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Fayette County, Iowa  

 Biography Directory


Portrait & Biographical Album of Fayette County Iowa

Containing Full Page Portraits and Biographical Sketches of

Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County

Lake City Publishing Co., Chicago

March 1891


~Page 687~


Peter Robertson

Peter Robertson, one of the early settlers of the county, now engaged in farming and stock-raising on section 31, Banks Township, is a native of Scotland. He was born in 1830, and is the eldest in a family of six children whose parents, Peter and Elizabeth (Lamb) Robertson, were also natives of Scotland. Accompanied by their children they crossed the Atlantic to America in 1849, and on reaching this country continued their journey to Rock County, Wis., locating in Johnstown Township, where the death of the father occurred in 1852. His wife survived him some years and died in Banks Township, Fayette County, in 1870. Their children are Peter of this sketch; William who died in Banks Township in 1890; Mrs. Catherine Smith, a resident of Banks Township; James who is married and resides in the same township; Mrs. Mary Dorothy of Rock County, Wis.; and Alex who is married and makes his home in Banks Township.


Our subject was a lad of twelve years when he bade good-by to Scotland and became a resident of the United States. His education, which was begun in the schools of his native land, was completed in Rock County, where he remained until twenty-two years of age, when in 1852, he cast his lot with the early settlers of Fayette County, Iowa. Entering two hundred and twenty five acres of land from the Government he at once began its development and has now one of the finest farms in this vicinity. By an additional purchase of sixty acres he has increased its boundaries until it comprises two hundred and eighty five acres, all of which is under a good state of cultivation. The owner ranks among the leading farmers of Banks Township and is a man of practical and progressive ideas.


In 1866, Mr. Robertson was united in marriage with Katie M. Bird, a native of Scotland, and a daughter of John and Ann Bird, who were also born in that country and died some years ago. Our subject was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife in 1887, her death occurring in the month of March. Unto them were born ten children, these now living - Daisy, Kittie, Rosa, Alice and Mary. The others were Anna, John and Adam, and Elizabeth who was accidentally killed in 1890, at the age of fourteen years.


In politics our subject is a Republican and takes considerable interest in public affairs keeping himself well informed on the leading issues of the day. He has held the offices of Assessor and Township Treasurer and has served as a member of the School Board. In everything pertaining to the advancement of the public welfare or the promotion of its best interests, he is found in the front rank, ready to do his part. His residence in the county covers a period of almost forty years. At the time of his arrival there were no railroad facilities nearer than Belvidere; now his produce can be shipped from a market only two miles from his home.




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