died July 4, 1896.
The family consisted of:
Mary A.
Byron married Ella HILLARD
Samuel K. married Ella HENDERSON
Edwin W. married Elizabeth ALEXANDER
Caroline R.
Anna E. married Willis A. SELVY
Joseph M.
Viola married Chris PETERSON
Nettie M.
Benjamin P. married Hattie BROOKHOUSER, Mrs. Anna COX
Elmore DAKAN, with his family, came to Harris Grove in 1856 and lived about a year in the WYMAN cabin in the SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 12, LaGrange Twp. Not liking Iowa and its winters, he trekked to California.
Edwin E. ERVIN was born May 4th, 1824. He was married in Howard Co., Indiana, to Catherine RIDER, who was born in Ross Co., Ohio, Nov. 20, 1820.
In 1856 they moved to the Grove and lived one year in the Hiram ZUFELD cabin that stood just west of the Harris Grove creek in the southeast corner of Lot 10, Sec 1, LaGrange Twp., then moved to their new house on the prairie just east of the Grove, where they lived until they traded farms with Wm. HOWARD. In this new home they lived until 1893, when they bought a home in Logan and spent the remainder of their days in the village.
Mr. ERVIN was a Mexican veteran, serving in the Mexican War, a volunteer in the 1st Indiana Infantry, serving until discharged for sickness.
Mr. ERVIN passed away June 28, 1913. Mrs. ERVIN made her home with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. REDINBAUGH, until her passing, Dec. 18th, 1921.
One child, Mary Ellen, married John G. REDINBAUGH.
Levi RIDER and wife Adaline REED RIDER, her mother, Mrs. REED, a brother, Thomas REED, and John MCKEG, emigrated to the Grove from Indiana in 1856. Mr. RIDER built a shack in SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 10, LaGrange Twp., where they lived until the year 1858, when Mr. RIDER purchased the N 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 10 and moved into a hewn log house that stood near the north center of the tract and west of the gulch and on an old trail that lead to Council Bluffs. Selling this farm he purchased the Samuel UNDERWOOD farm in Sec 32, Jefferson Twp., where they resided for many years, finally disposing of this farm they moved to Forrest City, Winnebago County, Iowa.
Harry married Martha MARTIN
Mary Della married H. L. RIDER, a cousin
John R. SULLENS came to the Grove in the fall of 1856, bringing with him from the Missouri bottoms, the Vincent thrashing machine, being the first machine brought to the Grove, and from the length of time it took to thresh a small job it should have been called a boarding thresher. Afterwards he and his family and Lucas BALL, his father-in-law, moved to the Grove and built a log house on the SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec.2, LaGrange Twp., selling to John Finley HULL, they moved to Missouri. SULLENS was an inveterate yarn spinner of the pioneer times and had but one contestant for the honor and that was Wm. BILLITER. Peter GRASSLY, a Dutchman, listening to their yarns said they "were dampt lies."
Francis T. HILL was born in Greenbrier County, Va., March 28, 1835, and migrated to the Grove, arriving April 19, 1857. In 1862 he enlisted in Co. C, of the 29th Reg. from this county, and served three years. August 18, 1869, he married Hester VANDERHOOF who was born in Cass County, Mich., on December 16, 1849. They bought and built a home in E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 16, LaGrange Township. They were charter members of the Harris Grove Farmers' Club, resigning there from in 1882. Selling their home they secured a home in Logan in 1916. Bertha, their only child, makes her home with them. Mr. HILL passed into rest August 16th, 1921.
Jonas DOW, a brother of Amos DOW, and uncle to S. E. DOW, died at the home of Michael MCKENNEY in the year 1858, and was buried in the Mormon cemetery.
Columbus Marion PATTON was born in Monroe County, West Virginia, March 9, 1828. His wife, Miss DUNSMORE, was born Dec. 28, 1828, in the same county. They were married Nov. 25, 1852, and lived in Monroe County, W. Va. until the spring of 1857, when they started for Iowa. They traveled twenty six miles by stage, then by steamboat down the Kanawha and Ohio Rivers to the Mississippi, then up this river, and the "Old Muddy" to Council Bluffs, arriving at Magnolia, June 14, 1857, coming to the Grove in Nov. 20, 1857, buying 200 acres in Sec. 2. They moved into a cabin built by Michael ROGERS, that stood on the northeast corner Lot 18, Sec. 2. Selling to David VANDERHOOF in 1864, they moved to the Missouri bottoms, then to a farm in Willow Valley, in 1865, where Mrs. PATTON died Jan. 27, 1890. Mr. PATTON was a carpenter by trade, and since the passing of his wife, lived with his own son Frank W. and a daughter, Rilda DONN.
