Winterset Madison, Iowa
Wednesday, November 20, 1918
Page 3, Column 4
Everett Charles Morgart was born near Kellogg, Jan 22, 1899. He died Nov. 5, 1918 at Hambug (sic), Iowa. He had enlisted at the school of aviation in Kansas City, to prepare himself for special work for his country. In all his work he was thorough and conscientious, as those who knew him has witnessed.
The future held for him a place of prominence, but in preparation for his country's call, he has given his life and won a place of honor.
He leaves a father at Winterset, who is too ill to be with us today. A mother, who was with him during his illness; a brother, who died October 12th
of this year, together with many relatives and friends, who mourn the loss of their loved one. The friends and relatives desire to express their
appreciation to the family with whom he made his home this summer and fall and those who have so kindly aided them during his last illness.