Cerro Gordo County, Iowa
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The 26th North Iowa Band Festival
Tuesday, June 09, 1964
Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa

Globe Gazette
Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa
May 23, 1964, Page 8

Expecting 25 floats for Band Festival big parade

More than 25 floats are expected to lend sparkle to the 80-some marching bands and queens in the big parade June 9, when the 26th North Iowa Band Festival will wend its way down Federal Avenue.

Everett Kruse, float chairman, said that organizations which have entered floats in other years are being contracted and there is still time to enter a float in this year's parade. No commercial floats are accepted. Any organization that desires to enter a float may call Kruse at GA 3-440 or after 5 p.m. at his home, GA 3-5598.

With more than a quarter of a century of legend and tradition back of them, the floats have been a big inspiration for the parade. There is a wealth of subject matter and lore for decoration of these floats. Kruse and his committee will help any organization with its problems.

All must report between 8 and 8:30 a.m. the day of the parade, according to Kruse. Float riders must be there not later than 9 a.m., when the judging takes place.

Convertibles, or course, are being provided for the queens from the various towns. All entries should be made as soon as possible for good position in the parade, according to Kruse.

Globe Gazette
Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa
May 23, 1964, Page 9



Band Festival a boost to high school music

EDITOR'S NOTE: This the 265th in a series of weekly guest editorials, was written by Bob Douglas, chairman of the North Iowa Band Festival, to be held Tuesday, June 9. He headed the arrangements committee in 1961 and speaks with authority on the goodwill generated by the event and the need for cooperation by all quarters.

THERE is more leisure time in the American Scene for both young people and adults. And according to all predictions there will be even more ahead. The North Iowa Band Festival fits perfectly into this picture as over the years it has encouraged the interest in and development of school band music.

This is the 26th year of the festival and today practically every school in this great North Iowa-Southern Minnesota area has its band. The number of youngsters enrolled in those which attend the festivals is about 5,000. But it always was not so.

In the earlier years communities wee stimulated to found and to enlarge their school instrumental programs. Youngsters were encouraged to work and to keep up their interest through the year by the promise of a trip to Iowa's first and original large scale festival. Pride in their bands caused communities to obtain new uniforms and to round out their groups by the purchase of needed instruments which were too costly for the individual students.

Band Masters testified willingly and gladly that the festival had helped them with their school music.

HOW does this all related to leisure time? This way, surely!

After four to 10 years in a school instrumental program the students have acquired a knowledge and appreciation of music which will carry them through life.

Many of them will use their talents in their local summer or municipal bands. Others will become members of combos or other smaller groups. Those who go away for advanced studies find they are welcomed into the bands of the colleges and universities. A fortunate few even will find a profession the field of music.

These 70 and 80 communities take pride in sending their bands to the North Iowa Festival. And Mason City takes pride in being host to such a fine group of students.

Scores of Mason City businesses and clubs and hundreds of individuals give many hours of work to preparation for the festival and carrying out its innumerable details. Public organizations like the schools, city, county and state government bodies also help make the festival possible through use of their facilities and equipment, traffic and parking direction, and in many other ways. Without their help an event of such magnitude would be impossible.

ON Tuesday, June 9, the 26th North Iowa Band Festival will be here.

Thousands of people will see the two-hour morning parade and other thousands will attend the great evening finale at Roosevelt field.

Mason City folks all can cooperate in the events by sprucing up the town, by extending hospitality to the many who will be here - including some for the first time - in short by being good neighbors and gracious hosts. On behalf of the festival committees and the active workers, I solicit your help.

Globe Gazette
Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa
May 25, 1964, Page 12

Meet here in '65

Iowa bandmasters elect Paul Behm

Paul W. Behm, director of instrumental music for Mason City schools, was elected president of the Iowa Bandmasters Association at its annual convention in Des Moines.

The 600- member association also voted Saturday to hold its May 1965 convention in Mason City.

In the elections, Don Marcouiller, Drake University, became vice president and Alonzo Leach, Des Moines, was re-elected secretary-treasurer.

Behm said the plans are to have the convention headquarters at the Hotel Hanford. It will be a Thursday-through-Saturday convention, but the exact May weekend has not been selected. The convention is expected to draw from 350 to 400 of the association membership.

A band clinic is part of the annual convention, and bands from Mason City and the surrounding area will have a part in the activities. Various clinicians will be used.

