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Fayette County, Iowa  

 Biography Directory


Portrait & Biographical Album of Fayette County Iowa

Containing Full Page Portraits and Biographical Sketches of

Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County

Lake City Publishing Co., Chicago

March 1891


~Page 565~


William Pipho

William Pipho, one of the leading young farmers of the county residing on section 32, Center Township, has the honor of being a native born Iowan. His birth occurred in Mayfield Township, Bremer County, in 1861, he being a son of Christopher and August (Milnes) Pipho. His father, who was born in Germany, left his native land when a young man and crossing the broad Atlantic to America made his way to Illinois. His father, who was born in Germany, left his native land when a young man and crossing the broad Atlantic to America made his way to Illinois. He had little capital and it was thus necessary that he should secure work to earn his livelihood. He engaged as a farm hand and continued to labor in that way until after his marriage. His wife is a native of Illinois and they became parents of seven children, of whom William is second in order of birth. At an early day, we find this worthy couple had effected a settlement in Bremer County, Iowa, where Mr. Pipho purchased land and developed a farm. He and his wife are still residing on the old homestead and are worthy and respected citizens of that community.


In the county of his nativity our subject spent the days of his boyhood and youth being reared to manhood under the parental roof. The educational advantages which he received were those afforded by the common schools which he attended during the winter season, while in the summer he worked upon the farm. He remained at home until 1886, and then started out in life for himself. Coming to Fayette County, in that year he purchased an improved farm of one hundred and eighty acres on section 32, Center Township. It is pleasantly and conveniently situated near Maynard and has many of the conveniences of the model farm. His land is well cultivated, his fences in good repair, his home a comfortable dwelling and in 1888, he erected a good barn. Everything about the place denotes the thrift and industry of the owner who though a young man displays business ability and sagacity which might honor a much older head.


An important event in the life of Mr. Pipho occurred in 1884, when he led to the marriage altar Miss Louisa Lohman, the union being celebrated in Bremer County. The lady is a native of Germany as are also her parents, Louis and Lena (Wente) Lohman, who still reside in Bremer County. By this union have been born three children, two of whom are still living - Emma and Mary; Henry, the second child and only son died in October, 1890, at the age of three years. The parents are faithful members of the German Lutheran Church in Harlan Township and contribute liberally to its support. Mr. Pipho is a well informed man, keeping himself posted on the political issues of the day, and votes with the Democratic party. His entire life has been passed in Iowa and he has no wish to change his place of residence. Largely through his own efforts he has become one of the substantial farmers of the community and is deserving of much credit for his success.




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