1856 Iowa State Census

The 1856 census is the only census which asked the question how long people had been a resident of the state of Iowa. Because of this one question the 1856 Iowa State Census stands out as one of the most helpful early census records for the genealogist searching for ancestors in Iowa.

This census is hard to read in many respects. As we all know, older records are inherently hard to decipher. Capital "L" and "I" are almost indistinguishable one from the other. Lower case "n" and "v" are also hard to determine. Even though every attempt has been made to check and double check these records for errors the researcher is advised to look at all possible spellings when using this index. I'm sure there are errors on the part of the enumerator as well as in creating the index.   Sherry Hess Jones / Spanaway, WA


 Last = Last Name -- First = First Name -- Years = Number of years in the State

Last First Age Sex Years Page # Township
Allison Henry W M 6 Boone
Allison Mariah C. 25 F 16Boone
Atkins Aseneth 32 F 322 Boone
Atkins Diana 4 F 22 Boone
Atkins James R. 11 M 3 22Boone
Atkins John 36 M 322 Boone
Atkins Lucretia 13 F 3 22 Boone
Atkins Paulina J. 15 F 3 22 Boone
Atkins Wm. W. 9 M 22 Boone
Baldwin James R. 3 M 8Boone
Baldwin Juliette R 4 F 1 6 Boone
Baldwin Lucinda 26 F 8 Boone
Baldwin Mary E. 2 F 1 6 Boone
Baldwin Sarah E 5 F 8 Boone
Baldwin Sarah J. 7 F 1 6 Boone
Baldwin Thomas 26 M 8 Boone
Beldin Henry 25 M 6 Boone
Beldin Phebe 24 F 6 Boone
Beldin Santhort? 15 M 6 Boone
Bisto Byron 3 M 10 Boone
Bisto John 31 M 2 10 Boone
Bisto Margaret 23 F 2 10 Boone
Bisto Mervin? M 10 Boone
Blackman Edward O 5 M  1 10 Boone
Blackman  Eliza A. 34 F 1 10 Boone
Blackman E. P.?38 M 1 10 Boone
Blackman Joseph W 8 M 1 10 Boone
Blackman Mary M. 5 F 1 10 Boone
BooneElizabeth 6 F 8 16 Boone
Boone Flinda? 19F 8 14 Boone
Boone Francis 17 F 8 14 Boone
Boone Joshua22 M 8 14 Boone
Boone Julia A 12F  8 14 Boone
Boone Margaret 10 F 8 14 Boone
Boone Martha 14 F 8 14 Boone
Boone Mary 8 8 16 Boone
Boone Sarah15 F 8 14 Boone
Boone Susanna42 F 8 14Boone
Breezely David19M 6 Boone
Breezely John50M Boone
Breezely John 21 M 6 Boone
Broyhill ????39 M 1 2 Boone
Broyhill Emiline 40 F 1 2 Boone
Broyhill George C. 11 M 4 Boone
Broyhill Mary E. 15 F 4 Boone
Cassatte Charlotte  28 F 10 Boone
Cassatte Henry34 M 10 Boone
Cassatte Homer 4 M 10 Boone
Cassatte Mary 8 F 10 Boone
Clayton Benjamin 48 M 2 4 Boone
Clayton Henry C 11 M 2 4 Boone
ClaytonJ. C. 24 M 7 86 Boone
