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Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory

Population 500. An incorporated town on the M. & St. L. Ry., in Washington township,
Greene county, 17 miles s. e. of Jefferson, the county seat, and 42 n. w. of Des Moines.
Contains Baptist, Christian and Methodist Episcopal churches, a bank and a
weekly newspaper, the Rippey Register. Tel. W. U. Exp., Adams.
Telephone connection. Wm. Radebaugh, postmaster.

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Beamen W J, real estate.
Brown J F, hotel.
Buckeye Coal Co, M Feith propr.
Bullock & Kraemer, general store.
Burk N P & Co, lumber.
Carlton D D, prin of high school.
Clapp E j, blacksmith.
Cook R E, meats.
Crumley & States, general store.
Des Moines Elevator Co.
Dugan Geo, barber.
Ebeling F A, barber.
First National Bank (Capital $25,000), W H McCammon pres, J H Van Scoy vashier.
Garmant O T, restaurant.
Gilliland & Riley, live stock.
Smith George W, wagonmaker.
Granger A D, publr Rippey Register.
Harmon Charles, insurance.
Hoshal J L, teacher.
Hull A M, general store.
Keystone Coal Co, Wm Bennet propr.
Koser Rev G W (Methodist).
Kupfer Agnes, teacher.
Lovejoy H E, physician.
Mercer R M, carpenter.
Osborn B F, drugs.
Ozburn Enolla, milliner.
Pyle Sadie, teacher.
Radebaugh & Munson, flour mill and grain.
Riddle Mrs C M, music teacher.
Riley E H, supervisor.
Rippey Register, A D granger publr.
Rippey Savings Bank (Capital $10,000), C H Suydam pres, E E Robinson cashier.
Rippey Union Band.
Robertson Rev Alex (Baptist).
Shaw E A, hardware.
Shipley J H, physician.
Shoemaker J H, blacksmith.
Smith D F, mayor and painter.
Snake Creek Coal Co, Geo Richards propr.
Stallsmith D W, harnessmaker.
Roberts Sisters, miliners.
Thompson R D, R R, exp and tel agt.
Tyson L, restaurant.
Walker J C, real estate.
White Ira, livery.

Transcribed by Lynn Diemer-Mathews and uploaded Seotenber 18, 2024.

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