S |
Sanborn Rawson, farm
hand, Sec. 7 ; P. O. Delhi
Attorney and Clerk of the Courts, Delhi; born in Herkimer
Co., N. Y., July 3, 1838; was educated at Fairfield Seminary;
commenced the study of his profession in his native county,
but at the breaking out of the war enlisted in the 44th N. Y.
V. I.; participated in the various battles in which his
regiment engaged, till he was honorably discharged, Aug. 30,
1864; came to Delaware Co. in 1866; continued his study in
the office of the Hon. Ray B. Griffin, admitted to the Bar
in April, 1867; married Miss Frances E. Wood, of Manchester,
Iowa, Sept. 22, 1868; she was born in Grant Co., Wis., May
28, 1848; have two children— Mary D. and M. Clark.
Served as Justice of the Peace two years, and is now serving
his second term as Clerk of the Courts, the duties of which he
performs faithfully and well.
Shaw John H.
laborer, P. O. Delhi.
Shaw Thomas,
far., Sec, 18 ; P. O. Delhi.
Shaw Wm. Andrew,
laborer; P. O. Delhi.
Sherburne Geo. N., printer;
Sherburne S.
laborer; P. O. Delhi.
Short Moses,
teamster; Delhi.
Shottmiller Frank,
farmer, Sec. 1; P. O. Earlville.
Sims J. W.
gardener; P. O. Delhi.
Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Delhi; born in Buckinghamshire, Eng.,
Dec. 25, 1817. Married Miss Sarah Short, March 12, 1837; she
was born in same shire March, 19, 1818. He came to the United
States in 1842, and settled in Ohio, where they remained four
and a half years; then returned to England, coming back to
Ohio in two and a half years again; came to this county in
1860. They have five children living—Thomas, Maria, Edward J.,
Joseph C. and Mary E.; have lost four children. Mr. S. and
his son Thomas served in the 21st Reg. I. V. I., during the
war; he was wounded at Hartsville, Mo., and will carry the
rebel lead to his grave; was wounded in head and knee at same
battle; was taken sick in Texas, and sent to New Orleans in
Invalid Corps; took smallpox there; was honorably discharged
in May, 1869.
Simons J. E.
far. Sec. 24; P. O. Delhi.
Simons Thomas,
farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Delhi.
Smith D. M.
farmer and minister, Sec. 5; P. O. Delaware.
Smith Erastus,
far., Sec. 32 ; P. O. Delhi.
Superintendent Poor Farm of Delaware County; Delhi; born in
Erie County, O., Dec. 12, 1822. He married Miss Elisabeth
Minkler Feb. 7, 1844; have three children by this marriage,
one of whom is now living (Mrs. Ennis Martin, of Oswego, N.
Y.); lost his wife in 1859. Was married again to Mrs. Craig,
whose maiden was Miss Nellie J. Dull, Feb. 22, 1865; she had
three children by first marriage, two of whom are
living-Jennie M. and S. Lyle; Mrs. S. was born in Portage
County, O., Nov. 27, 1839. Mr. S. and his estimable wife have
for some time had charge of the unfortunates who have been
taken "over the hill to the Poor House." The order and
neatness that prevail about the premises conclusively show
that they are the right persons in the right place. They have
had two children, one living, Ada E. Their little boy, William
Barton, or, as he was better known by all in the household and
friends, "Little Bertie," died May 2, 1875.
"Put away the little garments,
Bertie needs them now no more.
Jesus watches safely o'er him.
On the bright and happy shore."
Smith G. D.
laborer; P. O. Delhi.
Smith J. B.
far., S. 28; P. O. Delhi.
Smith Mortimer,
far., S. 28; P. O. Delhi.
Smith Samuel,
far., See. 19; P. O. Delhi.
Snell John,
far., Sec. 17 ; P. O. Delhi.
Spang H. A.
retired; P. 0. Delhi.
Standacher John,
far., Sec. 29; P. O. Earlville.
whose portrait appears in this work, is of Welsh
extraction.. His father, Carder Stone, was an old resident of
Providence, Rhode Island, and died in Milford, Otsego Co., N.
Y. The subject of this sketch was born March 28, 1807, in
Milford, Otsego Co., N. Y., where he remained farming with his
father until the age of 21. He then purchased a farm of his
own. He came to Delaware Co. in April 21, 1854 and settled in
Delhi Tp., Sec. 9, residing there one year. He then moved to
the Village of Delhi, where he has resided ever since; he has
been Justice of the Peace two terms, Township Trustee
two terms, Poor House Director four and one half years; he
married Dec. 27, 1827, Priscilla Pepper in Milford ; she was
born in 1800, in Ware, Mass., and died April 17,1876 at Delhi;
they had seven children, five living—Henry B., Emily M.,
Leverett S., Chester D. and James L.; two dead---Sevilla A.
and Hiram. Married his present wife, Elizabeth Van Deusen, in
Delhi, Oct. 15, 1876, She was born in Columbia Co., N. Y.,
Jan. 22, 1821.
Stahr J. W.
far., S. 35; P. O. Hopkinton.
Stoner Cyrus,
farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Delhi.
Stone C. D.
farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Delhi.
Collection Agent and Notary Public; Delhi; born in Livingston
Co., N. Y., Sept. 11, 1839; lived there till 1865 when he came
to Delaware Co.; followed teaching 12 years; has served as
Justice of the Peace for several terms, a position he now
holds with ability enjoying the confidence and respect of the
people; was married to Miss Jennie Thompson in 1868; she was
born in Livingston Co., N. Y.
