The Board of Directors of the Soldiers'
Cenotaph Association met at the residence of Mrs. A.C.
Rogers, in Elkader, on Tuesday, May 12th, for the purpose
of selecting a site for the monument, and doing any other
business which might be brought before the Board.
A motion was made and carried that, providing the land
could be procured on such terms as the Board should deem
reasonable, that the Cenotaph should be located at a
point between the junction of the Monona and McGregor
roads, and that of the Garnavillo and Elkader roads to
McGregor, near Mr. Lafayette Bigelow's in the South west
part of Giard township.
Mrs. Fox, of Garnavillo, and Mrs. White, of Sperry were
appointed a committee to ascertain the terms on which the
land can be procured, and make a report of the same at
the next meeting of the Board; the committee having
permission to employ substitutes to do the necessary
business for them if they chooose.
The meeting then adjourned to meet at the same place on
the first Tuesday of September next.
Mrs. H.M. Blanchard, Pres.
Laura Stewart, Sec'y
~Clayton County Journal, Thurs. May 28, 1863~*~
The Cenotaph Association of this county is still in
existence, as we learn, though the Directors are not very
prompt in attending the meetings, and in responding to
the letters of the President and Secretary. Some of the
ladies in the different towns of the county to whom this
matter has been entrusted, have evidently neglected it,
either from want of interest or carelessness. It is hoped
that they, at next meeting of the Association, will be in
attendance and help to sustain so praiseworthy an
organization. As an appeal will shortly be be published
by the President or Secretary, we refrain from further
remarks for the present on the matter.
Since the above was put in type, Mrs. Stewart, the
Secretary, handed us a letter on this subject, which will
be found in another column, and to which we direct
[transcriber's note: The letter from Laura Stewart,
secretary of the association, was published in the same
issue. Not transcribed in full, it is abstracted below]
Elkader, Nov. 16th, 1863
Mr. Editor
Sir: We often hear the enquiry whether there is anyting
being done about the building of the "Soldier's
-Inauguarating committee met last winter with 7 directors
-First meeting of the directors in February, only 4
directors showed up
-Director's meeting in May, 4 directors were present, the
other 3 not having corresponded what-so-ever
-September meeting, nothing accomplished; the land-owner
of the designated site never responded to the President's
letter asking him to either donate the land or give a
price for which it could be bought
-October meeting, no directors from out of town attended,
none sent correspondence
Why there is so little interest manifested in this
enterprise I am unable to account for. Is not the work a
laudable one? The objection which was raised at first, is
that the money is all needed to help the sick and wounded
soldiers ... it is not the intention of the association
to try to raise funds for the building of the monument
until after the war is ended.
One would suppose it would be a great satisfaction to
thise who have near friends engaged in this fearful
struggle for freedom and right, to know that their names
will be preserved on monumental record as a memento of
their heroism and bravery; and while their bodies shall
lie mouldering in a distant soil,, posterity shall bow to
the memory of the heroes who so freely gave their lives
in the cause of freedom.
Laura Stewart.
~Clayton County Journal, Thurs. November 19,
Dear Journal:
Having seen in a late paper a notice of the Monument
erected in Grant county, Wis., to the memory of their
brave soldiers who perished in the late war, it seemed to
me that something might be done to perpetuate the memory
of our fallen heroes. I think it was about four years ago
that Judge Price [illegible] a movement, which at one
time gave promise of success, and resulted in the
organization of the "Clayton Co. Cenotaph
Association". Why it failed, I know not, but I know
it was argued that all available means were necessary to
comfort and sustain our living soldiers then in the field
and that when the war was over it would be time enough to
agitate the question, but I have seen nothing to indicate
that such an enterprise is in contemplation.
The papers of the Clayton Co. C.A. are probably in the
hands of the secretary - Mrs. Laura Stewart of Elkader. I
think a constitution and by laws were drawn up, and
several meetings were held, but am not certain how far
matters progressed towards a complete organization.
Shall it be said that as wealthy and prosperous a county
as Clayton failed in honoring her illustrious dead? I
hope not. We have the means; we have the endergy and why
shall we not have the Cenotaph?
I think, at National, where our Fair grounds are located,
would be a suitable location for the Monument, as there
the people of the county meet once a year to attend our
county Fair.
But I leave the subject for abler pens than mine, and I
am sure that advocates will not be wanting for so noble a
-A Looker On
~Clayton County Journal, February 20, 1867
Response to "A Looker On"
Ed. Journal
Sir: Your correspondent of last week "A Looker
On", says that about four years ago a movement was
inaugurated towards the erecting of a Cenotaph, which
promised success, &c, and that the papers are
probably in the hands of the secretary - all of which is
true - and I have often thought during the past year that
something ought to be done toward reviving that
institution, which was not, as some thought, dead,
"but only sleeping". But I hardly knew what to
do as the President, whose duty it was to call all
meetings, had left the county, but on looking over the
constitution I saw that if she failed so to do, a
majority of the board of Directors may order a meeting. I
have already consulted with a part of the members, and
ere this appears in print, I shall have written to the
others. As soon as I hear from them and the time is
determined upon for a meeting, a notice of the same shall
be made public.
