Iowa in the Civil War

Articles from the Davenport Times
1900 G.A.R. Encampment

Transcribed by Elaine Rathmann

Red, White, and Blue

Tuesday Morning
June 12, 1900
(Part 1)

Davenport’s Portals Open Wide to Receive the Boys who Wore the Blue.
The Town is Theirs.
Flags and Bunting Everywhere Greet the Defenders.
War Time’s Spirit Extant.
All Roads Lead to Davenport, Where Grand Army and Auxiliaries Are Welcome Guests.

All day long on Brady street
Re-echoes the tread of marching feet.
All day long the free flags toss
Over the heads of a royal host.

Brothers in arms in peaceful array,
Fighting men of a stirring day,
The old town opens its portals wide
To welcome you in its loving pride.

~~With apologies to Barbara Frietchie.

            Beginning to-day the streets of Davenport will be alive for three days with the military figures of the Grand Army of the Republic, of the department of Iowa. Sixteen years ago this city welcomed the veterans of many battles and since that time the people of Davenport have been looking forward to this time, when they again would be privileged to welcome the old soldiers.

            To many of the men in blue who come here today, the coming to Davenport is like visiting an old home, for it was here that Camp McClellan was located—that rendezvous so important in the days of the massing of troops during the war. The city welcomes their return. The city welcomes their friends, their wives, their sons and their daughters. It is here that many of the incidents of lighter vein occurred that have gone down in veteran history; it is fitting that here also, these pleasing memories should be recalled.

            With one accord, therefore, the people of Davenport who saw the bright colored flags of the new regiments march off to war from Camp McClellan, and who saw the tattered regiments return to Iowa through this city, welcome the actors in the greatest of dramas in the national history. The mayor, the city officials, the press, the people of the city welcome the men in blue, the delegates, the auxiliary organizations and all who have come here to attend the twenty sixth encampment of the G.A.R. of the department of Iowa.

Glad Hand to the Visitors.
Strangers Within the Gate Given Cordial Welcome.

            The delegates and visitors to the twenty-sixth encampment were met at the trains and the boats by a large delegation of local G.A.R. men and Sons of Veterans.  The Davenport Drum Corps led each of the delegations back to the he city and to the bureau of information. At the bureau of information, which was in a tent opposite the postoffice on Perry street, the delegates were directed to the boarding houses and the hotels which they had selected. Those who desired to visit the G.A.R. headquarters were sent to the Kimball house, where National Commander Albert D. Shaw, Department Commander C. F. Bailey, Assistant Adjutant General L. M. Black, M. H. Byers, Assistant Quartermaster General George Shanley and others are registered. Those who wished to visit the headquarters of the W.R.C. were directed to the armory of Company B. Others who were younger and were looking for the headquarters of the Sons of Veterans were sent to the G.A.R. hall. The Ladies of the G.A.R. were directed to Columbian Hall, over the Davenport national bank. Around the tent on Perry street this morning there was a merry crowd, and the hand-shaking, with the exchange of reminiscences consumed much of the morning.

Sketch of the Iowa G.A.R.
Something of the Growth of the Organization as it is Today.

            The Grand Army of the Republic has had a marvelous growth in Iowa. Beginning with a few struggling posts in 1874, at a time when the old soldiers seemed not to feel the need of an organization, struggling for two years, then almost becoming extinct, it took new life and today there are in the state 434 posts, with a membership of 14,730. The zenith of the organization was reached in 1890. At that time the number of posts was the largest in its history. Since that time the numbers have slowly from year to year.

            The first organization was in 1872. Burt later a number of posts withdrew. Two provisional commanders were elected, they being J. C. Parrot, of Keokuk, and A. A. Perkins of Des Moines, who is now in Denver. The first encampment was in eastern Iowa and the second encampment 130 posts were reported. The organization then grew rapidly until 1890, and since then there has been a decline. During the years of its existence, the department of Iowa has been in charge of the following commanders:

1879. H. E. Criswold, Atlantic.
1880. W. F. Conrad, Des Moines.
1881. Peter V. Carey, Des Moines.
1882. B. G. Hogin, Newton (deceased).
1883. John B. Cook, Carroll (deceased).
1884. E. G. Miller, Waterloo.
1885, W. R. Manning, Newton.
1886. W. A. McHenry, Denison.
1887. J. M. Tuttle, Des Moines.
1888. E. A. Consigny, Avoca.
1889. C. H. Smith, Aurora.
1890. Mason P. Mills, Cedar Rapids.
1891. C. L. Davidson, Hull.
1892. J. J. Steadman, Council Bluffs.
1893. Phil Schaller, Sac City.
1894. George A. Newman, Cedar Falls.
1895. J. K. P. Thompson, Rock Rapids.
1896. Josiah Given, DesMoines.
1897. A. H. Evans. Keokuk.
1898. R. W. Tirrill, DesMoines.
1899. c. F. Bailey, Ireton.

