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Harrison County Iowa Genealogy


Surname First Name Township T S R Acres Remarks Page
Meach M Magnolia 79 7 43 22.21 Brown's Grove 58
Mead C G Little Sioux 81 24 45 20.00 Little Sioux River, Timber 78
Mead E B Harrison 81 23 41 40.00 Creek 64
Mead Edw B Harrison 81 22 41 80.00 House 64
Mead T Jackson 81 29 44 10.00 Timber 72
Meader M E Allen 81 25 43 80.00   69
Meader M E & N P Allen 81 25 43 80.00 Creek 69
Mecham H Cass 79 10 41 40.00 House 36
Meech H D Calhoun 79 32 44 120.00   42
Meech H D Calhoun 79 32 44 10.00 Spencers Grove 42
Meech H D Calhoun 79 31 44 45.17   42
Meech H D Calhoun 79 31 44 45.68   42
Meech H D Calhoun 79 31 44 45.90   42
Meech H D Calhoun 79 31 44 40.00 Creek 42
Meech H D Calhoun 79 31 44 40.00 House, Spencer Grove 42
Meech H D Calhoun 79 31 44 149.00   42
Meech H D Calhoun 79 36 44 100.00   42
Mefford A J Douglas 80 29 41 40.00   50
Mefford F Douglas 80 29 41 40.00   50
Mefford G Douglas 80 30 41 160.00 House, Creek, Twelve Mile Grove 50
Mefford G Douglas 80 30 41 40.00 Twelve Mile Grove 50
Mefford J Douglas 80 32 41 40.00   50
Mefford Jno Douglas 80 30 41 40.00 House, School 50
Mefford Lemuel Douglas 80 28 41 80.00 House, Creek 50
Mefford Lemuel Douglas 80 28 41 160.00 House, School, Willow Grove 50
Mefford M Douglas 80 29 41 40.00   50
Mefford N Boyer 80 25 42 20.00 Twelve Mile Grove, Creek 51
Mefford N Cass 79 4 41 35.43 Creek 36
Mefford N Cass 79 5 41 40.00   36
Mefford N Cass 79 5 41 40.00 Creek 36
Mefford N Cass 79 5 41 37.26 Creek & 2 Springs 36
Mefford N Cass 79 5 41 37.84   36
Mefford N Cass 79 5 41 38.43 House 36
Mefford N Douglas 80 31 41 40.00 House 50
Mefford N Douglas 80 31 41 40.00 Creek 50
Mefford N Douglas 80 31 41 40.00 Creek 50
Mefford N Douglas 80 32 41 40.00 Creek, Timber 50
Mefford W O Douglas 80 29 41 40.00 House, Twelve Mile Grove 50
Menching Henry Magnolia 80 9 43 160.00 House, Creek 57
Mendenhall C W Boyer 80 5 42 40.00   51
Mendenhall C W Boyer 80 4 42 39.96 House 51
Mendenhall C W Boyer 80 4 42 40.14   51
Mendenhall C W Boyer 80 4 42 40.00 Timber, Creek 51
Mendenhall C W Boyer 80 4 42 40.00 Timber, Creek 51
Mendenhall C W Lincoln 81 33 42 80.00   68
Mendenhall E P Boyer 80 21 42 40.00 Creek 51
Mendenhall E P Boyer 80 22 42 160.00 House, Creeks 51
Mendenhall F P Boyer 80 25 42 10.00 Twelve Mile Grove 51
Mendenhall C W Boyer 80 4 42 40.00 Timber, Creek 51
Mendtke Fitz Calhoun 79 32 44 40.00   42
Mendtke Fitz Calhoun 79 33 44 120.00 Creek 42
Merchant A L Calhoun 79 16 43 40.00 House, Creek 42
Merchant A L Calhoun 79 16 43 40.00 Creek 42
Merchant A L Calhoun 79 16 43 40.00   42
Merchant A L Calhoun 79 21 43 10.00   42
Merchant J Taylor 79 13 44 40.00 House 43
Merchant L Calhoun 79 21 43 50.00 Willow River 42
Merchant Lucius Magnolia 79 8 43 35.00 Timber, Creek 58
Merchant Lucius Magnolia 79 8 43 80.00 House, Timber 58
