H |
Haeberle, H. C.,
Deputy treasurer of Delaware Co., Delhi; born in Goeppingen,
Wurtemburg, Feb. 8, 1847. His parents emigrated to the United
States when he was young; settled in Dubuque County in 1860;
was Teller in bank of Gelpecke & Co.; latter part of same year
commenced learning harness making of L. D. Randall & Co., and
continued till Sept, 1872, and lived there until 1863; was in
various parts of Northeastern Iowa till he came to Delaware
County in 1868; served as Deputy Clerk of this county during
1873 and 1874; Clerk in abstract office for Henry Harger in
1875; since that time has been Deputy Treasurer of this
county. Mr. H. is a gentleman whose steady habits and close
attention to his business beget for him the confidence and
respect of the citizens of the county. He married Oct. 20,
1875, Miss Clara P. Heath; she was born in Union Township,
this county, Aug, 3, 1853. One child living: Fannie E.; lost
one, Charles E. Mr. H. is a member of A. F. & A. M.; also
United Workmen, I. O. O. F, and Encampment.
Ham, Geo.,
farmer, Sec. 2 ; P. O. Earlville.
Ham, John,
far., Sec. 2 ; P. O. Earlville |
Hamilton, A. P. far.
Sec. 8; P. O. Delhi
HARGER, Henry,
Abstract of Titles, Delhi; born in Oxford, Conn., April
14,1832; came to Chicago in 1853; was in City Surveyor's
office for three months; returned home and graduated at the
Connecticut State Normal School in 1856; followed teaching
there until 1858 when he removed to Delaware Co., Iowa,
arriving here in May; continued teaching until the war broke
out, assisted in recruiting a company, and was mustered into
the 21st I. V. I., as Second Lieutenant in 1862; was in the
severe engagements of Grand Gulf, Black River, and siege of
Vicksburg; was promoted to First Lieutenant at Vicksburg;
received an honorable discharge in January, 1864. He married
Miss Sarah E. Smith May 4, 1864; she was born in St Joseph
Co., Mich., Sept. 13, 1843; have two children: Frank E. and
Burton B. Mr. H. served as County Surveyor from 1865 to 1867,
and as Recorder from 1867 to 1875. Owns 265 acres of land
Harper, Peter, farmer;
Sec. 15; P. O. Delhi.
Harris, A. P.,
carpenter; Delhi.
Hawes, G. W. J.,
retired; P. O. Delhi.
Station Agent; Delhi.
ue Co. several years;
In 1840.he moved to Delaware Co., farming for two years, when
he moved to Delhi, where he resided until 1857, when he went
to Osage, Mitchell Co., and served two years and one half as
Receiver of Land Office. The office being abolished, he
returned to Delhi, where he has since resided. Was the First
Clerk of District Court and also of Commissioner's Court,
Recorder of Deeds one term. Took the U. S. census for this
county in 1860 Has been Justice of the Peace seven or eight
years, and also Postmaster of Delhi. He married Mary E. A.
Ringgold in Queenstown, Md., Dec. 22, 1831. She died ————————
. They had four children, three living-Charles F., born Nov.
11, 1833; Alexander G., Sept. 4, 1836, and Thomas Wilson
Benton, Feb. 4, 1842, and one dead--Anna Mary Wilson. Married
his present wife, Philinda S. Barnes in Delhi, July 6, 1856;
she was born in Franklin Co., Ver., Aug. 13, 1831; they had
seven children, two living— Theron W., born May 12, 1862, and
Bertha Mina Aug. 7, 1865; five died in infancy.
Attorney at Law, Delhi; born in Geneseo, New York, Feb, 21,
1834; he came to Delaware Co., Iowa, in 1857; commenced the
study of law, and was found to be an industrious student, an
apt pupil, and possessing a will endowed with native energy,
an unswerving purpose of mind, which are sufficient guarantees
of success; he was admitted and taken into fellowship with the
honored and privileged members of the bar in 1860; he has been
in the practice of his profession in Delhi, the county seat of
Delaware Co., since that time; married Miss Mary Barnard April
26, 1860; she was born in England; have two children—Jessie
and Ralph M. |
Heise, Fred. |
Held, J. P., tin
and hardware. Delhi. |
HOBBS, Charles W.,
Delhi; was born in Queen Ann's Md., Dec. 3, 1805. His father,
Charles, was born in that State, and died In 1817; the subject
of this sketch resided in that State until the age of 30; part
of the time farming and part clerking for James Gibson of
Queenstown. In October, 1836, he went to St. Louis, and
remained there until Oct. 1837, engaged at a clerk for David
B. Hill, lumber merchant. The same month he left St. Louis and
went to Dubuque, Iowa, remaining in Dubuque Co. several years;
In 1840.he moved to Delaware Co., farming for two years, when
he moved to Delhi, where he resided until 1857, when he went
to Osage, Mitchell Co., and served two years and one half as
Receiver of Land Office. The office being abolished, he
returned to Delhi, where he has since resided. Was the First
Clerk of District Court and also of Commissioner's Court,
Recorder of Deeds one term. Took the U. S. census for this
county in 1860 Has been Justice of the Peace seven or eight
years, and also Postmaster of Delhi. He married Mary E. A.