The convention of the group was last held in Mason City in 1951.

Behm's election as head of the Iowa organization is the latest in a series of honor to the bandmaster since he became head of Mason City school bands in 1950.

For the last 10 years he has been a member of the select American Bandmasters Association, which had a membership of only 114 across the United States at the time of his election.

Last year he received the "Mac" Award, highest award given to a school band director in the United States. It is awarded by the First Chair of America Yearbook and the American School Band Directors Association.

Behm has been president and held other offices in the Iowa Music Educators Association. His Mason City High School Band and bands he directed previously have been Division I winners, and the local band has been invited to play at Midwest national clinics.

Behm has been on the faculty of the National Music Camp at Interlochen, Mich., and special workshops and been a guest clinician and conductor for various large music clinics, including the southern California Band and Orchestra Clinic last year.

Behm taught at Logan, Grinnell and Iowa City before coming here. He was chairman for the Iowa All-State Band from some years.

He holds a bachelor of philosophy degree from Creighton University and a master of science degree in education and music of the University of South California. He has taken graduate work also at the University of Iowa and the Vandercook School of Music.


NOTES BY MASTER - (at left) Lester Milligan, master mind of the North Iowa Band Festival for 25 years, makes notes of the 1963 festival for improvements in years to come. The Silver Anniversary festival honored him as "Mr. Band Festival."

QUEENS' HOSTESSES - (at right) Hostesses for the 1964 candidates for the title of Miss North Iowa are (left to rightP Mrs. A. J. Gerk, Mrs. Patrick Kenny, co-chariman, Mrs. William Steneker, Mrs. Max Sawyer, Mrs. L. W. Lichtenberger, Mrs. William R. Turner, chairman, Mrs. Donald Casey, Mrs. David Odegaard and Mrs. Lynn Cole. Not present were Mrs. Vernon Fobes, Mrs. William Oertel and Mrs. James B. Buell.


Thousands in 26th event

This year's North Iowa Band Festival Committee faces a challenge, to carry on the traditions of this spectacular outdoor event that has feted famous names of stage, screen, television and the band world, but also to revert to the simplicity of the original festival - the granddaddy of them all. During the first 25 years of the North Iowa Band Festival such names a Meredith and Rini Willson, Karl King, Bil and Cora Baird, Paul Yoder, Hedda Hopper, Arthur Godfrey, Robert Preston, Shirley Jones, Carleton Stewart, Frederick C. Ebbs and many others have illuminated the scene of the festival and inspired thousands of youngsters to the heights of the music world.

Thousands of high school musicians and their families who will come to Mason City Tuesday may not realize the planning and work that goes into producing a band festival year after year.

Each community has its chance to show the talent, beauty and showmanship its youngsters have developed during the last year. The way they have come through year after year makes this committee proud of North Iowa's and Southern Minnesota's biggest joint event.

This is Mason City's holiday for bands. It's open house for everybody, merchants, townspeople and youngsters of the entire area. Tuesday is Band Festival Day in Mason City, the event that has never been rained out in a quarter of a century.

Here are the people who have planned this classic of music, fun and beauty for youngsters - the holiday for bands. Robert Douglas is general chairman of the festival.

Other members of the Band Festival Committee are Paul Behm, C. E. Blanchard, P. O. Brunsvold, D. G. Klempnauer, Charles Kraft, Dr. Ron Masters II, Lester Milligan, Enoch Norem, Doug Sherwin, Carleton Stewart, Dr. L. W. Swanson, Carl Wright, M. R. (Bud) Lackore and Ron Reynolds.

James Bradley is chairman of the men's committee. Others serving on the committee are Leon Barsness, Jack Carlson, Jerry Chait, Warren Clark, J. J. McDonald, Arnold Olson, James Sheehy, C. R. Swartling and Griffin Venz.

Mrs. William Turner is chairman and Mrs. Patrick J. Kenny, co-chairman, of the queens' hostesses. Other hostesses serving are Mrs. James B. Buell, Mrs. Don G. Casey, Mrs. Lynn H. Cole, Mrs. Vernon Fobes, Mrs. Art Gerk, Mrs. L. W. Lichtenberger, Mrs. David Odegaard, Mrs. William F. Oertel, Mrs. Max Sawyer and Mrs. C. William Steneker.