Merchant Lucius Magnolia 79 8 43 40.00 Timber, Creeks 58
Merchant Lucius Magnolia 79 8 43 35.00 Timber 58
Merchant Lucius Magnolia 79 9 43 24.00 Timber 58
Merchant M Raglan 80 11 44 40.00 House, Steer Creek 60
Merrett F A LaGrange 78 26 43 1.00 House, Store 24
Merrick & Everett - et al Lincoln 81 10 42 160.00 Creek, Same as Everett 68
Merrill Jno Union 78 30 42 80.00 Creek 21
Mester Wm Clay 79 10 45 10.00 Timber, Marsh 46
Metcalf O E Raglan 80 1 44 120.00 House 60
Metcalf O E Raglan 80 14 44 10.00 Raglan Grove 60
Mether Wm Magnolia 80 13 43 80.00 Bigler's Grove, Creeks 57
Mether Wm Magnolia 80 24 43 80.00 House, Creek, Bigler's Grove 57
Meyers E Jefferson 79 12 42 28.00 House & Six Mile Creek 40
Meyers Jno Calhoun 79 18 43 5.00 Browns Grove 42
Meyers Jno Calhoun 79 36 44 80.00 House, Willow River 42
Michael C Magnolia 80 29 43 10.00 Creek, Magnolia Grove 58
Michael Chas Magnolia 80 8 43 160.00 Allen Creek 57
Michael Chas Magnolia 80 17 43 40.00 Timber 57
Michael Chas Magnolia 80 17 43 80.00 Timber 57
Michael Chas Magnolia 80 20 43 120.00 Creek, Magnolia Grove 57
Michael D S P Jefferson 79 24 43 80.00 House, Boyer River, C&NWRR, Timber 39
Michael D S P Jefferson 79 24 43 40.00   39
Michael D S P Jefferson 79 24 43 20.00 Reel's Grove 39
Michael D S P Jefferson 79 24 43 48.00 Marsh, C&NWRR, Boyer River 39
Michael D S P Jefferson 79 26 43 40.00   39
Michael D S P Jefferson 79 26 43 40.00 Marsh 39
Michael D S P Jefferson 79 23 43 40.00   39
Michael E Magnolia 80 29 43 10.00 Magnolia Grove 58
Michael Frederick Magnolia 80 15 43 120.00 Creek 57
Michael Frederick Magnolia 80 26 43 120.00 Willow River 58
Michael Frederick Magnolia 80 27 43 80.00 House, Willow River 58
Michish Kurt Douglas 80 19 41 42.44 House 50
Mickel E G Morgan 80 31 44 40.61 House, SC&PRR 61
Mickel O L Allen 81 9 43 80.00 Creek 69
Mickel O L Allen 81 16 43 80.00 Stowes Creek 69
Mickel O L Allen 81 16 43 40.00   69
Mickel P D Little Sioux 81 11 45 160.00   78
Mickey D Calhoun 79 18 43 20.00 Browns Grove 42
Mickey D Calhoun 79 20 43 10.10 Willow River 42
Mickey D Calhoun 79 29 43 40.00   42
Mickey D Calhoun 79 29 43 40.00 House 42
Mickey Emma Morgan 80 36 45 80.00 SC&PRR 61
Mickish Chas Boyer 80 24 42 40.00   51
Miers D A Harrison 81 7 41 35.26 House, Creek 64
Miles B S Jackson 81 13 44 40.00   72
Miles B S Jackson 81 13 44 40.00   72
Miles J C Jackson 81 14 44 40.00 Post Office, Cemetery, Soldier River 72
Miles J C Jackson 81 14 44 80.00 House, Soldier River 72
Miles J G Jackson 81 23 44 10.00 Creek, Flowers Grove 72
Miller A E Union 78 9 42 160.00 House, Potato Creek 21
Miller Aultman & Company Lincoln 81 10 42 40.00   68
Miller C W Taylor 79 26 44 80.00   43
Miller Fannie Harrison 81 5 41   Timber 64
Miller G S Harrison 81 5 41   Timber 64
Miller Geo Union 78 21 42 160.00 House, Creek 21
Miller Hoover Little Sioux 81 35 45   House, Timber, SC&PRR 78
Miller M Cass 79 18 41   House, Six Mile Grove 36
