Clayton co. Ancient Free
& Accepted Mason Lodges
A.F. & A.M.
Officers & Members, 1856 &
Note: the following is not a complete list of lodge members in Clayton county. If your ancestor is not on one of the rosters, it does not mean he was not a lodge member. Additional information about some of the A.F. & A.M. Lodges can be found in the 1882 History of Clayton county, township chapters - use the search on main site home page to find. Don't miss your ancestor! Searching (ctr F) or browsing this information is advised due to surname spelling differences in the sources. Transcription disclaimer: researchers should always consult original records for additional information or to verify the information in this data-base. Every attempt to transcribe accurately has been made, but there may be errors. Quick links to the various
sections on this page: |
![]() Guttenberg Masonic Temple, undated photo postcard ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
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70, Clayton Lodge |
Name | Notes - Key to notes |
Atwood, C.N. | 1855-56 officer: Treas |
Barnes, T.H. | past member |
Bartlett, J.C. | past member |
Bates, C. | past member |
Bowles, D.D. | fellow craft |
Comstock, J.R. | 1855-56 officer: Sec |
Comstock, Thos. R. | elected as 1856-57 officer (either Master or Warden) |
Crawford, T. | past member |
Crawford, W. | 1855-56 officer: Tyler; past master |
Dean, Charles A. | elected as 1856-57 officer (either Master or Warden) |
Emery, Horace | master mason; elected as 1856-57 officer (either Secretary or Treasurer) |
Fowler, E.H. | master mason |
Lytle, J.N. | fellow craft |
Mason, P.B. | 1855-56 officer: SD |
Northrop, John | 1855-56 officer: WM; past master |
Nottingham, J.W. | past member |
Olmsted, Bradley H. | master mason; elected as 1856-57 officer (either Secretary or Treasurer) |
Patterson, J.W. | master mason |
Penny, J.H. | past member |
Ross, W.F. | past member |
Scott, S.R. | past member |
Scott, Wm. S. | 1855-56 officer: SW; elected as 1856-57 officer (either Master or Warden) |
Shattuck, G.C. | master mason |
Shattuck, S. | entered apprentice |
Smith, J.C. | past member |
Sowls, H.H. | master mason |
Stout, J. | master mason |
Teter, M.S. | 1855-56 officer: JW |
Wells, W. | 1855-56 officer: JD |
Wilford, S.M. | master mason |
Woodcock, L.T. | entered apprentice |
Zimmerman, S.G. | master mason |
No. 72, Elkader Lodge
Elkader, Clayton co.
Stated Meetings: Saturday on or before Full Moon
Grand Lodge Dues: not given
Dispensation granted June 8, 1855
Chartered June 4th, 1856
Number of current members: 24
Not represented at 1856 Grand Lodge, but sent the following report:
Name | Notes - Key to notes |
Alvey, Thomas | master mason |
Alvey, William | master mason |
Beatty, Albion | entered apprentice |
Belfoy, Francis | master mason |
Blain, R.W. | fellow craft |
Bohler, Valentine | 1855-56 officer: Tyler |
Chase, J.W. | master mason |
Cook, A.D. | master mason |
Davis, O.F. | master mason |
Dickson, James | master mason |
Dickson, James W. | 1855-56 officer: WM; elected as 1856-57 officer (either Master or Warden) |
Espy, Thomas M. | master mason |
Fisher, J.W. | entered apprentice |
Foreman, R.L. | master mason |
Garber, John | fellow craft |
Gaylor, J.B. | past member |
Griswold, A.D. | past member |
Havens, Isaac | 1855-56 officer: JD |
Hess, Frederick | past member |
Hysham, Jacob | master mason |
Kramer, Isaac | past member |
Lawrence, Daniel | 1855-56 officer: SD |
Libby, J.W. | not on current membership list; an original founder of Elkader Lodge |
Logan, James L. | past member |
Partch, John | master mason |
Quigley, Dennis | master mason |
Rolf, E.G. | 1855-56 officer: JW; elected as 1856-57 officer (either Master or Warden); an original founder of Elkader Lodge |
Russell, William | 1855-56 officer: Treas |
Sane, A.J. | past member |
Scott, Daniel REV | master mason |
Smith, P. REV | master mason |
Stockton, E.D. | master mason |
Towsley, Nathan | master mason |
Williamson, John | 1855-56 officer: SW; elected as 1856-57 officer (either Master or Warden) an original founder of Elkader Lodge |
No. 90, Garnavillo Lodge
Garnavillo, Clayton co.