Clayton J. H. 28 M  7 86Boone
Clayton James D. 22 M 2 4 Boone
Clayton Jeremiah H 5 M 2 4 Boone
Clayton John 56 M  7 86 Boone
Clayton John 13 M  2 4 Boone
Clayton Julia A. 1 F 86 Boone
Clayton Martha A. 20 F 2 4 Boone
Clayton Rebecca 52 F  7 86 Boone
Clayton Sarah H. 42 F 2 4 Boone
Clayton Susan E. 15 F 2 4 Boone
Clayton Susan M. 6 F 86Boone
Clayton Thomas F. 17 M  2 4 Boone
Cook Ann E.  7  F 86 Boone
Cook M 86Boone
Cook Eleanor 62 F 86 Boone
Cook Elihu 30 M 86 Boone
Cook Exam 15  M  86 Boone
Cook Francis 18 M 86 Boone
Coppick Louisa E 15 F 16 Boone
Coppick Monah A. 44  F 1 16 Boone
Coppick Solomon W. 19 M  1 16 Boone
Coppick Thos 50 M 1 16 Boone
Crawl Archibald 58 M 9 88Boone
Crawl Harvy 12 M 9 88 Boone
Crawl Jesse 17  M 9 88 Boone
Crawl Mary A. 52 F 9 88 Boone
Crawl William A. 21 M 9 88 Boone
Crockett David 6 M 18 Boone
Crockett Jonathan 10 M 18 Boone
Crockett Mariann? 3 F  18 Boone
Crockett Mary A. 29 F 18 Boone
Crockett Mary E 1 F 18 Boone
Crockett Samuel 35 M 18 Boone
Dabney Alvert C 11 M 6 Boone
Dabney Henry 60 M 4 Boone
Dabney Isaac W. 22 M  4 Boone
Dabney Jacob K? 3 M  6 Boone
Dabney John W. 16 M  4 Boone
Dabney Mariah 43 F 4 Boone
Dabney Mariah E. 13 M  4 Boone
Dabney Owen P. 6 M  6 Boone
Dabney Richard T. M  6 Boone
Dabney Thos. L. 9  M 6 Boone
Dabney Wm. H. H. 20 M 4 Boone
Davis James N? 5  M 16 Boone
Davis John M. 3 M 16 Boone
Davis Joseph  27  M 16 Boone
Davis Susan 26 F 16 Boone
Debro Willis 20 M 10 Boone
Dillon John L. 21 M 88 Boone
Donel John M. 25 M  9 86Boone
Donel Ruth 25 F 9 86Boone
Douglas  Adaline 13 F 3 24 Boone
Douglas Catharine 40 F 22 Boone
Douglas Charles 6 M 24Boone
Douglas George 20  M 3 24 Boone
Douglas James  57  M 3 22 Boone
Douglas James 9 M  3 24 Boone
Douglas John 1 M 24 Boone
Douglas Sarah 11 F  3 24 Boone
Douglas W.H. 16 M  3 24 Boone
Ellis F 8 Boone
Ellis John 27 M 10 8 Boone
Ellis Julia A. 23 F 12 8 Boone
Ellis L.A.  5 F 22 Boone
Ellis Levi P. 2 M 22Boone
Ellis Lisander? 29 M 2 22 Boone
Ellis Mariah 24 F 2 22 Boone
Ellis Sarah J. 4 F 4 8 Boone
England Franklin 2 M 1 14 Boone
England James A  5 M 1 14 Boone
England Jonathan 13 M 1 14 Boone
England Lorenzo  4 M 1 14 Boone
England Rachel 38  F 1 14 Boone
England Thos. J 36 M 1 14 Boone
Fetors Abraham 21? M 2 2 Boone
Fetro Elizabeth 22  F 2 2 Boone
Fetro George S. 3 M 2 2 Boone
Fetro Mary H. F 2 Boone
Flinn D.M. 35 M 9 14 Boone
Flinn Elizabeth 35  F  9 14 Boone
Flinn John 27 M 3 16 Boone
Flinn Mortah J. 1  F 14 Boone
Flinn Sarah M. 17  F 16 Boone
Flinn Simpson 3  M 14Boone
