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Cooper High School Alumni
1922 through 1940

Go to 1941 through 1959

Thanks to Valerie Ogren for compiling and submitting this data. Thanks also to the efforts of Gladys Zabilka, former teacher (now deceased),
who included the information in conjunction with the Cooper Newsletter which she published for many years.

1922: Doris Barker, Gerald Morain, Florence Oberkamper, Elma Schultz

1923: Bessie Battles, Chester, Clopton, Vera Hess, Vlema Molle, Esther Peer, Ruth Peer, Sylvia Richaardson, Minnie Schilling, Florence Smith, Bernice Smith, Della Remely

1924: Edna Clopton, Margaret Franklin, Albert Howard King, Harry Lawton, Ethel Oberkamper, John Shalk, Herman Wiggins

1925: Donald Byrns, Myrtle Grimes, Pearl Jones, Inez Kauffman, Clifford Lieske, Melvin Molle, Merle Ogden, Clara Remele, Matt Remele, Irwin Sitterly, Alice Smith, Erma Zella White, Ernest Zeller

1926: Frank Baker, Edwin Clopton, Annabelle Cuddy, Benton Jones, Carl Lieske,  Floyd Monthei,  Lee Oberkamper,  Marguarite Peer, Roy Schalk, Beatrice Thorp

1927: Leora Calvert, Vernon Crossman, Agnes Cuddy, Velma Graue, Keith Jones, Charolette Kincaid, Helen Lawton, Roscoe Mooney, Russell Mooney, Albert Ogren, Hazel Ummel, Warren Ure

1928: Laura Battles, Amy Couts, Catherine Day, Frank Gilmore, Florence Lieske, Roy Monthei, Juanita Oberkamper, Elsie Ogden, Caroline Schalk, Verbyl Schnepp, Lowell Smith, Carroll White

1929: Alvin Cameron, Fern Franklin, Zora Kellogg, Thelma Kinney, Florabel Miller, Ellen Mooney, Lawrence Sitterly, Opal Whitecotton

1930: Pauline Bellcock, Marie Byrns, Wilbur Collins, Maisy Couts, Raymond Cuddy, Delos Garrity, Marie Garrity, Ora Grimes, Zula Kellogg, Mildred Kuebler, Jessie Lawton, Lloyd McNeil, Paul Mears, Mary Monthei, Byrdeen Shettle, Alice Thompson, Dean Thompson, Madeline Thornburgh, Kenneth Warner

1931: Helen Coil, Earl Day, Lucille Gilmore, June Griswold, Carl Hebner, Darwin Kinney, Ramona Mears, Robert Molle, Dale Peer, Clare Pell, Bernard Rothfork, Edward Schalk

1932: Leon Crossman, Orman Crossman, Cecilia Cuddy, Melvin Ellis, Gloyd Harlow, Eva Knowles, Loyal Lee, Marion Mears, Dorothy Oberkamper, Jerome Ponx, Iring Samuelson, Frances Sprague

1933: Virginia Burnell, Fredrick Elliott, Carl Ellis, Francis Garrity, Raymond Hall, Lorraine Jones, Laurence Lieske, Mary Mooney, Georgia Shettle, Claire Thornburgh, Warren Winchell, Helen Wind

1934: James Cuddy, Dale Ellis, Clyde Johnson, Berniece Kiner, John Lawton, Maxine Molle, Lucille Netherton, Verne Ogden, Jack Peer, Carolyn Rich, Lola Rich, Mildred Rich, Than Waymire, Mary Wind

1935: Velma Bellcock, Myron Blane, Naomi Couts, Maurine Day, Keith Ellis, Ruby Ellis, Marguerite Garrity, Gordon Griswold, Harold Hall, Venetta Johns, Irene Johnson, Eugene Kauffman, Margaret Molle, Robert Peer, Guss Ponx, Elsie Scheuermann, Norma Sprague, Berdene Williams

1936: Virginia Axthelm, John Blaine Jr., Darvin Davidson, Forest Elliot, Gerald Hollar, Carroll Kendall, Marion Mishler, Oscar Molle, Paul Rothfolk, Ethelmae Safely, Maude Waymire

1937: Frieda Axthelm, George Byrns, Dolores Day, Jeanette Ellis, Junior Forbes, Willma Hollar, Donald Hutchinson, Shirley Kauffman, Harold Meinecke, Darwin Oberkamper

1938: Helen Cuddy, William Dunivan, Doris Ellis, Hazel Frederick, Willa Mae Jones, Martha Johnson, Eleanor Molle, Dorothy Simons, Marion Simons, Doris Wiggins

1939: Marcella Burnell, Irene Byrns, Vava Byrns, Ross Emley, Kathryn Johnson, Virginia Peer, Max Rich, Lois Schilling, Lola Wilson

1940: Amanda Couts, Reva Jones, Lois Lawton, Lloyd Oberkamper, Clarence Rich, Esther Ann Shank, Joann Tanner, Keith Thornburg, Leta Wilson

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