            The Iowa G.A.R. has held an encampment each year and has been entertained in many of the cities of the state. The organization is all the more remarkable when it is considered that there is no other tie than the memories born of the battlefield, memories of common dangers and of equal hardships endured. A past war lives in the present.

Red, White, and Blue

Tuesday Morning
June 12, 1900
(Part 2)

How the Eighth Fought Shiloh.

            The engagement, according to Colonel Geddes, began at 8 o’clock in the morning of Sunday, April 6, and was continued until the hour of 6 o’clock in the afternoon. Those who distinguished themselves for conspicuous gallantry were Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Fergeson and Major J. A. News, both of this city, the latter being one of the best known of the deceased residents of Davenport. Colonel Geddes says that the battle was one of the most desperately fought of any in the civil war. His regiment, the Eighteenth (sic) Iowa, lost 100 men killed, and the colonel himself was wounded in the leg, while Major Andrews received some injuries to his head. At about 6 o’clock in the afternoon, Colonel Geddes says, that he found himself hemmed in, and seeing no way to escape, of course, felt compelled to surrender.

            Colonel Geddes claims that his command was the last to leave the advance line on that ill favored Sunday, April 6, 1862.

Present Officers.

            Among the visitors in the city today there are none who are more interested in the successful carrying out of the program of this encampment than the present officers of the department of Iowa. These officers are:

Commander—C. F. Bailey, of Ireton.
Senior vice Commander—P. H. Lenon, of Guthrie county.
Junior Vice commander—William Goodin, of Farmington.
Medical Director—H. C. McCoy, of Algona.
Chaplain—W. W. Gist, Osage.
Assistant Adjutant General—L. M. Black, of Ireton.
Assistant Quartermaster—L. C. Blanchard, Oskaloosa.
Chief Mustering Officer—J. E. Winder, of DesMoines.

The Hornets’ Nest Brigade.

Historic Name Had Its Origin on Shiloh Battlefield

            The “Hornets’ Nest” brigade, which holds its meeting here today at 9 o’clock, takes its name from the rebel regiments opposing this brigade.

            The “Hornets’ Nest” brigade was composed of the Second, Seventh, Eighth, Twelfth and Fourteenth Iowa Infantry, and the name was attached to it after the battle of Shiloh, in which General Albert Sidney Johnson was killed.

            The “rebs” thought after they made five futile attempts to charge the solid phalanx of the five Iowa regiments on that bloody Sunday on April 6, and on Monday, April 7, 1862, that they had gotten themselves into a veritable hornets’ nest. Hence the name.

            Companies B and C of the gallant Second, which participated in the battle of Shiloh, were form Davenport, the major portion of them having been recruited here. The brigade was in command of colonel J. M. Tuttle.

On Shiloh’s Fateful Field.    

            Shiloh is not the only battlefield on which the Second, Seventh, Eighth, Twelfth, and Fourteenth Iowa’s distinguished themselves, but there were 100 more. More where the blood of Iowa’s brave and fearless boys flowed the ground and incoridined (sic) it with the crimson of the lifetide. Iowa’s sent to the he front 76,309 of her best beloved sons, of which number fully 50,000 are dead.

“On fame’s eternal camping ground

Their silent tents are spread.”

            The “Hornets’ Nest” brigade fought at Shiloh, where Wallace fell and Littler left his arm. There were forty-two officers and men killed at Shiloh; 104 wounded and eighteen missing. There were 352 taken prisoners. Colonel J. M. Tuttle, of the Second Iowa, commanded the brigade in this battle. Colonel W. T. Shaw, of Anamosa, and a member of the Fourteenth, is president of the association.

At the Headquarters.

            At 7:30 o’clock this morning the “Hornets’ Nest” brigade began to assemble in the upper dining room at the Turner hall. A large blue print map of the battlefield of Shiloh hung upon an easel in the room and the comrades eagerly inspected it. The calm Tennessee river along the south of that bloody field, and the location of the different regiments and companies are given exactly as they were on that fatal April 6, which saved the north from being invaded by the hosts of Buell. Alongside the map of the historic battlefield, is an immense hornets’ nest, which at tonight’s campfire will adorn the stage.

Red, White, and Blue

Tuesday Morning
June 12, 1900
(Part 3)

Handshaking and Registration

            At 9 o’clock this morning the registration began. At 11:30 o’clock the Second Iowa had registered over thirty veterans who fought at the Hornets’ Nest, while the Seventh registered twelve, the Eighth twenty-five, the Twelfth eight and the Fourteenth some twenty. West Liberty, Newton, Buffalo, N.Y., Caledonia, Ohio, Brighton, Farmington, Hedrick, Corydon, New Albany, Ind., and DesMoines and a score of other places are represented. R. L. Turner, of Oskaloosa, the secretary of the brigade, did the registration bay companies, assisted by Ross Wheatly, of Wilsonville, Iowa. Badges were distributed to all of the comrades as they came into the hall.