Laura Stewart, Secretary of the C.C.S.C.A., Elkader Iowa,
Feb. 25th, 1867
[the letter goes on restating much of which had already
been stated in the letter from "Looker On"]
~Clayton County Journal, February 27, 1867
Has the Cenotaph movement again received a check? What
has become of the excellent suggestions of the old
Secretary of the cenotaph association and those of Judge
Price? Have they all been made in vain? Shall it really
be said of Clayton county in the future as it was once
said of Greece, "She honored not her heroes?"
The unpleasant quietness just now upon the matter causes
us to think that there is an indifference regarding it
which should not be. Will not some one keep the ball in
~Clayton County Journal, Wed. March 20, 1867
Mrs. Laura Stewart, the Secretary of the Cenotaph
Association, in a communication to the Elkader
Journal, requests the Board of Directors to meet at
Elkader on Tuesday, May 7th, to set the good work to
We "second the motion," while venturing to
suggest that the living ones of Clayton County, at
present, should be carefully looked after.
Honors to the dead are prompted by noble impulses - bread
to the starving - is a little more essential, unless we
want a few more dead!
~North Iowa Times, Wednesday, May 1, 1867
Elkader, May 7th, 1867
The Cenotaph Association met at the residence of E.W.
Stewart and organized and elected a new Board of
Directors, as follows:
Mrs. Helen M. Hutchins of Farmersburg, President
Mrs. Laura Stewart of Elkader, Secretary
Mrs. Julia B. Fox, Garnavillo, Treasurer
Mrs. Eliza Grannis, if Strawberry Pt.
Mrs. H.E. Newell of McGregor
Mrs. John Shaw of Hardin
After which they adjourned to meet at National on the
25th of the present month at 11 o'clock a.m., at the
Church, for the purpose of determing the location of the
monuent, devising means for raising funds, and doing such
other business as may be deemed proper. It is to be hoped
there will be a general attendance as now the work if
fairly commenced and it must succeed.
Helen M. Hutchins, Pres.
Laura Stewart, Secretary
~Clayton County Journal, May 8, 1867
McGregor, May 20th, 1867
Mr. Editor - Permit me through the columns of the Journal
to say a word in relation to the Soldiers Cenotaph of
Clayton Co., now under advisement by the Survivors of one
of the most infamous Rebellions that ever cursed God's
foot stool. To have the names of those Patriots who fell
in defense of their country's cause inscribed on
something that shall endure whille time shall last, is
something to be much desired by all true lovers of
Freedom, and the privilege of looking at such an object
in Clayton Co. we believe is the desire of every friend
of the brave boys who fell in their country's defense.
Now the location is about to be settled, where is the
proper place? There will doubtless be a difference of
opinion on that, and in order to advance one's huble
opinion (which we feel satisfied would suit most of those
deeply interested) we would say the county seat is the
proper place, the right place, and the place altogether.
There, the whole people of the county assemble from time
to time, and with pride may look upon the names of dear
ones and drop a tear beneath the beautiful spire that
shall bear their names, carrying down to future ages the
noble deeds and names of heroes worthy to be remembered;
like the grand old Turkey which, in imitation thereof
ripples its sparkling waters down its winding way,
conveying the cooling draughts to other climes. Yes,
citizens of old Clayton, miss not the chance of thus
manifesting your regard for those who full in freedom's
cuse, but lay your foundation wide and stong on some
beautiful spot of the Turkey's lawn and you may rest
assured the work will go on.
~Clayton County Journal, Wednesday, May 22, 1867
Proceedings of Cenotaph Meeting
Farmersburg, May 25, 1867
The Board of Directors of the Cenotaph Association met at
National pursuant to adjournment.
The meeting being called to order, the minutes of the
last meeting were read and approved, after which Mrs.
Bangeman, of Guttenberg, was elected a member of the
Board of Directors, to fill a vacancy, Mrs. Reiss
declining to serve.
The next business in order being to determine upon a
location for the Cenotaph. A motion was made that it be
located on the "Fair Grounds", at National. The
motion was carried by an overwhelming majority.
A committee of four gentlemen were appointed to procure
the names of the deceased soldiers, from Clayton County,
who died while in service during the late war:
Willis Drummond, McGregor
Eliphalet Price, Guttenberg
Capt. T.G. Drips, Clayton
Lieut. G. Cooley, Strawberry Point
The Secretary was instructed to notify each member of the
Committee of their appointment.