Stated Meetings: Tuesday before Full Moon
Grand Lodge Dues: $22.50
Chartered June 4th, 1856
Number of current members: 17
Not represented at 1856 Grand Lodge, but sent the following report:
Name | Notes - Key to notes |
Alton, John M. | 1855-56 officer: SW; elected as 1856-57 officer (either Master or Warden) |
Dripis, Andrew W. | 1855-56 officer: JD |
Dunkin, John H. | past member |
Eissfelder, F. | entered apprentice |
Forbes, Benjamin F. | 1855-56 officer: SD |
Fox, Benjamin F. | 1855-56 officer: Treas |
Hagensisk, J.L. | master mason |
Hurd, Ezra | master mason |
McWilliams, Israel | 1855-56 officer: JW |
Nietert, H. | master mason |
Noble, Reuben | master mason; elected as 1856-57 officer (either Master or Warden) |
Odell, Elijah | 1855-56 officer: WM; elected as 1856-57 officer (either Master or Warden) |
Olkers, H.C. | master mason |
Redd, Robert R. | entered apprentice |
Renshaw, George S. | 1855-56 officer: Tyler |
Scott, Simeon R. | master mason |
Updegroff, Thomas | 1855-56 officer: Sec |
~Source: Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Iowa at the Thirteenth Grand Annual Communication, Held in the City of Oskaloosa on Tuesday, June 2D, A.D. 1856, A.L. 5856; T.S. Parvin, Muscatine, Grand Secretary; Printed by Raymond, Foote & Eystra, Faust Printing House, 1856.
~Data extracted by Sharyl Ferrall from an original copy of the book.
The following note was included with the returns of the Lodges:
"Many of these returns were almost inexplicable. The Printer has done his best to decipher them. If he has failed, the Secretaries can blame no one but themselves - and in future do better..... Gr. Secretary"Clayton Lodge, No. 70, Monona, Clayton county
Report of the District Deputy Custodian
I have the pleasure of submitting the following brief report of my labors during the past winter, as Deputy Custodian of the first District of Iowa. On the 24th, I was at a special meeting of Clayton Lodge, No. 70 and conferred 3d degree in due form on Edward Boyles. On the 25th December, I visited Clayton Lodge, No. 70 at Monona, Iowa, although not in my district, by request of Bro. P.B. Mason, the W.M. I lectured a few hours and fully exemplified the work on the 3d degree, by conferring the same on a brother whose name has escaped my mind. I found Bro. Mason doing good work. He is worthy and well qualified.
Yours in a zealous bond,
H.H. Hemenway, Dept. Cust. st Dist.
Name Notes - Key to notes Abel, H. Entered Apprentice Adams, L.R. Entered Apprentice Alworth, H.S. Master Mason Barnes, M.W. Tyler Biggs, D. Master Mason Biggs, S. Master Mason Bowles, D.D Master Mason Boyles, Edward Master Mason Burgess, W. Master Mason Coursen, W.S. Master Mason Curtis, H. Entered Apprentice Dean, C.A. Secretary (Past Master) Egbert, S. Master Mason Emery, H. Died April 12, 1864 Everall, John Master Mason Foster, R.R. Master Mason Hart, A. Master Mason Hastings, O.R. Master Mason Henks, E.F. Senior Decon Higbe, E. Master Mason Holliday, A. Master Mason Howath, W. Junior Warden Lytle, J.N. Treasurer Mason, P.B. Worshipful Master (Past Master) McAlvine, W. Master Mason McGonigle, C.L. Entered Apprentice McNamara, W.W. Master Mason Mott, J.T. Entered Apprentice Nichols, Nat. Master Mason Olmstead, B.H. Senior