1864 Masonic Records
County Lodges
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons (AF&AM)
The following note was included with the
returns of the Lodges:
Many of these returns were almost inexplicable. The Printer has done his best
to decipher them.
If he has failed, the Secretaries can
blame no one but themselves - and in future do better..... Gr. Secretary |
Researchers should always consult original records for
additional information or to verify the information in this data-base.
The transcriber has made every attempt to transcribe records accurately, but there may be errors.
extracted, abstracted & transcribed exclusively for IAGenWeb by Sharyl
Ferrall, copyright 2011
For an explanation of
the notes see the 'key' at the bottom of this page.
Lodges Consolidated.
Between 1856 - 1864
Key City Lodge, No. 161, Dubuque consolidated with Dubuque Lodge, No. 3
~ ~ ~ * * * ~ ~ ~
Dubuque Lodge, No. 3,
Dubuque, Dubuque county
Babbage, R.A. |
Master Mason |
Barney, W.J. |
Master Mason; suspended April 21, 1864 |
Baylies, A. |
Master Mason; died August 25, 1863 |
Beard, W.R. |
Tyler |
Bleaumena, M. |
Entered Apprentice |
Booth, C.H. |
Master Mason (Past Master) |
Bradley, W.L. |
Master Mason |
Brenner, W.A. |
Master Mason |
Brindle, G.W. |
Master Mason |
Brogue, M. |
Master Mason |
Brown, Will |
Master Mason |
Buck, Joseph |
Master Mason |
Bullock, J.G. |
Master Mason |
Bumont, S.B. |
Master Mason |
Bunting, A.S. |
Junior Deacon (Past Master) |
Candee, B. [Candes] |
Master Mason; Suspended November 24, 1863 |
Carson, J. |
Master Mason |
Chadwich, C. |
Master Mason |
Cheney, R.O. |
Master Mason |
Childs, C. |
Master Mason |
Conger, P.H. |
Master Mason |
Connor, Patrick O. |
Suspended August 20, 1863 |
Coval, J.S. |
Master Mason |
Cowls, Eugene |
Master Mason |
Cramer, F.J. |
Suspended April 21, 1864 |
Crippin, E. |
Master Mason |
Crosby, Esra |
Master Mason |
Cutter, L.H. |
Master Mason |
Debol, W.O. |
Master Mason |
Dorr, J.B. |
Master Mason |
Doud, John JR |
Master Mason |
Duncan, N.E. |
Master Mason; Suspended November 24, 1863 |
Farewell, L.T. |
Master Mason |
Friedlander, H. |
Master Mason |
Gibbs, P.L. |
Master Mason |
Gilbert, W.J. |
Master Mason |
Gilliam, C. |
Secretary (Past Master) |
Gilliam, T.F. |
Senior Warden |
Gottschalk, F. |
Master Mason |
Greenwald, A. |
Master Mason |
Guiger, Geo. B. |
Master Mason |
Guilbert, E.A. |
Master Mason |
Haggarty, James |
Master Mason |
Heath, H.H. |
Master Mason |
Heiney, Gustave |
Master Mason |
Hempsted, S. |
Master Mason (Past Master) |
Henderson, C.H. |
Master Mason |
Hennic, John |
Master Mason |
Henyon, J.B. |
Master Mason |
Hill, Alex. |
Master Mason |
Hooper, Wm. |
Master Mason |
Horr, Asa |
Master Mason |
Hunter, Phillip |
Master Mason |
Johnson, Wm. |
Master Mason |
Katz, M. |
Master Mason |
Kind, J.M. |
Master Mason |
Kotha, J.W. |
Entered Apprentice |
Langworthy, L.H. |
Master Mason |
Leman, C.P. |
Master Mason |
Leomer, F.J. |
Master Mason |
Levi, A. |
Master Mason |
Lewis, Warner |
Master Mason (Past Master) |
Littleton, H.A. |
Master Mason |
Lombardo, C.L. |
Master Mason |
Mackinze, C.A. |
Senior Deacon |
Magdole, H.A. |
Master Mason |
Manson, Walter |
Master Mason |
McBride, Jas. |
Master Mason |
McDonald, A.Y. |
Master Mason |
McDonald, H. |
Master Mason |
Mix, C.H. |
Master Mason |
Neuth, William |
Master Mason |
O'Conner, Patrick |
Master Mason |
Ott, M.C. |
Master Mason; Suspended November 24, 1863 |
Paree, S.E. |
Master Mason |
Peck, E.C. |
Master Mason; Suspended June 18, 1863 |
Perry, Hiram |
Master Mason |
Peters, L.G. |
Master Mason |
Pinto, J.A. |
