Another IAGenWeb Project


By W. S. Pitts

Submitted by Beverly Witmer & Lynn McCleary, March 14, 2013

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DR. E. N. JOHNSTON. pg 210

E. N. Johnston was born in Bremer county, Iowa, June 14, 1869. Attended common school until sixteen years of age when he went to Fayette and took a course at the U. I. U. From there he entered the State University at Iowa City where he took a medical course, graduating from that school in 1895. He came to Fredericksburg the same year for the practice of his profession. He was married April 14, 1896, to Miss Elizabeth Gleeson of Independence; to this union two children were born, Edwin and Paul. Dr. Johnston has been closely identified with the business of this town. He was elected County Coroner in 1895 and served four years; he was again elected to the same office the fall of 1906, and is present coroner of Chickasaw county. He has been for years a member of the town council and also a member of the school board and at the present time is president of the latter named body. From the first he has enjoyed a splendid practice in his profession.


George C. Jones was born March 4, 1836, in Cayuga county, New York. Came with his parents to Kendall county, Illinois, 1838. Came to Iowa, Chickasaw county, 1855; settled in Dresden township. Married Melissa A. Russell May 16, 1865, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Sickner) Russell. Five children: Henry C., born April 22, 1866; Amy, born October 4, 1869; Celia, born December 20, 1876; Prudy, born November 13, 1888; Neal, born August 11, 1889, died August 17, 1889. Henry is married, lives in California; Amy married Moses Hood, November 3, 1898, lives in Dresden township on farm; Celia married July 25, 1894, to Frank Kolthoff, reside in Dresden township on a farm; Prudy married February 14, 1901, to Walter Muir, residence Spokane, Washington. Mr. Jones moved to town March 5, 1901. Still owns farm in Dresden township.


Jonathan Jones was born in Benson, Vermont in 1812. Son of Asel and Elvira Jones. When an infant he was brought by his parents to Pennsylvania. Five years later they moved to Cayuga county, N. Y. Here he spent his boyhood days. Here he was married to Sally Reed in 1833. He came to Chickasaw county in 1855 settled on the south west quarter of section 16 Dresden township. Ten children were born to these parents: Albert, George C., Harriet, Polly Ann, John, Sarah, Alice, Rachel, Tilden and a baby that died unnamed. Albert, Polly, Sarah, Alice, Rachael and Tilden live in California. George lives in Fredericksburg, Harriet in Oregon. John died in Nebraska. His first wife (Sally) died in 1862. He married a second time to Mrs. Sarah L. Brown (nee Campbell.) Mr. Jones died February 4, 1890. His second wife died January 25, 1893. Mr. Jones and his first wife are buried in Dresden cemetery. His second wife was buried in Eden cemetery, Fayette county. He was a lover of good horses and always had them. He was a tall, bony man--a typical pioneer.


Nathaniel Joslin came here with his daughter, Mrs. H. S. L. Chandler. He died March 26, 1864, aged 78. He was a soldier of the war of 1812. He is buried in the west cemetery, and every May 30th, his grave is strewn with flowers.


Myron Judge, son of Thomas and Sarah Ann Judge, was born in Brazier, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1865. At the age of ten came with his parents to Boone county, Illinois. From there they moved to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Married March 20, 1858 to Eliza Bullock, daughter of William and Mary Bullock. In 1860 he moved to Kansas, stayed there two years and then moved back to Columbus: county, Wisconsin. Came to Iowa in 1870, located on 160 acres, section 3, Fredericksburg township, 80 acres on section 9. Three children: Sherman Thurston, Oscar N. and Irene Genevieve. Thurston is married and lives at Elk River, Minn; Oscar married Lottie Grover and they live on a farm in this township; Irene is dead. Mr. Judge rented his farm and moved into town during the month of January 1902. Mrs. Judge died February 25, 1902.

OSCAR N. JUDGE. pg 146

Oscar N. Judge, son of Myron and Eliza Judge, came to this county with his parents, and lived with them on their farm in this township until he was married. He married Lottie Grover, and settled on the southeast quarter of section 4, 160 acres, which be still owns. On account of poor health he was obliged to leave the farm, and for a time worked for L. Padden as a salesman in the machine and pump business, but afterwards returned to the farm, where they now reside. They have two children, Iva and Dean.


The first Justice of the Peace here was O. H. P. Searl. He lived in what is now Dresden township, but at then Yankee precinct. He was chosen at an election held at the T. P. Vokes farm in 1855 or 1856. When Fredericksburg was laid out he came from his home here to acknowledge papers, nearly every day. He served for a number of years. D. B. Hanan elected 1857.

Henry Sholts was the second Justice. He served until he went to the war in 1862.

John I. Quackenbush was Justice of the Peace in 1862-3.

During the war we had no use for Justices. Judge S. G. Merrian was often referred to in cases that would come into their jurisdiction. About 1870 CharIes Mabie was elected a Justice of the Peace but never qualified.

In 1872 J. V. Carpenter was elected and served until 1879.

George Bishop was elected in 1875 and served until 1888.

H. B. Carpenter elected 1881; and been continued in office to this time. Geo. W. Noble was also a Justice some where along in these years.

S. P. Moore elected in 1895, is still a Justice.

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Page created by Lynn McCleary, March, 2013