Ringgold in Queenstown, Md., Dec. 22, 1831. She —
. They had four children, three living-Charles F., born Nov.
11, 1833; Alexander G., Sept. 4, 1836, and Thomas Wilson
Benton, Feb. 4, 1842, and one dead--Anna Mary Wilson. Married
his present wife, Philinda S. Barnes in Delhi, July 6, 1856;
she was born in Franklin Co., Ver., Aug. 13, 1831; they had
seven children, two living: Theron W., born May 12, 1862, and
Bertha Mina Aug. 7, 1865; five died in infancy.
HOLBROOK, Capt. Joseph
M., County Treasurer, Delhi; born in Sackett's
Harbor, N. Y. ; came to Manchester, Delaware Co.. in 1859 ;
was in the grain business till the war broke out when he
assisted in the organization of a company for the 27th Iowa V.
I.; was mustered into service as First Lieutenant Company F,
Aug. 14. 1862; followed the varied fortunes of the regiment
under Gen. Banks till he was wounded at Pleasant Hill on Red
River; was sent to New Orleans where the amputation of his arm
became necessary; was commissioned Captain Aug. 21, 1863 ;
served on Court Martial duty at Memphis. Tenn. till he was
honorably discharged July 13, 1865; the Captain has served as
Treasurer of Delaware Co. for twelve years, a position which
he still holds with credit to himself and to the satisfaction
of the people |
Holdridge, Riley.
far: S. 23 : P. O. Delhi.
House, L. S.
far. Sec. 16; P. O. Delhi.
Attorney and Counselors at Law, Delhi; A. E. House was born in
Oswego Co., N. Y., Dec. 13, 1828; was educated in his native
county where he also studied law in the offices of Judge Allen
and D. H. Marsh; was admitted to the bar in 1851; married Miss
Louisa M. Spang in 1858; she was born in Pennsylvania; have
one child, Arthur, aged 11; the judge served as Major of the
6th Iowa V. Cavalry during the war; Mr. T. J. Dooley was born
in LaSalle, Ill, Sept. 1,1853; studied his profession in his
native county, and was admitted to the bar in 1872; came to
Delaware Co. in 1876.
Howe, C. W.
butcher; Delhi.
Hughes, A. R
laborer; Delhi.
Hughes, Frazier,
laborer; Delhi.
Hutchins, Marvin,
prop, Harding Hotel Delhi. |
J |
farmer. Sec. 15; P. O. Delhi.
JACKSON, Henry C., County Recorder, Delhi; born in
Hopkinton, this county, Feb. 23,1844; his parents came to this
county in an early day and were among the first settlers; he
was educated at the Lenox Collegium Institute, formerly known
as the Bowen Collegiate Institute, of Hopkinton; married Miss
Ella E. Wells, Sept. 27, 1876; she was born in Fulton, N. Y.
Jan. 3, 1853; came to this county in 1868; Mr. J. was elected
Recorder in the Fall of 1874, a position which he still holds
with credit and ability.
Joslin, Benj.,
farmer, S. 31; P. O. Delhi.
Joslin, J. R.,
farmer, S. 31; P. O. Delhi.
Joslin, W. J.,
farmer, S. 31; P. O. Delhi.
K |
Keith, P. W.
clerk Harding House; Delhi.
Keith, Thomas,
farmer; P. O. Delhi.
Kelley, James,
farmer; P. O. Delhi.
Kelley, Michael,
P. O. Delhi.
Kelley, T. C.,
farm.; S. 13; P.O. Delhi.
Kelley, Thomas
farm.; S. 13; P.O. Delhi.