Frasier Eli 28  M  3  22 Boone
Frasier Lucinda R. 24 F 3 22 Boone
Frasier Mary E. 1 F 22 Boone
Glim Anivence? 14  F 16 Boone
Glim Elizabeth 11  F 16Boone
Glim John 38 M 4 16Boone
Glim Margaret 8 F 16Boone
Glim Phebe 4  F 16 Boone
Glim Sarah 16 Boone
Glim Susanna 37  F  4 16Boone
Glimm Mathias 21  M 5 12Boone
Golden  A. 23  M 22Boone
Golden Abraham 24 M 8 Boone
Golden M 8 Boone
Golden Eli 22 M 6 6 Boone
Golden Ellen 1  F 22 Boone
Golden  Jane 21 F 22 Boone
Golden Jane 19 F 8 Boone
Golden Lucinda F  6 Boone
Golden Richard 48 M 6 6 Boone
Golden Sarah A. 18  F 6 Boone
Golden Susanna 47  F 6 6 Boone
Goodson J.C 43 M  8 16 Boone
Goodson Priscilla 40 F 8 16 Boone
Goodson Sarah A. 18  F 8 16 Boone
Goodson Silas J. 7 M 18Boone
Goodson W.N. 20  M 8 16 Boone
Graham Annis 6  F 6 Boone
Graham F.S. 30 M 1 10 Boone
Graham Julie 25 F 1 10 Boone
Graham Morris 2  M 1 10 Boone
Graham Olive 25  F  4 6 Boone
Graham W.C 30 M  4 6 Boone
Gresham David W.  6 M 14 Boone
Gresham George  37 M 8 14 Boone
Gresham Jacob M 11 M 8 14 Boone
Gresham John S 3 M 14 Boone
Gresham Nancy E. 36 F 8 14 Boone
Groves George 5 M 12Boone
Groves Jane 32 F  7 12 Boone
Groves John F 10 M 12Boone
Groves Wm. 32 M 7 12 Boone
Gutshall Hannah E.  9 F  4 Boone
Gutshall Jacob  41 M 2 4 Boone
Gutshall John H. 2 M 4 Boone
Gutshall Mohala?  33  F 2 4 Boone
Gutshall  Ruth A. 6 F  4 Boone
Haff John 26 M 2 22 Boone
Haff Mary A 22 F 22 Boone
Haff Wm. H. 1 M 22 Boone
Hanes David 40 M 1 20 Boone
Hanes David C. 6 M 20Boone
Hanes Eliza ? 10 F 20Boone
Hanes Hannah 39 F 1 20 Boone
Hanes Harvey 2 M 20 Boone
Hanes John C. 17 M 1 20 Boone
Hanes Jonathan 11 M 1 20 Boone
Hanes Joseph N M  20 Boone
Hanes Malinda 8 F 20 Boone
Hanes Mary E 15 F  1 20 Boone
Hanes Nancy 14 F 1 20 Boone
Hathaway Clark  5 M 10 Boone
Hathaway  J.C. 40  M 1 10 Boone
Hathaway Jemima 35 F 1 10 Boone
Hathaway John 13 M 1 10 Boone
Hathaway  Luxima C. 10 F 1 10 Boone
Hathaway Lydia A. 11 F 1 10 Boone
Hathaway Mary M. 15 F 1 10 Boone
Hathaway Sarah E. 1 F 10 Boone
Hathaway Wm.  8 M 10 Boone
Haworth Columbus 5 M  5 10Boone
Haworth Ellen 4 F 3  6 Boone
Haworth  Elisha 3 M  3 6 Boone
Haworth Frank 1 M 1 10 Boone
Haworth George 32 M 10 10Boone
Haworth George W.  12 M 3 6 Boone
Haworth Hamilton 23 M 8 Boone
Haworth James 21 M 8 Boone
Haworth James 7 M 3 6 Boone
Haworth James  3 M 3 10 Boone
Haworth James W. 2 M 2 Boone
Haworth Juletta F 6 Boone
Haworth Lewis 8 M  8 10 Boone
Haworth Louisa 4 F 1 2 Boone
Haworth Mahlon 38 M 3 6 Boone
Haworth Martha A. 12 F  8 Boone
