~ C ~
Harry B. Carpenter was born in Tompkins county, N. Y., August 15, 1831. Son of Ethel and Sally (Curry) Carpenter. Married January 23, 1853, to Mary Matilda VanGordon, daughter of Issac S. and Deborah Ann VanGordon, at Horsehead, N.Y. Moved to Pennsylvania then back to New York state. Four children were born to these parents, Hannah A., born January 16, 1856, in N. Y.; Geo. H., October 10, 1858, in Pennsylvania; Zopher born November 20, 1862; Bertha Irene, born in Fredericksburg February 1, 1871. Mr. Carpenter moved to Wisconsin in 1863; to Fredericksburg, Iowa in 1865. Hannah A. married William Bradley, December 6, 1877. They live in Wisconsin. George H. married Alice Gilbert, May 21, 1880; Bertha Irene married Fred Brown, November 27, 1887; Zopher died March 14, 1876. Mr. Carpenter went to the war from Wisconsin. He has been Justice of the Peace for twenty years. He served two terms as mayor of Fredericksburg.
J. V. Carpenter was born in the state of New York, Tompkins county, 1821; married at Ithica, New York., to Henrietta Hetsel. Came west. Lived a short time in Chicago, also Beloit, Wisconsin. From the latter place he came to Fredericksburg in the year 1856. Four children were born to them: Hetsel and Hutchins, born in New York; Hattie ad Alfa, born in Iowa, Hattie in 1866 and Alfa in 1868. Hutchins died in New York. Hetsel is single and has been away from here off and on. Where he is today we do not know. J. V. Carpenter went to Pike's Peak in 1860, returning in 1861. The fa11 of 1862 he went to McGregor and enlisted in the 2lst Iowa Volunteers. Was mustered out in 1865. He next went into business with John Miller--boots and shoes. They put up the house and store room now owned by L.
Padden. Mr. Carpenter was a shoemaker by trade. This firm did not last long. Mr. Carpenter went to farming, renting land. Lived In town on block two. This house was destroyed by fire in the spring of 1872. He was not a strong man and had many dizzy spells, then he would faint and become cold as death. He was justice of the peace several years up to the time of his death in August 1877. Hattie died in 1879 or 1880 of scarlet fever. Mrs. J. V. Carpenter died in 1880 of diptheria. Alfa is married and lives in Michigan.
Mike Carroll was born in Ottawa county, Ohio. His parents came from Ireland. Mike came to Fredericksburg in 1865. Owned a piece of land in Stapleton township. Spent the most of his time in town. He went back to Ohio several times. Rebuilt a house in in town and rented it. Went back to Ohio on business, was taken sick and died.
Lorenzo Carter was born in Cattaraugus county, New York. Married Mary A. 0lder. Removed to Wisconsin while it was yet a territory. When the territory was admitted as a state and the counties named, he was in Walworth county, near where the towns of Delevan and Darien now stand. Lived there a number of years, then moved to Boone county, Illinois. Then he bought and sold farms, traded horses and jumped into almost any speculation. In 1856 or 1857 he came to Fredericksburg purchased the Fountain House of Fred Padden, also bought a tract of land in Dresden township. He run the hotel and farmed the land a little; traded horses a great deal. He was Carter rich one day and Carter poor the next. Sold his property here and moved to McGregor. Lived there one year, then went to Clermont and went into the hotel business. Four children were born to this family: James E., Retta, Ida and Wesley. Wesley lives in Palo Alto county, Iowa; James at Sioux Rapids; Retta died in Fredericksburg in 1857, buried in West cemetery; Ida died in 1860 at Clermont, Iowa.
In 1873, Mr. Carter and wife, their two sons Wesley and James, settled near Sioux Rapids, Iowa. Mrs. Carter died at that place in 1885.
James and Wesley Carter went into the army; James in the 9th Iowa Cavalry; Wesley in the 15th Iowa Infantry in 1864.
