Dow City News from the Dow City Enterprise
and Denison Review
June 2 - July 30
Dow City Enterprise
Dow City Items
*Mrs. George Davis was here from Omaha last week visiting friends.
*Miss Marjorie Tripp was up from Omaha visiting friends and attending commencement exercises.
*The lecture at the M. E. church Friday evening by Prof. Follensby was well attended and was a good clean entertainment.
*The play given by the graduating class, assisted by a few of the juniors, was enjoyed by a packed house and pronounced to be the best class play ever given in Dow City.
*Rev. Wilcox of Des Moines was in town Saturday. He is working in the interests of Baptist missions.
*The Anti-saloon league speaker who occupied the M. E. pulpit Sunday evening was listened to by an interested house and we hope he did much good.
*Capt. Brown gave a Prohibition talk in Ahart's hall Monday evening.
*The graduates and the high school teachers went to Denison Saturday and had their pictures taken.
*Mart Goddard moved his drug stock back to the old stand Monday.
*There was a reception for the graduates at the Clair Butterworth home Saturday evening. The rain kept some away.
*W. E. Fishel and daughter, Nellie, were Woodbine visitors Monday afternoon.
*Mrs. Graham of Sac City, formerly a resident of Dow City, spent Decoration Day with old friends.
*The Messrs. Roy McBride, Fred Wiley, Claude McDonald, Pearl Vore, Dock Gibson and the Misses Rena Brake, Neil McDonald and Josie McBride spent Monday evening in Denison.
*The Friday Club met with Mrs. Robert Houston Friday afternoon and all report a good time.
*Miss Flora Wiggins will now assist her father in the post office as deputy.
*Rev. Place delivered a fine Memorial address Sabbath morning and special mention must be made of the fine quartettes composed of Messrs. Mott McHenry, Gene Wiggins, Mr. Gillaspie and Lloyd Brake.
*Judge Conner of Denison delivered a very fine address Decoration Day and the music furnished by the little folks was enjoyed by all. There was a large attendance both morning and afternoon.
*Mrs. Spence from Deloit spent Decoration Day in Dow City.
*Mr. Marion Cole has sold his coal and feed business to Mr. Langly.
*Miss Lisle and Mr. Gillaspie will depart their homes Wednesday much to the regret of all the pupils as they do not return for another year.
*Robert Fishel has joined a ball league and left for South Dakota last week.
*A reception was given last Saturday evening at the home of Clair Butterworth in honor of Mrs. Asa Butterworth and the Misses Lisle and Slocum.
*Will McHenry of Randolph, Iowa, spent Decoration Day with his parents, Uncle Morris McHenry and wife.
*The alumni banquet was held in Ahart's hall last Friday evening. Mr. Rolls is to be congratulated on the fine supper as it is said to be the best one ever held here.
*Grandma Chambers is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hardy, at the home of J. U. Wise.
*Miss Gertie Griffin of Denison was to the graduating exercises.
*Al Rudd has gone to look after his claim in South Dakota.
*Mrs. Metta Williams of Council Bluffs came to the graduating exercises and also Miss Grace Hansen of Council Bluffs.
Dow City Enterprise
Friday, June 4, 1909
*Clancey Malone was in Denison Monday.
*C. P. Stoley and wife were Denison visitors Tuesday.
*Joe Thompson and wife were Denison visitors Saturday.
*Mrs. J. B. Rae and daughter Lottie were Denison visitors last week.
*James Wolf and wife of Ells visited at the David Clark home Sunday.
*Mrs. Jas. Spence and son Morris were down from Deloit this week.
*C. O. Miller and. C. L. Rudd transacted business in Denison yesterday.
*Mrs. S. E. Rudd and Mrs. W. A. Cameron were Denison visitors Wednesday.
*Miss Bessie Butler went to Woodbine Monday where she will stay with her parents.
*Misses Ilene and Fay Nestlebush of Deloit were visiting friends in Dow City this week.
*Mrs. Dr. Miller of Ackley, Iowa, was a guest at the C. Butterworth home this week.
*Prof. J. A. Gillaspie went yesterday to Fort Pierre, near which place he has a homestead.
*W. T. Kevan and wife were among the Dow City people who were in Denison Tuesday.
*Miss Mamie Bell came up from Omaha Saturday to visit her parents and other relatives.
*Miss Margie Tripp came up from Omaha last week in time for the commencement exercises.
*Miss Grace Hansen came up from Omaha this week for a few days visit with relatives and friends.
H. W. Logsdon, Geo. Igou, A. P. Turnlund and Thos. Mitchell were county seat business visitors Tuesday.
*G. W. Langley visited recently with his relatives in the vicinity of Ainsworth, Neb. He returned home last week.
*Mrs. Geo. H. Davis came up from Omaha last week for a short visit with relatives. She reports George as not being well and is in the hospital.
*Commencement of 1909 - The commencement exercises of the Dow City High School was held at the M. E. church last Friday evening. The house was well filled with an audience that appreciated the entire program.
There were seven graduates this year; Edna Fritz, Flora Wiggins, Bessie Griffin, Ferne Butler, Grace Thomas, Mildred Butterworth and Morris Wilder.
The principle feature of the evening was the address by Prof. L. E. Follansbee. His address was spoken of very favorably by those present.
The remainder of the entertainment consisted of a march played by Miss Rena Brake, the invocation by Rev. Curtis, an oration by Miss Grace Thomas, a solo by Miss Mildred Butterworth, several songs by the high school and girls' chorus and the presentation of diplomas by Clair Butterworth, president of school board.
Prof. Gillaspie made some very appropriate remarks which were appreciated. Thus closes another successful school year in Dow City.
*Class Play - The Class play, "Mrs. Briggs of the Poultry Yard," which was given by the senior class assisted by some of the juniors, in Ahart's hall Thursday evening of last week drew a very crowded house and was very greatly appreciated by the large audience.
The young people, all of them, displayed exceptional talent and the mention of a single one would mean that we would have to compliment all of them separately, which we can not do. The music furnished by the Arion orchestra contributed much to the enj9yment of all. Nothing derogatory to any of the participants has been uttered in our presence but on the other hand we have heard many very favorable expressions of pleasure of the performance and the part each one took in the play. The receipts of the evening amounted to $61.10 which will be used to defray the expenses.
*The third annual banquet of the Dow City alumni was held last Friday evening, May 28, in Ahart's hall. About sixty were present including teachers and other invited guests. A lovely three course supper was served by Mr. Rolls, after which a short program was rendered. Frank Howorth gave the address of welcome to the class of '09 and it was responded to by Bessie Griffin in a most pleasing manner, Gertrude Logsdon then gave a reading which was enjoyed by all. The class of '09 then sang their class song and all departed for home feeling the evening had been well spent and looking forward to 1910 when it is hoped they will all meet again.
*Joe McColl purchased about 6,000 bushels of corn last week.
*Corn is looking fine where it has not been to wet to properly cultivate it.
*Mr. Geo. Igou and Miss Susie Miller were married in Denison Wednesday.
*Miss Gwendolin Butterworth will entertain a number of her little friends this afternoon.
*Royce Heath and Herbert Fishel are making good and winning tennis games for the college at Ames.
*I will buy all the hotel stock that is offered me for twenty-five cents on the dollar. N. R. Wilder
*The Priscilla club together with a number of other friends were entertained Wednesday by Mrs. C. Butterworth.
*Mrs. C. Butterworth entertained the graduating class and teachers of the Dow City high school Saturday evening.
*The repairs on the drug store building are completed and G. M. Goddard can again be found in his old location.
*The saloon petitions for Crawford county were filed Wednesday and show 3502 signers or about 73 per cent of the voters in the county.
*A recent letter from Archie Brake ordering the Enterprise says that he is getting along fine and dandy and that Iowa Falls is a pretty place.
*The Pursell dog and pony show which struck town last week was very poorly patronized on account of it being the night of the class play.
*John Junkin was found guilty of the murder of Miss Clara Rosen and sentenced to death, the date of execution being set for July 29, 1910.
*In remitting for the Enterprise, B. F. Thompson of Overton, Neb., takes occasion to send regards to friends, and that means everybody. He says they are well.
*There will be a total eclipse of the sun June 17th. In Dow City it can be seen shortly after six o'clock in the evening and will continue until after sundown.
*R. H. Fishel has accepted a position on the Armour, S. D., base ball team at a salary to begin with of $50 per month. We feel sure Bob will make good.
*G. W. Langley has purchased the flour, feed and coal business of F. M. Cole and took possession last Saturday. We wish Mr. Langley success in his new venture.
*A statement of the condition of the Arion State bank is published in this issue. The bank is prospering and is being managed on safe conservative business principles.
*Several towns around us are making preparations to celebrate the Fourth. If Dow City is going to celebrate, it is time it was decided upon so that proper arrangements can be made.
*The W. H. M. S. will give a dime social at the home of Mrs. A. L. Curtis on Friday evening, June 5. There will be a program and refreshments will be served. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
*After the Decoration Day exercises were all over last Monday, a ball game was played between a team of Dow City boys and farmers. It was witnessed by a large crowd and was quite interesting. The Dow City boys won by a score of 18 to 7.
*The high school and alumni played ball last Friday afternoon. The game was very much one-sided and was won by the high school, the score being 9 to 3. Four high school players struck out while seventeen of the alumni bit the dust before Talcott's benders. This was the close of the high school season for base ball playing.
June 9, 1909
Dow City Items
*Mrs. Jos. McColl went to Des Moines Friday.
*A party of young folks from Denison visited our park Sunday.
*Edna Fritz went to Denison Saturday, then out to the John Fritz home in the country for a week's visit.
*Some boys were caught pilfering in the school house last week.
*Miss Esther Nelson of Shickley, Neb., was an over Sunday visitor with her cousins, Henry and Sears Nelson.
*Mrs. W. E. Fishel visited relatives at Ute last week.
*The Queen Esther society was entertained at the Goddard home Friday afternoon.
*The Woman's Home Missionary society met Friday evening on the church lawn. Lunch was served which added quite a sum to their treasury.
*The doors of the M. E. church have been changed to swing out instead of in.
*D. Daughenbaugh has sold his residence to John Ahart and expects to move to Des Moines soon.
*The little two year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Howlett died Sunday morning. It is thought it was poisoned by eating candy. Funeral Monday afternoon at the M.E. church and the little one laid to rest in the Dow City cemetery. The family have the sympathy of all in their great sorrow.
Friday, June 11, 1909
*Arch Wight went to Omaha Wednesday.