Haworth Mary 48 F 8 Boone
Haworth Mary 32 F 13 10 Boone
Haworth Mary 4 F 4 10 Boone
Haworth Mary A. 10 F 3 6 Boone
Haworth Mary B  7 F 8 Boone
Haworth Mary I. F 2 Boone
Haworth Perry 3  M 3 10 Boone
Haworth Queen V. 14 F 8 Boone
Haworth Rachel 32 F 3 6 Boone
Haworth Richard  29 M 1 88 Boone
Haworth Ruth 17 F 8 Boone
Haworth Sarah 31 F 11 10 Boone
Haworth Sarah 26 F 1 88 Boone
Haworth Sarah   7 F 7 10 Boone
Haworth Shobal  36 M 11  8 Boone
Haworth Sylvester 5 M 3  6 Boone
Haworth William 6 M 8 10 Boone
Henderson Elom 6 M 88 Boone
Henderson  Hannah  38 F 88 Boone
Henderson Lewis 4 M 88 Boone
Henderson Sarah 8 F 88 Boone
Henderson William 38 M 88 Boone
Hibben A.J. 34 M 1 20 Boone
Hibben Caroline 24 F 20 Boone
Hoeye Amanda J. 32 F 7 12 Boone
Hoeye Fernando D. 1 M 1 12 Boone
Hoeye George E. 3 M 5 12 Boone
Hoeye Gordon B? 39 M 7 12 Boone
Hoeye Hiram D. 5 M 5 12 Boone
Hoeye John W. 11 M 7 12 Boone
Hoeye Samuel T. 7 M 7 12 Boone
Hoeye Wm. 9  M  7  12Boone
Huston Bernette 2 F 20 Boone
Huston David 15  M 6 20 Boone
Huston Fredric  7 M  20 Boone
Huston George 9 M 20 Boone
Huston James 12 M 6 20 Boone
Huston James B  45 M 6 20 Boone
Huston Jonathan  17 M  6 20 Boone
Huston Jonathan B 35 M  6 20 Boone
Huston Joseph 22 M  6 20 Boone
Huston Josephine  7 F 20Boone
Huston Louiza J. 4 F 20Boone
Huston Margaret J. 20 F 6 20Boone
Huston Nancy 45 F 20Boone
Huston Sarah A. 34 F 6 20Boone
Huston Sarah S. 19 F  6 20Boone
Huston Squire L. 16 M 6 20Boone
Huston Wm. B. 13 M 6 20Boone
Huston Zachariah T. 10 M 20Boone
Hutchins Ann E. 10 F 12 Boone
Hutchins Francis M. 13 M  5 12 Boone
Hutchins John 36 M 5 12 Boone
Hutchins Mary 38 F 5 12 Boone
Hutchins Mary E.  5 F 12Boone
Hutchins Melvina J F 12Boone
Hutchins  Wm. H.  3 M 12 Boone
Johnson Archibald 3 M 8 Boone
Johnson Elizabeth 16 F 8 8 Boone
Johnson Harriet 17 F 1 8 Boone
Johnson Jacob 14 M 8 8 Boone
Johnson Jesse 6 M 8 Boone
Johnson John 48 M 8 8 Boone
Johnson Nancy 47 F 8  8Boone
Johnson Rebecca 10 F 8 8 Boone
Johnson Samantha 12 F 8 8 Boone
Johnson Wiley 23 M 8 8 Boone
Knight Andrew 27 M 5 86 Boone
Knight Anna 19 F 5 12Boone
Knight Annitta 51  F 5 12 Boone
Knight Cynthia  1   F 86 Boone
Knight Daniel 20 M  3 86 Boone
Knight Ellen 10  F 12 Boone
Knight George 52 M 5 12 Boone
Knight Heziah 44  F 3 86 Boone
Knight Isabella M. 24 F 3 12 Boone
Knight  Jesse 17  M 12 Boone
Knight Louisa 15 F 12 Boone
Knight Malinda 26  F 7 86 Boone
Knight Martha A. 17  F 86 Boone
Knight Mary  14 F  86 Boone
Knight Mary E. F 12 Boone
Knight Priscilla 12 F 86Boone