Dr. Ron Masters II is general chairman of the parade. Dennis Blume is co-chairman. Others serving on the parade committee are Robert Orth, in charge of convertibles; Everett Krus, floats; Everett Gorkowski, concessions; Eddie Hanes, queen's float; Charles Kipie, policing, and Lew G. Roberts, band placement.

The finance committee chairmen are Terry Menzel, Robert I. Mott and Jack Nielsen.

Robert I. Mott is chairman of the judges for the queen candidates. Others serving on the judges committee are G.A. Franzen, Exchange Club, R. O. Albrecht, Kiwanis Club, Gilbert Bovard, Lions Club, Roberick Bickert, Rotary Club, and John Fieseler, Jaycees.

Roy Kiser of the 40 & 8 will serve as chairman of ushers. Lions Club members will be in charge at Central Park. Kiwanis Club members will handle the night show. Exchange Club members will be in charge of the reserved seat platform at the stadium. Bill Wanger will be chairman of the Rotary Club members who will usher for the bands at the stadium.

Mrs. Paul Behm is chairman for the Bandmasters Luncheon at the Hotel Hanford. Carleton Stewart will preside as master of ceremonies. Don Marcouiller, director of bands at Drake University, Des Moines, will be the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Bailey will be host and hostess for Marilyn Aughenbaugh, South Dakota State champion baton twirler.

Tom Teas will be in charge of distribution of tickets and supplies. Charles Kraft is in charge of bleachers. Chief Clifford J. Pierce of the fire department is in charge of street decorations. Charles Kiple is in charge of telephones and communications. Byron Seymour will have the standby program in case of rain.

Lyle Johnson will be in charge of extra car parking. Midwest Charter Bus will provide the bus service for the queens. Craig Pross is chairman for the distribution of mileage checks at the bandmasters' luncheon. Harley Klemas and Maynard Nelson are in charge of special shows at the theaters.

Mrs. Patrick Kenny is chairman of the Woman's Club hostesses at the school. Ruth Webb is in charge of swims at the YWCA. Gordon Blanchard is in charge of swims at the YMCA. Chief Leo Risacher of the police department will be in charge of police duties. Al & Dick will furnish the service truck.

Lein E. Snell will be in charge of ambulances. Glen Haydon and Jess Harris will be in charge of first aid. Leonard Rowland and Dale Gilman will be in charge of signs. Herb and George Radio will handle the PA systems in Central Park and Roosevelt Stadium.

Robert I. Mott will be in charge of electrical connections in Central Park. Mayor George Mendon is in charge of the parade route and highway re-routing.

Paul Behm will serve as chairman for the visiting bands in Central Park. Vern Leonard will be in charge of introduction of the queens in Central Park. Harold Younger will be master of ceremonies at Central Park, with members of Toastmasters Club. Ken Kew will be master of ceremonies for the night show at Roosevelt Stadium.

Tyler Stewart will be in charge of the flag raising ceremony at the night show in Roosevelt Stadium. A. E. Smith is in charge of communications at the night show, including the entries of the bands. The Junior Chamber of Commerce will be in charge of the Queen's throne. The North Iowa Citizens Band Club will assist in communications for the big parade in the morning.

Globe Gazette
June 05, 1964, Page 17

New Willson song may outlast "76 Trombones"
By Bob Thomas, AP Movie-Television Writer

HOLLYWOOD (AP) - On his television special Thursday night, Meredith Willson introduced a new song, one which may endure as long as his "76 Trombones."

It is one of the simplest songs ever written by the music man, yet it proved the most difficult to compose. Five months of labor went into its composition

The whole project was started by two words on the telephone. A half-year ago, Willson received a call from Frank Loesser, the noted tunesmith who publishes Willson's songs. Loesser told him he should write a marching song.

"And then he told me two words that made me fall on the floor," recalled Willson." The words were: "Ask not."

With President John F. Kennedy's assassination, still fresh in his mind, Willson hesitated. He suggested Loesser should undertake the project - "after all, you wrote a pretty darned good song called, "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition."

But Loesser said he felt Willson could handle the job better.

So Willson began.

"I worked and reworked the theme," he said. "No matter what I combined with the words, 'ask not what your country can do for you,' it didn't sound right.

"After weeks of effort, I decided on the form of a Negro spiritual. Why did I need other words: After all, the title is repeated three times in "He's Got The Whole World In His Arms." Then for a closer, the line is used again. And my closing line was already written for me. 'Ask what you can do for your country.'"