Sutton J. P.
Sec. 21; P. O. Delhi.
Sutton S. D.
far., Sec. 6; P. O. Delhi |
Sweeney Andrew,
laborer ; P. O. Delhi.
Swinburne John,
sexton: Delhi.
Editor of "Delhi Monitor'" was born at Cottam, England, Nov.
21, 1849; came with his parents to the U. S. in 1852, and
settled in Lockport, III.; after remaining there one year,
they went to Joliet, where he remained until 1855, when he
came to Delhi; in 1859 he commenced the printing business in
Delhi with J. L. McCreery, of "Delaware Co. Journal" and
worked three years. In 1838, he went to Dubuque and worked on
the "Dubuque Times". In 1864, he went to Manchester and worked
four years on the "Delaware Co. Union". From 1868 to 1872, he
worked on the "Dubuque Herald". In 1872 came to Delhi, and
took charge as Foreman of the "Delaware Co. Recorder". In
Aug., 1872, he bought the "Recorder" and changed its name to
"Delhi Monitor". He has made it a first-class paper, which has
been steadily increasing in circulation every year, and today
ranks with any of the papers of this county.
T |
Talmadge Geo.
farmer. Sec. 31; P. O. Delhi.
Tegard L. D.
Thompson Daniel,
laborer; P. O. Delhi.
laborer, P. O. Delhi.
Thompson Isaac,
tailor; P. O. Delhi.
Thompson Joe,
printer in Monitor office, Delhi.
Thompson John Q.,
school teacher; Delhi.
Thompson Wm,
laborer; P. O. Delhi.
Merchant, Delhi; born in Stamford,
Conn., February 11 1814; moved to Duchess Co., N. Y.; lived
there seven years and moved into the city of New York, where
he remained 17 years; was in manufacturing hats; married
Elizabeth Lasher in Duchess Co., the place of her nativity;
they have eight children—Benjamin Jr., Charles,
Garrett L., Rachel A., Sturgis P., Alfred, George M. and
Richard; came to Delhi in 1855, and has been in business here
since 1856.
Tibbits A. E.
far., S. 16: P. O. Delhi.
Traynor John,
farm hand; P. O. Delhi.
Tubbs E. P.
farmer. S. 22 ; P. O. Delhi.
Farmer. Sec. 16; P. O. Delhi; born in Otsego Co., N. Y., Feb.
19, 1803; in 1844, moved to McHenry Co., Ill.; married Miss
Amy Swift, of Otsego Co., N. Y.; eight children, seven of whom
are still living— Anna V. (deceased), Mrs. Betsy White, Eliza,
Mrs. Alsena Baker, Mrs. Cynthia Benson; Hyde E., Mrs. Mahala
White, Mrs. Harriet Tibbetts; wife died Oct 4, 1873; was
married !o the Widow Macrennels (maiden name Mary A. Blewett)
in 1874 ; she was born in Cornwall, Eng., May 10, 1837; she
had six children by first marriage— Elias W., Jane A., Charles
H., Lorinda, Sarah and Fannie E. (deceased); Mr. T. came to
Delaware Co. in 1851; they own 118 acres of land.
Turner Eli,
farmer, S. 14; P. O. Delhi.
Turner Samuel,
far. S. 14 ; P. O. Delhi.
Twiss T. A.
Deputy Auditor Delaware Co. Delhi.
V |
Van Antwerp Daniel,
farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Delhi.
W |
Ward, John.
Attorney at Law, Delhi; born in Philadelphia, Pa., March 9,
1819; parents removed to Jefferson Co., N. Y., where he was
educated; studied his profession in the office of Hon. Trumo,
of Ky.; was admitted to the bar in 1842 ; practiced two years
in partnership with his preceptor; moved to Detroit, Mich., in
1845, where he practiced one year with Hon. John Norvel, U. S.
District Attorney; his health failing, he spent several years
in travel, hunting and fishing; came to Delhi in 1856; was
elected Prosecuting Attorney, but did not accept; served as
District Attorney of Ninth Judicial District four years and
County Recorder two years; married Miss Elizabeth Rutan Aug.
4, 1860; she was born in Paterson, New Jersey; they have one
son—George Webster.
Way Wm.,
tenant far. S. 5 ; P. O. Delhi.
far. S. 23 ; P. O. Delhi
Farmer, S. 16; P. O. Delhi; born in Oswego Co., N. Y., Dec. 26, 1833; parents
moved to Ohio in 1834; remained there three years, and went to
McHenry Co., Ill., in 1849; his family went to California and
the family returned to Ohio; Mr. White came to Delaware Co. in
1856; married Mrs. Betsey Tubbs Dec. 25, 1857; she was born in
Oswego Co., N. Y., April 6, 1831; have three children living —
Harriet S., John R., Louie A.; lost one child in infancy; owns
80 acres of land.
White Geo.
tenant far. S. 9; P. O. Delhi.
Whitaker J. J.
farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Earlville.
White J. R.
tenant farmer; P. O. Delhi.
White Ward,
carpenter; P. O. Delhi.
Wilcox Erastus,
far. S. 29; P. O. Delhi.
Wilcox Geo.,
farmer, S. 32; P. O. Delhi
Wilson Frank,
Sec. 28; P.O. Delhi.
Winters William
Wolfe J. H., farmer,
Sec. 18, P.O. Delhi. |