*Heaman Lazerus went to Omaha Sunday.
*Gene Crandall went to Omaha Monday.
*Clair Rudd was up from Omaha this week.
*Mrs. A. H. Rudd was in Dunlap Wednesday.
*W. W. Galland and wife went to Denison Sunday.
*A. A. Luke and wife were Denison visitors Monday.
*Miss Laura Scott was a Denison visitor Wednesday.
*Mrs. Jos. McColl visited a few days with friends in Des Moines.
*H. W. Logsdon and wife were Council Bluffs visitors last week.
*Wm. Aldrich and Wesley Cramer went to Dunlap Wednesday.
*Mott McHenry and Ed Riddle were Denison visitors Wednesday.
*Mrs. Wm. Kuykendall was up from Dunlap Sunday visiting relatives.
*Miss Edna Fritz went to Denison Saturday for a visit with relatives.
*Clarence Bryan and Miss Pearl Riddle were Dunlap visitors Tuesday.
*James Baber came up from Dunlap this week and spent a few days at home.
*Wm. Roy went to Denison Tuesday to work for the electric light company.
*J. R. Best and wife and Miss Grace Swatman visited in Denison Sunday.
*Mrs. John Ahart was having some dental work done in Denison Wednesday.
*R. T. Baber and wife visited their son Fred and family in Shelby county Sunday.
*Nelson Butterworth, Medford Rudd and Bryce Binnall were in Denison Wednesday.
*W. E. Fishel went to Omaha Sunday and his two youngest daughters went Monday.
*Mrs. Jane Wood and granddaughter Janie Butler went to Jefferson, Iowa, Saturday for a visit.
*Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Cedar Falls, Iowa, were visiting their friend Miss Lucy Healy in Dow City Saturday.
*Miss Lucy Healy went to Denison Saturday and remained over Sunday. Miss Marie Fritz also spent Sunday in Denison.
*Miss Ester Nelson of Shirkley, Neb., recently visited her cousins Sears and Henry Nelson in Dow City. She returned home Monday.
*Mrs. A. A. Fishel went to Denison Tuesday.
*Mrs. Eli Baber was a Denison visitor Tuesday.
*Mrs. H. A. Rudd and children went to Omaha last week.
*Linus McBride was having some dental work done in Denison Tuesday.
*Joe McColl and Chris Suhr were transacting business at the county seat Tuesday.
*J. C. Kuykendall had business before the soldiers' relief commission Tuesday.
*Mrs. Eugene Crandall, Miss Flora Wiggins and Miss Mildred Butterworth were Denison visitors Tuesday.
*Miss Ada Hallowell of Dubois, Idaho, came home Monday where she will spend her summer vacation.
*Mrs. H. Roy and daughter Eva and Mrs. G. H. Alexander and children visited in Denison Friday of last week.
*Mrs. J. J. Carson of Sac county was recently visiting her mother, Mrs. Waters, in Dow City. She returned to her home Tuesday.
*R. H. Woodruff of Green River, Utah, came this week for a visit of an indefinite length of time with friends and relatives in Dow City and vicinity.
*Misses Vinnie Rudd and Ora Butterworth came home last week from Lamoni where they had been attending college. They will probably spend the summer here.
*Miss Reta Odell is home from Cedar Falls.
*James O'Meara and wife of Buck Grove spent Sunday in Dow City.
*Wm. Seemann and wife visited relatives and friends in Denison over Sunday.
*John Ahart and E. P. O'Meara were transacting business at Glidden Tuesday.
*E. H. Swasey went to Denison Tuesday to make his report as one of the committee sent to the Florida Everglades to look at the land and drainage work.
*Remember the eclipse June 17.
*A hog was marketed in Schlewsig that brought $39.50.
*John Ahart shipped a car load of hogs to Cudahy, Wis., Sunday.
*This vicinity was visited early Monday morning by a heavy rain.
*D. Daughenbaugh sold his dray and residence and will move to Des Moines.
*Prof. Follansbee delivered the commencement address at Charter Oak last Friday.
*When in Omaha this week Eugene Crandall purchased a car load of cattle.
*The bank rooms were recently papered which makes a very decided improvement in their appearance.
*Elder Chas. Butterworth preached in Gallands Grove Sunday morning and in Dow City in the evening.
*G. W. Langley the new proprietor of the feed store buys cream and pays cash for it. Farmers should take notice.
*B. Sharp marketed his hogs Wednesday getting the top price of the year, seven dollars per hundred. Joe McColl was the purchaser.
*Owing to so much wet weather the farmers have been delayed very much in plowing corn and on the low lands it is getting very weedy.
*The doors at the M. E. church have been changed to swing outward in order to comply with the new state law which goes into effect in July.
*A vacancy was declared by the council in the office of mayor on account of the removal of Dr. Toon and an election called for July 7. See notice in this issue.
*The annual state encampment of the G. A. R. was held in Fort Dodge this week. The attendance was quite good notwithstanding the weather was unfavorable.
*A miniature cyclone was seen north of Dow City Sunday afternoon but not having heard of any damage we presume it did not come to the ground.
*Superintendent Fitzgerald of the state industrial school for girls has tendered his resignation to take effect as soon as it can be done with convenience to both parties.
*A Dunlap man has offered a prize to the oldest person registering at either of the printing offices in Dunlap during the month of June. The Herald also offers a year's subscription.
*I. O. Orem will come down from Denison and put in the concrete foundation for the new brick block. Preparations are being made to push the work to completion as fast as possible.
*We failed to mention the two temperance lectures in our last issue. One was at the M. E. Church and the other at the hall. One we thought was all right but the other one we did not like.
*A serious wreck occurred Saturday morning on the Milwaukee a few miles north of Dow City. Several cars went into the ditch completely. The train was loaded with meat. Trains were sent to Sioux City over the Northwestern.
*The board of supervisors have set Monday, June 21st as the day on which to commence to canvas the saloon petition. The notice given last week was not according to law from the fact that the date was not set by the board of supervisors as the law requires.
*Clarivoyant - palmistry and fortune telling at residence in the west part of Dow City. Mrs. L. F. Slater.
*Governor B. F. Carroll has issued a proclamation setting aside June 14 as flag day in Iowa, and recommends that the stars and stripes be unfurled and displayed from all public buildings and dwellings. This is the day our nation adopted the stars and stripes as an emblem of liberty and national independence.
*Alma Howlett, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J. W. Howlett, died Saturday night after a brief illness and was buried in the Dow City cemetery Monday afternoon. She was about two years old. The funeral was preached by Rev. Curtis at the M. E. church at 3:00 p.m. We extend sympathy to the bereaved family.
*Four pairs of boots that had never been worn were found on a farm near Charter Oak, the discovery being made while digging for a system of waterworks. The farm at one time was owned by Abner Graves and occupied by a family named Graham. The Grahams have something of a reputation about Dow City and we are not surprised at the finding of boots or anything else buried on the farm where they used to live before going to the penitentiary.
*Stanley A. Curtis, the youngest son of Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Curtis, was home a few days this week on a brief visit with his parents. He has been attending the Northwestern University of Chicago during the year but during his vacation for three months he will act as pastor of the M. E. church at Callender, Barnum and Clare which position was given him by the presiding elder of the Fort Dodge district. He goes to Callender today where he preaches next Sunday. His friends here will wish him success.
*Card of Thanks - to those who have been with us in our bereavement and by kind words and kindly acts tried to lessen our sorrow, we extend our sincere thanks. J. W. Howlett and family.
-Dow City Items
*The Omaha Boomers did not forget our Dow City business men, but asked them down to be entertained on last Monday night. Twenty-two went headed by Banker Fishel. They were taken out to "The Den," given a banquet and treated royally. Mr. Fishel was called on for a speech and in responding did not fail to sound the praises of Dow City. He is modest but can deliver the goods when required. The following made up the Dow City delegation: W. E. Fishel, John Ahart, D. E. Bremser, S. E. Rudd, Volla Vaughan, Mark Norris, Geo. Binnall, Robert Houston, G. M. Goddard, Dr. Van Metre, Ace Dow, H. C. Stempel, E. P. O'Meara, W. C. Rolls, J. H. Pearsal, L. C. Butler, T. W. Swatman, F. C. Howorth, John Howorth, E. N. Chamberlain, Henry Nelson, L. Cohen.
*Rev. Curtis receives news that his son, Stanley, has taken a pastorate at Callender, Webster County, for the summer.
*Dow City young folks will be interested in the Denison 4th of July plans. Dow City has fine Sunday Schools and if they go after the flag there will be something doing.
*Miss Lucy Healy was at Denison this week to see her sister-in-law, Mrs. James Healy, who is in the hospital.
*Miss Martha Curtis is visiting at Little Sioux.
*Aunt Maggie Talcott had returned home. While gone she was at Evanston, Ill. And witnessed the graduation of Miss Jennie Rae from that great college.
*William Morrison has gone to Colorado Springs on account of lung trouble. Our Woodman camp has raised $250 for the sanitarium there and has now the right to send members to be cared for at a reduced rate.
*The Priscilla club met with Mrs. A. Alexander last time, having an enjoyable meeting.
*W. C. Rolls and wife and Ruby were at Dunlap Sunday.
*Mrs. Daisy Bybee-Davis and children arrived in town last Thursday for a visit with relatives.
*W. E. Fishel received a horned toad last week. One of the Goodman boys set it from Oklahoma.
*Robert Woodruff of Green River, Utah, spent a few days in town last week. He has gone to Chicago, and will attend commencement at Cornell college at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, before he returns home.
*Mrs. J. H. Ballengee and children of Nickerson, Neb. Arrived in town Saturday evening for a few days visit with relatives.
*Thursday evening about ten o'clock the fire bell was heard and everyone was much excited. It was found that the fire was not in town but in the country at the Julius Ahart farm. The barn and contents including two horses was burned and a third horse was badly burned. This is a great loss to Mr. Ahart, as this is the second barn to burn in two years. As yet it is not known how the fire was started.
*Mr. Randall moved Monday this week into the Huntington house, recently vacated by the drug store.
*Mrs. George Rule very nicely entertained the Friday club Saturday afternoon.
*Prof. G. V. Whaley was visiting his parents over Sunday. He is superintendent of the city schools of Perry.
*Word came Monday that Jim Riddle, who was recently taken to Clarinda for treatment was much worse. His brother, Ed. Riddle has gone to be with him.