The composer added a verse about "13 Puny Little Colonies" to be sung to the alternating snap-rattle of field drums, plus a Willsonesque rundown of American occupations.

All this was done in absolute secrecy. When he decided to introduce the song on the first of his three summer television specials, he held the music back from the cast until just before final rehearsal. The music business being what it is, he didn't want to risk pirating of the idea.

Globe Gazette
Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa
June 05, 1964, Page 18

Bandsmen make parade

The people responsible for training the 83 bands appearing in Tuesday's parade of the North Iowa Band Festival will be found marching somewhere at the side of their bands.

Arvid Andersen is the director of the guest band, the Nashua Marching Band, slated for the big parade and a demonstration at the evening show in Roosevelt Stadium. The guest band will be in the finale position of the big parade and will be featured at night.

Paul Behm's Mason City High School Band will head the morning parade. Other Mason City bands are the John Adams Junior High School Band, directed by Henry T. Paine; Monroe Junior High School Band, directed by J. J. Fitzgerald; and the Roosevelt Junior High School Band, directed by Harvey Von Wald

The 53-piece unit from Toledo State Juvenile Home, including a 20-girl drill team, will make a special appearance. The group is under the direction of Roger Maxwell.

Bandmasters participating in the North Iowa Band Festival are:


Frank T. Rice, Ackley-Geneva Keith Nash, Alden Tom N. Haugen, Alden, Minn. Russell C. Guster, Algona
Arnold Rable, Allison-Bristow James Beinke, Aplington Gary E. Thomas, Armstrong Comm. Ron Fletcher, Aryshire
John Marshall, Bancroft-St. John's Maurice Fahreny, Belmond Hans E. Aleckson, Blue Earth, Minn. W. Keith Baessler, Boone Valley
Kenneth McTeague, Bricelyn, Minn. Dick G. Weed, Britt Community Larry J. Oren, Buffalo Center Jearleen Kay Conrad, Burt
King W. Oleason, CAL Ross Root, Canton, Minn. Robert Gower, Charles City Orlando C. Nickelson, Clarion
Ludvig Wangberg, Clear Lake John Kromer, Corwith-Wesley Robert E. Sackett, Cylinder Joseph Zucco Jr., Dows
Daryl Vander Wilt, Dumont T. C. Thomas, Eagle Grove William R. Slott, East Chain, Minn. Mark Skroch, Ellendale, Minn.
Harland Johnson, Elmore, Minn. William H. Brooks, Emmons, Minn. Robert Norman, Forest City O. K. Conklin, Fredericksburg
Rod Parrish, Frost, Minn. Elden A. Reisetter, Garner-Hayfield John Sterba, Garrigan of Algona L. J. Walheim, Glenville, Minn.
Paul Bailey, Goldfield Warren A. C. Erickson, Graettinger Ray Holtz, Greene L. Maurice Feese, Hampton
Henry J. Kalke, Hubbard Don Perrine, Iowa Falls Carroll N. Sougstad, Kanawha Milton L. Glende, Kiester, Minn.
Jerry Wallentine, Klemme Sid Corbin, Lake Mills Robert W. King, Lakota Dale Mikkalson, Ledyard
Reginald Torrison, LeRoy-Ostrrander Mrs. Rhonda Johnson, Luverne Robert D. Himle, Lyle, Minn. W. W. Schaefer, Meservey-Thornton
Robert W. Utterback, New Hampton Bob Haarup, Nora Springs-Rock Falls Robert D. Snater, North Central Bill Hayes, Northeast Hamilton
G. F. Feuerhelm, Northwood-Kensett Sidney Stott, Osage Janice Abel, Plainfield Lewis Larson, Postville
E. Ned Rasmussen, Rake Phil Lachelt, Ringsted Richard A. Staebler, Rockford Jerry B. Olson, Rockwell-Swaledale
T. A. Chrisiansen, Ruthven Warren L. Jones, Sentral Bert Kruse, Sheffield-Chapin Vernon Mortrud, Spring Valley, Minn.
Dean Torkelson, St. Ansgar-Grafton William R. VanDevender, Swea City Herbert E. Ward, Thompson no bandmaster at Titonka
Michael W. Palm, Twin Rivers Robert Wigness, Ventura Gary W. Korpela, Wells, Minn. Ronald Clark, West Bend
David L. Earp, Woden-Crystal Lake

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Miss Burt

Patricia Schwietert will be the Burt High School queen at the 26th annual North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she was selected by the band. A member of the marching and concert bands, she also is active in mixed chorus, girls glee club, and small groups. She is active in plays, the annual staff and newspaper staff and is an honor student. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Schwietert, her father farms.