Master Mason |
Piper, I.B. |
Junior Warden |
Plater, H.J. |
Master Mason |
Reber, A.J. |
Master Mason |
Rice, N.H. |
Master Mason |
Robinson, M.S. |
Master Mason |
Robinson, W.E. |
Worshipful Master (Past Master) |
Romberg, J.A. |
Master Mason |
Ryan, Edward |
Master Mason |
Schloth, C. |
Treasurer |
Schmidt, Conrad |
Master Mason |
Schmidt, Titus |
Master Mason |
Scmidt, Conrad |
Master Mason |
Shoddy, Wm. |
Master Mason |
Skinner, E.A. |
Master Mason |
Stevenson, R. |
Master Mason |
Swivel, Jacob |
Master Mason |
Vanduzee, A.J. |
Master Mason |
Wagner, H. |
Master Mason |
Weihe, W.E. |
Fellow Craft |
Williams, A. |
Master Mason |
Wilson, D.S. |
Master Mason; Suspended November 24, 1863 |
Worden, Jones |
Master Mason |
Wunderlick, C.F. |
Master Mason |
Zomhof, George |
Master Mason |
~ ~ ~ * * * ~ ~ ~
Metropolitan Lodge, No. 49,
Dubuque, Dubuque county
Allen, W.P. |
Worshipful Master |
Anderson, A.D. |
Demitted; Suspended February 5, 1864 |
Anderson, Jno. C. |
Master Mason |
Anderson, Wm. I. |
Suspended |
Arnold, J.T. |
Master Mason |
Baird, Wm. R. |
Tyler |
Barrett, O.M. |
Master Mason |
Berkey, J.J. |
Master Mason |
Broadhurst, J.G. |
Senior Warden |
Brown, W.K. |
Senior Deacon |
Burton, Geo. W. |
Master Mason |
Carson, M. |
Suspended |
Chase, Geo. L. |
Demitted (left the lodge to join another or became
non-affiliated) |
Coates, Wm. |
Master Mason |
Cooley, D.N. |
Master Mason |
Crandall, E.Z. |
Master Mason |
Daggett, Jno. M. |
Entered Apprentice |
Deggendorf, John |
Master Mason |
Dickinson, J.L. |
Demitted; Suspended September 3, 1863 |
Dickinson, W.P. |
Master Mason |
Everett, Jno. T. |
Master Mason (Past Master) |
Fern, John |
Master Mason |
Gannon, Chas. |
Master Mason |
Hancock, J.C. |
Master Mason |
Hardie, Thomas |
Secretary |
Hargus, C. |
Suspended |
Henney, Thos. |
Entered Apprentice |
Hervey, James |
Master Mason |
Hill, W.K. |
Demitted; Suspended September 3, 1863 |
Hines, Franklin |
Master Mason |
Howard, J.B. |
Master Mason |
Jones, B.W. |
Master Mason |
Jones, E.C. |
Suspended |
Lull, Jno. H. |
Master Mason |
Martin, A.L. |
Entered Apprentice |
Nairn, Thos. S. |
Master Mason (Past Master) |
Parker, J.A. |
Master Mason |
Parker, J.W. |
Master Mason |
Pierce, Geo. S. |
Master Mason |
Robbins, Wm. H. |
Treasurer |
Rompf, Wm. H. |
Master Mason |
Rouse, Hammond |
Master Mason |
Slothe, F. |
Master Mason |
Smith, Geo. B. |
Junior Warden |
Smock, G.V. |
Master Mason |
Taylor, A.A.E. (Rev) |
Master Mason |
Thompson, J.H. |
Master Mason |
Thompson, John |
Master Mason |
Warren, C.L. |
Master Mason |
Westphall, William |
Master Mason |
Woolnough, James |
Junior Deacon |
~ ~ ~ * * * ~ ~ ~
Mosaic Lodge, No. 125,
Dubuque, Dubuque county
Alexander, J.H. |
Master Mason |
Allison, M. |
Master Mason |
Allison, W.B. |
Master Mason |
Bates, J.F. |
Master Mason |
Benedict, J.C. |
Master Mason |
Berristein, C.V. Shaffer |
In Memory of our Patriotic Dead: Major, 5th Cavalry, died 1864 in
Kentucky, killed in battle while scouting |
Bonte, J.H.C. |
Master Mason |
Bourne, J.T. |
Master Mason |
Chapman, Jos. |
Master Mason |
Clark, Chas. N. |
Master Mason (Past master) |
Clark, W.H. |
Master Mason |
Cram, D.C. |
Master Mason |
Crane, Geo. |
Master Mason |
David, E.C. |
Entered Apprentice |
Dennis, J.S. |
Master Mason (Past master) |
Fanning, R.S. |
Master Mason |
Farmer, Jefferson |
Entered Apprentice |
Ford, C.J. |
Entered Apprentice |
Friend, W.C. |
Master Mason |
Fry, Geo. H. |
Senior Deacon |
Gaines, W.H. |
Demitted (left the lodge to join another or became non-affiliated) |
Gibbs, A.H. |
Fellow Craft |
Gifford, H.B. |