*July 4th the Baptist and L. D. S. Sunday Schools will unite in a basket picnic in Logan Park. Good music and a good program and the finest park in the county insures a good time for all who attend.
*Edwin Poitevin has arrived home from an extended tour of the West.
*The M. E. church has just received a new coat of paint which improves its appearance very much.
*Robert Woodruff arrived in town Thursday from Chicago and other eastern places. He and his cousin, Mrs. Helsley, of Denison went Wednesday to Douglas, Wyoming to visit with his sister, Mrs. Helen Isaacs and the Brumer family.
*Mr. And Mrs. T. P. Black of Fort Dodge arrived in town Friday for a visit with their many friends.
*Mr. E. R. Green of Overton, Neb., arrived in town Saturday.
*Mrs. Dr. Norman of Cherrydale, Kansas, came Friday for a visit with friends. She was a former teacher in our schools and all are glad to see her in town again.
*E. N. Chamberlain is building an addition to his house and otherwise improving it.
*G. M. Brake has brightened up his home by a fresh coat of paint.
*Friday, Mrs. E. D. Butts and her niece, Miss Butterworth of Sioux City, went to Woodbine to visit relatives. They returned home Monday.
Friday, June 18, 1909
*Alfred Jackson went to Deloit Saturday.
*Sears Nelson was a Denison visitor Sunday.
*Thomas Munsey was down from Deloit last week.
*Mrs. D. C. Crandall was in Denison and Deloit Sunday.
*Fred Jackson was a business visitor in Dunlap Monday.
*E. H. Buss transacted business at the county seat Tuesday.
*Mrs. C. C. Tripp of Arion was calling on friends in Dow City.
*Thos. Nielsen and John Jones were down from Denison Tuesday.
*Mrs. Geo. Binnall and Mrs. J. U. Wise were visiting in Denison Tuesday.
*Mrs. Ida Talcott and Miss Lula Howorth were Denison visitors Wednesday.
*Mrs. A. Alexander and daughter Bessie were Denison visitors Tuesday.
*Misses Lola Fishel and Rita Odell are attending school at Cedar Falls.
*Miss Marie Rudd visited her sister in Denison from Saturday until Wednesday.
*Mrs. J. R. Best, Mrs. M. Henry and Mrs. F. W. Berka were Denison visitors yesterday.
*Mrs. Mart Henry, Mrs. John Gibson and Mrs. A. Rigsby were Denison visitors Friday.
*W. C. Rolls and wife and daughter Ruby spent Sunday at the John Rolls home in Dunlap.
*A. L. Rule of Wagoner, Okla., has been visiting relatives in Dow City and vicinity this week.
*Mrs. Jane Wood and grand-daughter Janie Butler returned from a visit with relatives at Jefferson.
*Prof. G. V. Whaley and wife of Perry, Iowa, were recently visitors at the W. V. Whaley home.
*Ed. Baber and wife and daughter Garnet and Mrs. Claus Hansen were Denison visitors Friday.
*Foster Spence and his sister Ethel and Miss Ola Rigsby were Deloit visitors Saturday and Sunday.
*J. L. Butterworth and daughter Ora went to Deloit Friday to attend the convention of the L. D. S. Church.
*Mrs. John Ahart and daughter Lillie were Denison visitors Wednesday, the former having some dental work done.
*Link Goddard returned Wednesday night from a visit with relatives at Lake View.
*Mrs. D. Doughenbaugh and her daughter Mrs. Wm. Morrison started Wednesday for Des Moines where they will make their future home.
*Alfred Rohwer of Denison was in Dow City Wednesday canvassing for the National Builder, a splendid magazine for contractors and builders.
*Ed Riddle was down to Clarinda this week to see his brother James who is in the hospital at that place. His condition is very serious and it is not thought he can last long.
*Wm. Morrison who is afflicted with tuberculosis started Monday for Colorado to try to renew his health. His physician gave him no encouragement whatever if he remained in this climate.
*Wedding Bells - one of our most popular young ladies was led to the marriage altar Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. And Mrs. Ed. Riddle, well known and respected citizens of our community. The contracting parties were Miss Pearl Riddle and Mr. Clarence Bryan. Rev. Curtis spoke the words which united the two hearts for the remainder of life's journey, the beautiful and impressive ring ceremony being used. Immediately after the ceremony the guests, about forty in number, were escorted to the table where bounteous and delicious refreshments were served, the table fairly groaning under its weight of rich viands. The bride is one of the choicest young ladies, who from a little girl has grown up in our midst, honored by old and young alike. She has been a bright star for several years in the school room in our county and will be greatly missed from this profession, but will no doubt be happier to reign as queen in her own new home. The groom is from one of the best families in Paradise township and by those who knew him here, he is considered one of those true men who will make his mark in the world having the best of character and reputation. It is a pleasure to chronicle the marriage of such worthy young people and this paper wafts to them its warmest congratulations.
*Born to Mr. And Mrs. F. W. Pearsall June 10th a boy. We extend congratulations.
*The board of supervisors will begin the canvas of the saloon petition next Monday.
*Mrs. Sarah Thompson who lived near Moorhead died recently and weighed over 500 pounds.
*We are all anxiously waiting for those keyless lock boxes which postmaster Wiggins has ordered.
*The concrete foundation for the new brick buildings is being put in this week by Mr. Orem of Denison.
*Elder C. E. Butterworth will be in Cherokee next Sunday at the dedication of the L. D. S. church at that place.
*W. C. Rolls has had the water main tapped at his residence and will hereafter enjoy the convenience of having city water in his home.
*Most of our business places are lighted with lighting plants but Valla says they are not so handy as lamps. He took one of his lamps to Council Bluffs again Monday for repairs.
*The new steel tower for the fire bell has been erected and is much better than the old one.
*An earthquake is predicted for July 7, and it is the day of our special city election. We hope there will be no eruption here.
*J. C. Mills of Onawa killed himself because of his destitute condition. He used a shot gun and blew the top of his head off.
*Judge F. C. Platt of Waterloo was recently married in New York. The Judge is well known here and has many friends that will join us extending congratulations.
*John Richardson an old soldier of Denison has been appointed a deputy oil inspector for Iowa by governor Carroll. We congratulate Mr. Richardson on his appointment.
*Born to Mr. And Mrs. L. Gardner Wednesday morning, a girl. A glance at Mr. Gardner's face as he goes about the house taking two high steps at a time, told the story. It not only reflected in his face, but the rapidity with which he walked convinced all that he had one more to provide for. Mother and daughter doing nicely and the sunshine brought into the home by this new arrival will more than compensate the father for a little extra "hustle".
Friday, June 25, 1909
*Valla Vaughan was in Boone this week.
*Henry Nelson visited in Denison Sunday.
*Miss Ola Rigsby was a Saturday visitor in Denison.
*Misses Elsie Randel and Genevieve Dow went to Logan Friday.
*Robert Bell and S. H. Miller were at the county seat on business Tuesday.
*H. W. Messenbrink and wife visited in Denison with relatives last week.
*Isaac Howorth was down from Denison Sunday visiting at his father's home.
*Misses Lottie Rae and Nellie McDonald were Denison visitors this week.
*Austin Dobson of St. Joseph, Mo. visited his cousin, Mrs. A. H. Rudd yesterday.
*Mrs. M. A. Rigsby and Mrs. W. L. Swatman were Friday visitors in Denison.
*Misses Mae and Elsie Randel and Delia McBride were Denison visitors yesterday.
*Mrs. M. A. Riley, Ms. T. W. Swatman and Mrs. E. R. Brake were Dunlap visitors yesterday.
*H. C. Stempel and Moritz Dethlefsen were among the Dow City people in Denison Tuesday.
*Harry Dobson and wife came down from Deloit Sunday to visit his sister Mrs. A. H. Rudd.
*A. L. Rule returned to Oklahoma Tuesday after a two weeks visit with relatives about here.
*Mrs. Hattie Poitevin and daughter Alice went to Giltner, Neb., to visit at the P. B. Poitevin home.
*Thos. Ahart was attending to his duties as supervisor in Denison this week canvassing the saloon petition.
*Mrs. F. M. Cole and daughter went to Dell Rapids, S. D., last week to visit with John Rollins and family.
*W. E. Fishel, H. W. Logsdon and Rev. A. L. Curtis were business visitors at the county seat Monday.
*John L. Ainsworth was down from Denison Monday looking after the interests of the Denison Bulletin.
*Mrs. A. Alexander started Friday for Seattle to visit a brother and sister. She will be absent a month or two.
*Misses Edna Fritz and Bessie Griffin went to Denison Monday to attend the summer term at the Denison College.
*J. W. Cramer was an Omaha visitor this week.
*E. Shisler and wife were Denison visitors Tuesday.
*Wm. McBride and wife were Denison visitors yesterday.
*H. B. Johnson with his wife and daughter Fern were Denison visitors Wednesday.
*W. C. Rolls and wife and daughter Ruby and Mrs. R. T. Baber were Denison visitors yesterday.
*James Baber, accompanied by Miss Bertha Beard of Dunlap, spent Sunday at the R. T. Baber home.
*Mrs. J. W. Cramer and children started Wednesday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. L. H. Moyer at Pueblo, Colo.
*Mrs. J. D. Antrim and son John of Redfield, Iowa, visited a couple of days last week with her parents, Mr. And Mrs. J. R. Rudd.
*Al Rudd returned Sunday from Wendte, S. D. Where he reports everybody well and that crops look good. There has been plenty of rain there this spring.
*W. E. Fishel attended the funeral of Dr. Patterson in Dunlap Sunday. He was a well known and influential man and will be greatly missed in that community.
*Old Settler Passed Away
- Dr. W. B. Evans Died at Crofton, Nebr.
- Funeral Held at Arion, Ia. last Saturday.
- Warren Bourne Evans was born in Mechanicsville, N. Y., March 13, 1844 and died at the home of his nephew, Dr. D. D. Talcott, at Crofton, Nebr. June 17, 1909. His early childhood was spent in Mechanicsville, until about the age of seventeen when he entered the Burr and Burton Seminary, Manchester, Vt. Where he remained for about four years. He then became a student in a medical college in New York City but was soon called home by the death of his father. In 1871 he entered Iowa University where he graduated from the college of medicine in 1873. He came to Dow City in 1877 where he engaged in the drug business and the practice of medicine.
March 31, 1880 he was united in marriage with Miss Agnes Butler. They lived in Dow City for fifteen years, moving to Arion in 1895 where they have since resided. During this time he held many town and county offices. He was mayor and postmaster of Dow City for several years and held the same offices in Arion. He was also county coroner and U. S. pension examiner. Dr. Evans always took great interest in all political questions and was an untiring worker for the Republican party and held the respect of his political opponents.