            At 10:30 o’clock this morning the executive committee session of the brigade was held at Turner hall, but no information was given out concerning the business it transacted.

The Business Meeting

            At 1:30 o’clock this afternoon the business meeting of the brigade was held in the Turner Grand opera house and was very largely attended. The hall was very delightfully decorated in honor of the occasion. The portraits of Abraham Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, etc., and Old Glory were in evidence.

            G. L. Godfrey, in the stead of Colonel Shaw, called the meeting to order at 2 o’clock today. Vice Presidents Mahon, Campbell, and three others were upon the stage.

            The first report of officers was that of the secretary, R. L. Turner, of Oskaloosa, who reported that the last meeting or reunion of the “Hornets’ Nest” brigade was held at Newton, Iowa, on August 27, 1900.

            The secretary stated that the organization was in good shape.

            The treasurer, Comrade Twombly, of DesMoines, reported total assets at $187.67. The balance now on hand is $73.70.

            The committee on badges was continued in office until the next meeting or reunion, at which time it will be expected to report.

            A motion was made by Secretary Turner to have a recess of 10 minutes, during which each of the five regiments in the brigade should select the member upon a committee of nomination and one upon a committee on resolutions. Carried.

            Chairman Godfrey stated that the resolutions drafted by the committee on resolutions would be presented at the campfire which will be held this evening for adoption.

            After the meeting was again called to order the following gentlemen were appointed upon the following committees:

            On Nominations—Second Iowa, Wade Kirkpatrick: Seventh Iowa, Alexander Fields: Eighth Iowa, E. S. Palmer: twelfth Iowa, Dr. J. B. Morgan, Fourteenth Iowa, Milton Rhodes.

            On Resolutions—Second Iowa, Captain Twombly; Seventh Iowa, J. H. Lewis; Eighth Iowa, J. N. Currier; Twelfth Iowa, D. W. Reed; Fourteenth Iowa, Ross Wheatly.

            Alexander Fields, chairman of the nominating committee, moved that the old officers be retained in office for the ensuing year. These officers are as follows.

            President—Colonel W. T. Shaw, Anamosa, Iowa.

            Vice Presidents—G. L. Godfrey, Second Iowa, DesMoines; Samuel Mahon, Seventh Iowa, Ottumwa; J. C. Kennon, Eighth Iowa, Van Horn, Iowa; R. P. Clarkson, Twelfth Iowa, Des Moines; S. M. Chapman, Fourteenth Iowa, Plattsmouth, Neb.

            Secretary—R. L. Turner, Eighth Iowa, Oskaloosa.

            Treasurer—V. P. Twombly, Second Iowa, DesMoines.

            The question of “Hornets’ Nest” badges came up again after the old officers were re-elected. Alex Fields suggested that a collection be taken up and the money devoted to the manufacture of a die for making metal badges. The motion prevailed.

            There was much discussion concerning the character of the badge, it was, however, decided to have it in the shape of either a button hole emblem embossed with a hornet’s nest, or of a stick pin with the hornet’s nest rampant. The same will be made from metal, gold, silver, copper, bronze or aluminum, according to the amount of money at hand.

            Secretary Turner was allowed the sum of $50 for services during the year.

Red, White, and Blue

Tuesday Morning
June 12, 1900
(Part 4)

The “Hornets’ Nest” Brigade

Campfire This Evening at the Turner Grand Opera House.

            Tonight there will be a campfire at the Turner Grand opera house, given by the “Hornets’ Nest” brigade. This campfire will be open to the public without tickets, and will be held tonight. It was erroneously announced by another evening paper and a morning paper that the campfire would be tomorrow night. The members of the brigade are particularly anxious that it be understood that the campfire is tonight. The program for the evening follows:

Music by the Band.
Music, by Apollo Glee Quartette.
Address of Welcome….Mayor Heinz.
Response….Col. D. Ryan, 8th Iowa.
Music, Apollo Quartette.
“The Men of ‘61”….
Captain Samuel Chapman, 14th Iowa.
“Shiloh” Major D. b. Reed, 12th Iowa
“The U.S. Volunteer Soldier”….
….Col. W. B. Bell, 8th Iowa
“The Loyalty and Devotion of our Mothers, Wives and Daughters Never Be Forgotten.”….
….Captain R. G. Reniger, 7th Iowa “Shiloh’s Field by Night”….
….Miss Mabel Metzger, Music.
“The influence of the Civil War on the Progress of the Nation”….
….Major Samuel Mahon, 7th Iowa.

Gen. J. B. Weaver, Colonel G. L. Godfrey, of 2d Iowa, and Captain J. Stibbs, 12th Iowa, and have gone foraging. Should they get back to camp in time, they will be given ten minutes each to explain how they did it.

“Our Comrades who have gone before their memory we will ever cherish.
….Captain J. W. Morgan, 14th Iowa.

Reception At the Armory.
Was Largely Attended by Distinguished Visitors and Delegates.