Warden Olmsted, T.A. Master Mason Orr, J.G. Entered Apprentice Patterson, J.W. Master Mason Payne, A.L. Master Mason Polly, M. Master Mason Potter, J.F. Master Mason Preston, L.M. Master Mason Read, J.A. Master Mason Sackrider, A. Master Mason Scott, J.T.H. Master Mason (Past Master) Scott, W.S. Master Mason (Past Master) Stout, Jas. Master Mason Tapper, Jas. Fellow Craft Thompson, S.H. Master Mason Van Zant, J. Demitted Wells, W. Master Mason Winter, J.P. Entered Apprentice Zimmerman, J. Master Mason
Elkader Lodge, No. 72, Elkader, Clayton county
Name Notes - Key to notes Baker, D.C. Master Mason Bevins, A. In Memory of our Patriotic Dead: Captain, Co I, 9th Regiment, died at Pea Ridge Bevins, P.H. Entered Apprentice Boller, V. Master Mason Bryan, T.J. Master Mason Cleine, Con. Master Mason Cook, A.D. Master Mason (Past Master) Crary, E.A. Master Mason Davis, O.F. Master Mason Downie, John Master Mason Downie, Thos. Senior Deacon Eiboeck, J. Senior Warden Fisher, J.W. Master Mason Freeman, R.L. Master Mason Garber, John Master Mason Granger, H.S. Entered Apprentice Griswold, A. Master Mason Hannah, A.B. Master Mason Havens, I. Master Mason Hysham, J.A. Master Mason Keenan, P. Master Mason Knapp, Buel Secretary Libby, J.W. Master Mason (Past Master) Librock, Chas. Junior Deacon Lyon, M.R. Fellow Craft Mills, D.R. Master Mason (Past Master) Misser, W. Entered Apprentice Morath, L. Master Mason More, Thos. Master Mason Muzzy, W. Master Mason Nicklaus, J. Master Mason Partch, John Treasurer Partch, L.D. Master Mason Peick, F. Master Mason Place, R.C. Worshipful Master Quigley, D. Master Mason Ross, J.R. Master Mason Ross, W.H. Master Mason Russell, Wm. Master Mason Salzer, A. Tyler Sloter, H. Junior Warden Tipton, A.F. Master Mason Truman, John Fellow Craft Wegner, E. Master Mason Williamson, John Master Mason (Past Master) Young, P.C. Entered Apprentice
Garnavillo Lodge, No. 90, Garnavillo, Clayton countyAt the last Annual Grand Communication, upon a petition of certain brethren, the name of Garnavillo Lodge, No. 90, was changed to National, and the Lodge was removed from Garnavillo to Farmersburg, Clayton Co. Subsequently to the Grand Communication, representations were made to me by several brethren, to the effect, that the petition which was entertained by the Grand Lodge never was presented at the Lodge at Garnavillo, and that it, as a body, had no part in the attempt at removal; that to carry out the action of the Grand Lodge, would be to commit an act of injustice and disrupt the Lodge. On this showing, I considered it to be my duty to commission R.W. the Rev. Grand Chaplain Fuller, of Bezar Lodge, No. 135, McGregor, to visit the scene of difficulty, examine into the facts and report. This he promptly and cheerfully did, and upon his statement, and in obedience to the wishes of most of the brethren concerned, I issued an edict staying, until this Annual Grand Communication, the action of the Grand Lodge, and requiring the brethren to retain the old Lodge name and location. The case will doubtless come before you again, and if fully presented, you will be prepared to decide it at this time. ..... Edward A. Guilbert, Grand master, Camp McClellan, Davenport, Iowa, 27th May, 1864.