The following are left to mourn his departure: The bereaved wife, a son - Dr. Frank of Dixon, Nebr., a daughter Mrs. Byron Clow of Omaha, Nebr., a son Burton of American Falls, Idaho and the youngest son Guild who resides at home and one sister Mrs. Wheadon of Rupert, Vt. their little daughter Bessie having gone on before.
For ten years he was a sufferer from diabetes. After a heavy winter's work in his profession his health failed rapidly. Thinking a change of climate would be beneficial to his health he started for the west in April. Finding he was receiving no benefit he returned home reaching Arion about middle of May. A little over two weeks ago he went to the home of his son, Dr. Frank, of Dixon, Nebr. After staying in the hospital a few days, Dr. Frank took him to Sioux City to consult with a specialist and they decided to take him to St. Joseph's hospital for treatment.
After remaining several days he decided to go to Crofton and visit for a short time at the homes of his nephews Drs. J. M. and D. D. Talcott before returning to his home in Arion. Just the evening previous to his death he spent the time in pleasant conversation with his friends in his usual genial manner. He rested well during the night until eight o'clock Thursday morning when he suffered a stroke of apoplexy passing peacefully away shortly after. The remains were brought to Arion and interred in the family burying ground south of Arion. The Enterprise joins in extending sincere sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family and relatives.
*The only big celebration in the county will occur at Arion July 8. Willia Renfroe and wife are the proud parents of a son which was born Sunday night. We extend congratulations.
*At the caucus last Monday evening S. A. Dow was nominated for mayor. Mr. Dow is no new man or stranger having lived here for about fifty years.
*When train No. 4 on the I. C. came Monday morning the vestibule between the baggage car and the first coach was discovered on fire. A pail of water extinguished the fire and the train proceeded with only a moments delay.
*The scaffold on which four men were at work laying the brick for the new Catholic church in Mapleton fell to the ground a distance of 28 feet. L. L. Servoss of Denison was killed and his brother and two other men escaped with only flesh wounds.
*A good many people from Dow City have been in Denison this week on account of the canvas of the saloon petition. Both sides have been represented. The petition is found sufficient in the county and in most of the towns. As we write this the count is not completed.
*At the home of Mrs. Carrie Robinson in Lamar, Col., occurred the marriage of her daughter Daisy to Mr. Ernest Householder, yesterday evening. Miss Robinson is well known in Dow City and all join in extending best wishes for unbounded joy and happiness to accompany the newly wedded couple.
*The death of Dr. Evans and our attending his funeral last Saturday forenoon brought vividly to our mind that exactly thirty two years before at the same hour of the day we placed ourself in his care having met with the accident in the mill which took away our hand and left us with four broken bones. We remember the many kind words of encouragement given us by the doctor while we were in this critical condition and since recovering we have always been a warm friend of Dr. Evans.
Dow City Items
*Mr. And Mr. Randall drove down to the farm north of Dunlap Monday.
*Eli Baber was a business visitor at Denison Saturday.
*A large number from here attended the funeral of Dr. Evans at Arion, Friday.
*Clarence Bryan and Pearl Riddle were married Wednesday of last week. They will live on the farm in Paradise township.
*Born June 16th to Mr. And Mrs. Gardner, a daughter.
*The new bell tower is a great improvement as the bell is raised higher and can be heard all over town.
*S. A. Dow was elected mayor Monday evening.
*Edna Fritz and Bessie Griffin went to Denison Monday to attend summer school. Both are fitting themselves for teachers.
*Henry and Sears Nelson were Sunday visitors at Kiron.
Friday, July 2, 1909
*Mrs. A. L. Jackson and children were Dunlap visitors Saturday.
*Misses Mae Randel and Ada Hallowell were Denison visitors Tuesday.
*Mrs. J. W. Lee went to Omaha Monday to visit her daughter Bertha.
*Frank Odell and Ed Riddle were transacting business at the county seat Monday.
*Mrs. T. C. Dobson of Deloit was down Friday visiting her daughter Mrs. A. H. Rudd.
*T. P. Black came down from Fort Dodge Saturday fro a short visit with friends.
*Sam Brasel and O. A. Cooper were transacting business at the county seat Tuesday.
*Mrs. Dr. Johnstone and her two daughters were over Sunday visitors with friends in Dow City.
*Walter Bryan went to Des Moines last Friday to get some repairs for his saw mill machinery.
*Edwin Poitevin returned Sunday from Seattle and other points in the west and northwest.
*Mrs. T. P. Black came down from Fort Dodge last Friday for a visit with her many friends.
*Prof. H. D. Kies of Britt, Iowa, was visiting his many friends in Dow City during the past week.
*Edmund Howorth and daughter Lula and Mrs. Wm. Seemann were Denison visitors Wednesday.
*Mrs. W. G. Norman came from Cherryvall, Kan., last Friday to visit her many friends in Dow City.
*E. R. Green of Overton, Neb., was calling on Dow City friends Saturday. He returned home in the evening.
*Mrs. W. A. Lalone and children were visiting at the John Holliday home over Sunday returning to Dunlap Monday.
*Rev. A. L. Curtis and wife, Stanley Curtis and Miss Martha Curtis all went to McClelland, Iowa, to be present at the wedding of R. E. Curtis.
*W. J. Butler, an old friend of the editor, was down from Arion Saturday and favored us with a call and added his name to our list of Arion subscribers.
*E. G. Wiggins, Eugene Baber, G. M. Goddard, John Thomas and Wm. Walters and Thos. Ahart were among the Dow City people at the county seat Monday.
*Geo. Binnall and wife were in Denison Wednesday.
*R. H. Woodruff went this week to LaBonte, Wyo.
*E. R. Green of Overton, Neb., visited in Dow City Saturday.
*Mrs. E. D. Butts returned Monday from a visit with relatives in Harrison county.
*Elmer Turnlund and family were up from Council Bluffs this week visiting relatives.
*Mrs. Dean Talcott of Arion visited her sister Mrs. Fred Jackson in Dow City Tuesday.
*Mrs. V. P. Vaughan and children went to Milford, Neb., yesterday to visit relatives.
*Henry Olmstead and family returned from St. Joe, Mo. where they moved early in the spring.
*Mr. Antisdel of Sullivan, Mo. was here this week looking at our new hotel but did not purchase.
*Mrs. S. E. Rudd and Mrs. C. L. Rudd started yesterday for Creighton, Neb. To visit relatives and friends for a couple of weeks.
*Fred Jackson and family and Miss Sunshine Rudd started yesterday for Bonesteel, S. D. to visit a week or more with relatives and friends.
*Wedding Bells
What more appropriate time could there be for the union of hearts than the midsummer season when all nature looks the loveliest and when the sweet scented flowers abound with their fragrance and when the hearts of the whole world are going out to their fellowman. Love is the formation of all that is pure and good.
At the Presbyterian parsonage in Denison Tuesday evening was solemnized the marriage of Miss Essie Hover to Mr. G. M. Goddard of Dow City, Rev. J. J. Dupree, pastor of the Presbyterian church performing the ceremony.
The bride is one of Denison's choicest young ladies, who until about a month ago has been operator in the central office of the Iowa Telephone Co. in Denison, a position she filled to the satisfaction of the general public. The groom is from one of our best families and has grown to manhood in our midst and is at present a respected business man in our town, who, because of his honor and integrity will make his mark in the world. The Enterprise wafts to them its heartiest congratulations.
*Some corn fields are ready for the last plowing.
*The masons began work yesterday on the new building on Franklin street.
*On account of 4th of July the barber shops will be open until noon next Sunday.
*James Maynard, an old settler of Crawford county, died at Lake View Tuesday.
*G. M. Brake has improved the appearance of his residence very much by having it nicely painted.
*E.N. Chamberlain's new house is being hurried along as fast as possible and will soon be completed.
*J. A. Scott is having some repairs made on his recently purchased residence property near his blacksmith shop.
*At the council meeting last Monday night S. A. Dow was appointed mayor to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Dr. Toon.
*New cement walks are being put down in front of and around the Harper residence properties occupied by S. E. Rudd and Jacob Bremser.
*People get to Houston's livery barn now on a nice cement sidewalk. This improvement will be much appreciated especially in muddy weather.
*Thos. Wheelwright is having some of his town property painted and otherwise improved.
*This week it is the house occupied by Mart Henry. John Holliday is doing the work.
*Rural carriers Rule and Swatman on routes 1 and 2 were unable to get over their routes on account of high water, but carrier Brake was able to go over nearly all of his route.
*R. T. Baber who has for several years been our city marshal, resigned from that position. Mr. Baber was a good marshal and attended strictly to his duties. Barney Volquartsen was appointed to fill the vacancy and is now on duty. Barney is a good citizen and we predict for him a successful administration.
*At the request of a majority of our citizens as counted by the board of supervisors, the saloon in Dow City has again opened for business. Mr. O'Meara has taken the precaution to have some notices printed to post in his saloon that positively no minors will be allowed. We believe the city council could materially assist in having the saloon run according to law by passing an ordinance making it a misdemeanor for any minor, habitual drunkard, blacklister or graduate of any of the various cures for drunkenness, to enter the saloon and ask for a drink. Such an ordinance has been passed in several places in Iowa and at other places it is being asked for because it is meeting with success and general favor. The laws of Iowa provide for the punishment of the saloon keeper but no punishment for the other party is provided. Where there are two parties to a wrong we believe that punishment should be meted out to both of them.
- There has been several reports circulated about candy that I have been selling and in order to have things straight I sent a sample to the State Food and Dairy Commissioner to be analyzed.
The following is his report:
Des Moines, Iowa, June 26, 1909
- Mr. D. E. Bremser, Dow City, Ia.
- Dear Sir:
In reply to your letters in regard to the candy which you forwarded to us, would say that we have examined the candy for adulterants which might possibly be present and fail to find any substance which could be considered poisonous. Yours very truly, H. R. Wright, Commissioner.
*Mr. Roy Emerson Curtis of Dow City, Iowa, and Miss Eva Mae Cambers of McClelland, Iowa, were united in marriage June 30th at the bride's home, the groom's father, Rev. A. L. Curtis, officiating. The bride is a graduate of the conservatory of music of Simpson college and is a lady of high attainments and the best character. Mr. Curtis is a young man held in the highest esteem by the best citizens of Dow City. He obtained his Bachelor degree at Lincoln, Neb., and later his Master's degree at Madison, Wis. He has been teaching American and Ancient history in the high schools of Davenport, Iowa, and has been retained for the coming year at a very liberal advance in salary. We sincerely join in extending congratulations and best wishes to these worthy young people. They will probably be absent a few weeks on a wedding trip.
