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1907 Past and Present Biographies

W. O. Stotts

W. O. Stotts, who follows farming and stockraising on section 4, Highland township, was born in Boone county, Iowa, on the 27th of September, 1860, his parents being Chrystle and Nancy (Foster) Stotts, both of whom were natives of Ohio. Becoming residents of Boone county, the father there followed farming throughout his remaining days and the mother is still living in that county. No event of special importance occurred to vary the routine of farm life for W. O. Stotts in his boyhood and youth. He worked at the plow and in the harvest fields and acquired his education in the district schools, remaining at home until he had attained his majority.

At the age of twenty-one years he came to Highland township, Greene county, and engaged in farming on his own account. He first lived on a tract of one hundred and forty-seven acres of land - a farm given his wife at the time of their marriage by her parents. As the years passed Mr. Stotts added to this property as his financial resources permitted and with his family resided thereon until 1892, when he removed to his present place on what is known as the Joe Hampton farm. He has continually increased his landed possessions as opportunity has offered until he is now the owner of ten hundred and eighty acres of valuable and productive land in Greene and Calhoun counties. For years he has fed cattle extensively and has made this an important and profitable branch of his business. His farm is well equipped with modern improvements and everything about the place indicates his careful supervision and progressive methods.

In 1881 Mr. Stotts was united in marriage to Miss Ella Rogers, who was born in Linn county, Iowa, a daughter of Henry D. and Lucinda (McRoberts) Rogers, who were among the earliest settlers of Highland township and who are mentioned elsewhere in this volume. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Stotts have been born seven children, all yet at home, namely: F. B., Elfa F., Elma M., Erma M., E. Firn, F. Clyde and Iona G.

Mrs. Stotts is a member of the Baptist church. Mr. Stotts gives his political allegiance to the republican party but has never desired or held oflice. He is a public-spirited citizen and has been an industrious man, gaining all that he has through his own labor with the start that his wife’s parents gave to them. He is now one of the extensive landowners of the county, having charge of valuable property interests, from which he derives a good annual income.

Transcribed from "Past and Present of Greene County, Iowa Together With Biographical Sketches of Many of Its Prominent and Leading Citizens and Illustrious Dead,"
by E. B. Stillman assisted by an Advisory Board consisting of Paul E. Stillman, Gillum S. Toliver,
Benjamin F. Osborn, Mahlon Head, P. A. Smith and Lee B. Kinsey, Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907.

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