AVERY W. CAREY. pg 207
Avery Carey was born in Rock county, Wisconsin, Nov. 29, 1860. Moved to Fredericksburg with his parents when a small child. Married to Miss Nina Smith: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Smith, April 19, 1887. To this union four children were born, Marion, Lulu and Wesley W. Their first born, a boy, lived but a few days. His first wife died, April 1902. He married for his second wife Mrs. Annette Heuman of Michigan. From this woman be was divorced. For years Mr. Carey has been engaged in the live stock business, and is regarded as one of the conservative business men of Fredericksburg.
Wesley W. Carey, son of James and Sarah L. Carey, was born in Charleston, Montgomery county, New York, September, 1835. Moved to Wisconsin in 1840, settled in Rock county. Lived in that state twenty-one years. In the fall of 1861 returned to Fredericksburg, Iowa. Four children, Sarah, Mary, Lorena, and
Avery W. Mr. Carey died April 26, 1889, Mrs. Carey died September 6, 1905.
Gertrude Case married a man by the name of Chris Kelty, they moved to Colorado, where we are told she died.
Sarah Case married Alexis Hubbard. They moved first to Colorado, then to Illinois; and later, we are told, to Ohio where she died.
Mary Case Wood went to Colorado. There was another girl named Emily who married a Richardson; they lived in Wisconsin.
JOHN CASE. pg 25
This boy John came here with his parents in 1855. He had lost one leg. He married Miss Mary Ann Diemont. In 1857 he erected a store building in town on the north side of Plum creek, where he sold merchandise until the year 1863. The post office was kept in this building. In 1863 he removed to Colorado. He now lives in northwest Canada.
Peter Case came here in 1855 with his parents. He also had lost a leg through a white swelling of the knee joint when a boy. He was appointed postmaster here in '61 and held the position for twenty-five years. In the month of June 1861 he was united in marriage to Miss Janette Eager. Four children graced
the union---Everett B., Effie H., Helena and Florence. Everett died October 1864. Effie died October 1867. Helena married Ben Clark, was divorced from him; she married a second time and lives in Chicago. Florence married Met McGee; they reside in Missouri.
Mr. Case held the office of town clerk for many years, was secretary of the school board, also a notary public.
Himself and wife are living here still, honored and respected by their many friends.
William Case Jr., lived on the home farm for a number of years. In January 1862 he enlisted at Dubuque, Iowa, Company "B.," 13th U. S. Infantry. Was with Col. W. T. Sherman--called "old Billy"--sometimes "Tecumseh." Went to Alton, Illinois. Guarded prisoners awhile at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. From there went to Memphis where the regiment remained a short time, thence to Nashville, Tenn. Was at Vicksburg; help dig a canal around that city. From there he was returned to Nashville
where he was mustered out January 1865.
After the war Mr. Case was married to Miss Adelia Eager, and began farming on the old home farm. They have four children, Judd E., Daisy G., Wendall G. and Nellie M. Judd married a Miss Mary Milner; lives at Charles City, Iowa. Daisy married F. E. Gerbig of Stacyville, Iowa. Wendall and Nellie are at home. Nellie is cashier at F. E. Thorne's general store.
A few years ago Mr. Case sold the home farm and purchased a farm one-half mile east of town where he resides.
The third day of June 1855, William Case Sr., came with his family to this township. He located on the southwest quarter of section 4-94-11. He took his land by pre-emption, and afterwards took a time deed. Later he sold the east half of his land and paid for his homestead. His family consisted of his wife, three boys, John, Peter, William Jr., and two girls, Sarah and Gertrude. Another daughter, Mary, came on later. The log house he built on his farm stood back from the present highway about forty rods. As late as 1876 it was standing--a relic of pioneer days. Two large cottonwood trees stood near it.
Mr. Case died September 1, 1863. His wife went to Colorado with her son John. She died there in 1880.
CATTLE. pg 216
The first settlers brought with them the common cattle. They were hardy but small.
SHORT HORN. To Buel Sherman belongs the honor of introducing the Short Horn Durhams in 1861. William I. Colt and Myron Judge also bred them on their farms.
DEVONS. Devon cattle were kept by Jos. H. Benedict, Hiram Benedict and J. H. Herrick.
HOLSTEINS. John D. Herrick is the only man in the township that has bred them largely.
SWISS CATTLE. There is one herd of them in the township. They are owned by John Morf.