            There was a large attendance at the reception which was tendered this afternoon to National Commander Albert D. Shaw, of Watertown, N.Y.:C. F. Bailey, department commander and his staff; Woman’s Relief Corps, Ladies of the G.A.R.: Sons of Veterans and other kindred organizations. The reception was held in Armory hall from 2 to 4 o’clock.

            The hall was pettily decorated. On the walls were festoons of bunting and the ceiling was decorated artistically with the national colors. The platform was also decorated with the stars and stripes and potted plants added to the beauty of the interior.

            The people who assisted—National Commander Albert D. Shaw in receiving were C. F. Bailey, commander of department of Iowa; Mrs. Lizzie Hutchison, president of the W.R.C.; Mrs. Florence McClelland, department president of Illinois; P. H. Lenon, senior vice president W. R. C.: M. H. Byers, member council of administration: Mrs. Georgia McClellan, secretary W. R. C.: L. M. Black, assistant adjutant general: M. J. Eagal, commander August Wentz Post, Davenport: Mrs. Belle T. Roedell, department inspector: Mrs. E. E. Plopper, chairman executive committee W. R. C.: Mrs. Georgia B. Worker, of auditing committee, and Mrs. Moatt, of Chicago.

            After the reception the visitors were taken to the Orphans Home and there viewed the institution.

At the W. R. C. Headquarters.
Outline of Meetings to Be Held To-night and Tomorrow.

            At the headquarters of the W. R. C. in the parlors of the St. James hotel there are many of the delegates who are registering and getting acquainted with the officers and other delegates. There were at noon about 150 names registered more than half being the names of delegates. Among the officers of the organization who are here may be mentioned the president, Mrs. Lizzie S. Hutchison of Lake City, Ia. She has been the president of only one term and there is a strong sentiment among the delegates that she should be re-elected. If she can be persuaded to permit her name to be used, she will be the next president also. The senior vice-president, who is Mrs. Christine C. Snyder of Creston, is here. She will be a candidate for the office if Mrs. Hutchison refuses to be a candidate. The secretary is Mrs. Georgia McClellan, of Denison, Ia. She is here and is busy at work looking after the duties of her office. She has been the past department president. One little incident in her life to which she seldom refers but which her friends never fail to tell is that she with her mother and two sisters were living on the hill at Gettysburg at the time of the battle. Wounded soldiers were brought to their home. Her sister who was making bread for the wounded was shot through the head by a stray bullet during the course of the battle. Mrs. McClellan, therefore, knows truly of the actualities of war.

            The treasurer is Mrs. Myra J. Parker of DesMoines.

W.R.C. Program

            The program as mapped out by the officers of the W.R.C. includes the attendance at the armory tonight where at 7:30 o’clock the ladies of the local G.A.R. will exemplify the secret work of the order.

            At 9 o’clock tomorrow morning there will be a business meeting of the W.R.C.

            There will be an adjournment of the order to attend the parade, and after the parade, the W.R.C. will elect officers.

Red, White, and Blue

Tuesday Morning
June 12, 1900
(Part 5)

Sons of Veterans’ Program
Will Hold Several Important Sessions Here.

            The following area the present officers of the Iowa department S. of V.

Commander—Wm. A. Brown, Marshalltown.
Adjutant—H. C. Lounsberry, Marshalltown.
Quartermaster—Geo. Brock, Marshalltown.
Judge Advocate—C. J. Cash, Anamosa.
Surgeon—Chas. F. Fowler, DesMoines.
Division Inspector—S. E. Day, Sabula.
Chaplain—E. E. Niday, Corydon.

            Nearly all of the officers are present and there are about twenty-five delegates present and a total of 100 in the city. This afternoon at G.A.R. hall the division council if to be held to audit books of encampment.

Arrangements For Parade
Line of March and Marshals That Have Been Selected.

            Tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock is the great parade. The parade will be one of the largest that has been seen in this part of Iowa for a long time. Colonel P. W. McManus, of Davenport, will have charge of the movement of the parade and his aides are as follows: C. W. Neal, D. B. Morehouse, R. P. Scott, L. A. Dilley, and Daniel Evers, the latter of Company B.

How Parade Will Move

Platoon of Police
Marshal and Aides

Grand Army Officers, Women’s Relief Corps and Ladies of the G.A.R. in Carriages.
Strasser’s Band
Company B, 50th Reg., I.N.G.
Uniform Rank K. of P., Davenport.
Buford Post, Rock Island.
Graham Post, Moline
District 1, 3, 4 and 5, G.A.R.
Otto’s Band
District 6,7,8,9,10 ad 11, G.A.R.
Medical Staff
Petersen’s Band
Orphan’s Home Cadets
District No. 2, G.A.R.
Service Men of the Spanish War
Sons of Veterans.

Formation of Parade.

            The parade will form at 1:30 p.m. as follows:

            Platoon of police officers of G.A.R., Women’s Relief Corps, Ladies of the G.A.R., Strasser’s band, Co. B, 50th Reg., I.N.G., Uniform Rank, K. of P., Moline, Buford Post, Rock Island, Graham Post, Moline.