Miss Lyle

Nyla Murphy is the choice of Lyle, Minn., High School Band for its queen at the North Iowa Band Festival, June 9. A senior, she has played snare drum with the band six years. She is a member of F.T.A., F.H.A., the school paper staff and a business club. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Murphy, Lyle, Minn., her father is in the oil business.

Miss Ellendale, Minn.

Mary Catherine Bryant is the Ellendale (Minn.) High School band's choice for queen to represent them at the North Iowa Band Festival. Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Bryant, Ellendale, Minn., her father is a medical doctor and her mother is a registered nurse. A senior, she ranks high in her class activities and scholastically. She plans to attend Northwestern Hospital School of Nursing in Minneapolis.

Miss Meservey - Thornton

Sherill Engebretson, elected by the band of Meservey - Thornton Community School, will be their choice for Miss North Iowa. A senior, she is both piano and accordion teacher. She plays percussion instruments in the band, is president of the Senior Class, editor of the annual, on the paper staff, secretary of the Student Council, plays basketball and is an honor student. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rolland D. Engebretson, her father farms.

Miss Klemme

Janelle Greimann is the Klemme High School band's choice as a candidate for the title Miss North Iowa at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she plays first chair French horn in the band, has a soloist No. 1 rating, plays in ensembles, is vocal soloist, sings in the mixed chorus and girls glee club. She is in the class play, on the annual staff and is a cheer leader. Daughter of Eugene Greimann, her father farms.

Miss Frost, Minn.

Bonnie Skogen is the Frost (Minn.) High School band's choice to represent them as queen at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she has played French horn in the band six years, has participated in chorus work and is a pianist. She is an honor student, vice president of her class and co-editor of the annual. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Skogen, Frost, Minn., her father farms.

Miss Aplington

Christine Fisher is the choice of the Aplington High School band for its queen at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she is active in the band, saxophone quartet, swing band, girls glee club, student council, newspaper and annual staff. She is on the honor roll and plays basketball and softball and is a cheer leader. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Fisher, her father owns and operates the Fisher Lime Company.

Miss Ackley - Geneva

Miss Darla Kennedy is the Ackley - Geneva High School band's candidate for the title Miss North Iowa at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A junior, she is active in the band, vocal groups, Y-Teens, drama, A.F.S. and G.R.A. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Kennedy, Ackley, her father is a railroad station agent.

Miss Algona

Marcia Angle is the candidate for Miss North Iowa at the North Iowa Band Festival from Algona High School. She is vice president of the senior class and is active in the concert, marching and pep bands. She is treasurer of the student council and is a cabinet member of the Iowa Association of Student Councils. She is on the honor roll and in the girls chorus and the Cadettes drill team. A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Angle, her father farms.

Miss Titonka

Cynthia Rakow will be Titonka Consolidated School's queen for the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she was elected by the band, in which she plays clarinet. She also is active in the mixed chorus, girls glee club, small vocal groups and student council. She was Homemaker of Tomorrow from Titonka. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rakow, Wesley, her father farms.

Miss Glenville

Bonnie Knaack is the Glenville, Minn., High School Band's choice for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival. A junior, she is active in the band, high school chorus, girls glee club and triple trio. Daughter of Emil Knaack, Glenville, Minn., her father is engaged in farming.

Miss Armstrong

Arlene Burkhead is the Armstrong Community High School Band's candidate for queen of the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she is active in the band, mixed chorus, vocal and instrumental small groups and 1964 annual editor. Her father is Arnold Burkhead, Armstrong, hardware store owner.

Miss Osage

Linda Hughet is the candidate of the Osage High School Band for Miss North Iowa at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she is secretary of the National Honor Society, vice president of Thespians and vice president of the band. She plays flute in the concert band, is a flag twirler in the marching band, cheerleader and member of the Future Nurses. She is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Keith Hughet, Osage. Her father is a physician.