Name Notes - Key to notes Andrews, F. Master Mason Beach, Geo. W. Senior Warden Benjamin, S. Master Mason Campbell, William Died February 19, 1864 Castle, W.L. Master Mason Davis, Jas. Master Mason Deitrich, A. Master Mason Drips, J.W. Master Mason Fox, B.F. Master Mason Francis, John H. Master Mason Goddard, Joseph Demitted Hagensick, C.W. Junior Deacon Hagensick, C.W. Master Mason Hagensick, J.L. Master Mason Hall, C.F. Master Mason Hamilton, Horace Fellow Craft Hartenbower, J.H. Senior Deacon Hayen, Daniel Master Mason Hollingsworth, E. Master Mason Hurd, E. Master Mason Jack, James Master Mason Jacobs, E.W.H. Master Mason Knight, R.L. Master Mason McWilliams, Israel Master Mason Meyer, D.E. Master Mason Mower, Peter Master Mason Neitert, I.H. Master Mason (Past Master) Noble, R. Master Mason Peters, A.M. Master Mason Petit, O.D. Master Mason Renshaw, G.S. Master Mason Rogers, Alvah C. Worshipful Master Rogers, Anson C. Master Mason Rogers, David G. Master Mason (Past Master) Saxton, E. Master Mason Schutte, H.L. Tyler Scott, Simeon R. Master Mason Slaughter, N. Treasurer Smith, J.D. Master Mason Stearns, Wm. C. Fellow Craft Updegraff, Thomas Master Mason (Past Master) Watkins, Chas. Secretary Whilte, Thos. D. Junior Warden
Strawberry Point Lodge, No. 130, Strawberry Point, Clayton county
Name Notes - Key to notes Barns, M.O. Master Mason (Past Master) Biglow, G.P. Master Mason Bishop, J. Master Mason Blake, P. Master Mason Bradford, D. Master Mason Bronson, E. Entered Apprentice Brooks, Wm. Fellow Craft Bushee, B. Master Mason Campbell, Wm. Master Mason Carley, Wm. Junior Deacon Chase, D.W. Master Mason Chesley, L. Master Mason Chipman, S. Master Mason Crook, Wm. D. Master Mason Dayton, G.E. Master Mason Dewel, W. Master Mason Deyo, A. Secretary Dunton, E. Treasurer (Past Master) Elridge, E. Suspended March 19, 1864 Farnsworth, C.D. Entered Apprentice Freeman, L.L. Master Mason Gardner, D.P. Senior Deacon Gliddon, Chas. Tyler Gould, E. Master Mason Heath, C.P. Master Mason Howard, Henry In Memory of our Patriotic Dead: 1st Lieutenant, Co B. 21st Infantry Regiment, died May 19, 1862, Black River Bridge of a gun shot wound Howe, E.K. Master Mason Howe, W.H.H. Master Mason Hull, H.J. Master Mason Kastor, H. Master Mason Kuney, J. Master Mason Kuney, Jacob C. Master Mason Kuney, P. Master Mason Low, J.W. Master Mason Miller, J.D. Suspended March 19, 1864 Park, M.E. Master Mason Peet, S.R. Master Mason Phelps, B.W. Master Mason Rawson, C.H. Master Mason Rawson, E.P. Master Mason Renwick, A.M. Master Mason Rice, S.F. Master Mason Ross, Wm. Master Mason Rowley, J. Master Mason Sampson, Wolf Senior Warden Scofield, N. Worshipful Master (Past Master) Scott, A. Master Mason Squire, J.P. Entered Apprentice Taylor, H.B. Master Mason Weck, E. Master Mason White, Peter Master Mason White, S.P. Junior Warden Wiltse, Alex. Master Mason
Bezer Lodge, No. 135, McGregor, Clayton county
Name Notes -Key to notes Baker, Horace Master Mason Barron, C.H. Master Mason Barron, E.R. Master Mason Bass, Geo. L. Treasurer (Past Master) Bass, John Master Mason Baugh, D. Master Mason (Past Master) Benton, Lewis JR Master Mason Benton, Wm. A. Master Mason Bigelow, Lafayette Master Mason Boardman, George Fellow Craft Brainard, Ariel Demitted Brewer, O.F. Master Mason (Past Master) Brown, Jeremiah Master Mason Brown, M.J. Master Mason Burlingame, H.W. Junior Warden Christopher, E.M. Entered Apprentice Church, A.S. Master Mason Church, Frank Master Mason Clarke, Ethan P. Master Mason Cleghorn, D.B. Master Mason Cook, D.S. Master Mason Cory, Reuben Y. Master Mason Elmendorf, F.F. Master Mason Eno, Wm. P. Master Mason Fraser, D.D. Master Mason French, Augustus Master Mason Fuller, I.K. Master Mason Gay, Enos Master Mason George, H.B. Master Mason Giles, C.K. Master Mason Grant, Robert Master Mason Hopkins, T.M. Master Mason Hoxer, D.D. Master Mason Hulburt, Rodney Master Mason Jordan, A.J. Master Mason Lampson, B.H. Master Mason Lampson, S.M. Senior Deacon