The following resolutions were made and adopted
[excerpted by the transcriber ..sf]
Resolved - The members of the Agricultural Society
present be invited to assist in devising a plan for
raising funds for the Cenotaph - accepted by the Society
Resolved - the Cenotaph Association is requested to
petition the County Board of Supervisors at the June
Session, 1867, to make an appropriation to erect a
monument in memory of the soldiers from Clayton County
who lost their lives while suppressing the Great
Rebellion of 1861
The following Committee was apointed, with the request
that each canvass their respective townships for the
purpose of procuring signers to a petition made to the
Board of Supervisors for sufficient money to defray the
expense of erecting the Cenotaph. Committee to report to
the secretary of the Association in time for the next
meeting. Committee members:
Boardman - Buel Knapp
Read - L.R. Gilbert
Mendon - J.H. Merrill
Farmersburg - J.E. Corlett
Garnavillo - G.W. Beach
Jefferson - E. Price
Clayton - J.G. Jerome
Monona - Wm. Scott
Highland - A.P. Cook
Cox Creek - George Peck
Giard - J.W. Kinsley
Cass - G. Cooley
Lodomillo - James Newberry
Millville - Wm. Gilmore
Buena Vista - R. Meuth
Grand Meadow - R. Bettys
Wagner - Wm. P. Eno
Volga - John Garber
Mallory - John H. Bowman
Elk - Philip Fishel
Marion - J.C. Rounds
Sperry - Henry White
The Board adjourned to meet in Elkader, June 4th
(Tuesday) at one o'clock p.m. at the residencee of E.W.
Helen M. Hutchins, President
Laura Stewart, Secretary
~Clayton County Journal, Wednesday, May 29, 1867
[portions excerpted from the full article by the
transcriber ..sf]
Garnavillo, July 13, 1867
The Board of Directors of the Cenotaph Association met at
the Methodist church. The meeting being called to order,
designs for the monument were exhibited. There were some
very good ones from James & Brother, of Dubuque; one
from the Union Works, of McGregor, by Henry Wood, and
several very beautiful ones by Knight & Armstrong, of
McGregor. A final decision was defered a short time,
thinking perhaps there might be more competition in the
Reconsideration of the vote passed at the May 25th
meeting, to locate the monument on the Fair Grounds -
motion made and carried that the site be 'near' instead
of 'on' the Fair Grounds.
Mrs. Eliza Grannis, of Strawberry Point, who never in any
way accepted her appointment as a member of the Board of
Directors, was removed and Mrs. Capt. Baker, of Volga
City was elected to fill the position.
Adjourned, next meeting at the church at National on the
27th instant for the purpose of making a final decision
to choose a plan for the monument.
Helen M. Hutchins, President
Laura Stewart, Secretary
~Clayton County Journal, July 24, 1867
July 16, '67
Dear Times - Why do you never mention the
"Clayton County Cenotaph Association?" Is it
because you think that august body beneath your notice,
or do you think it an ignis fatuus or "Will
o' the Wisp," only to be found in the imagination of
some old lady, deluded and childish? Let me assure you it
is neither. It is an incorporated body; and has its
regular meetings; and if not conducted in exact
accordance with parliamentary rules, it is enough so to
make it interesting; and to show that Clayton County is
determined not to be outdone in "honoring those
brave hearts, who upheld their country's honor, in the
strength of manhood's right."
At the last meeting some very beautiful designs were
exhibited by Messrs. Armstrong & Knight, of your
place; some of which will in all probability grace the
spot north of the Fair grounds, at National, which the
liberality of the citizens of that place have donated for
the Cenotaph. There were also designs exhibited by Edwin
Wood of your place; the Directors did not make a
decision, but will do so at the next meeting, which takes
place at National, July 27th.
Now, Messrs. Times, if you have been at all
skeptical on the subject of such an organization, please
be present on that day and see for yourself.
The above, from the pen of a Clayton Co. lady, an
occasional correspondent, and a most valued friend, might
convey the idea that we are opposed to the Cenotaph
We have frequently alluded to the project as a worthy
one, but being in the habit of saying about what we think
on public questions, though in a less blase way than many
writers indulge in, we do think that "honors to the
dead," while our towns and cities are filled with
the distresses of the living, may well be postponed to a
convenient season.
Persons seeking the notoriety which adheres to the works
of a "patriotic" order are numerous,
pretentious, and, very frequently, cold-hearted -- it
takes deep-seated and long-cultivated Charity to relieve
those who may be actually benefitted.