Miller Richard J Union 78 4 42 160.00 House 21
Miller Richard J Union 78 4 42 40.00   21
Miller Thos Washington 78 2 41 49.17 House 17
Miller Thos Washington 78 2 41 40.00   17
Miller   Magnolia 80 33 43 5.00 Magnolia Grove 58
Millett Alfin Allen 81 22 43 80.00   69
Milliman A B LaGrange 78 3 43 40.00 House, Harris Grove, Harris Grove Crk 24
Milliman A B LaGrange 78 3 43 40.00 Harris Grove 24
Milliman E Jefferson 79 24 43   Reel's Grove, Logan 39
Milliman E R & J C LaGrange 78 1 43 10.00 Harris Grove 24
Milliman E W Jefferson 79 29 42 20.00   39
Milliman E W Jefferson 79 32 42 80.00 House & Harris Grove 39
Milliman E W LaGrange 78 1 43 20.00 Harris Grove 24
Milliman J Jefferson 79 24 43 2.50 Reel's Grove, Logan, House 39
Milliman J C Jefferson 79 21 43 2.50 Logan 37
Milliman L W Jefferson 79 32 42 80.00 Harris Grove & Creeks 39
Mills Chas Lincoln 81 32 42 80.00 House, Willow River 68
Mills F H Jefferson 79 19 42 2.50 Logan 37
Mills Geo M Cincinnati 78 19 45 40.00 Timber, Pond 34
Mills Geo M Cincinnati 78 20 45 40.00 Timber 34
Mills Mary J Jefferson 79 36 42 40.00 2 Houses & Creek 40
Mills Simon Jefferson 79 36 42 120.00 2 Creeks 40
Mills Simon Jefferson 79 36 42 80.00 Creek 40
Mills W C - Estate Cass 79 32 41 120.00   36
Mills W C - Estate Union 78 4 42 40.00   21
Mills W C - Estate Union 78 4 42 40.00   21
Mills   Raglan 80 23 44 10.00 Raglan Grove 60
Milwaukee Land Company Washington 78 29 41   Mosquito Creek, CM&SPRR 17
Miner Sarah Cincinnati 78 10 45 80.00 House, SC&PRR 34
Minhan J F Raglan 80 24 44 40.00 House, Raglan Grove, Allen Creek 60
Mintin Daniel Taylor 79 19 44 80.00 House, SC&PRR 43
Mintin Jno Taylor 79 31 44 44.84 House 43
Mintum J St Johns 78 19 43 9.00 Timber 30
Missouri Valley Land Company Cincinnati 78 1 45 65.08   34
Missouri Valley Land Company Cincinnati 78 1 45 40.00   34
Missouri Valley Land Company Cincinnati 78 15 45 120.00 SC&PRR, California Junction 34
Missouri Valley Land Company Cincinnati 78 15 45 10.00 SC&PRR, California Junction 34
Missouri Valley Land Company Cincinnati 78 17 45 80.00 3 Houses, Timber 34
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 10 45 80.00 SC&PRR 77
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 13 45 160.00   78
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 13 45 160.00   78
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 14 45 160.00   78
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 14 45 40.00   78
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 22 45 59.80 Lot 1, Ox Bow Lake of Missouri Rvr 77
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 22 45 160.00 2 Houses, Timber 77
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 22 45 107.50 Missouri River, Timber 77
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 23 45 80.00 SC&PRR 78
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 23 45 80.00   78
