Fremont County, Iowa
Sidney Music Program
On June 19, 1933, a group of sixty future musicians came to the High School gymnasium to see what this mysterious land of music really was. Out of the number about forty-five settled down to steady practice, playing clarinets, cornets, saxaphones, trombones, bass, baritones, alto horns and drums. Five of these had played before, but to the others their instruments were a novelty.

Nevertheless under the capable instruction of the band master, Mr. Darrah, they rapidly progressed from exercises to pieces. They have appeared in public several times and each time made a good showing. Their first appearance was for the Parent-Teachers Meeting in November, when they played two pieces and several exercises to show their progress. They performed for the Parent-Teachers Meeting again in February and for the Music Festival in March.

The band believes in helping themselves. They have readily contributed both time and donations to various food sales. In a short time they had cleared enough to buy several new pieces of music and a pair of cymbals which the band lacked. If on any Saturday morning or Wednesday night you hear peculiar squeaks or disturbing grumbles you can blame the band. Even though they are a comparatively new organized we, as a school, are extremely proud of them for their splendid advancement and their contribution to our school activity.

Out of the band has grown another organization known as the school orchestra. They have played for our assembly programs several times. The personnel of the orchestra is about the same as that of the band with the addition of two violins-- played by "Katie and Kookie."

Sidney School Band, 1933
Bottom Row: Jean Cowden, Mary Ellen Ross, Marjory Otte, Agnes Abbott, Frances Jean Gardner, Norman Pullman, Rex Nelson, Allen Speagh.

Second Row: Russell Hatten, Jack Moyers, Louise Martin, Dorothy Mae Ettleman, Wilma Hiatt, Edna Marie McCluskey, Frances Foster, June Hoskins, Lorene Otte, Mildred Polk, Harriet Crose.

Third Row: Billy Gene Pullman, Leeman Jackson, Robert Birkby, Betty Ross, Mr. Darrah, Erma Faye Hatten, Max Otte, Doris Otte, Tate Larson, John Thornell.

Fourth Row: Marjorie Ettleman, Maxine Pierson, Norman Nix, Curtis Sweeney, Barbara Murchison, Robert Moyers, Jimmie Lovelady, Layton Jackson, Robert Melville, Robert Albertson, Jack Cowden.

NOTE: Carol Croft Foster joined the band after this photo was taken.

Source: 1934 Sidney High School Annual ~ Contributors: Jill Hartley and her mother Carol Croft Foster

Sidney High School Band, 1934

Sidney High School Band

Band Index: Third row from the bottom: Harriet Maxine Pierson (third from right)

Contributed by Tom McClanahan (son of Harriet Maxine Pierson)


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