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Cherokee County Biographies
LUCIUS EDWIN HEATON, was born in St. Lawrence County, New York, July 20, 1856. His parents, Lewis and Mary (Brown) Heaton, are natives of Vermont and Massachusetts respectively. They were married in the State of New York, and removed to Tazewell County, Illinois in December 1856. After seven years they went to Whiteside County, and after a residence there of three years they came to Iowa in 1867 and located in Tama County. There they founded a new home and are still living on the old place. They have a family of eleven children living, and one deceased: Clara, wife of John Peck; Lucius Edward, the subject of this sketch; Louisa, wife of S. Tompkins; James, who died at the age of eighteen months; William, Alfred, Ward P., Arthur A., Myron C., Bertha C., Charles, and Lewis who owns a farm in Tilden Township.
Lucius Edwin remained at home until his marriage which occurred March 10, 1878 to Miss Maria Louisa Spracklin, a daughter of Peter and Catherine (Russell) Spracklin, who was born in Tama County, Iowa, September 27, 1858. Mr. Heaton was educated in the common schools and in Addison Institute at Irving, Benton County, Iowa. He began to teach at the age of eighteen and for four years was engaged in this profession. After a residence in Story County, Iowa, he removed to Cherokee County in 1882 and bought his present farm. It was wild, raw land, without improvements. He has expended about $4,000 in buildings and other improvements and it is to-day one of the most desirable farms in the township of Grand Meadow. For the past year and a half he has been engaged in shipping stock, in partnership with William Southall, of Pierson. The business averages over 200 cars per annum. During six months of the year 1885 Mr. Heaton was in the elevator of Pierson.
Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Heaton: Mary E., Rowland, Geneva, Clara, Windsor and Ruth. Mrs. Heaton is a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Heaton is a member of Seba Lodge, No, 364, A.F. & A. M., and also of the A.O.U.W. He is prominently identified with the Republican party, often attending conventions and serving on committees. The people of his township have shown the confidence which they have in him by calling him to fill their public offices. He has been clerk for three years and a half and was justice of the peach for two years. He is a live, energetic man, and ranks among the leading farmers of the county.
Biographical History of Cherokee County, IA, W. W. Dunbar & Co Publishers, 1889
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