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Cherokee County Biographies
Hiram Lord's ancestors were noted people. His great-grandfather was Russell Lord, who came from England and became a soldier in the Revolutionary War, distinguishing himself in many actions of that terrible period. A third of a century afterward, when England again laid an oppressive hand upon American citizens, his son, Russell Lord, Jr., became a soldier, and fought for the freedom of his country from the oppression of English tyranny. Alonzo Lord, son of Russell Lord, Jr., was a fit man to be father to a pioneer, for it takes such blood to withstand the hardships and brave the dangers of frontier life. Hiram Lord was born in the historic town of Chautauqua, New York, September 14, 1833. As has been stated, his father was Alonzo Lord, and his mother was Mary Crosby; she died when Hiram was but four years old, leaving three other small children: Harriet, who died in 1865; William, and Mary Jane, wife of William Gott. The father was married afterward to Mrs. Sallie Shadock, a widow with four children, and by this union three other children were born: Frederick was killed at Fort Richmond in 1863, aged twenty-two years; Lucy, wife of William Converse, and Hubert, who died in infancy. Alonzo Lord died in 1877, at Batavia New York, aged eight four years; his widow died at Elgin, ILlinois, in 1881.
Hiram Lord was sixteen years of age he went to live with his sister in
Crawford County, Pennsylvania, where he remained twelve years.
There he acquired a fair education in the public schools, and
January 1, 1856, he was married to Miss Mary Jane Bates, who was born
in Crawford County, July 18, 1835. Her parents were P. H. and
Emma J. (Fish) Bates, natives of the State of New York. They
married in Pennsylvania and lived the remainder of their lives upon a
farm which they had improved. The close of a peaceful life
to them both about seven years ago, aged respectively eighty and
seventy-five years. Mr. Bates's death was the first to occur
in a
family consisting of nine children and the parents. Mrs. Lord
the third child, all of whom are living. After his marriage
Lord lived about three years in Ohio, and then returned to
Pennsylvania. In 1867 he went to Portland, Michigan, where he
remained two years, coming thence to Iowa. One year was
passed in
Jasper County, and he then came to Cherokee County, and since that time
his life has been closely interwoven with the history of the county.
His sphere of action has been limited, but within that sphere
men have accomplished more. Five years ago Mr. Lord sold his
home, and removed to his present place adjacent to the
village of
Aurelia, that his children might enjoy better educational privileges.
He and his wife have had six children: Eldorus, who died at
age of thirty-one years; Frank and Will, farmers in Holt County,
Nebraska; Grant, Elton and Bessie May. The Methodist Church
its protecting arms about Mr. and Mrs. Lord, and he is a member of the
I. O. G. T. His first vote was case for Fremont, and he has never since
missed an opportunity to cast a Republican ballot.
Source: Biographical History of
Cherokee County, IA, W. W. Dunbar & Co Publishers,
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