*July Fourth 1909 is past.
*Mrs. Mary Rudd is very sick at the home of her son, H. A. Rudd.
*The cool days have gone and yesterday was warm enough for anyone.
*Owing to the rainy weather the work is progressing very slow on the new buildings.
*The weather observer says Sunday was the coldest Fourth of July in Des Moines for thirty years.
*Many accidents happened at the different celebrations and about the usual number of lives were lost.
*Arion has a doctor in the person of H. C. McCleary who comes from Indianola, Iowa.
*The water in the Boyer was very high both Monday and Tuesday caused by heavy rains in the east part of the county.
*Mrs. Kranninger was drowned in the flood in Council Bluffs Monday evening while out looking for one of her boys. She was the mother of Mrs. J. T. Spence.
*Another evidence of the work of the Park Improvement Co. can be seen at the park. Several long iron park seats have been placed there which will be greatly appreciated by those who wish to spend a few hours in the shady park.
*Editors and compositors make lots of mistakes but the one we refer to here was not made in this office but we are willing to correct it just the same. In the wedding notice the name of the lady that married R. E. Curtis was given as "Cambers" when in fact it should have been Chambers. Roy knew all the time that he had married the right girl, and to us it makes but little difference what it was because hereafter it will always be Mrs. Curtis to us.
*The law is now in force in Iowa that will not allow the sale of liquor on railroad trains nor the drinking of liquor while on trains in Iowa. It may be done in both Nebraska and Illinois but it is a long time between drinks. Railroad employees say that the suffering of men from east and west of Iowa is so great while traveling between the Mississippi and Missouri rivers that it even touches the flinty heart of the prohibitionist, but it is law and the railroad companies are compelled to enforce it regardless of consequences.
Denison Review
*Last Wednesday afternoon Henry Olmstead and family arrived from St. Joseph, Mo. The stork followed them up and left a new baby boy for them Wednesday night.
*Friday afternoon Goldie Honz went to Sioux City for a visit with relatives.
*It is reported that Mrs. Jos. McColl has purchased the Charley Horn auto and is learning to run it.
*On account of the rain the speaking Sunday afternoon was in the Baptist church instead of the park.
*Friday afternoon Henry Nelson went to Newman Grove, Neb., for a two weeks' vacation.
*The hotel managers have finally sold the new building to a Mr. Antisdel of Sullivan, Mo. and it is expected to be opened for business by the first of August.
*The Cohen family went to Omaha Sunday and stayed over Monday.
*Sears Nelson was a Denison visitor Monday evening.
*Mr. And Mrs. Bert McCord and Mrs. Bixler and daughter, Lottie, went to Omaha Monday for a brief visit.
*Mr. And Mrs. Cal Kuykendall went to Dunlap Monday, returning Tuesday forenoon.
*Fred Jackson and family went Thursday Thursday to Bonesteel, S. D., for a week's visit with relatives.
*Mrs. Florence Rudd and Mrs. Stella Rudd went to Creighton, Neb., Thursday to visit for a couple of weeks.
*Mrs. A. H. Rudd and daughter, Gladys, started Tuesday morning to North Dakota to visit Mrs. Rudd's brother.
*The I.O.O.F. hall is nearing completion and the lodges will soon have a home again. Work is progressing nicely on the new brick structures and we will soon have a better block than before the fire.
Friday July 9, 1909
*John Smith went to Grand Island, Neb., Sunday.
*Frank Odell was a county seat visitor yesterday.
*Earl Brake went to Council Bluffs Sunday to celebrate.
*Mrs. Jessie Eads started Tuesday for Overton, Neb.
*N. C. Whiting and wife were Denison visitors Tuesday.
*H. E. Pease was up from Dunlap Friday and favored us with a call.
*James Baber and Earl Ettleman came up from Dunlap Wednesday.
*Miss Weona Houts of Dunlap visited with the Misses Randel this week.
*Paul Wight and wife were up from Council Bluffs the first of the week visiting his parents.
*Mrs. A. H. Rudd and daughter Gladys are visiting in both North and South Dakota.
*Miss Ferne Crandall of Boone was visiting her parents here a few days the first of the week.
*E. H. Swasey returned Tuesday from quite an extended visit in Texas and other places in the South.
*E. G. Wiggins, Eugene Crandall, Harry Sharp and Walter Bryan were Denison visitors Wednesday.
*Miss Bessie Butler came up from Woodbine last week to celebrate and for a visit with relatives and friends.
*Mrs. W. E. Dow returned from Denison Wednesday where she had been visiting her sister Mrs. Dr. Carr.
*Misses Mae and Elsie Randel and their friend Miss Houts visited at the Chas. Horn home in Arion Sunday.
*The Misses Aroma and Elizabeth Place of Des Moines came Saturday to visit their parents Rev. and Mrs. J. J. W. Place of the Baptist church.
*Mrs. Martha Wallace of Barnesville, Ohio, mother of Mrs. A. L. Curtis came last Friday for a few weeks visit with her daughter and family.
*Mrs. Amy Terry of Detroit, Mich., and Miss Sadie Rudd of Portland, Oregon, came yesterday to visit with their mother, Mrs. Mary Rudd who is very sick.
*Miss Elizabeth Place returned to Des Moines Wednesday after spending the Fourth with her parents and making some very pleasant acquaintances with the Dow City people.
*Miss Marie Fritz finished the season's work in Miss Lucy Healy's millinery store and went to her home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, last week. She was a popular young lady and made many friends while here.
*Raymond Butterworth flagged an early morning train yesterday and so far as we know left for parts unknown. We think we could name the place but as we expect he will return soon he can tell that himself.
July 14, 1909
- Heroic Archie Brake Plunges Into Flood to Save Companion's Life
- Both Find Death in Waves
- Struck by Guy Rope Dorothy Brace Falls from Boat, Brake Springs to Rescue and Both are Drowned
- The story of a heart breaking tragedy is simply from the daily press dispatches and from the pen of our Dow City correspondent. Such a death is heroic, it stands written large upon the annals of humanity. It speaks of innate heroism for "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend".
- Iowa Falls, Ia.
- July 13
- Special:
A double accidental drowning occurred here this afternoon. While riding on a launch Dorothy Bruce was struck by a guy wire and thrown into the water. Hoping to save her, Archibald Brake from Dow City, night operator at the Illinois Central depot, jumped in and was drowned. Lena Sperry and Marvin Reynolds were thrown into the water but saved themselves by grasping the guy wire.
- Dow City, Iowa, July 14th
- Special to the Review
- This community was cast into gloom Tuesday afternoon when our townsman, Mr. E. R. Brake received a telegram from Iowa Falls that his son, Archie, had been drowned at about four o'clock. He with a young lady friend were out on the river in a gasoline launch, when the lady in reaching for something lost her balance and feel into the water. Archie sprang into the water to save his friend. She caught hold of him and the swift current drew both under. A number of others were on the river and saw them, but they could not reach them and both were drowned. The bodies were recovered about seven o'clock. Mr. Brake went on the evening train to bring the body of his son home. As yet no further particulars are at hand but the obituary will appear next week.
*Mrs. Jessie Eades and little son went to Overton, Neb. Last week where they expect to make their future home.
*Mrs. W. E. Fishel enjoyed a visit from her sister, Mrs. Harker, of Ute the past week.
*The Park Improvement Club has put in some new iron seats in the park, also some wooden seats around some of the trees.
*Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williamson and family went to Kirkman last Friday for a several days' visit with relatives.
*Mrs. Curtis is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Wallace, who came last week from Barnesville, Ohio.
*James Turnland is the new clerk in the Bremser store.
*Dr. F. B. Evans of Dixon, Neb., was a business visitor in town Thursday.
*Dr. C. W. Carr of Denison was in Dow City Friday.
*Miss Elsie Butterworth, who has been visiting relatives in this vicinity for several weeks, returned to her home at Sioux City Saturday afternoon.
*On account of the serious sickness of their mother, Mrs. Mary Rudd, her daughters, Mrs. Amy Terry of Detroit, Mich. and Miss Sadie Rudd, of Portland, Ore., arrived in town Thursday.
*Mrs. E. D. Butts went to Sioux City Saturday to visit her sister. From there she will go to Onawa to visit other relatives. She will be gone two weeks or more.
*Rev. and Mrs. Place of the Baptist church have been enjoying a visit from their two daughters of Des Moines.
*Mrs. W. A. Cameron will entertain the Royal Neighbors at her home Thursday afternoon.
*Ed Baber is remodeling his residence and will have a nice home when it is finished.
*Miss Bessie Butler is up from Woodbine visiting her many friends.
*Miss Daisy Robinson, a former Dow City girl, was recently married at Lamar, Col., to Mr. E. B. Householder. Her many friends join in wishing for them much happiness and success.
*The Odd Fellows have now moved back into their hall. They expect to have a new lighting plant installed this week. They have inlaid linoleum on the floors of the ante-rooms and the cork linoleum for the assembly room. Insurance is sure a great help when fire loss occurs.
*Mrs. Noonan and Mrs. Burke were in town Friday.
*A. J. Scott is making some good improvements on the residence property he recently purchased. It will be very convenient for him as this joins his blacksmith shop property. They expect to move as soon as the repairs are complete.
*Saturday was Gene Baber's sixteenth birthday. About twenty of his friends were invited to help him celebrate the occasion. Ice cream and cake were served and all report a good time. Gene is one of the hustlers. He is making his grades in the high school and working in the Enterprise office.
*Mr. and Mrs. Ed Galland of Woodbine were visiting at the Wm. Galland home over Sunday.
*Rev. Cable of Des Moines preached in the M. E. church Sunday evening. On account of the rain the congregation was not large, but all say the sermon was fine.
*S. E. and C. L. Rudd went to Creighton, Neb. Sunday for a few days' visit.
*Roy Curtis and wife are visiting at the M. E. parsonage this week.
*Agnes Goddard nicely entertained the G. H. C. Saturday afternoon.
*Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Swasey and daughters were Denison shoppers Monday.
*Miss Jessie Rudd is over from Sioux City visiting relatives.
*Mrs. Fred Coleman entertained the Friday Club at her pleasant country home Friday afternoon.