Master Mason |
Gilbert, U.S. |
Master Mason |
Gilman, C.C. |
Master Mason |
Gore, Chas. W. |
Demitted (left the lodge to join another or became non-affiliated) |
Goss, A.J. |
Master Mason |
Graves, R.E. |
Entered Apprentice |
Greaves, David |
Master Mason |
Harrison, J.M. |
Master Mason |
Herron, F.J. |
Master Mason (Past master) |
Hyde, John |
Junior Deacon |
Jones, Chas. W. |
Master Mason |
Massey, W.E. |
Master Mason |
Minshall, R.P. |
Master Mason |
Munson, H.S. |
Master Mason |
Osborne, S.F. |
Master Mason |
packard, S.H. |
Master Mason |
Pettitt, H.W. |
Entered Apprentice |
Pollock, S.M. |
Master Mason |
Raudolph, S.M. |
Entered Apprentice |
Reed, C.A. |
Master Mason |
Rider, J.V. |
Secretary |
Russell, A. |
Master Mason |
Ryder, N.C. |
Master Mason |
Smith, M.W. |
Master Mason |
Stewart, W.J. |
Senior Warden; Demitted (left the lodge to join another or became
non-affiliated) |
Torbert, Geo. L. |
Treasurer |
Tuttle, Horace |
Worshipful Master (Past Master) |
Utley, H.T. |
Master Mason |
Van Pelt, J.C. |
Junior Warden |
Vrendenburg, R.V. |
Master Mason |
Webb, Geo. |
Entered Apprentice |
Wemott, S.S. |
Master Mason |
Wheeler, M.M. |
Master Mason |
Williams, V.J. |
Master Mason |
Wilson, Thos. S. |
Master Mason |
~ ~ ~ * * * ~ ~ ~
Cascade Lodge, No. 127,
Cascade, Dubuque county
Abrams, P.G. |
Master Mason |
Allen, Hiram |
Entered Apprentice |
Arendale, Wm. H. |
Tyler |
Banghart, G.C. |
Junior Deacon |
Banghart, G.G. |
Master Mason |
Beard, Jas. |
Master Mason |
Beardsley, F.F. |
Master Mason |
Bemis, Wm. J. |
Senior Deacon (Past Master) |
Benham, Lucius |
Master Mason |
Berryhill, Joseph |
Master Mason |
Brookman, Wm. D. |
Junior Warden |
Butler, Wm. |
Entered Apprentice |
Chamberlin, Simon |
Master Mason |
Craft, Samuel |
Fellow Craft |
Crane, Henry D. |
Senior Warden (Past Master) |
Crawford, Thos. |
Entered Apprentice |
Croston, John |
Entered Apprentice |
Dowling, Maurice |
Master Mason |
Fay, Edwin D. |
Master Mason |
Griffith, Isaac |
Master Mason |
Hall, Wm. S. |
Treasurer |
Henderson, Jas. |
Master Mason |
Hicks, Frank M. |
Entered Apprentice |
Hogg, Wm. |
Entered Apprentice |
Hopkins, Sumner |
Worshipful Master |
Jackson, Allen |
Master Mason |
Johnston, Wm. |
Master Mason |
Jonens, Geo. A. |
Master Mason |
Jones, Enoch |
Master Mason |
King, J.M. |
Master Mason |
Malloy, Chas. |
Master Mason |
Marsh, H.H. |
Demitted (left the lodge to join another or became non-affiliated) |
McCluskey, Christopher |
Master Mason |
McVay, R.J. |
Secretary |
Miller, F.X. |
Entered Apprentice |
Moffitt, Mark |
Master Mason |
Scott, J.Z. |
Master Mason |
Smith, Austin H. |
Master Mason |
Snider, Jacob |
Entered Apprentice |
Snowden, Robert |
Master Mason |
Tippetts, Wm. N. |
Entered Apprentice |
Trumble, G.W. |
Master Mason |
Walters, Myron C. |
Master Mason |
Wolf, F.C. |
Demitted (left the lodge to join another or became non-affiliated) |
Wright, Henry |
Master Mason |
~ ~ ~ * * * ~ ~ ~
Orion Lodge, No. 132,
Dyersville, Dubuque county
Bagley, E. |
Master Mason |
Collings, Joseph |
Master Mason |
Coote, Thos. |
Master Mason |
Coultrup, D. |
Junior Warden |
Dutcher, S.A. |
Master Mason |
Fotterall, B.F. |
(Past Master) Demitted (left the lodge to join another or became
non-affiliated) |
Gadsden, J.S. |
Secretary |
Gibbs, R.J. |
Master Mason |
Gleason, B.F. |
Master Mason |
Hancock, Alexander |
Died April 11, 1864 |
Hancock, Charles |
Master Mason |
Heu de Bourck, W.H. |
Entered Apprentice |
Horton, W.E. |
Master Mason |
Lee, S.A. (Rev) |
Master Mason |
Lyons, Saml. (Rev) |
Master Mason (Past Master) |
Matthews, H.W. |