            District 1, 3, 4, 5, in order named will form on Fourth street east with right resting on Brady.

            Otto’s band, Districts 6, 7 and 8 in the order named will form on Rock Island street, south right resting on Fourth.

            Petersen’s band. Orphan’s Home Cadets, 2d District G.A.R., Service Men of the Spanish War and Sons of Veterans will form on Fourth street west, right resting on Brady.

Line of March

            The parade will move at 2 p.m. the line of march will be south on Brady to Second, west on Second to Warren, north to Third, east to Scott, north to Fourth, east to City Hall, where the parade will be reviewed and dispersed.

Marshal’s Note.

            By districts is meant congressional districts. This program is subject to changes as to bands and drum corps.

Red, White, and Blue

Tuesday Morning
June 12, 1900
(Part 6)

Wednesday’s Program.


The delegates will convene at the Grand Opera House (Turner Hall), at 9 o’clock sharp.
Delegates are requested to meet at the headquarters (Kimball House), at 8:30 o’clock a.m., sharp and march in a body to Grand Opera House.
Address of Welcome—Henry Thuenen.
Response—Comrade T. D. McCurdy, of Hazelton.
Invocation—Department chaplain.
Report of committee on credentials.
Annual address by the department commander.
Report of the assistant adjutant general, followed by reports of the Assistant quartermaster general and other department officers.
Report of committee on Soldiers’ Home
Report of Vicksburg committee.
Appointment of the committee on different reports by the commander.
Appointment of committees to carry greeting to other orders by the department commander.

Grand Parade.

            Parade at 2 o’clock p.m., sharp. The parade will form on Brady and Fourth streets with right resting on neighboring streets and will pass down Brady to Second, west on Second to Warren, north on Warren to Third, east on Third to Scott street, and thence along the city hall, were the reviewing stand will be erected. The governor and his staff, with the national and state commanders will review the parade.

Evening Concert.

            Grand patriotic vocal and instrumental concert at Schuetzen park from 8 to 10 p.m. During the concert short addresses will be delivered by National Commander Albert D. Shaw, of New York, and to others, to which the public is cordially invited. Admittance free. Third street cars run direct to the park. In case of rain this entertainment will be transferred to Grand Opera House.

Caught on the Sentry Line.
Stray Shots Heard by the Times Comrades on Picket Duty.

            Captain E. Weingartner, of Nebraska, an old Davenporter, is in the city to attend the meeting of the Iowa brigade.

            Seth B. Twombly, of Chicago, is in the city. Seth used to carry a gun in the ranks of the Second.

            Chief of Police Frank Kessler said that he never endured a more galling fire than when he lay in the “Hornets’ Nest” at Shiloh, or when the Second and Seventh Iowas passed the enfilading fire on retreat to escape capture. “We received our first baptism of fire then I can assure you,” said he, “and we were taken unawares. We had left Davenport proud of our guns and our uniforms, and on Sunday morning, April 6, we met the enemy. It was early in the morning and some of us had only our undergarments on. Captain Wallace was killed at Shiloh.”

            Chief Kessler said, in discussing Shiloh: “I remember seeing Colonel Bob Littler, the organizer of the volunteer fire department here, whirl around on the field and then I knew he was hit. I caught him as he fell, and he said: ‘Frank, there goes my arm.’ When Bob came home he had an empty sleeve.”

            Iowa had the famous Crocker, or Iowa brigade, which held its meeting at 1:30 o’clock this afternoon at the Turner hall. She also had the Union brigade, the “Hornets’ Nest” brigade. The Union brigade was composed of the Eighth and Twelfth infantries, and the “Hornet’s Nest” of the Second Seventh, Eighth, Twelfth and Fourteenth infantries. Then we had the “Greybeard” regiment, and the “Iowa Temperance” regiment. All made enviable records.

            “There was good foraging through Georgia, but it was tough through the Carolinas. Old Bill McCrellias once tried to tackle a bee hive, looking for honey. When Bill got back to camp, we didn’t know him. He had gotten into a veritable ‘hornets’ nest.’ So said Chief Kessler.

            C. F. Bailey, the present commander, was born in Ohio, and came to Iowa in 1850. He has lived in Iowa since that time, having devoted his energies to the business of farming and stock raising. Mr. Bailey enlisted in 1861 in the Fifth Iowa volunteer infantry. He served four years and four months. He went with his regiment from Missouri to the sea, and was with Sherman in his memorable march. His regiment was almost annihilated at Missouri Ridge, and the remnant was ordered to join the Fifth Iowa cavalry. Mr. Bailey has served two terms in the state legislature. At the present he is ending his administration as commander of the department.