*Melvin Graul returned to his work at Clinton Saturday.
*Miss Ellen Goddard entertained the Priscilla Club Thursday afternoon.
*D. E. Bremser has nicely painted the interior of his store last week and expects to paint the outside this week.
*Raymond Butterworth has gone to Bonesteel, S. D. for a visit with friends.
*Postmaster Wiggins has installed a new set of combination lock boxes which is a great improvement.
Friday, July 16, 1909
*Miss Ester Turnlund visited in Arion Saturday.
*M. A. Riley and son, Frank were Denison visitors Monday.
*W. C. Rolls and wife and daughter Ruby were Dunlap visitors Sunday.
*C. Wilson, J. Thompson and the Misses Pett and Ahart went to Omaha Tuesday.
*Edmund Howorth went to Dunlap Saturday to attend the union meetings being held there.
*Miss Blanche Bell enjoyed an over Sunday visit with her friend, Miss Romans, from Denison.
*W. H. Rule and Andrew Bell, two Paradise township farmers, were in Dow City Saturday.
*Mrs. J. R. Best, Mrs. L. B. Thompson and Mrs. J. U. Wise were Denison visitors Saturday.
*E. W. Pierce and wife of Denison were over Sunday visitors at the Frank McHenry home west of town.
*Mrs. Sarah Baber and Miss Lula Howorth were among the Dow City people who were in Denison Saturday.
*Miss Jessie Rudd came Saturday from Sioux City and will visit her many relatives and friends in this vicinity.
*Attorney E. H. Swasey was attending to some business matters in Denison Monday. He was accompanied by his family.
*Mrs. John Rollins of Dell Rapids, S. D., was visiting during the past week with relatives in Dow City and vicinity.
*Miss Bessie Butler returned to her home in Woodbine Tuesday after a few days visit with relatives and friends. Her sister, Janie, accompanied her.
*O. E. Holcomb was over from Shelby county Monday and favored us with a call. He reports the heavy rains have done considerable damage to him and his neighbors.
*J. W. Cramer started last Friday for Pueblo, Col., where he will remain about ten days visiting his daughter, Mrs. Moyer. His wife and children who preceded him there a couple of weeks, will probably return with him.
*F. W. Berka and wife visited in Arion Tuesday.
*Virgil and Herbert Butterworth went to Omaha Tuesday.
*S. E. Goddard and Wm. Houston were at the county seat on business Tuesday.
*W. C. Rolls, E. P. O'Meara, L. Cohen and Geo. Malone were among the many to go to Omaha Tuesday.
*A. Alexander and daughter Bessie and Miss Maud Brake went to Omaha Tuesday to take in the big circus.
*Jos. Secrist and Mrs. John Stahn came up from Sidney, Iowa to be present at the funeral of Archie Brake.
*Miss Ora Butterworth returned home from Logan Tuesday where she had been visiting a couple of weeks.
*Prof. H. D. Kies who is teaching summer school in Denison was visiting his many friends in Dow City Sunday.
*Mrs. John Williamson and family returned home from Irwin Tuesday where they had been visiting relatives for a week.
*J. T. Carey and Chas. Molter were in this vicinity Tuesday with Thos. Ahart looking after the county bridges which the high water put out of order.
*Mrs. J. U. Wise was in Dunlap Tuesday.
*James Baber came up from Dunlap Wednesday.
*Melvin Graul has returned to his work at Clinton.
*C. L. and S. E. Rudd, visited at Creighton, Neb., the first of the week.
*Miss Jenna Strahn was down from Denison this week visiting friends.
*Miss Elsie Butterworth returned to her home at Merrill, Iowa, Saturday.
*Dr. F. B. Evans was here from Concord, Neb., last week. He brought a doctor along with him to look at his house. The doctor may decide to buy Dr. Evans' residence and locate here.
*Mrs. Geo. Keairnes took her little daughter to Omaha Tuesday for the purpose of securing a truss in order to prevent an operation. Dr. Van Metre accompanied them to assist in the work.
*Meet Death Heroically
- Archie Brake Drowned at Iowa Falls in Effort to Save Life of Miss Dorothy Bruce.
Funeral at Dow City Today
- Archie Paul Brake was born April 11th, 1889 in Willow township Crawford county, Iowa and died July 13th, 1909 being twenty years, three months and two days old. He passed his physical examination June 12th, 1907 and at once entered the depot at Dow City and began the study of telegraphy under Mrs. O. J. Judd. He was so rapid and proficient in his work that in October following he was given work as extra man and was relief operator at many stations along the Illinois Central railroad.
Last October he was given regular work at Iowa Falls, only being called into the dispatcher's office during last March, after which he returned to his regular work again. He lost his life in trying to save a friend, Miss Dorothy Bruce, from a watery grave when both were drowned. He was only slightly acquainted with the lady who was a school teacher of high standing but the manhood and heroism that was in Archie was instantly shown when he saw this person in danger. The launch was loaded with about forty persons, mostly children, three being knocked off into the water by the swinging of the launch against a guy wire. Two caught the wire and clung to it until rescued.
Mr. E. R. Brake went to Iowa Falls and returned with the remains. He was an entire stranger there and still everyone was his friend, which showed in what esteem Archie was held by those who knew him. Archie was a bright young man of honor and integrity and never failed to make good in any position of trust. We are informed that he was to have been married to Miss Ida Waterhouse next fall. Miss Waterhouse has been teaching school in this vicinity a few years and is highly respected by all and this death will be a sad blow to her.
The funeral will be held this morning at the M. E. church, Rev. Curtis preaching the sermon. The remains were interred in the Dow City cemetery. The Enterprise extends sympathy to the bereaved family and all friends.
*Frank Howorth was in Omaha this week.
*Dr. E. L. Manchester was up from Dunlap yesterday.
*The brick work on the new buildings is fast nearing completion.
*Frank Howorth has a new automobile of the Chalmers-Detroit make.
*The painting of the M. E. church is about completed and certainly looks fine.
*The doors of the L. D. S. church are now made to swing outward. The building will also be painted.
*Mrs. J. J. W. Place and her daughter Aroma Place of Des Moines who has been visiting her parents the last ten days, started Monday to Ohiowa, Neb., to visit a married daughter and sister, Mrs. E. W. McFarland.
*There will be discussed in the Baptist church Sunday at 10:45 the pastor, the subject - The Stone and Sand Foundation. Sunday School 12 M. At 7 p.m. there will be a short sermon and song service in the park at the band stand. All are cordially invited to be present and take part in the singing.
*Eugene Baber gave a party to about twenty of his young lady and gentlemen friends at his home last Saturday evening in honor of his sixteenth birthday. Refreshments were served and a very enjoyable time was had by all present until a late hour. A nice present was given him and the guests departed wishing him many more happy birthdays.
*Don't throw away them shoes. Do you know there is a Shoe Maker in Dow City, situated at the Elevator Office, where your shoes will be Neatly Repaired on short notice. Good Work and Good Leather Guaranteed.
*McAhren & Malone- General Auctioneers - Will serve the interests of the people of Dow City and vicinity and guarantee satisfaction. Dates Made at Enterprise Office.
*G. H. Alexander, Drayman - Successor to Gibson and McBride - All work contracted to my care will be promptly and carefully attended to. Your Patronage Solicited.
*Shave - Hair Cut, Face Massage, and everything in the tonsorial line. Hot or cold bath. Neat and Sanitary. M. C. Norris.
*J. H. Pearsall, Drayman - I solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee prompt service and careful handling of goods.
*Home Foods at Less Than Home Prices - We have groceries in sufficient quantities to supply and demand and they are always fresh and the prices the lowest. Here is food for the masses at prices that will surprise you. We have a reputation for Quality and Low Prices on our Bakery Goods which is a combination hard to beat. W. L. Swatman & Co., Dow City, Iowa.
*The interior of the Bemser store has been nicely painted and the outside will soon be treated likewise.
*We may be a little short on some crops on account of the rain but for the same reason we will have an abundant crop of frogs and mosquitoes.
*Farmers who have teams that are afraid of automobiles should keep out of the way next Wednesday afternoon when the Glidden tourists pass this vicinity.
*Miss Lucy Healy has closed her millinery store until the fall season when she will return again. Her friends are glad to know that she had a successful season.
*Next Wednesday is automobile day in Dow City. Fifty or more of the Glidden touring cars will go through here that day. People are warned to keep the children off the streets.
*Postmaster M. G. Wiggins has installed a fine case containing 138 keyless, combination lock boxes. Nearly all of them have been taken already, but the number is probably sufficient for several years to come. They are a very neat pattern and are quite an ornament to the office.
Wednesday, July 21, 1909
*GAVE HIS LIFE FOR A FRIEND (There is a picture in the newspaper to go with this article.)
- Obituary of Archie Paul Brake Who Gave Up His Life for Another
- Greater Love Hath No Man
- The Funeral at Dow City, a Notable Event.
Great Sermon by Rev. Curtis.
End of Brilliant Career.
Archie Paul, son of E. R. and Nettie M. Brake was born in Willow township, Crawford county, Iowa, April the 11th, 1889 and departed this life at Iowa Falls, Iowa, July 13, 1909, aged 20 years, 3 months and 2 days. His life was largely spent in this community.
Here in our midst he grew to young manhood. He was known to all to be industrious, honest in character, morally clean and upright. In much he was a model for many others. His going away was sudden and unexpected to himself, his friends and loved ones. But as he went he reached the highest possible place in human endeavor and sacrifice. He gave his life to save another, hence it is written, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." None can do more. It was his last endeavor in time, but it was his crowning act. The Christ taught that "he who giveth a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple shall not loose his reward." Then how much more shall he not loose his reward who gave his life to save another. May these thoughts from the word of God greatly comfort his parents, brothers and sister, and all his kindred. Archie Paul Brake, to thee we say farewell and for thee we say, "Well Done."
The above obituary was read at the funeral, which took place at the M. E. church Friday, July 16th, at one o'clock conducted by Rev. Curtis and the remains were laid to rest in the Dow City cemetery by the side of the little sister, who preceded him a few years ago. The church was beautifully decorated with terns and flowers, many of which were sent from Iowa Falls.
Archie entered the depot at Dow City in June 1907, to learn telegraphy under the instruction of Agent O. J. Judd. His progress was so rapid and his work so satisfactory that in October following he was given work as relief operator at many towns along the Illinois Central railroad. Last October he was given regular work at Iowa Falls, which position he held at the time of his death. He was perfectly trustworthy and enjoyed the confidence of all, and a son of whom any parents could be proud. His friends were numbered by his acquaintances. The funeral was one of the largest ever held in Dow City.
