Newspaper Clipping
Dated 9 September 1886
"DIED - J. O. CHAMBERS, father of Myron
and Fremont, died at the Independence asylum Tuesday. The body
was brought here for interment, the funeral occurring Wednesday.
He was 75."
1880 Census
Myron |
M 30
Janitor |
" " |
Josephine |
28 F Wf. |
" " |
Eva |
8 F Dau |
Fremont |
M 18 Asst
P'mster |
1885 Census
Chas F. |
26 |
Dept. P.M.
Street |
Ester J. |
24 |
Fay. |
Chas B. |
1 |
Fay. |
1895 Census
Fremont C. |
33 |
Co. Recdr. |
Esther J. |
33 |
Housewife |
Fayette |
Charles B. |
5-18 |
Fayette |
Catherine C. |
5-18 |
Fayette |
~~~ *** ~~~
Return of
Marriage to Clerk of Circuit Court
Groom: C. F. Chambers
Residence - West Union; Occupation - Dept Postmaster; Age next
Birthday - 23 years; Color - White; Race - American; Born - Lake
County, Ill.; Father - J. O. Chambers; Mother's Maiden Name -
Catherin Smith
Bride: Esther J. Rosier
Residence - West Union; Age next Birthday - 23 years; Color -
white; Race - American; Born - West Union; Father - George
Rosier; Mother's Maiden Name - Alice Gibbon
Married at: West Union in the County of Fayette and State of
Iowa, the 30th day of November 1882
Witnesses to Marriage: C. B. Rosier and Addie Hazelton
~~~ *** ~~~
of Judith Rosier Chambers
11 March 1914
Democratic Appointment Announced Friday
For Successor to Postmaster C. F. Chambers
The daily papers of Friday announced the appointment of E. A.
McIlree to be postmaster at West Union. Generally a few weeks
are required for the confirmation of an appointee and the
issuing of the commission, and within that time it is expected
that Mr. McIlree will succeed Postmaster C. F. Chambers.
The appointment is not a surprise. The
patronage referees who have been settling appointments for Iowa
- Judge M. J. WADE, State Chairman REED, and the three
Democratic congressmen - were understood to have referred all
Fourth district appointments to Hon. Tim DONOVAN of New Hampton,
and his decision in favor of Mr. McIlree, who is editor of the
Union and chairman of the Democratic county committee, was given
some time ago, and so understood by
everybody. While the appointment is about the biggest reward
for the smallest amount of party service that has come to a Fayette county Democrat, yet
Mr. McIlree is capable of making a good postmaster, and has much local
support. He will, however, have a hard task ahead of him in
equaling Postmaster Chambers' high record of efficiency and
courtesy, and no one could surpass it. Criticism should be
withheld till the new office force has a chance to become
familiar with the duties of the place. |
10 January 1940
Time Prominent Officer Passes This Morning, Oelwein Hospital -
C. F. Chambers, 78, died in the hospital at Oelwein early this
(Wednesday) morning. He had been in the hospital since Dec. 26.
He had been in declining health for years, very seriously so
about a year ago and at the last cancer of the liver developed.
Mr. Chambers was recorder of Fayette county 1895-1901;
postmaster for several years beginning about 1908; county
auditor 1915-1923; and again postmaster for about ten years,
resigning as auditor to take that office.
Mrs. Chambers died Dec. 14, 1936. Surviving are a son and
daughter: C. B. Chambers, president of the First National Bank,
Oelwein, and Miss Catharyne Chambers, principal of the Clear
Lake high school.
Mr. Chambers came to West Union as a youth or young man from
Wisconsin, and spent the rest of his life here. He was clerk in
the post office, abstracter, and clothing salesman at intervals
between his office holding terms. He also was city clerk and a
member of the school board for long periods.
He was a member of the Presbyterian church, and active in all
branches of the Masonic fraternity."
9 September 1908
"Charles B.
Chambers and Miss Alta WASHBURN were married Wednesday evening at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Washburn of McGregor. The
wedding was a quiet affair, attended only by relatives. Those who went from
here were Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
and Miss Kathryn, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Washburn, and Mrs. H.F. KENNEDY and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Chambers left McGregor the same evening for a visit at Kansas
City. Returning they will make their home at Oelwein, where Mr. Chambers is
assistant cashier of the First National bank. The young people whose
fortunes for life are thus happily joined are worthy of every good thing
that can be said of them, having the ability and character and social
qualities that augur a happy and successful career."
January 1914
"It's Cashier Chambers Now - West Union
friends of Charles B. Chambers of Oelwein, son of County Auditor
C. F. Chambers, will be glad to learn of the important business
recognition he has received. At the annual election of officers
of the First National Bank of Oelwein, held last week, Mr.
Chambers was advanced from the position of assistant cashier to
the cashiership of that bank, which is one of the heaviest
financial institutions of Fayette County. The retirement at his
own request of T. L. HANSON, president, was followed by the
election of Cashier Alfred HANSON as president, and the latter's
place was filled by the advancement of Mr. Chambers. "Charlie"
is known by his friends to have the ability and the
trustworthiness for such a job, and they rejoice that the doors
of business opportunity are swinging wide to him."
"Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Chambers . . . mark
50th anniversary . . . - Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Chambers,
Oelwein, observed their 50th wedding anniversary at their home
at Oelwein Sept. 2. Mr. Chambers is the son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Chambers, West Union, and has been connected with
First National Bank at Oelwein for 50 years. He was president of
the bank for over 30 years, retiring two years ago, and since
then has been chairman of the board of directors.
Mrs. Chambers is the former Alta WASHBURN, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Washburn, McGregor. Their marriage took place in
the home of the bride's parents with Rev. H. WILLIAMS, pastor of
the Methodist church at McGregor officiating.
Mr. Chambers has one sister, Miss Catheryne Chambers, Clear
Lake, and Mrs. Chambers has a brother, Herb Washburn, Savanah,
Ill., and a sister, Mrs. O. W. TAYLOR, Tucson, Ariz.
The Chambers spent Labor day visiting their sister-in-law, Mrs.
Ethel Washburn, at McGregor."