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Rippey High School Alumni
1892 through 1930

Go to 1931 through 1959

1892: Delia McCrory, Mary (Dr.) Murphy

1893: Mansie Ellison, John J. McCrory, William S. Osborn, Mary Sperry

1894: Nellie Johnson, Jennie Lochrey, John Murphy, Charlotte Winston

1895: John Burke, Maud Cochran, Abbie Ellison, Dollie Fowler, Samuel (Dr.) Free, Alice Phelan, Masie Slaughter, Lee Webb

1896: No Class

1897: Grace Brush, Bessie Ellison, Earl Fleetwood, Lena Kramer, James Murphy, Wayne M. Osborn, Etta Smith, Nettie Smith

1898: Hugh S. Free, William Lysinger, William Marquiss, Irvin C. Patterson, Lenore Porter

1899: Frank Glidden, Arthur Harmon, Ivan McClune, Ella Mercer, Geroge Smith, Harvey M. Stoufer

1900: Mamie Brush, Roy Radebaugh

1901: Nettie Crandell, Ida Faulds, Edna Harmon, Lura Harmon, Alta Hiddleson

1902: Clara Allen, Mae Bayard, Mary Free, Ed Galivan, Ruth Studeville

1903: Hattie Galivan, Harry Harmon, S. Chapin Hull, Agnes Kupfer, Harry M. Kupfer, Helen Porter

1904: George J. Dugan, Minnie Fouch, Kate Porter, Jessie Ridle

1905: Orville Myers, L. Fayne Riley, Jay G. States, Orrie R. Stevens, Samuel Winchell

1906: Allie Gilliland, Bertha Harmon, Emeline Hull, Lottie Lovejoy, Maude Mace, Alice Naylor, John Winchell

1907: Clarence Walter Dugan, Blanche Fleetwood, Winnie Fry, Clara Parr, Otis Rohrer, Wayne Taylor

1908: Maude Beers, Grace Burk, Myrtle Fouch, Nellie Groves, Elsie Grow, Flossie Hoshal, Maude Murphy, Pearl Turpen

1909: Mabel Bradley, Irving C. Burk, Ebba Cook, Edward Hull, Howard O. Mace, Lora Rohrer

1910: Mabel Anderson, Sadie Anderson, Winnie Burk, Stella Fry, Garfield Hoshal, Bertha Kupfer, Katherine Shipley, Pearl Shoemaker, Claude States, Hazel Thornburgh

1911: Leota Crumley, Wayne C. Ellis, Paul Harmon, Royal Milford Lofsted, Ernest J. Munson, Earl T. Phinney, Ralph Shoemaker

1912: Lester Crumley, George Murphy, Zola Parr, Harry Shipley

1913: George M. Fry, Goldie Hoover, Raymond T. Miller, Grace States

1914: Jesse L. Groves, Ethel High, Harold T. McCain, Winnie Munson, Callie Louise Shipley, Verna Thornburgh, Ray White

1915: Raymond A. Crumley, Blanche Fouch, Wayne A. Garren, Bertha Groves, Velma High, Mayflower Van Horn

1916: Rose Anschutz, Lorena Burk, Lysle S. Burk, Madelon Ellis, Alvin Kupfer, Lyman W. Robinson, Everett H. Shaw, Lottie Shoemaker, Dean C. Stroud, Samuel Wilson

1917: LeRoy Fessler, Florence Johnson, Coyle C. Riley, Jennie Shipley, Goldie Tassell, Gladys Turpen, Max Van Scoy, Jesse E. Wilson

1918: Dwight M. Crumley, Leo J. Eveland, Harold E. Robinson

1919: E. Belle Bradwell, M. Cleone Grow, Walter J. High, Zelma M. Johnson, Ferne States, Bertha Van Horn, Franklin Van Scoy, James Van Scoy

1920: No Class

1921: Harry Bardole, Alice Fry, Elsie Galivan, Merval Lee, Joseph McBride, Gladys Morain, Amos Wilson

1922: Miles Grow, Lester A. High, Gladys McDowell, Merval Morain, Nettie Munson, Myrtle Pennington, Franklin Petersen, Mervel Robinson, Eddie Wishman

1923: Franklin Ellis, Elsie Farley, Alta Fouch, Everett C. Fry, George Kenney, Bernice Morse, Laverne Morse, Marguerete Petersen, Blanche States

1924: William Anderson, M. Vern Derry, Erma Lee, Myrtle Lee, Thelma Miner, Myra Pennington, Edwin Petersen, Velma Rice, Hollis Riley, Lois Robinson, Joseph C. Shaw

1925: Orlin Brown, Bruce W. Cain, Donald O. Farley, Albert H. Farley, Pearl Gilson, Lorene Johnson, Ray A. Johnson, Bonnie Matson, Madeline McCain, Donald McClune, Hazelle Petersen, Harold Radebaugh, Veryl W. Senter, Lurene Terrill, Everett Thornburgh, Everett Ury, Howard Van Horn, Eunice Van Scoy, Marjorie Walker

1926: Lucien Aubertin, Howard Bardole, Dorothea Crumley, Alice Drake, Dwight Dugan, Delma Fisher, Glen F. Grow, Fayne Johnson, Dorothy McClune, Thelma McDowell, Robert Miller, Cecil Miner, Francis Miner, A. James Morse, Herman Rhoad, Bernice States, Glenn Tassell, Edwin Thornburgh

1927: Clark Bardole, Ivan Burk, Dwight Fouch, Blanche Frizelle, Paul K. Grogan, Bernice Moore, Margaret A. Moore, Dorothy Morse, Hans J. "Stanley" Nelson, Howard Petersen, Luella M. Riley, Mercedes H. Shaw, Mary Templeton, Herbert A. Van Scoy, Loraine Young

1928: Frances Clapp, Dorothy Dorris, John Dorris, John R. Evans, Jerald Farley, Kenneth Farley, Ruth Fouch, Helen Hunt, Raymond Kenney, Maynard Leighty, Hugo A. Norgren, Edward K. Riley, Clair Terrill, Raymond Ury

1929:Donald Anschutz, Vernal Brinks, Burr Glidden, Darwin Grow, Edith Nelson, Maynard Pennington, Dortha Radebaugh, Ruby Rhoades, Michael Riley, Ida Shaw, Loyalene Towers, Nelson Young

1930: Lucille Anderson, Paul Bardole, Lee L. Dorris, Dortha Dugan, Erma Everhart, Dorothy Fouch, Myron Free, Lora Groves, Lowell Leighty, Willis Munson, Hilda Nelson, Helen Ogden, Hal J. Petersen, Vivian Senter

Source: Transcribed by Valerie Ogren. Thanks to the Rippey Alumni Association for making this list available.

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