He leaves to mourn his loss his father and mother, three brothers, Earl, Wesley and Vincent and one sister, Minnie. Much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved family, also for the young lady who was soon to have been his wife. The pallbearers were Hugh Butterworth, Morris Wilder, James Turnlund, Romannan Holcomb, Burl Logsdon and Elmer Riddle.
*Miss Grace Swatman is home from a two weeks' visit.
*Star Goddard has purchased the Robertson residence property, which is occupied by D. E. Bremser. This will call for Mr. Bremser to move and there is not a vacant house in town.
*The Howorths have purchased a fine new auto, which arrived from Omaha.
*Mrs. L. B. Denton of Lincoln, Neb. Accompanied by Minnie Brake returned home Monday from an extended visit with the T. M. Swatman family.
*Mrs. Brake's aunts, Mrs. N. A. Fuller and Mrs. L. A. Moomaw, also Earl McMahon of Council Bluffs were in attendance at the funeral Friday. Mrs. Strahan, sister of Mrs. T. M. Swatman, also Mr. Joe Secrist came from Sidney, Iowa to be present at the funeral.
*The L. D. S. Sunday School picnic will be held in the park July 23rd.
*Mrs. Place and daughter Aroma visited in Nebraska last week.
*The Baptist people held their services in the park last Sunday evening.
*Married in Dunlap July 19, Mr. James W. Baber and Miss Bertha Beard. Mr. Baber is well known in our town and all wish success and prosperity for these young people.
*S. E. and C. L. Rudd and wives have returned from their visit to Creighton, Neb. S. E. Rudd and wife were so favorably impressed with the town that they expect to move to that place in about three weeks.
*Mrs. F. M. Cole and daughter, Blanche, returned from Emmetsburg Saturday evening where they had been visiting Mrs. Cole's daughter, Mrs. Frank Mitchell.
*The postoffice inspector was in town Monday.
*The L. D. S. people are painting their church which gives it a very neat appearance. The doors have also been changed to swing outward.
*Miss Ida Waterhouse came from Nebraska to attend the funeral of Archie Brake and is spending a few days with the family.
*Mr. A. A. Luke is adding new porches and otherwise improving his residence property.
*Mr. and Mrs. Brake were Sunday visitors at Arion.
*Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hall, friends of Mr. and Mrs. Brake were up from Council Bluffs to attend Archie's funeral.
*Miss Goldie Honz returned home Saturday from a three weeks' visit at Sioux City.
*Miss Bessie Butler returned to her home at Woodbine Thursday.
*Ex-Marshal R. T. Baber is working for a few weeks over at Galland's Grove.
*Fred and George Pearsall have both gone to the hospital at Rochester, Minn. They were accompanied by Dr. Coon of Denison.
*Miss Grace Swatman is home from Fairbury, Neb., where she has been visiting friends for two weeks.
*Frank Sands, a former Dow City boy, now of Cherryville, Mo., is in town, the guest of Morris Wilder.
*Work has been commenced for a nice residence in the south part of town for Mrs. Rule and daughter, Nellie.
*W. V. Whaley has sold his property in town to Mr. Randall. Mrs. And Mrs. Whaley will leave in about a month. They will go from here to Perry, then about the first of September they will go to visit in Kansas and Oklahoma and then they will go to California. We will miss this family and hope they may decide to return and make this their home again.
*The water system is being extended, the ditching is being dug to lay the main two blocks south of the L. D. S. church.
*Mrs. Cameron entertained the Royal Neighbors at her home Saturday afternoon. A nice lunch was served on the lawn and all enjoyed the occasion very much.
*Word comes from Wm. Morrison, who is at the M. W. A. sanitorium at Colorado Springs, Col., that he is improving and expects a complete recovery.
*Card of Thanks - Words fail to express our heartfelt gratitude to the friends and neighbors in our late bereavement. We appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending the beautiful flowers. We thank the singers and those who so beautifully decorated the church. Your kindness has helped us to bear our cross. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Brake and family.
Dow City Enterprise
Friday, July 23, 1909
*R. T. Baber went to Gallands Grove Sunday.
*Sears Nelson was a Denison visitor Sunday evening.
*J. U. Wise transacted business in Denison Saturday.
*Ward and Geo. Zea were down from Denison last week.
*James W. Baber and wife were Dunlap visitors Wednesday.
*A. A. Luke was a business visitor at the county seat Monday.
*Mrs. H. Bell and daughter Blanche were Denison visitors Saturday.
*Misses Ellen and Lois Goddard were Denison visitors last Friday.
*Mrs. F.F. Jackson and children went to Gallands Grove Tuesday.
*Miss Viola Peffley of Dunlap was visiting relatives in Dow City this week.
*Jay Baber came from South Dakota Tuesday where he has been during the summer.
*Fred Baber was over from Gallands Grove Sunday visiting relatives and friends.
*Frank Sands is here this week from Kansas visiting his many old time friends.
*Miss Kate Calanan of Dunlap has been visiting at the Wm. Aldrich home this week.
*Earl McMahon was up from Council Bluffs last week to attend the funeral of Archie Brake.
*Mrs. Wm. Roy and children came down from Denison last week for a visit with relatives.
*Mrs.Chas. Talcott and her mother Mrs.Daniel Grace were here this week visiting old friends.
*Miss Golda Honz returned from Sioux City Saturday where she had been visiting with relatives.
*C. Butterworth and wife and daughter Mildred and son Nelson were county seat visitors Sunday.
*W. V. Whaley and Frank McHenry were among those attending the Chautauqua in Denison Tuesday.
*The Misses Ester and Kate Turnlund and Mildred and Flora Wiggins were Denison visitors Tuesday.
*Mrs. R. T. Baber and Mrs. W. C. Rolls and daughter Ruby were Denison visitors Saturday evening.
*John Miller and wife returned last week from Dakota and went from here to Moorhead for a short visit.
*C. F. Buss went to Denison Monday to stay during the week for the purpose of attending the entire Chautauqua course.
*Miss Minnie Brake went to Lincoln, Neb., Sunday where she will make an extended visit with relatives and friends.
*F. W. and Geo. Pearsall went to Rochester, Minn., last week to consult the specialists there in regard to their health.
*E. H. Swasey and wife and E. Howorth and daughter Lulu were among the Dow City people to attend the Chautauqua in Denison this week.
*Mrs. Martha Wallace, mother of Mrs. A. L. Curtis started Monday evening for her home at Barnesville, Ohio, after a few weeks visit in Dow City.
*Mrs. P. D. Moomaw and Mrs. N. A. Fuller of Council Bluffs were in attendance at the funeral of Archie Brake. They are sisters of T. W. Swatman.
*Mr. James Petefish who has been at the E. N. Chamberlain home assisting with the new building returned Saturday to his home in Literberry, Ill.
*Misses Mabel and Mary Franklin of Harlan who have been making quite an extended visit at the W. W. Clark home west of town, returned to their home Saturday.
*Rev. Place was in Arion yesterday.
*W. H. Wiggins and wife were in Denison Sunday.
*Misses Ola Rigsby and Elsie Spence were Denison visitors yesterday.
*Misses Elfie and Ethel Bays of Dunlap were visiting at the M. C. Norris home last week.
*Miss Ida Waterhouse came from Nebraska to be present at the funeral of Archie Brake.
*Rev. D. M. Houghlelin was a brief caller last week. He was formerly a pastor of the M. E. church here.
*Recent news from Wm. Morrison is to the effect that he is making very good improvement and has hopes of a full recovery.
*We are pleased to report that James Riddle has been making a good recovery from his trouble and that he will soon be brought home.
*R. E. Curtis and wife went this week to McClelland, Iowa, to visit Mr. Curtis' parents before going to Davenport to begin his services as instructor in the high school.
*Wedding Bells
- Last Saturday evening at the Congregational parsonage in Dunlap occurred the marriage of James W. Baber of Dow City to Miss Bertha Beard of Dunlap, Rev. J. H. Armstrong officiating.
Mr. Baber was born and raised in Dow City and has a host of friends who will wish for him and his chosen companion much joy and happiness. The bride is but little known in Dow City but will be given a cordial welcome should she become a resident of our town. The Enterprise extends congratulations wishing them well wherever they may decide to locate.
*The funeral of Archie Brake was held at the time as announced in our last issue, Rev. A. L. Curtis officiated and delivered a very appropriate discourse for such an occasion. The choir sang some very beautiful and appropriate selections. Many were the floral tokens and the church was very nicely decorated.
The house was well filled with sympathizing friends. The Enterprise again extends sympathy to the bereaved ones.
The following obituary was read at the close of the sermon:
Archie Paul, son of E. R. and Nettie M. Brake, was born in Willow township, Crawford County, Iowa, April 11, 1889 and departed this life at Iowa Falls, Iowa, July 13th, 1909. Age twenty years, three months and two days. His life was largely spent in this community. Here in our midst he grew to young manhood. He was known to all to be industrious, honest, in character morally clean and upright.
In much he was a model for many others. His going away was sudden and unexpected to himself, his friends and loved ones. But as he went he reached the highest possible place in human endeavor and sacrifice. He gave his life to save another. Hence it is written, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." None could do more. It was his last endeavor in time, but it was his best and crowning act. The Christ taught that he who giveth a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple shall not lose his reward.
May these thoughts from the word of God greatly comfort his parents, brothers and sister, and all his kindred. Archie Paul Brake, to thee we say farewell, and for the we say, Well Done.
*John Miller and family will locate at Pisgah.
*Elder C. J. Hunt of Deloit preached at the L. D. S. church in Dow City Sunday evening.
*Mark Wright, an old soldier and member of Denison city council died last Wednesday of kidney trouble.
*E. N. Chamberlain has enlarged his residence, fitted it up with all the modern improvements possible and now has the best residence in the city.
*Lots of good work has been done in cleaning up the streets this week. Mayor Dow is looking after the work and seems to be the right man for the place.
*The school house is undergoing considerable needed repairs. A New roof is being put on and the doors all changed to swing outward to comply with the new law.
*One freak of last week's storm at Washta, Iowa was the blowing away of a cow which was being milked by Henry Ashton and leaving him sitting on the stool undisturbed, except that his pipe was blown out of his mouth.
*A postoffice inspector was here this week and checked up the office loss occasioned by the fire. Mr. Wiggins was allowed nearly two dollars more by the inspector than he had figured the loss on stamps and stamped paper. The adjustment was made entirely satisfactory.