Miss Kanawha

Valerie Wicks is the Kanawha Community High School Band candidate for Miss North Iowa at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she is active in the band, mixed chorus, glee club, pep club and student council and is a cheerleader. She is in the madrigal, trio and sextet and class play. She was the Kanawha labor Day Queen and Sweetheart of Kanawha High School F.F.A. Daughter of Mr. and Mr. Everette Wicks, her father is a farmer.

Miss Alden

Victoria Gardalen is the Alden Community School Band's choice for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she has played French horn in the concert band eight years. She plays cornet in the swing band, baritone in the pep band and drums in the marching band. She has received Division I rating three times. She also is active in speech, mixed chorus and the annual and school newspaper. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harley A Gardalen, Popjoy, her father is a hardware retailer and plumber.

Miss Greene

Martha Stuntz is Greene Community High School's candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 9. A senior, she plays first chair flute in the concert band and was first chair flute at the Dorian Festival in 1963 and second flute in the All-State Orchestra in 1963. She received a Division I rating in both flute and voice solo at the state contest. She made first all conference basketball team as [a] forward, is in mixed chorus, National Honor Society, class play and track. Daughter of Clyde and Fern Stuntz, Greene, her father farms.

Miss Ringsted

Mary Lu Petersen is the Ringsted High School choice for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she is a four year veteran of the band and mixed chorus, basketball and girls glee club. She is active in speech work, track, class plays, softball, student council, small groups, dance band majorette, saxophone sextet and quartet and F. T. A. She is a daughter of W. D. Petersen of Ringsted. Her father is in the hardware business.

Miss Buffalo Center

Janet Barnes is the candidate chosen by the Buffalo Center High School Band for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival. A senior, she is in the band and on the annual staff. She is secretary of the senior class, a "Homemaker of Tomorrow" and is president of the F.N.A. She also is in the mixed chorus, girls glee club, pep squad, cheerleader and G.R.A. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Barnes, Buffalo Center, Route 1. Her father farms.

Miss Garrigan

Jean Gengler is the choice of the band of Garrigan High School of Algona for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she has been in the band four years, playing French horn and cornet. She has been active in the mixed chorus, varsity debate team and annual staff and has been social chairman of her class. She was homecoming queen and an honor roll student. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gengler, Whittemore.

Miss Thompson

Kathy Hamlin is the senior band's choice to represent Thompson High School as queen at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she is active in the concert, marching and summer bands, football show band and pep band. She is a twirler, in the chorus, girls glee club, small groups in vocal and band, officer in band and class, on the school paper and annual staffs. She is band librarian, in class plays, F.T.A., cheerleader and basketball. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Hamlin, Thompson, her father is office manager for the Winnegago R.E.A.

Miss Renwick

Janice Henricksen will be Miss Renwick for the North Iowa Band Festival, selected by the Boone Valley Community School Concert Band. A senior, she is a member of the marching, concert, pep and dance bands and chairman of the music council. Accompanist for mixed chorus and small groups, she also has Division I ratings in clarinet quartet, miscellaneous woodwind group and clarinet solo. She is active in basketball, editor of the school paper, music editor for the annual and valedictorian of her class. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Henricksen, Renwick, her father farms.

Miss Goldfield

Nancy Jewell is queen of the Goldfield Community School Marching Band for the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. She is active in the marching, concert and dance bands, choir, girls glee club, journalism, spring plays and cheerleading. She is secretary of the senior class. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Jewell, Route 2, Goldfield, her father is a farmer.

Miss Emmons, Minn.

LeAnn Olson is the choice of the Emmons, Minn., High School Band for queen of the North Iowa Band Festival. A junior, she has been active in the band as clarinetist and majorette. She also is active in student council, F.H.A., cheerleading and class play. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Olson, Emmons, Minn. Her father is an electrician.

Miss Plainfield

Jacquelyn Bossom is the choice of the Plainfield Community High School Band for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she has been an honor student all four years and has participated in the band, chorus and small groups. She is active in class plays and declamatory work. She is secretary of her class and the F.T.A. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bossom, her father is marshal of Plainfield.

Miss Ayrshire

Linda Seid has been chosen by the band of Ayrshire High School as a candidate for the title of Miss North Iowa at the 26th annual North Iowa Band Festival, June 9. A senior, she has been chosen cheerleader four years. An honor roll student, she has been active in mixed chorus and girls glee club work and plays bass drum in the band. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seid, Ruthven, her father is a farmer.