Red, White, and Blue

Tuesday Morning
June 12, 1900
(Part 7)

Caught on the Sentry Line (continued…)

            P. H. Lenon is in the city. He is the senior vice commander. He was born near Logansport, Ind., and came to Iowa in 1859, locating in Guthrie county. In 1862 he enlisted in Company I, Twenty-ninth infantry and served till the close of the war. Last year he was junior vice commander and he is now a member of the executive committee of the council of administration of the national organization. Mr. Lenon spent three months at Camp McClellan. He was mustered out with commission of captain.

            William Goodin is in the city and is the junior vice commander. He was born in Perry county, Oh., in 1828, and came to Iowa in 1844. He enlisted in Company A. First Iowa cavalry, June 13, 1861. The company was encamped at Burlington with the other companies of the battalion and that fall the command went to St. Louis. The regiment was in service in Missouri, Arkansas, Indian Territory and Texas. It was a part of the Seventh Army Corps, known as the army of the frontier.

            The medical director is H. C. McCoy, M. D., and he is also here attending the encampment. He enlisted in Greene county, Wis., and served with the thirty-first Wisconsin for two years. A part of that time he was acting assistant surgeon. Then he went before the examining board at Nashville, where he took an examination and was found sufficiently proficient to be commissioned assistant surgeon. He was assigned to the Third Tennessee cavalry and was brevet surgeon at the close of the war. He with many others was captured by General Forrest. Sept. 24, 1864, and was a prisoner for three months. He was taken to Meridan and Enterprise, Ala. He came to Iowa in 1870 and has resided at Algona since that time. He has been medical director four terms.

            L. M. Black, the assistant adjutant general, was born in Henry county, Ind., Jan. 15, 1842. He came to Iowa January, 1871. He was a member of the Fifty-seventh Indiana regiment and was enlisted Oct. 25, 1861. After three years of service he was discharge at Corinth, Miss. His home is at Ireton and he has an office at Des Moines.

            J. E. Winder, who is the chief mustering officer, was born in Champaign county, Oh., in 1842, and came to Iowa in 1854. He was enlisted in the Seventeenth Iowa, March 12, 1862. He served until June 21, 1865. . He was mustered out of the service at Camp McClellan. “When I was captured,” said Mr. Winder, “I weighted 165 pounds and when I had been in Andersonville three months I weighted only 80 pounds. I there lost my health and have never recovered from the effects.” When asked if Andersonville has been painted sufficiently black, he said:

            “No. The histories of Andersonville are not overdrawn. They do not paint the picture of prison life with too much blackness. They paint them with scarcely enough realism. I was there six and one-half months and I know.”

            The general entertainment committee of the local G. A. R. last evening secured four copies of The Times’ Twentieth Century directory for use during the encampment, in order that the visitors may be directed quickly and accurately to the several places where they will be entertained. The committee appreciates the fact that The Times directory is the only accurate directory of the city.

            Chief of Police, Kessler was a member of the Hornets’ Nest brigade, and says the brigade repulsed five separate attacks of the rebels.

            M. Smallenberg, of Company B, of the Second Iowa, now a resident of New York, is in the city to look after the meeting of the “Hornets’ Nest” brigade. Mr. Smallenberg says that Sergeant Ed Coughlin, of Buffalo, N. Y., also a member of the brigade, would have been here had he not met with an accident on the Lehigh Valley road while preparing to embark for the encampment here, on last Friday. He was so injured that he could not come to the city, although he much desired to do so. Mr. Smallenberg is an uncle of H. J. Tober, of the local board of trade.

            L. P. Sicer, of New Albany, Ind., is in the city attending the encampment. He was a member of Company C, of the “Hornets’ Nest” brigade—a member of the Second Iowa regiment. He says that the Eighth and Twelfth and Fourteenth regiments were captured at Shiloh, the Second and Seveneth alone escaping. Comrade Sicer says that he is an engineer on the Monon Route. Mr. Sicer told a Times reporter that he can never forget how he was compelled to shoot down a boy in the presence of his mother, while on the way to the front. “That mother,” said he, “threw herself on the boy and when she arose, her white gown was bespattered with blood. I had to do it, lad, but I’ll never cease to regret it.”

Red, White, and Blue

Tuesday Morning
June 12, 1900
(Part 8)

Chief Piening stated this morning that so far as the arrangements had been made this morning, the plans for the display of the work of the Davenport fire department contemplated a run to the Masonic Temple at the corner of Third and Main streets at 2:30 o’clock. To the call the hooks, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and perhaps 5 will respond. The hose companies will show the power of the Davenport water pumping station while the aerial truck will be elevated and the roof of the temple will be scaled by the afternoon.

            Robert Highly, 39 years ago, was a member of the “Hornets’ Nest” brigade, and was in Brewster’s column at Shiloh. He is here from Caldonia, Ohio, and says that he knows McKinley. He proposes to become acquainted with Governor Shaw during the encampment.

            National commander Albert D. Shaw is in the city to attend the encampment. He expressed himself as well pleased with the arrangements that had been made by the local committee for the entertainment of the G. A. R.