KENNA, Patrick,
Proprietor Billiard Hall and Saloon, Delhi; born in Canada
Feb. 14, 1853; came to the United States when quite young; has
a faint recollection of seeing Niagara Falls; first settled in
Jackson Co, Iowa in 1857; moved to Jones Co.; came to
Delaware Co. in 1862; married Miss Charlotte A. McLaughlin
Jan. 6, 1865; she was born in Key Port, New Jersey; have two
children—Letitia and William.
Kenny, Ross,
farmer; P. O. Delhi.
Kofhmehl, Joseph,
wagon maker; Delhi.
Kourt, Barnard, farmer,
S. 34; P. O. Delhi.
Kurlson, R.
L |
Lacrone, I. A.,
blacksmith, Delhi.
Lampson R. H.
tenant farmer; Sec. 7; P.O. Delhi.
Lampson S.
farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Delhi.
Laughlin John,
far.; P. O. Delhi.
Lees Henry,
far. S. 14; P.O. Delhi
Lenehan Pat.,
saloon; Delhi.
Libe Adam,
far. S. 13; P. O. Earlville.
Long Jos.
far. Sec. 6; P. O. Delaware.
Lorig Matt
blacksmith; Delhi.
Lovell F. A.,
tinner; Delhi.
Lutes William,
carp., Sec. 20; Delhi.
Lux Geo.,
far. Sec. 36; P. O. Earlville.
Lux M.
far. Sec. 36; P. O. Earlville.
Lux Peter,
far. Sec. 35 ; P. O. Delhi.
Mc |
McCann, John,
farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Delhi.
McCormick, Nathaniel,
far.; P. O. Delhi.
McCoy H.C.
mason; Delhi.
McElmel J. F.
far, S. 25; P. O. Delhi.
McElmel, John, Merchant,
Delhi; born in Pittsburgh, Pa.. Nov. 7, 1843; came to Delaware
Co. in 1855; crossed the plains in 1864, to the gold regions
of California; came back in
1868; married Miss Mary E. Lux in 1870 ; she was born in
Prussia; have four children living—Helen, Stephen, Eugene and
John; lost one child, Margaret. Mr. M. has been engaged
in merchandising at his present location since last
Fall; keeps a general stock and by fair dealing and honest
goods hopes to increase his already established business.
McElmeel Jos.
far., Sec. 25; P. O. Delhi
McElmeel Owen,
far., S. 36; P. O. Delhi
McGuire Barney
section boss. Delhi
McGuire Bernard,
clerk, Delhi.
McGuire John,
laborer. P. O. Delhi.
McKEE George H.
Farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Earlville; born Jefferson Co., N. Y., at
Sackett's Harbor, Jan.15, 1827. In 1850 he went to the gold
region of California; returned to New York in 1853, came to
Dubuque Co. in 1854, and to Delaware County in 1866.
He married Miss Lucretia A. Fitsimmons Jan. 4, 1854; she was
born in Orleans Co., Vt., Jan. 23, 1835 ; have five children
living—Monroe C, Emmet S., Martha A., Mary L, and Bertha L.
Owns 215 acres of land.
A. C.
far., Sec. 9 ; P. O. Delhi
McLaughlin Thos.
far., S. 15; P. O. Delhi
McLaughlin Thos. H.
farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Delhi
McMeel Barney,
blacksmith, Delhi.
McMeel James,
farmer; P. O. . Delhi. |
McMeel Owen,
stone mason; Delhi. |
McMeel P.
blacksmith; Delhi. |
McMillan John,
saloon; Delhi.
McReynolds Charles,
lab.; P. O. Delhi.
McReynolds E. W.
farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Delhi.
M |
Martin Erastus,
teamster; Delhi.
Martin Thomas,
laborer: P. O. Delhi.
Mason Martin,
carpenter; Delhi.
Mitchell James,
far., S. 24; P. O. Delhi .
Moore Nelson,
far., S. 4; P. O. Delaware
Moore Milton.
Morgan B. S.,
carpenter; Delhi.
Morgan F. E.,
mechanic; Delhi.
Morgan Wm.,
carpenter; Delhi.
Myers Rufus R.,
P. O. Delhi.
N |
Naylan, Michael,
farmer, laborer; P. O. Delhi.
Neal, W. F.,
painter; Delhi
Nugent, J. F.,
Catholic priest; Delhi.
Noble, J. M.,
retired; P. O. Delhi.
Norris, Harrison,
labour; P. O. Delhi.
Norris, James,
renter; P. O. Delhi.
Norris, J. W.