Mr. PATTON was put to rest Jan. 8, 1923, at the ripe age of 95.
Their children:
Mary Alice died many years ago
Rilda Jane married Wm. B. DONN
Austin N. married Lillie R. GEITH
Maggie Ellen married Frank E. STEPHENS
Nelson F. married Anges GEITH
Annie Laura married George H. MAIN
Franklin Webster married Mary LEONARD
Edward Everett was drowned
Jacob T. STERN was born in Chester County, Pa., July 2, 1814. Millicent B. FLETCHER was born Jan. 27, 1820, near Boston, Lincolnshire County, England, arriving with her parents, New Year's Day of 1830, in this country. They were married Sept. 30, 1840. They came to Iowa by steamboat down the Ohio, up the Mississippi and Missouri rivers to Florence, Nebraska, then on April 30, 1857, reached by ox team, the home long known as "LINNWOOD." Buying the farm from Asa E. EARL, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 14, from this the name was attached to an early school and to the cemetery on farm adjoining.
It was in this home, in 1866, that Harris Grove Farmers' Club was organized, and it is recognized as the first organized Farmers' Club in Iowa. It was nurtured by these good people, aided by a few neighbors through its infancy and until about 1870, when it assumed the form and organization that still is in vigorous and pleasant working order.
Mr. and Mrs. STERN were lovers of books, both being fluent speakers and writers. They took active part in all questions pertaining to the welfare of humanity. Mrs. STERN was a persistent advocate of woman's suffrage.
Nothing remains of the "LINNWOOD" home and its beautiful surroundings, but the land on which it stood.
Jacob passed away Nov. 8, 1892, and Millicent B. Nov. 12, 1904, while preparing for a regular meeting of the club.
I append the following verse from the pen of Uncle Jacob: "Who'll run the ranch at LINNWOOD farm, And give to trees and flowers a charm, And ask the Club to give a lift; And help digest a Christmas gift, A hundred years from now?"
The family:
Amy Ann married Henry S. MILLIMAN
Ettie Rest married J. C. MILLIMAN
Ernest died in infancy
Almor married Laura A. MANN
Willis L. married Nellie GILCHRIST
John A. PARKIN was born in Virginia, September 19, 1820. Elizabeth Jane WHITE was born in Virginia Sept.15, 1825. They were married in Virginia, and came to the Grove in 1857, building a home on Lot 4, Sec. 6, Union Township, where they lived for several years. Disposing of this, they moved to home east of the Grove. On their journey from Virginia, at St. Louis, Mr. PARKIN was "milked" out of his last dollar by land sharks. He built and operated the first shingle machine, and the only one that cut the shingles in the Grove.
He was elected county surveyor in 1886. Mrs. PARKIN wove rag carpets of superior quality. She died August 20, 1897. Mr. PARKIN died April 11, 1887.
Their family:
Sarah Jane married Edward P. MCINTYRE
Joseph W. married Elizabeth HENDERSON
Wesley M. a bachelor
John Clark married Jane TUCKER
Floyd married Edith CLAYTON
John ERVIN was born in Virginia, Jan. 8, 1801. Elizabeth MOREHEAD was born in the same state Dec. 14, 1799. They were married in Virginia, and came to Harris Grove in 1857. They lived for a time in the MEACHAM cabin. They then moved to the east end of the Grove were they lived until they were called to enter the portal of the unknown. Mr. ERVIN died Aug. 22, 1862, and Mrs. ERVIN Jan 15, 1868.
John McIlhany married Mary HIGGINBOTHAM
William T. married Margaret LYDIC
Roxanna married John W. MCVEY
Elizabeth married Frederick HEDRICK
Jason WHITTINGER came to the Grove in 1857, bringing with him the first steam saw mill, locating it on the north shore of Harris Grove creek in SE 1/4 NE 1/4, Sec. 34, Jefferson Township. This place soon became a burg of considerable commercial activity, having the first parsonage building in the Grove, presided over by Kirkland CARD, the first post office and gristmill. It also had a blacksmith shop and an axe handle factory. During its growth it was called "Podunk," "Hardscrabble" and finally REEDER's Mill and has ever been the community center, with successful country store during all the years. The popular amusement of "pitching horseshoes" was an early day pastime at this gathering point. The Home Guard of the Civil War time, to guard against possible Indian outbreaks, was drilled here.