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 23 45 40.00 Timber 78
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 23 45 10.00 House, Little Sioux River, SC&PRR 78
Missouri Valley Land Company Morgan 80 30 44     61
Missouri Valley Land Company Morgan 80 30 44 5.33   61
Missouri Valley Land Company Morgan 80 25 45 21.00 2 Houses, SC&PRR 33
Missouri Valley Land Company St Johns 78 15 44 20.00 C&NWRR 30
Missouri Valley Land Company Taylor 79 12 44 20.00 Browns Grove 43
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 10 45 160.00 SC&PRR 77
Missouri Valley Land Company Little Sioux 81 22 45 14.50 Missouri River, Timber 77
Missouri Valley Land Company Morgan 80 30 44     61
Mitchell Annie Jefferson 79 31 42 80.00 House 39
Mitchell Fred Magnolia 80 23 43 40.00 Willow River 57
Mitchell J LaGrange 78 3 43 43.35 Harris Grove, Creek 24
Mitchell Hiram Jefferson 79 31 42 80.00   39
Mix Abby S Allen 81 22 43 160.00 Creek 69
Mize W J Douglas 80 12 41 80.00 Creek 50
Mize W J Douglas 80 13 41 80.00 House, Creek 50
Moats Jennie LaGrange 78 8 43 40.00 House 24
Modigan Jas & Thos Union 78 12 42 160.00 Creek 21
Mongan Patrick Harrison 81 32 41 140.00   64
Mongan Patrick Harrison 81 33 41 40.00 House 64
Monroe E A Taylor 79 16 44 80.00 House 43
Monroe Jas Boyer 80 12 42 29.00 Picayune Creek 51
Montrose Andrew Washington 78 7 41 80.00 House, Creek 17
Moon Jno F Allen 81 19 43 160.00 Cobb Creek 69
Moore Arthur Allen 81 20 43 80.00 House, Cobb Creek 69
Moore Arthur Allen 81 20 43 80.00 Cobb Creek 69
Moore B J Harrison 81 2 41 39.05 House, Larch Grove Stock Farm 64
Moore B J Harrison 81 2 41 38.40 Breeder Clydesdale Horses 64
Moore B J Harrison 81 2 41 20.00 Breeder Short Horn Cattle 64
Moore B J Harrison 81 3 41 37.76 C&NWRR 64
Moore B J Harrison 81 12 41 160.00 House, Creek 64
Moore Benj J Harrison 81 33 41 160.00   64
Moore D B Harrison 81 28 41 160.00 House, Creeks 64
Moore E Harrison 81 11 41 18.70 Creek 64
Moore E Harrison 81 11 41 40.00   64
Moore G W Douglas 80 10 41 80.00 House, Creek 50
Moore H E Harrison 81 16 41 80.00 House, Mill Creek, C&NWRR 64
Moore Helen E Harrison 81 33 41 160.00   64
Moore Jno Douglas 80 10 41 120.00 House, Creek 50
Moore Mrs S A Little Sioux 81 15 45 80.00   77
Moore Mrs S A Little Sioux 81 15 45 40.00 Ox Bow Lake of Missouri River, Timber 77
Moore Nellie Douglas 80 4 41 41.22 Creek 50
Moore Nellie Douglas 80 4 41 41.88 House, Creek 50
Moore R E Lincoln 81 12 42 20.00 Timber 68
Moore S Douglas 80 27 41 80.00 House, Creek 50
Moore S P Raglan 80 26 44 30.00 Raglan Grove 60
Moore Samuel Taylor 79 9 44 160.00 House 43
Moore Samuel Taylor 79 16 44 80.00 House 43
Moore Samuel Taylor 79 16 44 40.00   43
Moore W E Jackson 81 36 44 40.00   72
Moorhead Jno Harrison 81 3 41 23.37 Boyer River 64
Moorhead Jno Harrison 81 3 41 40.00   64
Moorhead Jno Harrison 81 3 41 20.00 Boyer River 64
Moorhead Jno Harrison 81 3 41 33.00 Creek, C&NWRR 64