Master Mason |
McKee, Alonzo |
Master Mason |
Moreland, J. |
Master Mason |
Morley, John |
Master Mason |
Muche, A. |
Tyler |
Nichols, L. |
(Past Master) Demitted (left the lodge to join another or became
non-affiliated) |
Nicholson, R. |
Entered Apprentice |
Nutting, F. |
Entered Apprentice |
Perhannes, Geo. |
Master Mason |
Popham, H. |
Junior Deacon |
Randall, W.L. |
Worshipful Master (Past Master) |
Slausson, O. |
Senior Warden |
Smith, D.S. |
Senior Deacon |
Soden, John |
Fellow Craft |
Towsley, H. |
Master Mason |
Trick, W. |
Treasurer (Past Master) |
Wilkinson, J. |
Master Mason |
Wolf, F.C. (Rev) |
Master Mason |
~ ~ ~ * * * ~ ~ ~
WM - |
worshipful master |
GM - |
grand master |
PGM - |
past grand master |
DGM - |
deputy grand master |
GSW - |
grand senior warden |
GJW - |
grand junior warden |
SW - |
senior warden |
JW - |
junior warden |
SD - |
senior deacon |
JD - |
junior deacon |
GT - |
grand treasurer |
GS - |
grand secretary |
Treas. - |
treasurer |
Sec - |
secretary |
Tyler - |
Tyler |
Demitted - |
the lodge to join another or became non-affiliated |
U.D. - |
under dispensation |
The three degrees of Craft or Blue
Lodge Freemasonry are those of:
1. Entered Apprentice – the degree of an initiate, which makes one a
2. Fellow Craft – an intermediate degree, involved with learning;
3. Master Mason – the "third degree", a necessity for participation in
most aspects of Masonry.
Officers of the Masonic Lodges
1. Worshipful Master - the senior officer of a Masonic Lodge is the
Master, he directs the lodge business and presides over ritual and
ceremonies. At the conclusion of his term of office, he becomes known as
Past Master.
2. Senior Warden is the second of the three principal officers of a
lodge, and is the Worshipful Master's principal deputy. In many lodges
it is presumed that the Senior Warden will become the next Worshipful
3. Junior Warden is charged with the supervision of the Lodge while it
is in recess for meals or other social purposes.
4. Treasurer is the officer who keeps the accounts, collects annual dues
from the members, pays bills, and forwards annual dues to the Grand
Lodge. It is common for the Treasurer to be an experienced Past Master
5. Senior Deacon conducts candidates around the Lodge and speaks for
them during certain ceremonies, assists the Worshipful Master as needed
6. Junior Deacon assists the Senior Warden
7. The Tyler guards the door (from the outside), and ensures that only
those who are duly qualified gain entry into the lodge meeting
~source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masonic_Lodge_Officers
A lodge is a group of Masons, meeting in a specific location at
regularly scheduled times. Many lodges meet in a building called the
Masonic Hall. The state Grand Lodge grants charters (permissions) to the
Subordinate Lodges within that state. The subordinate lodges then
operate under the bylaws and regulations of the Grand Lodge.
Transcription disclaimer: researchers
should always consult original records for additional information or to
verify the information in this data-base. I've made every attempt to
transcribe accurately, but there may be errors. |
Check these lodges in
neighboring counties for Dubuque co. members:
Constellation Lodge, Colesburg & Delhi Lodge, U. D. Delhi -
Delaware co. |
~source: Proceedings
of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, at
its Twenty-first Grand Annual Communication held at Des Moines, June
7, A.L. 5864, A.D. 1864
~Data extracted for Dubuque co. IAGenWeb by S. Ferrall from a
microfilmed copy of the book. |