            Major Samuel Mahon, of the Seventh Iowa, is in the city. He is a veteran of the noted Hornets’ Nest Brigade and one of Ottumwa’s most prominent citizens.

            Captain Twombly, of Des Moines, who married the “girl he left behind him,” and has her yet, is in attendance upon the fourth reunion of the Hornets’ Nest Brigade.

            Captain Campbell, of Oakville, Ia., of the Fourteenth, is visiting with old time comrades.

            Major D. B. Reed, of the twelfth Iowa, and General John B. Weaver, Colonel G. L. Godfrey, of the Second Iowa, and Captain J. Stibbs, of the Twelfth, are here. Colonel Godfrey presided at the business meeting of the brigade this afternoon. General Weaver was a prime favorite with the boys during the handshaking session.

            Dr. R. N. Hall, of Chicago, who participated in the battle at Shiloh, is here. He came here from his duties as the head of a medical college to attend the fourth reunion.

            Quite a few of the veterans brought their wives with them to the reunion.

            The Ladies of the Relief Corps have their headquarters at the St. James hotel. They did the honors well this forenoon.

            L. M. Black said today that the local committee had things arranged the best that he had ever experienced in all his visits to many encampments.

            C. D. Rickey, of Ottumwa, a member of the “Hornets’ Nest” brigade has a genuine hornets’ nest mounted on a pole, which he will carry in the parade tomorrow.

            J. L. Tinkham, of Vinton, Iowa, of the Eight Iowa (“Hornets’ Nest” brigade) is here. He called upon A. L. Mossman.

            S. C. James, of Post No. 122, B. First Regular Berdan’s Sharpshooters, of Centerville, Ia., is in the city attending the G. A. R. 26th annual encampment, which will begin tomorrow. He is quartered at the St. James, and came to the city at 11 o’clock last night. He states that his regiment was the first sharpshooting regiment in the service.

            M. Smallenburg and wife, of Buffalo, N. Y., are the guests of Mrs. Harry Toher, of Eighth and Hennepin streets, during the encampment.

            Mrs. Georgiana McClelland, of Denison, Ia., is in the city attending W. R. C. meeting.

            Mrs. Hutchinson, of Lake City, the department treasurer of the W. R. C., is at the St. James.

            Mrs. Hayber, the senior vice, of Waterloo, and Mrs. Christina Snyder, junior vice of Creston, are also in the city for the encampment.

            Mrs. Florence McClelland, of Illinois, department president of the state W. R. C., is here from Chicago to attend the events of the week.

Red, White, and Blue

Tuesday Morning
June 12, 1900
(Part 9)

Iowa’s Boys in Blue

            [The following is a continuation of the story of the mustering of the Iowa regiments which opened in Saturday’s Times and is concluded in this issue. Frank J. B. Huot is the historian.—Editor.]

The Iowa Cavalry

            Iowa also furnished nine regiments of cavalry, as follows:

            First Iowa Cavalry—Organized in 1861. Veteranized in 1864. Mustered out in 1866. Officers and men, 1, 478. Killed in action, 43. Died of wounds. Etc. 224. Fought at Corinth, Iuka, Clear Creek, Elkins Ford and Antwineville.

            Second Iowa Cavalry—Mustered in at Camp Joe Holt, Davenport, September, 1861. Officers and men, 1,349. Killed in action, 41. Died of wounds, etc., 224. Fought at Corinth, Iuka, Palo Alto, Coffeeville, Tupelo, Oxford, Nashville and other places.

            Third Iowa Cavalry—Mustered in at Keokuk. Officers and men, 1, 360. Killed in action, 65. Died of wounds, etc., __. Fought at Pea Ridge, LeGrange, Sycamore, Coldwater, Pine Bluff, White’s Station and other places. Mustered out at Atlanta.

            Fourth Iowa Cavalry—Mustered in at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Officers and men, 1, 227. Killed in action, 44. Died of wounds, etc., 227. Fought at Geere Town, Miss. White River, Tupelo, Osage, Little Blue River, St. Frances River and other places. Mustered out at Atlanta.

            Fifth Iowa Cavalry—Officers and men, 1, 245. Killed in action, 47. Died of wounds, etc., 141. This regiment was only in part an Iowa product, being organized at Omaha. Companies E, F, and H only being from Iowa. Fought at second battle at Fort Donelson, Duck River Ridge, Sugar Creek, Camp Creek, Cumberland Works, Lockridge’s Mills and other places. Mustered out at Nashville, Tenn. in August, 1865.

            Sixth Iowa Cavalry—Organized and mustered in at Camp Joe Holt, Davenport early in 1863. E. P. Ten Broeck, of Clinton, was major. Company A was recruited from Scott county. The regiment was employed upon the frontier against the Indians and did excellent service. Fought in the battle of White Stone Hill. Officers and men, 1, 125. Killed in action, 19. Died of wounds, etc., 72. Mustered out at Sioux City, October 17, 1865.