Knight Riley 7 M 86 Boone
Knight Sylvanus 45 M 3 86 Boone
Knight Unice 12 F 12 Boone
Knight Wm 23 M 5 12 Boone
Lane Eliza A. 18 F  7 18 Boone
Lane George A. M 14 Boone
Lane Joseph W. 23  M 8  14 Boone
Lane Josephia  20 F 7 18 Boone
Lane  Julia A.  21  F 8 14 Boone
Lane  Newton 15   M  7 18 Boone
Lane Sarah K.  44  F 7 18 Boone
Lane  Wily C. 22 M  7 18 Boone
Lee Catharine 39  F 1  22 Boone
Lee  Jamison 10 M 1  22 Boone
Lee  John H 17 M 1  22 Boone
Lee Mary J 15  F 1  22 Boone
Lee Nancy 12 F 1  22 Boone
Lee Simpson  5 M 1  22 Boone
Lee Thomas 1 M 22 Boone
Lee Wm. 41  M 1  22 Boone
Lemback Ephraim 21 M 12Boone
Lemback Nathan 25 M 12 Boone
Mahan Patrick 30 M 2 16 Boone
Miller John  37 M 1  20 Boone
Miller Julia A 35 F 1  20 Boone
Miller Mary M. 9  F  20 Boone
Moore Cyrus  2 M 88 Boone
Moore Elizabeth 27 F  9 88 Boone
Moore  Jasper N.  6 M 88 Boone
Moore Nathan  30 M 9  88 Boone
Moore Wm 5 M 88 Boone
Morough David 24 M 22 Boone
Morris  Amos 3 M 18 Boone
Morris Benjamin 34 M 3 18 Boone
Morris George  5 M 18Boone
Morris Jane 33 F 3 18 Boone
Morris Mary B.  9 F 18 Boone
Morris William 8 M 18 Boone
Mullen David F 4  M 4 Boone
Mullen George W 31 M 5 4 Boone
Mullen Peggy S 29 F  5 4 Boone
Murdock Wm 30 M 22 Boone
Neal Ann M 20  F 4 Boone
Neal Aseneth  51 F 5 4 Boone
Neal Daniel 63 M 5 4 Boone
Neal David B 36 M 5  4 Boone
Neal Elizabeth J 11 F 4  4 Boone
Neal John  34  M  4  4 Boone
Neal Mary J 32  F 4  4 Boone
Neal Samuel  23 M 5  4 Boone
Ogden Demaris 6 F 2 Boone
Ogden Elvinah  7 F 2 Boone
Ogden Francis A 1  M 2 Boone
Ogden G W 9  M 2 Boone
Ogden Irwin M  3 M 2 Boone
Ogden Marcus D L  4? M 2 Boone
Ogden Samuel 38  M  5 2 Boone
Ogden Susan 29 F 5 2 Boone
Porter F C 26 M 14 Boone
Porter Rachel 22 F 14 Boone
Rose Gardener 47 M 4  2 Boone
Rose Robert 19 M 4  2 Boone
Rose Ruth  54 F 4  2 Boone
Rose Susan 14 F 4  2 Boone
Rose Susan A 8 F 4  2 Boone
Snyder Elizabeth 22 F 4 20 Boone
Snyder Hannah M 26  F 20 Boone
Snyder  Jacob A 33 M 20 Boone
Snyder John R 4 M 20 Boone
Snyder Samuel 31 M 2 4 Boone
Snyder Virginia M  2 F 20 Boone
Spear Emiline 21 F  2 2 Boone
Stanfield Cynthia 22 F 1 8 Boone
Stanfield George 17 M 8 Boone
Stanfield  Jane  57  F 1 8 Boone
Stanfield Patey C 30 F  8 Boone
Stanfield Samuel 62 M 1 8 Boone
Stanfield Thomas I  15 M 8 Boone
Stanfield Wm 19 M 8 Boone
Stump Anna M 1 F  6 Boone
Stump Cynthia A 5 F 18 Boone
Stump Elizabeth 23 F 7 86 Boone
Stump Henry 55 M 12 18 Boone
Stump  Jacob 30 M 3 18 Boone
Stump James 3 86 Boone
Stump John 1 M 18 Boone