*Elder C. J. Hunt was called from Deloit to preach the funeral of Mr. George Greenwood at Gallands Grove, Shelby county. He was born Oct. 22, 1832 in England where he became a member of the L. D. S. church in 1840. He was married in 1855 and came to America the same year. He died Saturday morning at the home of his son. Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock the funeral was preached by Elder C. J. Hunt and was very largely attended. The remains were interred in the Gallands Grove cemetery. The Enterprise extends sympathy to the bereaved relatives.
Denison Review
*Mrs. Jennie Huntington of Wendt, S. D. arrived Thursday for an extended visit with friends and relatives.
*D. E. Bremser and wife drove up to Denison Friday to see the ball game.
*Friday afternoon Fred Buss was bringing hogs to town. When just north of the Portvein railroad crossing, the hogs bunched up in the back of the wagon. Without stopping the team Mr. Buss was giving his attention to the hogs. The team came to the crossing as No. 4, the east bound passenger, came along. It struck the heads of the horses, also broke the wagon tongue. One of the horses was so badly injured that it had to be killed and the other was seriously injured but may recover. A boy was driving another team behind and saw the danger, but was so badly frightened that he could not give the alarm. This was a close call for Mr. Buss and an experience he will not soon forget. The load of hogs was left unharmed.
*Mr. E. D. Butts is improving his property by a fine cement cave and cement walk.
*Mayor Dow is having the weeds cut and the town cleaned up in general.
*Dr. R. F. VanMetre has purchased the residence property where he now lives from Dr. Frank Evans.
*Mrs. I. B.Scott arrived in town Saturday afternoon from Creighton, Neb. For a visit with many friends.
*Mrs. R. McColl and daughter, Opal, went to Minneapolis Saturday for a visit with Mrs. McColl's daughters Ingey and Sylva.
*H. A. Rudd went to Wendt, S. D. last week on business.
*Mrs. Mary Rudd, who has been quite sick, is slowly recovering.
*The Misses Edna Fritz and Bessie Griffin have returned home after finishing the term of summer school at Denison.
*Mrs. Carrie Hammond came Monday for a visit with her many friends.
*Miss Vera Tripp is up from Omaha for a few days' visit with friends and relatives.
*Miss Hilda Turnland is home from a visit with her brother in Council Bluffs.
*Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ord Leslie Sunday, a girl.
*The coons are so numerous along the river that they are making sad havoc among the chickens.
*Sears Nelson went to Denison Sunday to visit friends.
Friday, July 30, 1909
*Sears Nelson was in Denison Sunday.
*Geo. Fritz was a county seat visitor Sunday.
*Mrs. John Mathys was a Denison visitor Monday.
*D. S. Miller and wife visited in Dunlap Saturday.
*James Baber and wife were Dunlap visitors Monday.
*Fred Baber and family were over from Shelby county Sunday.
*Sheriff H. J. Cummings was down from the county seat Monday.
*Dr. Van Metre is enjoying a visit from his father from Waterloo.
*Miss Janie Butler returned Monday from her visit near Woodbine.
*Mrs. E. L. Hammond came Monday for a visit with her many friends.
*Miss Lela Norris was up from Dunlap visiting at the M. C. Norris home.
*Mrs. G. H. Huntington of Wendte, S. D. is here visiting relatives and friends.
*Eugene Baber and Earl Brake were attending the chautauqua in Denison Sunday.
*Mrs. J. W. Lee came home Monday from Missouri where she had been visiting a few weeks.
*Dr. Simpson was down from Denison Sunday treating a sick horse for J. N. Leslie.
*Mrs. I. H. Scott came from Creighton, Neb., Saturday for a visit with relatives and friends.
*E. H. Swasey, W. C. Rolls and Walter Bryan were at the county seat Tuesday on business.
*C. O. Miller, S. E. Goddard, A. A. Luke and M. A. Riley were Monday visitors at the county seat.
*John Dietz was over from Charter Oak a couple of days this week using his fine Jackson automobile.
*Mrs. V. P. Vaughan returned home from Milford, Neb. Where she had been visiting a few weeks.
*Wm. Pett and wife and daughter, Mrs. J. B. Rae and Miss Ellen Scott were Denison visitors Saturday.
*Miss Vera Tripp came up from Omaha last week for a two weeks visit with her many friends here.
*Rev. J. H. Holden of Castana and Rev. C. E. Walsh of Arion were pleasant callers at this office Tuesday.
*W. E. Dow, H. B. Johnson, J. M. Pett and B. Sharp and wife attended the Chautauqua in Denison Saturday.
*John Cramer and family returned this week from their visit at Pueblo, Col. They have been absent several weeks.
*H. W. Logsdon, Merton Thomas and George Conners were among the Dow City people who were at the county seat Saturday.
*Mrs. W. H. Buss, Mrs. J. F. Wiley and daughter Fancheon, Mrs. A. A. Luke and Mrs. E. H. Swasey were Chautauqua visitors Saturday.
*J. R. Griffin, John Williamson, Wm. Jordan, Frank Sands, Hugh Butterworth and Morris Wilder were taking in the sights in Denison Saturday.
*Mrs. Jos. McColl started Saturday for Rochester, Minn., where she expected to have an operation performed. She visited her daughters at Minneapolis on the way.
*Mesdames S. E. and H. A. Rudd, J. H. Pearsall, J. N. Bell, W. A. Cameron, J. H. Young, G. H. Huntington and R. T. VanMetre were Chautauqua visitors Saturday.
*Mrs. G. M. Goddard, Miss Lois Goddard, Thos. Walters and wife, John Walters and his mother Mrs. James Walters were among the Dow City people who were in Denison Friday.
*Miss Rita Odell returned from Cedar Falls Saturday and will spend a short vacation at home after which she will return for her final year's school work when she will graduate.
*Ed Riddle returned Monday from Clarinda where he had been to see his brother James. He found him better than when he was there before but no better than he was when first taken there.
*F. M. Cole and daughter Blanche, the Misses Susie and Hattie Vore, Pearl Vore, Mark Pearsall, Elmer Riddle, Floyd Rigsby and the Misses Grace Howorth, Mildred Butterworth and Rena Ahart attended the chautauqua Saturday.
*Mrs. J. M. Pett went to Woodbine Saturday to see her mother who has recently returned from New Mexico. The country there did not agree with her. Fred Kleeb, her son, also returned with her because he did not like the country.
*L. Cohen went to Omaha Wednesday to get his automobile.
*Edgar Enbody was up from Dunlap a short time Wednesday.
*Mrs. Chris Suhr and Miss Vera Tripp were in Denison yesterday.
*Roy Williamson visited a few days this week at the Fred Jackson home.
*Miss Blanche Bell went to Blair, Neb., Wednesday for a visit with friends.
*T. J. O'Meara and wife of Buck Grove visited relatives in Dow City Wednesday.
*P. W. O'Meara and Ed Riddle were at the county seat Wednesday on business.
*Mrs. Geo. Crandall and daughter Lulu have returned from their visit at Dallas Center.
*Mrs. I. H. Scott and daughter Eunice and Mrs. J. W. Lee were Denison visitors yesterday.
*Henry Nelson returned Wednesday from quite an extended visit with relatives and friends in Nebraska.
Elder Chas. E. Butterworth and wife will go next week to Davis City, Iowa, to attend the wedding of their son Julian to Miss Veta Scott.
*Miss Bernice Alexander expects to go next week to Idaho where she will each school the coming year. We are informed that Miss Alfreda Gloe is also going.
*A narrow escape - While coming to Dow City with a load of hogs last Friday, F. C. Buss had a very narrow escape from being killed. Fred was caring for his hogs and did not notice that his team was going on the track just in front of the Northwestern east bound passenger, but such as was the case, and his horses were struck and knocked off from the track and the tongue broken off. Mr. Buss was left sitting on the wagon unharmed for which he was indeed very thankful. One horse was so badly hurt that it had to be killed but it is possible that the other may recover from its bruises and broken bones. It was certainly a close call for Fred but his friends are sincerely glad he escaped.
*Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Leslie are the proud parents of a baby girl which was born this week.
*An animal's tooth over six inches long and weighing four and three quarter pounds was found in a sand pit near Logan.
*One of the rural mail carriers out of Moorhead has a motor cycle and is using it to carry mail, making the rounds in less than three hours.
*According to Washington dispatches congress will be asked by the president to authorize a bond issue of $40,000,000 for the Panama canal.
*The new house being built by Mrs. Geo. Rule is fast nearing completion.
*Ed Butts is having a cement sidewalk laid along the south side of his residence property this week.
*A cement sidewalk is being laid along the east side of the Dr. Evans residence occupied by Dr. VanMetre.
*We are informed that James Ballantine and wife will soon go to Ireland for a visit. We hope they may have a safe journey.
*Ferdinand Boger was killed at Buck Grove last week by being thrown from his buggy while his team was running away.
*J. A. Scott moved yesterday into the house specially prepared for his home near the blacksmith shop. D. E. Bremser also moved yesterday into the house vacated by Scott.
*S. E. Rudd who has been in our employ for about fourteen years as foreman of the Enterprise has severed his connection with the paper and will move to Creighton, Neb., where he takes a position with J. P. Riddle, a contractor and builder, where he can do out door work thinking the change will do him good. He was a very competent workman and we feel the Enterprise has lost a friend. During all his time here our associations have always been very pleasant and agreeable and it was with many regrets on our part when he decided to leave our employ. It is our sincere wish that he may enjoy his new work and that health and contentment may be in the lot of himself and family. It shall be our aim to keep the Enterprise and the job department up to the standard that has been maintained heretofore. Mr. L. C. Hatch, our new foreman, we believe will make good, and we ask the public to give him a fair trial before judging.
*We are pleased to acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to attend the wedding of Julian E. Butterworth to Miss Veta Scott at Davis City, Iowa. Julian was at one time in our employ and could be trusted to do the best he could. Since leaving us he has graduated from the state university at Iowa City. The first year after graduating he taught in the high school at Waterloo and since then in the high school at Iowa City, and we are informed he is still retained for another year. The wedding will occur next Wednesday, Aug. 4, and we make haste to extend congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Butterworth.
*Word reaches us through a letter from Harry Huntington that Lon Rudd was married Monday. The name of the fortunate lady was not given but we extend congratulations wishing them much joy on their farm near Wendte, S. D.
Dow City news articles submitted by Melba McDowell