            Eight Iowa Cavalry—Recruited from Twelfth Iowa infantry. Some 2,000 men were enlisted, some 450 of which were turned over to the Ninth cavalry, and seventy-five to the Fourth battery. Mustered into service at Camp McClellan. Davenport, September 30, 1863. Participated in Stoneman’s cavalry raid through Alabama. Also in the battles at Lost Mountain and Nashville. Mustered out at Macon, Georgia, August 13, 1865. Officers and men, 1,234. Killed in action, 30. Died of wounds, etc., 106.

            Ninth Iowa Cavalry—Recruited at Davenport and mustered into the service at Camp Joe Holt, otherwise Camp Lincoln, November 30, 1863. The last three-years regiment organized in Iowa. Performing heavy scouting in Arkansas. Mustered out at Little Rock, February 28, 1866. Officers and men, 1,178. Killed in action, 6. Died of wounds, etc., 178.

The Four Iowa Batteries.

            There were four batteries of light artillery organized in Iowa, every one of which was mustered out of service at Camp Joe Holt, in Davenport.

            The First battery was mustered into service at Burlington, August 17, 1861, and mustered out July 5, 1865, at Camp McClellan. Was in action at Pea Ridge, Port Gibson, in the Atlanta campaign, and at Lookout Mountain, in the battle above the clouds. Officers and men, 149. Killed in action, 7. Died of wounds, etc., 55.

            The second battery was mustered in at Council Bluffs, on August 8 and 31, 1861, and was mustered out at Camp McClellan, August 7, 1865. Participated in the battles at Farmington, Corinth and other places. Officers and men, 123. Killed in action, 1. Died of wounds, etc., 30.

            The third battery was mustered into service at Dubuque in September 1861, and was mustered out of service at Camp McClellan on October 23, 1865. Was engaged  at Pea Ridge and other places. Officers and men 142. Killed in action 3. Died from wounds thirty-four.

            The fourth battery was mustered into service at Camp McClellan in Davenport on November 23, 1863 and was mustered out at the same place, July 14, 1865. Operated in Louisiana. Officers and men 152; killed in action 0 (none); Died of wounds, etc., 6.

Red, White, and Blue

Tuesday Morning
June 12, 1900
(Part 10)

Iowa’s Colored Troops.

            There was an Iowa Regiment of colored troop organized in 1863, which was known as the First African Infantry. However it saw no active service, being stationed on garrison duty at Jefferson Barracks and other places in Missouri. The regiment afterwards became the Sixtieth United States Regiment of colored troops.

            The Northern Border brigade was organized to defend the northwestern frontier. There were five companies in the brigade, all enlisted from the northwestern counties.

            The Southern Border brigade was organized for a similar object. There were seven companies in three battalions recruited from the counties on the Missouri border.

The Iowa Brigade.

            Colonel Crocker was at the head of the Thirteenth Iowa infantry. He was a great and a stern drill master and was past master in the science of army discipline. After Shiloh had been fought he formed the “Iowa Brigade,” now the “Crocker Brigade” commonly so called. This was composed of the thirteenth, eleventh, sixteenth, fifteenth Iowa’s together with the gallant seventh.

            At Atlanta, when on June 22 General Hood made his famous charge which opened the battle, the Sixteenth Iowa flanked on the right by the Eleventh Iowa, and on the Eleventh Iowa, and on the left by the Fifteenth Iowa, with the Thirteenth Iowa in the rear, all forming the invincible Iowa Brigade, was at the main point of the charge. The Sixteenth captured a regiment on that day but later was taken prisoner itself, after which came the weary months at Andersonville.

The Dead at Camp McClellan

            Those brave soldiers who passed from earth upon pallets of pain at historic Camp McClellan, are noticed as follows. The writer will not, nor cannot, vouch for the completeness of the list:

Warner Behrens—Died March 11, 1863.
Clinton Clark—Died Jan. 2, 1863.
William Oscar Hunter—Died Oct. 2, 1862.
Peter C. Frame—Died March 11, 1863.
Henry R. Moore—Died Feb. 11, 1863.
August Schultz—Died May 25, 1862.
Denis Sullivan—Died __ __.

Iowa’s Honored Dead.

            From Scott county alone there were 277 brave heroes offered up as a holocaust of war upon the altar of peace. Out of 57,060 troops from Iowa which responded to the president’s call at least 3,400 perished on the battlefields or at least from wounds before the smoke of conflict cleared away. Those who perished from disease, starvation and unattended and gangrenous  wounds must be counted by the thousands on the ten fingers, and that number representative only of the mortality from 1861 to 1866, during the five years of the unhappy strife between brother and brother.

Un Mot l’aru Revoir.

            A word before closing. Camp McClellan is a sacred spot. It is historic. For thirty five years the Allen’s have not disturbed its topography. It’s site would make an ideal city park. The suggestion might be considered by those interested in large and worthy enterprises.

Red, White, and Blue

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