Mr. WHITTINGER was married to Mary Jane HOWARD, and in later years they moved to Union Township, establishing a pleasant home in Sec. 22.
Their only daughter, Sarah A. married Allen STOKER.
William K. SMITH was born in Indiana, Jan. 23, 1807. Polly JOHNSON, his wife, was born in Indiana, on April 16, 1803. Coming from the state of their birth, they selected a home on north side Timber Creek in E 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 16, LaGrange Township, where they lived in happiness until the divine bugler called them to eternal rest.
William was the cleverest hunter for the deer, in the later years and keenly enjoyed the sport.
He passed January 20th, 1871, and the wife March 17th, 1889.
Their family:
John K. married Polly FISHER
George Washington married Betsy THOMPSON
Elizabeth married Wm. N. FOUTS
Wesley W. married Sylvia CASE
Eliza married Wm. C. KNIGHT
William BILLITER - The BILLITERs came from Indiana to Harris Grove in about the year 1857, and lived for a time in the WEEK's cabin. Penthus BILLITER Sr. and wife, very aged, passed away in the Grove. Penthus BILLITER Jr. and family, Sarah, Mary, and Jackson, about the year1860 moved to Harlan, in Shelby County. William BILLITER and wife later on moved to Six Mile Grove. Harrison BILLITER enlisted in an Iowa regiment and died of homesickness in the South. Parker BUTTS and family, relatives of the BILLITERS, came to the Grove with the BILLITERS and lived for a short time on the James HUTCHINSON farm.
David PUGH was born in Campbell County, Virginia, Feb. 11, 1797, and united in marriage, Christmas Day, 1819, to Eliza HUTHINSON. Moving with some of their children from Virginia via wagons, they arrived to the Grove in 1858. They selected a home on Lot 16 in Sec. 1, LaGrange Twp., and moved into the MIKESELL cabin that stood thereon and just north of a small branch.
Mr. PUGH took great interest in public affairs and was quite an able speaker. Living here but a few years, they were taken to that dwelling from which no traveler returns. Mrs. PUGH died Oct. 6, 1860.
Reese G. married Mary A. RUDD
Mary J. married Henry MOSS
Martha A.
Charles E. J.
John T. killed in Southern Army
Esther married Huston KNIGHT; E. W. MILLIMAN
Alfred Benjamin married Nancy L. KNIGHT
E. Green
Jacob WHITINGER and his wife, Sarah HOWELL WHITINGER, came to the Grove in about the year 1858, and lived with their son, Jason. Mr. WHITINGER was a shoemaker and his good wife a competent nurse. They moved from the Grove to the new home on the Pigeon.
Jason married Mary Jane HOWARD
Irene married J. B. SWAIN
Martha married Frank REYNOLDS
William H. married Elizabeth HOWARD
William TOWNSEND was born Feb. 16, 1812, and his wife Rachel WALDRON TOWNSEND, with their family, came from Michigan to the Grove in 1858, moving onto the Richard BRADY farm. Being farm tenant and dealer in horses, they had no permanent abode. Mrs. TOWNSEND was a kindly woman, and as nurse without pecuniary award did much to alleviate the suffering of the sick in the neighborhood where she lived. They moved to Nebraska, where they spent the remainder of their long and useful lives.
Mr. TOWNSEND died April 6, 1891; Mrs. TOWNSEND died later.
Their family:
Garret married Jane HUTCHINSON; EBEN
Lydia married Andrew J. HUTCHINSON
Jane married Frederick HEDRICK
Melissa married James LONGMAN
William married Maggie MCCLEAN
Etta married Stephen PARKHURST
Sarah married David J. CAMP
Albert married Mollie BISHOP
Charles married Jenny BISHOP
George BRADY and his wife, Elize MCINTIRE BRADY, came to the Grove from Michigan in the fall of 1858, and soon after built themselves a home just southeast of the Grove in Union Township, leaving this locality, they moved to near Dunlap, in Harrison Township.
Their family:
Etta married Bert PERRIN
George D.