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1907 Past and Present Biographies

Samuel E. Shaw

Samuel E. Shaw, the owner of three hundred and ninety acres of farming land in this county, was born in Kendall county, Illinois, May 26, 1848, and is a son of Thomas and Ellen (Smithers) Shaw, both natives of England. Upon coming to this country this worthy couple settled in Kendall county, Illinois, in 1842. They purchased a farm in Lisbon township, where the father followed agricultural pursuits on a large scale up to the time of his death. Their union was blessed with nine children who are all living, the oldest being seventy-one years of age and the youngest fifty-two years: Elias, of California; William, of Zion City, Illinois; Ana, the widow of Mr. Fielding, of Scranton, Iowa; Mary, the widow of Mr. Vernon, of Chicago; Thomas, of Kansas; John, who is living in Kendall county, Illinois; Samuel E., the subject of this sketch; Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Worsley, of Michigan; and Maggie, the wife of Mr. Worsley, of Scranton. This large family held a reunion at Scranton, June 7, 1907, the first time they had been together in forty years, and it is needless to say that each and every one enjoyed a splendid time, telling stories of their early days and shaking hands once more with the brothers and sisters from whom they had been so long separated.

Samuel E. Shaw received his early education in the district schools of his native county. He divided his time between the schoolroom and the fields. In October, 1882, he removed to Greene county, Iowa, where he purchased one hundred and sixty acres on sectlon 11, Scranton township, from Mahlon Head. This land he broke and cultivated and was so successful in its cultivation that he was able from time to time to add to his original purchase until he now owns three hundred and ninety acres located just half a mile from the town of Scranton. He has been interested in making this one of the best farms in the county, also one of the most beautiful and comfortable homes. For this purpose he has tiled the land, has built a comfortable nine-room house, a large barn fifty-six by thirty-six feet, has set out some of the shade trees, also the fruit trees, and has left nothing undone which could add to the value of the place. He raises Durham cattle and Poland China hogs and finds a ready market for them because of their superior quality. He has invented and patented two different kinds of calf muzzles, which he has sold. One of these has been a great success and has a large sale.

Mr. Shaw was married in Scranton March 20, 1883, to Lydia E. Henderson, a daughter of John and Barbara (Shillington) Henderson, who came to this county in 1877. This union has been blessed with three children: Newman, who works on the farm; Sadie and Lial M., who are at home.

Mr. Shaw has always taken an active part in the work of building up the township and county. He helped to build the new Methodist church of which both he and his wife are active members. In his political afliliations he is associated with the republicans and has served as trustee of Scranton township for eight years. He has been township clerk and justice of the peace. He has a large circle of friends and it is by these friends who know him intimately that he is most highly appreciated, showing that his character will bear very close scrutiny.

Transcribed from "Past and Present of Greene County, Iowa Together With Biographical Sketches of Many of Its Prominent and Leading Citizens and Illustrious Dead,"
by E. B. Stillman assisted by an Advisory Board consisting of Paul E. Stillman, Gillum S. Toliver,
Benjamin F. Osborn, Mahlon Head, P. A. Smith and Lee B. Kinsey, Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907.

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