Stump John 26 M 88 Boone
Stump Lewis 32 M 14 86 Boone
Stump Mary 23 F 3 18 Boone
Stump Mary J 3 F 18 Boone
Stump Mary  21 F 14 88 Boone
Stump Nancy A 2 F 88 Boone
Stump Oliver 5 M 86 Boone
Stump Oliver 11 M 18 Boone
Stump Oliver S M 88 Boone
Stump Sarah 55 F 12 18 Boone
Stump Sarah A 1 F 86 Boone
Stump W H  4 M 88 Boone
Stump Wm 20 M 12 18 Boone
Sutton Amanda 16 F 16 Boone
Sutton Elizabeth 58 F 3 16 Boone
Sutton Elizabeth 23 F 16 Boone
Sutton Harriet 20 F 16 Boone
Sutton John 59 M 3 16Boone
Swallow Eli 40 M 14 Boone
Swallow Harrison 15 M 5 14 Boone
Swallow Henry 11 M  5 14 Boone
Swallow Jesse  8 M 5 14 Boone
Swallow Jonathan 44 M 5 14 Boone
Swallow Lavina 18 F 5 14 Boone
Swallow Martha 38 F 5 14 Boone
Swallow Rosana 13 F 5 14 Boone
Swallow Washington  6 M 5 14 Boone
Swallow Wm 16 M 5 14 Boone
Thornton A M 5 M 88 Boone
Thornton Cynthia F 88 Boone
Thornton Elizabeth 22 F 6 Boone
Thornton Esther F Boone
Thornton Isaac  36 M 10  88 Boone
Thornton Leander  11 M 10 88 Boone
Thornton Marietta  3 F 88 Boone
Thornton Marinda 4 F 6 Boone
Thornton Mary E  6 F 6 Boone
Thornton Nathaniel 14 M 10 88 Boone
Thornton Rebecca 37 F 10 88 Boone
Thornton Sarah 12  F 88 Boone
Thornton Sarah 2 F 6 Boone
Thornton Thomas 16 M 10 88 Boone
Thornton W B 7 M 88Boone
Thorp Thos 60 M 10 Boone
Vestue Ally  32 F 2 18 Boone
Vestue Evaline 3 F 18 Boone
Vestue Harriet 1 F 18Boone
Vestue Henry C 14 M 18 Boone
Vestue Mary 5  F 18Boone
Vestue S H 38 M 2 18 Boone
Vestue Samantha J  7 F 18Boone
Vestue Sarah A  9 F 18 Boone
Vestue Theodore F 12 M 18 Boone
Wagner Aniper 11 F 5 12 Boone
Wagner Jacob  8  M  5  12 Boone
Wagner John  37 M 5 12 Boone
Wagner John 2 M 12 Boone
Wagner Margaret F 12 Boone
Wagner Mary 39 F 5 12 Boone
Wagner Matus 6 M  5 12 Boone
Wayne Charlotte 4 F 2 Boone
Wayne George W  2 M 2 Boone
Wayne John ? 6 M 2 Boone
Wayne Mary A 29 F 2 2 Boone
Wayne Robert R 30  M 2 2 Boone
Weaver A F 25 M 1 2 Boone
Weaver E J 2 M 2 Boone
Weaver M J M 2 Boone
Weaver Mary J 22  F 1 2 Boone
Wilkin Anne E 13 F 16 Boone
Wilkin John 35 M 6 16Boone
Wilkin M E  21 F 16Boone
Wilkin M E  6 F 6 16 Boone
Wilkin M F  F 16 Boone
Wilkin M J 12 ? 16Boone
Wilkin M M  5 F 16Boone
Wilkin R J 8  M 6 16 Boone
Wilkin Wm W 10 M 6 16 Boone
Willit Alfred H 1 M 86 Boone
Willit Jane W 23 F 86 Boone
Willit John  25 M 86 Boone
Wilson Albert A   2 M 22 Boone
Wilson Charles H 1 M 22 Boone
Wilson Josey A 17 F 22 Boone
Wilson Lucinda 23 F 22 Boone
Wilson T P 26 M 22 Boone

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