JERSEYS. Only two men have introduced and bred them here, William H. Linderman and S. S. Slocum. They sold them out as soon as they could and that at a loss.
The West Cemetery was laid out in 1862 on land in Dresden township purchased from Mrs. Minerva Vail. The second one is in Fredericksburg township two miles east of the town and is known as "Maple Grove Cemetery." It was laid out from land owned by R. W. Kidder and Hiram Benedict. Rose Rill
Cemetery was laid out the spring of 1886 on land bought of John Buck. It lies one half mile north of town. A beautiful place named by W. S. Pitts.
H. S. L. Chandler was born in the town of of Shelburne, Mass., August 20, 1809. While quite young his parents moved to Waitsfield, Vermont. From there they moved to Greenfield, Mass. Here Mr. Chandler was married to Meritta Joslyn, September 10, 1833. Their first child was born January 29, 1836; she was named Sarah Zanette; she died in the city of Chicago, August 1, 1850, of Asiatic cholera. Their second child was born September 18, 1844, at Elk Grove, Illinois; she was named Emily E. Mr. Chandler moved to Fredericksburg township in the year 1860. He was a prominent member of society, taking a lively interest in the advancement of the township. The school records show his name as Director of District 3 for several years. His daughter, Emily E., married John Dayton. Meritta Joslyn Chandler died April 15, 1891; buried at Rose Hill. Mr. Chandler died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emily Dayton, April 3, 1902.
A feature of the organizations of the village was the Church choir which was organized with W. S. Pitts as director in 1864 and which held rehearsals every Sabbath afternoon for thirteen years. The choir became widely known in this section as one of the best Church choirs in northeastern Iowa. The following persons comprised its membership: Sopranos-Miss Nan M. Warren, Mrs. Helen C. Kendal, Mrs. Elmire Mabie; Altos-Miss Nettie M. Warren, Mrs. Emily E. Dayton, Mrs. S. E. Ellis; Basso--Joseph H. Benedict, George H. Benedict, Allison Congdon, Abner Warren; Tenors-William S. Pitts, George Bishop.
The first death among the members of this choir, was that of Mrs. Kendal who was soprano at the time of her demise, November 18th, 1871. Organists-Ida Mabie, Alice M. Pitts, Katie D. Pitts.
After the Methodist Episcopal Church Society built their Church in the year 1875 a quartette choir was organized with the following membership; Soprano--Miss Flora Ferris, Alto--Miss Minnie Sherman, Basso--John Phillips, Tenor--Will Brown, Organist--Miss Frankie Ferris.
The first church to organize here was the Methodist Episcopal. This organization was perfected August 8, 1856, with ten members: George Hillson, Sarah Hillson, Alpheus Adams, Cornelia Adams, Catherine Marvin, Maria Gibbs, Lovina Padden, Hester Vokes, Jesse T. Appleberry. George Hillson, class leader.
The pastors in regular order have been as follows: Elijah Kendall, Charles Hollis, J. L. Kirkpatrick, W. P. Holbrook, James Leslie, James Stout, Thomas Moore, Samuel Gossard, Reece Woolf, George Edmunds, Zelotes Ward, H. H. Hammood, Edward Hoskyn, Phillip Miller, J. R, Cameron, John Dawson, D. B.Alden,
P. W. Gould, Richard Ricker, J. J. Littler, L. S. Cooley, A. B. Fickle, H. S. Salisbury, P. J. Leonard, F. H. Linn, C. E. Smith and Jesse Smith. In 1875 this church organization built a commodious house of worship 32x50 at a cost of $2,700. They have since added an extension at a cost of $600 and seating the main audience room with opera chairs. The winter of 1901 their parsonage burned. The following spring they completed a fine parsonage at a cost of $950. The church has a good membership and is in good spiritual condition.
A Presbyterian mission was organized in 1860. L. R. Lockwood was the pastor. This little band of worshipers built a place for holding services, but they were unable to maintain it. The house stood on the lots where M. L. Sherman lives. The school directors bought it for a school house. The winter of 1864 it was burned with all its contents.