Moorhead Jno Harrison 81 3 41 37.95 Boyer River 64
Moorlan J K Jefferson 79 22 42 5.00 Elk Grove & 2 Houses 40
More Eliza J Clay 79 11 45 40.00 Timber 46
Moreland B St Johns 78 3 44 10.00 Spencers Grove 30
Morgareidge J Morgan 80 14 45 23.00 House 61
Morgareidge J S Morgan 80 25 45 80.00 House 61
Morgareidge R Morgan 80 19 44 40.00   61
Morgareidge Richard Morgan 80 28 45 40.00 House 61
Morgareidge Richard Morgan 80 28 45 49.18 Timber 61
Morgareidge Richard Morgan 80 33 45 40.00   61
Morlen B F St Johns 78 20 44 20.00 Willow River 30
Morlen B F St Johns 78 29 44 160.00 House, Willow River 30
Morlidge Frank Allen 81 25 43 40.00 Creek 69
Morlidge Frank Allen 81 26 43 40.00   69
Morrell J W Raglan 80 10 44 20.00 Timber 60
Morrell Joseph A Little Sioux 81 31 44 160.00 Timber 78
Morrill J A Jackson 81 32 44 40.00 Timber, Spring 72
Morrill J A Jackson 80 5 44 40.00 House, Soldier River 72
Morrill J A Jackson 80 5 44 47.49 House 72
Morrill J A Jackson 80 5 44 40.00 Ditch 72
Morrill & Bowers Lincoln 81 30 42 160.00 Creeks, Same as Bowers 68
Morrill & Bowers Lincoln 81 1 42 80.00 Creek, Same as Bowers 68
Morrill & Bowers Lincoln 81 1 42 40.00 Same as Bowers 68
Morris W M Boyer 80 13 42 80.00 Boyer River 51
Morris W M Boyer 80 24 42 40.00   51
Morris W M Boyer 80 26 42 40.00 House, Creek, Twelve Mile Grove 51
Morris W M Boyer 80 24 42 80.00   51
Morrow A Morgan 80 36 45 40.00 House 61
Morrow A Raglan 80 35 44 40.00 Raglan Grove 60
Morrow A - Estate Taylor 79 2 44 38.00 Allen Creek 43
Morrow Amelia J Washington 78 6 41 57.96   17
Morrow Amelia J Washington 78 6 41 40.00   17
Morrow Amelia J Washington 78 6 41 40.00   17
Morrow Amelia J Washington 78 6 41 44.36 House 17
Morrow Amos Taylor 79 11 44 40.00 Allen Creek 43
Morrow Amos - Estate Taylor 79 2 44 40.00 Creek 43
Morrow Benj Morgan 80 36 45 120.00 House 61
Morrow C Taylor 79 11 44 40.00   43
Morrow C Taylor 79 11 44 40.00 House 43
Morrow David Raglan 80 16 44 40.00 House, Timber 60
Morrow David Raglan 80 16 44 80.00   60
Morrow David Raglan 80 21 44 40.00 Marsh 60
Morrow David Raglan 80 22 44 79.00   60
Morrow David Raglan 80 22 44 1.00 Steer Creek 60
Morrow H P Allen 81 10 43 160.00 Stowes Creek 69
Morrow H P Allen 81 10 43 80.00 Stowes Creek 69
Morrow H P Allen 81 12 43 80.00   69
Morrow H P Allen 81 12 43 160.00 House, 2 Creeks 69
Morrow H P Allen 81 12 43 80.00 School, Creek 69
Morrow Joseph Raglan 80 16 44 40.00 Timber 60
Morrow Joseph Raglan 80 20 44 120.00   60
Morrow Joseph Raglan 80 20 44 40.00   60
Morrow Joseph Raglan 80 20 44 80.00 Soldier River, Lake 60
Morrow Joseph Raglan 80 21 44 20.00 House, Lake 60
Morrow Mary Taylor 79 2 44 40.00 2 Houses 43
Morrow Mary Taylor 79 11 44 40.00 Allen Creek 43
Morrow Mary Taylor 79 11 44 40.00 House 43
Morrow Patrick Allen 81 1 43 160.00 House, 2 Creeks 69
Morrow Patrick Morgan 80 18 44 160.00 Elm Grove Lake, Creek, 2nd Lake 61