NORRIS, Leonard, Farmer,
S. 14; P. O. Delhi; born in Washington Co., Ky.. Jan. 26,
1817; moved to Illinois in 1831; married Miss Martha Ashburn
Sept. 13, 1842; she was born in Overton Co., Tenn. Jan. 11,
1825; they came to Delaware Co. in 1843, when but few white
people had ventured into what was thought a wild and cheerless
Eldorado; have seven children Iiving:—John W., James T.,
Joseph B., Harrison, Royal L., Susan E. and Ida May;
lost three children. Mr. N. entered the land upon
which he now lives and owns.
Norris, Thos.,
far., Sec. 14; P. O. Delhi.
Nutting, S. M.,
carpenter; P. O. Delhi
O |
Oehler Ambrose,
far., Sec. 14, P. O Earlville.
Oehler Geo.,
far., Sec. 14; P. O Earlville.
S. E.
6r, Sec. 19; P. O. Delhi.
P |
Palmer, John,
agent; Delhi.
Parker Alfred,
far., S. 3; P. O. Earlville.
Parker Elias.
far., Sec. 3; P. O. Earlville.
Patterson J. T.
Pearson P. M.
laborer; Delhi.
Penn Geo. W.
farmer, S. 9; P. O. Delhi.
Penn John T.
merchant; Delhi.
PENN, John W.
Retired farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Delhi; born in Nelson Co., Pa.,
Nov. 24, 1810 ; emigrated to Dubuque Co. in 1833; lived there
until 1839, when he came to Delaware Co., in the Spring, one
of the pioneers of the county; went hunting with the Indians a
great many times and camped out with them; took a claim of the
land where through which runs a delightful stream, both of
which bear the name of Penn after the subject of this sketch;
married Widow Dance (maiden name Parmelia Sade) Feb. 10, 1846;
she was born in Gallatin Co., Ky., January 27, 1817; her
parents moved near Springfield, Ill., when she was a child;
she had four children by former marriage—Amos J., Francis M,
William M. and Mrs. Melissa Stoner; they have five
children—Eliza, now Mrs. John Norris; John T., George W.,
Mary, now Mrs. Furman and Fannie L.; the first Com. Court was
held in Mr. P.'s cabin; he has been Sheriff ten years, Justice
of the Peace two years, and held various positions of trust
and honor.
Peters H. E.
teacher; Delhi.
Peters H. K.
farmer; P. O. Delhi.
Col. John H.
Attorney at Law, Delhi, born in Litchfield Co., Conn., Feb. 2,
1829; was educated at the district school and academy of his
native village and completed at Trinity College, Hartford,
Conn., where he also received the rudiments of a military
education, which proved of great service to him in after life
; studied law in the in the office of the Hon. Truman Smith,
since U. S. Senator from that State; in 1852, removed to
Freeport, III., and was soon after admitted to practice in the
Supreme Court of that State, at the Capitol by examination;
came to Delhi, the county seat of Delaware Co., and commenced
the practice of his profession, showing marked ability and
energy and at an early age took a prominent position among the
leading members of the bar of Northern Iowa; the Colonel was a
brave and dashing officer during the war, beloved by his men
and respected by all; he is now engaged in the practice of his
profession at Delhi, where he is surrounded by a host of
admiring friends and acquaintances
Petlon Jacob, farmer, Sec.
6 P. O. Delaware.
Phillips Bloomer,
tenant farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Delhi.
Phillips J. M.
farmer, S. 23; P. O. Delhi.
Phillips Zina,
renter, S. 22; P. O. Delhi.
Poor J.
tenant far., S. 19 ; P. O. Delhi.
Porter J.
evergreen nursery; P. O. Delhi.
Powell C. W.,
farmer; Sec. 11; P. O. Earlville.
Powell Martin,
farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Earlville.
Powers John,
farmer, P. O. Delhi.
Preston, Alvah,
laborer ; P. O. Delhi.
Preston Alvah, Sr.,
retired; P. O. Delhi.
Price William,
laborer ; P. O. Delhi.
Pulver B.,
farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Delhi.
Pulver Daniel,
farm., S. 15; P. O. Delhi.
Pulver Henry,
retired, S. 16; P.O. Delhi.
Pulver J. M.,
farm., S. 15; P. O. Delhi.
R |
Robinson Charles,
farmer, S. 12; P. O. Earlville.
Robinson William,
farmer, See. 10; P. O. Earlville.
Rockwell William,
farmer, P. O. Delhi.
Rue G. H.
laborer; P. O. Delhi.