BAPTIST. pg 189
A preliminary meeting, looking to the organization of the First Baptist Church, of Fredericksburg was held June 3rd, 1860, and all present united in a call for recognition from the churches of this denomination. Those present at this meeting were: Rev. E. G. 0. Groat, pastor; members--T. S. M. Flowers, Gilbert Page, James Lorence, Jonathan Russell, Lydia Page, Mrs. T. S. M. Flowers, Mrs. Jonathan Russell, Mrs. Billings and Mrs. Temperance Munger. Mr. Flowers was secretary of the society. July 7th a second meeting was held and letters of recognition were received from the churches at Frederika, Fairbanks, Polk and Providence. At this meeting the organization of the Baptist Church was perfected.
Names of Pastors--E. G. 0. Groat, Shadrach Shesman, G. W. Goodrich, Moses E. Arkills, T. C. Briggs, William Simons, James Abbott, M. H. Perry, J. C. Johnson, James Mitchell, Rev. Wedgewood, Robert Smith, George Elleson, W. P. Thompson, George Stone, Rev. Kingsbury, Rev. Wolf, C. V. Bently, H. Grant. R. P. Jones.
The church edifice was erected the spring of 1870. Completed and dedicated on the 10th day of July, 1870. Moses E. Arkills, pastor. The building, which is 32x52, was built at a cost of $2,800. A parsonage was bought by the society in 1874 at a cost off $450. This has been sold and a new one built at a cost of $1000. The bell was hung in 1875.
The German Evangelical Lutherans built a house of worship in 1890. It is located on the northwest quarter of section 18 on land bought of L. Padden that was once plotted, but, has been vacated. This house cost $1,500.
In the west part of town we have another German Church. They have a neat parsonage which cost $1000.
This organization was completed in 1881. Rev. Marcus H. Fowler, minister. About 40 members embracing some of the best families in the township. After Mr. Fowler's death, Oliver Beaver was then leader.
E. A. Churchill was born in Bolton, Stenstad county, Canada East, May 18, 1828. Son of Leman and Minerva (Duboyce) Churchill. Removed with his parents to Vermont where he remained until twenty years of age. Followed railroading in different states until the year 1855, when he came to Iowa, settling first at Tripoli, Bremer county. Came to Chickasaw county in 1869, locating in Dresden township. Married December 2, 1867, to Lucy A. Watkins, daughter of Peter and Marie (Shide) Watkins, born April 9, 1840. Four children born to this union: Albert E., September 7, 1858; Henry and Henrietta, (twins) July 14, 1860; Mary E., born June 14, 1866. Albert E. married Susan O'Brien of Bremer county; he died at Fredericksburg, February 6, 1899. Henry married Alida Burnham December 25, 1880; they reside at Oelwein. Henrietta married Duane B. Nourse, February 4, 1892; reside in Fredericksburg township. Mary E. went to California in 1891, married there the fall of 1892 to William Vincent; lives at Ventura.
Mr. Churchill moved to Fredericksburg in 1888.
JOHN B. CLARK. pg 202
John B. Clark, the only son of Robert and Susan Clark, was born in Scotland in 1837. He came to America at the age of nineteen and settled in Illinois where he remained four years. He then went to Missouri where he remained four years; then back to Illinois, where he remained until 1869, when he came to Iowa. He was married in 1858 to Jane Harrington, a native of England. Nine children were born to these parents; Robert I., David B., John H., Horace G., Susan J., Anna, Alfred T., Earnest and Jessie.
John Clapham, son of Thomas and Sarah Clapham, was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1829. He married in England in 1854, came to America in 1856, and settled in Utica township, Chickasaw county, Iowa, then removed to Illinois and staid there nearly two years, then back to Iowa. After seven years, himself and wife spent nineteen months visiting in England. They came to Fredericksburg township in October 1900. Had four children: Thomas, John Mitchell, George Oliver, and Sarah Anna. Thomas died in New York City when they came to this country. Anna is also dead. John M. lives in Minnesota; George Oliver lives on the farm he bought of C. A. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Clapham live in a cosy little home just on the outskirts of this village.