Morrow Patrick Morgan 80 18 44 160.00 Lake, Ditch 61
Morrow Patrick Raglan 80 17 44 80.00 Soldier River 60
Morrow Patrick Raglan 80 17 44 40.00   60
Morrow Patrick Raglan 80 17 44 160.00 Ditch, Creek 60
Morrow Patrick Raglan 80 20 44 80.00 Soldier River, Lake 60
Morrow Patrick Raglan 80 20 44 160.00 House, Soldier River 60
Morrow Patrick Raglan 80 21 44 40.00   60
Morrow Patrick Raglan 80 21 44 40.00   60
Morrow Patrick Raglan 80 21 44 25.00 Marsh 60
Morrow Thos Clay 79 1 45 38.07   46
Morrow Thos Clay 79 1 45 38.07 House, Marsh 46
Morrow Thos Clay 79 1 45 38.07 Marsh 46
Morrow Thos Clay 79 1 45 80.00   46
Morrow Thos Clay 79 1 45 40.00 House, Marsh 46
Morrow Thos Clay 79 1 45 76.00 Marsh 46
Morrow Thos Clay 79 15 45 20.00 Timber 46
Morrow Wm Raglan 80 14 44 50.00 Raglan Grove 60
Morrow Wm Raglan 80 16 44 40.00 Spring 60
Morrow Wm Raglan 80 16 44 80.00   60
Morrow Wm Raglan 80 17 44 72.00 Soldier River 60
Morrow Wm Raglan 80 17 44 40.00 Soldier River 60
Morrow Wm Raglan 80 17 44 80.00 Ditch 60
Morrow Wm Raglan 80 20 44 160.00 Creek 60
Morrow P Raglan 80 16 44 80.00 Timber 60
Morse W O Taylor 79 16 44 80.00 House 43
Morton S W Douglas 80 2 41 43.88   50
Morton S W Douglas 80 2 41 44.33 Creek 50
Morton S W Douglas 80 2 41 80.00 Creek 50
Morton S W Douglas 80 3 41 44.13   50
Mosher S H Clay 79 3 45 40.00 Timber 46
Mosher S H Clay 79 3 45 40.00 Timber 46
Moss Herman Washington 78 19 41 80.00 House 17
Mott P Magnolia 79 1 43 40.00 House 58
Mott P Magnolia 79 2 43 40.00 House 58
Motz Geo W Clay 79 13 45 80.00 House, Soldier River 46
Motz J Clay 79 13 45 80.00 Soldier River 46
Motz J Clay 79 13 45 80.00 House, Soldier River, Saw Mill 46
Motz J Clay 79 14 45 37.50 House, Soldier River 46
Motz J W & F Clay 79 15 45 40.00 Timber, Marsh 46
Motz J W & F Clay 79 15 45 80.00 Marsh, Timber, Blacksmith Shop 46
Motz J W & F Clay 79 15 45 40.00 Timber, Marsh 46
Motz L Clay 79 8 45 10.00 Timber 46
Motz L Clay 79 8 45 5.00 Timber 46
Motz L Clay 79 8 45 5.00 Timber 46
Motz Levi Clay 79 9 45 80.00 Timber 46
Motz Levi Clay 79 9 45 40.00 Timber 46
Motz Levi Clay 79 9 45 40.00 Timber 46
Mouer L - Estate Cass 79 18 41 10.00 Six MIle Grove 36
Mourer N Jefferson 79 15 42 40.00 House & 2 Creeks 40
Mourer P - Estate Jefferson 79 8 42 20.00 Boyer River & Timber 39
Mourer P - Estate Jefferson 79 9 42 40.00   40
Mourer P - Estate Jefferson 79 15 42 40.00 3 Creeks 40
Mousley Jane E Allen 81 10 43 80.00 2 Creeks 69
Mowry O S Washington 78 8 41 80.00   17
Mowry O S Washington 78 8 41 40.00   17
Mulher J H Cass 79 34 41 80.00 House, Spring 36
Mulher J H Cass 79 34 41 80.00   36
Mullen P R LaGrange 78 11 43 39.00 Harris Grove, School 24
Mullen Peter R LaGrange 78 15 43 80.00 House, 2 Springs 24
Mullen Peter R LaGrange 78 15 43 80.00 House 24
Mullen Peter R LaGrange 78 15 43 80.00   24
Mulvihill Catharine Douglas 80 20 41 120.00 House, Creek, Twelve Mile Grove 50
Mulvihill Chas Douglas 80 19 41 40.00   50