You can get up a $12,000 subscription to send H. Ward
Beecher to Europe; -- a $50,000 public subscription, or
legal appropriation to build a Cenotaph, while the widows
and orphans of the "patriot dead" have to
demoralize or beg to sustain life.
If we were called upon to erect a tombstone to the memory
of a noble soldier, and his destitute family should ask
for Flour, our money would go for Flour and other
necessities. The flattery of those who are beyond the
reach of sympathy is very common with persons who wish to
relieve themselves of responsibility to suffering living
"Let the dead bury the dead" was the language
of one of the wisest of Earth, and the annointed of
Heaven. The expression has a significance which is worthy
of more consideration than is commonly given to it. The
wearing of mourning is very inappropriate if the expense
of it precludes the comfort of the living. Several church
orders recommend the abandonment of it entirely.
But the subject is widening to an extent which forbids
longer discussion. We all know how much more popular is
ostentations, pharisaical Charity than the genuine
article recommended by the Saviour of mankind. Generally,
the most active workers in causes where Publicity and
credited Philanthropy are the motives, are the most
ilberal givers to persons whose destitution requires
immediate aid.
~North Iowa Times, Wednesday, July 31, 1867
Garnavillo, July 31, 1867
A festival was held in Brigg's Hall last evening by the
Cenotaph Association, which was well attended. Admission,
10 cents.
Garnavillo, August 5th, 1867
The festival, given by the citizens of Garnavillo, for
the purpose of raising money to aid in building the
Cenotaph. As it was not generally known when it was to
take place, the attendance was not as large as
anticipated, but a splendid time was had. The Fishing
Pond, Sybil's Tent and Postoffice, were the main centres
of attraction, but judging from the quanitity and quality
of Ice Cream and Lemonade sold, they formed a most
attractive feature of the occasion. The committee feel
much indebted to Prof. Briggs for the use of his fine
large Hall; to the young lady who performed the part of
Sybil; to Mr. Thomas for ice donated; and to many of our
citizens for their liberality and efforts to render the
festival pleasant and profitable. The net proceds of the
evening were forty-six dollars and twenty-seven cents,
which was paid over to the Treasurer of the Association.
~Clayton County Journal, August 7, 1867
The Committee met at Garnavillo on the 10th inst. for
the purpose of adopting a plan for the Soldiers'
Cenotaph, and to receive bids for building the same.
The competition was between Knight & Armstrong, of
McGregor, and Mr. Merrill, of Milwaukee. The design
adopted was Merrill's, but Knight & Armstrong have
the job of building the Monument, theirs being the lowest
bid. They do the work for $10,950.
A committee of three were appointed to make a contract
with Knight & Armstrong for doing the work, said
committee are E. Price of Guttenberg, Willis Drummond, of
McGregor, and Dr. Hamilton, of National.
~Clayton County Journal, Wednesday, August 14,
transcription note:
Throughout the next months, into 1868, editorials
and articles were printed in the local papers -
pleading for the citizens, county officials and
state officials to donate or appropriate money to
pay for the Cenotaph Monument. Suggestions for
fund-raising were made: lectures on patriotism
where people would pay to listen to the speaker;
portraits to "grace the parlor wall" of
the proposed Monument, be offered for sale;
calling upon the patriotic women of the county to
help "loosen the purse strings of the
'sterner sex'; festivals as a way to raise funds
..... |
The Annual meeting of the Clayton County Soldiers'
Cenotaph Association was held at Elkader May 5th. The
following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Mrs. H.M. Hutchins, President
Mrs. Laura Stewart, Secretary
Mrs. Julia B. Fox, Treasurer
Mrs. S.T. Woodward
Mrs. J.O. Crosby
Mrs. T.O. Buck
Mrs. Charles Watkins
Resolved - that we deem it expedient to devote the coming
season to collecting funds for erecting the monument.
Helen M. Hutchins, President
Laura Stewart, Secretary
~Clayton County Journal, Wednesday, May 13, 1868
transcription note:
Nothing further was found in the Elkader,
Garnavillo, McGregor or Guttenburg papers about
the Cenotaph Association, and it appears that the
cenotaph was never placed "near the
fairgrounds in National".
From the "History of Clayton County, Iowa:
From the Earliest Historical Times Down to the
Present; Vol I, 1916; edited by Realto E. Price,
Chapter XII, pg 285:
Soldiers' Monuments - Among the other acts of the
supervisors which were of interest was the
appointment of T.M. Davidson, J.C. Barnes and
B.W. Newberry as a soldiers relief commission.
Under this commission the soldiers of the county
have been cared for and three monuments have been
erected, one at Strawberry Point, one at Monona
and one at McGregor, thus carrying out the
project of the "cenotaph association"
urged by Eliphalet Price more than fifty years
ago. |