Among the early settlers came a man with a name (the front part of it) famous in the history of our country, George Washington Clark. He came in the year 1869. He was born in Bloomfield, Madison county, New York. Married Esther Jane Ellis of Chenango county, N. Y., a sister of James Ellis of Dresden township. Mr. Clark and wife spent four years here; the first two years on a farm southeast of town where a son was born to them. Mr. Clark was a carpenter and came to town, bought a lot, and built for himself and family a house. They lived here two years, when they sold and went back to New York state where they now live. If I remember rightly they had two daughters. Mr. Clark was also a singer and music teacher. The house is now ready to fall down. It is owned by Mrs. Josie Box.
N. D. R. COLE. pg 43
Mr. Cole came here in 1855 and settled on section 36, New Hampton township. He farmed it a little, also made brooms, and later engaged in the photograph business. Claimed to have made the first brooms in this county. In '68 he sold his place to Dr. E. N. Olmstead and moved to Michigan. After a few years there he removed to Arkanaas. Have been informed that he died in Arkansas.
AREL E. COLT. pg 123
Arel E. Colt, first son of Wm. I. and Rhoda (Martin) Colt, was born in this township. He received a common school education. Worked at home upon the farm until his mother's death, April 27, 1900. He then started out for himself, spent some time in Colorado, then went to Oskaloosa, Iowa, and went to work for an express company. He married Anna Bishop, daughter of George and Helen (Eastman) Bishop, in September 1901. They began housekeeping in Oskaloosa, where they remained until the rnonth of April, 1902, when Mr. Colt resigned his position with the express company and came here to spend the summer of 1902. He is still here on the farm of George Bishop. They have no children.
HENRY COLT. pg 122
Henry Colt, eldest son of William I. and Lucy (Armstrong) Colt. Came to Fredericksburg township with his father in 1869. He married Miss Anna Herrick, daughter of J. H. and Elizabeth Herrick. They lived here a number of years. He owned a 120 acres on section 21. This place he sold and went into Emmet county in 1892, locating at Swan Lake where he worked at his trade, that of a blacksmith. They had one child when they went from here, a girl named Elizabeth. They now reside at Gruver, a new town on the B. C. R. & N. railway.
William I. Colt, Jr., third son of William I. and Lucy (Armstrong) Colt, came here with his father in 1869. He married Miss Alice O'Brien of Bremer county. He first located on the northeast half of section 21, 200 acres. It is known as the Charles Mabie farm. He lived on this farm several years, he then sold and moved into town, going into the livery business. This business he sold in 1899, and went back to farming on land that he owned on the southeast quarter of the same section, 120 acres. They have three children, two boys and a girl. Sold out here in 1902, and moved to Moscow, Idaho.
William I. Colt, Sr., was born in Niagara Co., New York, in 1831. He is the second son of William J. and Elizabeth S. Colt. At the age of twenty-one, he left New York and came to Walworth county, Wisconsin, where he remained one year. In the year 1858, he removed to Belvidere, Illinois; remained there one year and moved to DeKalb county, Illinois, where he lived until 1863. He then removed to Franklyn county, Iowa, remained there two years, then went to Nashua, Chickasaw county, where he remained four years working as a carriage maker. He came to Fredericksburg township in 1869. He was married in 1856 to Lucy Armstrong of New York. They had three children: Henry B., Herman and William I. His wife died in 1866, and in 1867, he married Margaret Mahona, who died in 1869. In February 1870, he married Rhoda Martin of Rockford, Illinois, a native of Canada. Two children were born to this marriage, Loretta U. and Arel E. When Mr. Colt came here he bought the farm now so well known to our people as the Colt farm. He added by purchase to the original farm until he owned 520 acres of as fine quality of land as any man could ask for. He was a worker and did things on the big side usually. In the year of 1876 he owned seventy-fire head of fine cattle, mostly Shorthorns, headed by the "Duke of Airdrie." He had eighteen horses, seventy hogs and 250 chickens. He raised the year before, 1,300 bushels of wheat, 2,500 bushels of corn, 180 bushels of grass seed, 500 bushels of barley, 250 bushels of potatoes, 100 tons of hay, manufactured 1000 pounds of cheese and 500 pounds of butter. During the years he remained on this farm he kept several fine stock horses, and also registered shorthorns.