Mulvihill Jno Union 78 29 42 40.00   21
Mulvihill Jno Union 78 29 42 40.00 House 21
Mulvihill Patrick Douglas 80 20 41 80.00 Creek 50
Munn H B Boyer 80 11 42 40.00 Creek 51
Munn H B Union 78 19 42 80.00 Potato Creek 21
Munn H B Union 78 19 42 40.00 Fourth Slough 21
Munn H B Union 78 19 42 80.00 Fourth Slough 21
Munn H B Union 78 19 42 40.00   21
Munn H H Douglas 80 36 41 80.00 Creek 50
Munn Henry B Allen 81 19 43 40.00   69
Munn Henry B Allen 81 19 43 39.07   69
Murphy J Lincoln 81 24 42 120.00 Creek 68
Murphy Jno Union 78 29 42 80.00   21
Murphy Joseph Union 78 21 42 80.00 House 21
Murphy M C & M H Pierce Magnolia 80 21 43 80.00 House, Creeks, Magnolia Grove 57
Murphy M C & M H Pierce Magnolia 80 21 43 80.00 Magnolia Grove 57
Murphy P Calhoun 79 27 43 10.00 Timber 42
Murphy Parker Calhoun 79 35 43 80.00 House, C&NWRR, Boyer River 42
Murphy Wm Washington 78 27 41 40.00 House 17
Murray J Little Sioux 81 18 44 32.00 House, Little Sioux River, Timber 78
Murray Jas Little Sioux 81 13 45 80.00 Bayou Creek 78
Murray Jas Little Sioux 81 15 45 40.00 Timber, Water Channel 77
Murray M Little Sioux 81 17 44 40.00 Timber 78
Murray M Little Sioux 81 17 44 40.00 Timber 78
Murray M Little Sioux 81 18 44 152.00 House, Little Sioux River 78
Murray M Little Sioux 81 18 44 23.00 Little Sioux River 78
Murray M Little Sioux 81 18 44 43.14 Little Sioux River, Timber 78
Murray M Little Sioux 81 18 44 40.00 Little Sioux River, Timber 78
Murray M Little Sioux 81 18 44 42.73   78
Murray M Little Sioux 81 18 44 40.00   78
Murray M Little Sioux 80 6 44 80.00 House, Lake, Ditch 78
Murray M Morgan 80 12 45 160.00   61
Murray M Morgan 80 13 45 80.00   61
Murray Michael Jackson 80 5 44 80.00 Ditch 72
Murray Patrick LaGrange 78 28 43 80.00 House 24
Murray Wm S Morgan 80 33 45 80.00 Timber, Lake 61
Murtaugh E & M Douglas 80 35 41 40.00 House, Creek 50
Murtaugh E & M Douglas 80 36 41 80.00 Pigeon Creek 50
Musgrave Richard Boyer 80 25 42 40.00 Twelve Mile Grove, Creek, Spring 51
Musgrave Richard Boyer 80 25 42 40.00 Twelve Mile Grove 51
Musgrave Richard Boyer 80 26 42 120.00 House, Creek 51
Musgrove Nellie B Douglas 80 22 41 40.00 House, Creek 50
Myers David D Harrison 81 10 41 80.00 House 64
Myers E Taylor 79 13 44 20.00 Browns Grove 43
Myers Eva L Taylor 79 4 44 69.03   43
Myers F Taylor 79 12 44 40.00 Browns Grove 43
Myers F Taylor 79 13 44 80.00 Browns Grove 43
Myers F Taylor 79 13 44 2.00 Browns Grove, Spring 43
Myers F Taylor 79 13 44 80.00 House, Spring 43
Myers F Taylor 79 13 44 80.00 Browns Grove 43
Myers F Taylor 79 14 44 80.00   43
Myers F H Taylor 79 23 44 80.00 Marsh, Ditch 43
Myers Fred Harrison 81 26 41 40.00   64
Myers N Jefferson 79 11 42 40.00   40
Myers S Union 78 5 42 40.00 House, Creek 21
Myers S Union 78 6 42 40.00 Creek 21
Myers W A Taylor 79 13 44 160.00 Browns Grove, Creek 43

Database compiled by Vicki King copyright 2001-2015

1884 Atlas Index