Larson, Hans Master Mason Lennon, Jackson Master Mason McKinney, Alexander Master Mason Moncrief, Wm. Master Mason Morse, W.H. Master Mason Newell, Homer E. Master Mason Odell, Elijah Master Mason Opitz, CA. Master Mason Pearsoll, Alonzo Master Mason Pearsoll, Amos Junior Deacon Peterson, Saml. J. Secretary Plumb, E.B. Entered Apprentice Powers, H.J. Master Mason Rodgers, H.A. In Memory of our Patriotic Dead: Died of a gunshot wound, May 28, 1863 at Vicksburg, Mississippi, Captain 1st IL Artillary Scott, G.L. Master Mason Scott, G.S.C. Worshipful Master Sherman, M. Master Mason Slocum, C.A. Demitted Smith, Gilbert Entered Apprentice Stoneman, John T. Master Mason Stour, Peter Master Mason Strouse, Bernard Master Mason Sweep, C.E. Tyler Wetzel, Wm. Master Mason Williams, John Master Mason Wilson, J.S. Master Mason Wingate, Alfred Senior Warden Worder, Wm. Master Mason Wright, A.D. Master Mason
Prairie La Porte Lodge, No. 147, Guttenberg, Clayton county
Name Notes - Key to notes Allton, John M. Died April 16, 1864 Bowman, J.H. Master Mason Brock, John Master Mason Crawford, M. Junior Warden Dupernell, Henry Master Mason Eisfelder, F. Senior Deacon Ellis, Bernard Secretary Furman, Wm. G. Master Mason Garebrant, H.H. Entered Apprentice Goodrich, C.P. Worshipful Master Grinter, D.P. Master Mason Hoering, Frederick Master Mason Kaufman, J. Master Mason Knight, Willard Treasurer Kretzmyer, F. Master Mason Langwa, E. Master Mason Lee, Thos. Master Mason Luther, John Tyler Moser, Nicholas Master Mason Pappin, Adolph Master Mason Parmer, Franklin Demitted Price, Eliphalet Master Mason Shroeder, James Entered Apprentice Sixbey, John Senior Warden Sixbey, John Demitted Stewart, David Master Mason Sullivan, W. Junior Deacon Torrey, Alvin JR Master Mason White, Calvin Master Mason Willson, R.M. Master Mason
~source: Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, at its Twenty-first Grand Annual Communication held at Des Moines, June 7, A.L. 5864, A.D. 1864
~Data extracted by Sharyl Ferrall from a microfilmed copy of the book.
The three degrees of Craft or Blue Lodge Freemasonry are those of:
1. Entered Apprentice – the degree of an initiate, which makes one a Freemason;
2. Fellow Craft – an intermediate degree, involved with learning;
3. Master Mason – the "third degree", a necessity for participation in most aspects of Masonry.
Officers of the Masonic Lodges
1. Worshipful Master - the senior officer of a Masonic Lodge is the Master, he directs the lodge business and presides over ritual and ceremonies. At the conclusion of his term of office, he becomes known as Past Master.
2. Senior Warden is the second of the three principal officers of a lodge, and is the Worshipful Master's principal deputy. In many lodges it is presumed that the Senior Warden will become the next Worshipful Master.
3. Junior Warden is charged with the supervision of the Lodge while it is in recess for meals or other social purposes.
4. Treasurer is the officer who keeps the accounts, collects annual dues from the members, pays bills, and forwards annual dues to the Grand Lodge. It is common for the Treasurer to be an experienced Past Master
5. Senior Deacon conducts candidates around the Lodge and speaks for them during certain ceremonies, assists the Worshipful Master as needed
6. Junior Deacon assists the Senior Warden
7. The Tyler guards the door (from the outside), and ensures that only those who are duly qualified gain entry into the lodge meeting
~source: lodge is a group of Masons, meeting in a specific location at regularly scheduled times. Many lodges meet in a building called the Masonic Hall. The state Grand Lodge grants charters (permissions) to the Subordinate Lodges within that state. The subordinate lodges then operate under the bylaws and regulations of the Grand Lodge.
Check these lodges in neighboring counties for Clayton co. members:
Constellation Lodge, Colesburg & Delhi Lodge, U. D. Delhi - Delaware co.
Parvin Lodge, Rossville, Allamakee co.