In the spring of 1900, April 27, Mrs. Rhoda Colt died of pneumonia. Soon after, Mr. Colt disposed of his stock, farm machinery, etc. and in a few months sold his farm. He spent a year traveling and in his wanderings went to California. He was so well pleased with the climate that he gave up all here and went there. His residence is at Whittier, Cal.
Henry B. married Annie Herrick; they live at Gruver Iowa. Herman married a lady near Marshalltown, Iowa, he is a passenger conductor on the Iowa Central railroad and lives at Oskaloosa, Iowa. William I. Jr. married Miss Alice O'Brien; they live in Idaho. The two children by his third wife are married. Loretta U. married William R. Dawson; they reside at Whittier, California. Arel E. married Anna Bishop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bishop; they reside in this township. Mrs. Rhoda Colt is buried at Rose Hill cemetery.
In 1855 Charles Conner and family came to Fredericksburg township from Maringo, Illinois. They had three sons: Isaac, Emory and George. Mrs. Conner is dead. Mr. Conner moved from here years ago.
James K. Cornell was born in Canada, West, in 1822, the second son of Mary and Moses Cornell. At the age of twenty-nine years, he left Canada and settled in Boone county , Illinois. In 1861 he removed to Deleware county, Iowa. He came to Fredericksburg township in 1869 and settled on section fourteen, on 165 acres of land. In the year 1842 he was married to Sallie Payson, a native of New York. Fifteen children came to from this union, eleven of whom are living. The living are Minerva, Mary, James, Martha, Harriett, Melissa, Sarah, Eva and Effie, twins, Bertha and William. The dead are Moses, Emma and Orran and Orion, twins. The children are married and are scattered about within Iowa. Mr. Cornell died October 12, 1886. Mrs. Cornell sold the farm and bought a house and lot in town. Mrs. Cornell died September 12, 1899.
The county of Chickasaw was organized April 3, 1854, and the county officers elected. At this
election the whole county was considered as one precinct, under the name of Bradford. At
the March term of the county court 1855, it was ordered that the county of Chickasaw constitute
five election districts, viz: That town 94, 14 and 13 be called Bradford district; that town 95, 14 and 13 be called Chickasaw district; that town 96, 14 and 13 be called Brink district; that town 96, and one-half of 97, 11 and 12 be called Obispo district: that towns 94 and 95, 11
and 12 be called Yankee district.
Ebenezer Cullings was born in Duansburg, Schnectady county, New York, May 23, 1832, of Highland Scotch parents, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Buchanan) Cullings. Lived at home until he was nineteen years old and then went to Michigan where he remained three and one-half years. Then went back to the old homestead for the winter. He then took another journey west, stopping at McHenry county, Illinois. After another short visit east he was married in Woodstock, Ill., to Caroline P. Milks. The day of their marriage he bought a ticket to Dunleith (now known as East Dubuque.) They crossed the Mississippi river in a sleigh on the ice. Stopped at the Key City House, George Manchester clerk and runner for the house. Bought tickets to West Union by stage. Upon arriving there, hired a livery to Fredericksburg. Stopped with Fred Padden until the next day when they went out to his land in Stapleton township, sections 19 and 30. Lived on the farm until 1898, when he bought in town where he moved. Mr. Cullings tells us that he attended an election in the fall of 1856 held in the shop of N. D. Cole, a farmer on section 36-95, now New Hampton township. Fred Padden ran for county sheriff. He says Fred Padden came with a load of men and among them was W. L. Adams of this place, and as far as he knows he is the only man living beside himself that came in that load. Five children have graced this union, three girls and two boys, James E., Elizabeth A., Della M., CIara F., and Fritz. James E. married Alice Kidder, daughter of R. W. and Hannah (Marsh) Kidder; he lives at Wahoo, Nebraska. Elizabeth A. died in Denver, Colorado. Della M. lives with her parents. CIara F. is married to I. S. Duncan, of Riceville, Iowa, station agent for the Chicago Great Western. Fritz is on the home farm. Mr. Cullings says, "The first fall I was here one day coming to town I saw a man walking with a grey hound at his heels, and it proved to be George R. Manchester, of the Key City."