Miss Wells - Easton, Minn.

Connie Chirpich has been selected by the Wells-Easton (Minn.) High School Band as candidate for Miss North Iowa at the 26th annual North Iowa Band Festival, June 9. A senior, she plays saxophone in the band, stage band and pep band. She is a member of the annual staff, G.A.A. and Future Teachers of America. She was the 1963 Future Farmers of America Sweetheart. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Casmir Chirpich, Wells, Minn., her father farms.

Miss Rockwell - Swaledale

Edna Bonner has been selected a candidate for Miss North Iowa by the Rockwell - Swaledale High School Band. A senior, she is active in basketball, softball, girls track, girls chorus, mixed chorus, trio, sextet and madrigal group. She plays in the band, pep band, dance band and ensembles. She is a member of the student council and National Honor Society. Her father, Lester Bonner, Swaledale, is a farmer.

Miss Rockford

Marjorie Ramker is the Rockford High School Band's choice for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ramker, Floyd, her father is a farmer. A senior, she plays French horn in the concert band. She is active in choir, girls glee club, softball, basketball, F.N.A., R Club, an honor student and vice president of her class.

Miss Lake Mills

Kathy Greiman is Lake Mills Community High School Band's choice as candidate for Miss North Iowa at the 26th annual North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she is a member of the band, swing band and small ensembles. She is president of the student council, a member of the annual staff and is active in class plays, speech club and cheerleading. She is a four-year honor student. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Greiman, Lake Mills, her father farms.

Miss Lakota

Cheryl Rae Anderson is the candidate from Lakota for the title of Miss North Iowa 1964. Chosen by the band, this senior is a veteran of seven years, playing saxophone. She plays in ensembles, is active in vocal groups, basketball, softball and track, class plays and is president of her class. She was on the student council and was homecoming queen. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Anderson, her father sells insurance.

Miss LuVerne

Lynn Hanselman has been selected by the LuVerne High School Band for their queen at the 26th annual North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she has been active in the band six years, playing flute, and in the chorus four years. She is a cheerleader and is typist for the annual staff. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hanselman, Route 1, LuVerne, her father is engaged in farming.

Miss New Hampton

Lynn Wamsher has been selected New Hampton's candidate for Miss North Iowa at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she is a member of the Pep Club, Commercial Club and "Chiefton" staff. She has been a member of both the concert and marching bands for six years. She is active in outdoor sports. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Wamsher, her father is a supervisor of the Oliver Corp.

Miss Blue Earth, Minn.

Michele Callaghan has been elected by the Blue Earth (Minn.) High School band as a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the 26th North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she is president of the Girls Club, is on the staff of the school paper and is a member of the National Honor Society. She plays alto saxophone in the band and is a member of the German band. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Callaghan, Blue Earth, her father is an attorney.

Miss Swea City

Diana Campbell will be Swea City's candidate for the title Miss North Iowa at the 26th annual North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active in girls glee club, mixed chorus, band, plays clarinet, and participates in various woodwind ensembles, including mixed clarinet quartet and woodwind trio. She was Homecoming Queen and editor of the school annual. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Campbell, Swea City, her father is a mechanic.

Miss Kiester, Minn.

Vicky Schacko is the choice of the Kiester (Minn.) High School band to represent them as their queen at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she has been active in the band, chorus and musical groups that have won state honors. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Girls Athletic Association, newspaper staff, annual staff, class play, and was a class officer. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Schacko, Walters, Minn., her father farms.

Miss Clear Lake

Jo Ann Sedars is Clear Lake High School band's choice for queen to represent them at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she is active in the student council, girls glee club, band, Pom Pom girls, Hi Tri, Science Club, Latin Club, Spanish Club, Pep Club and was Homecoming attendant in '64. She plays flute, piano and organ. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Sedars, Clear Lake, her father is an auto dealer.

Miss North Central

Deloris Sorenson is North Central's candidate for the title Miss North Iowa at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she is a veteran of six years in the band. She is a member of the saxophone ensemble, has a Division I rating in speech, is active in class plays and variety show and basketball and is a pianist. Daughter of Mr. and Mr. Kelmer Sorenson, Hanlontown, her father farms.

Miss Northwood - Kensett

Susan Mary Bergen is the Northwood - Kensett High School Band's choice for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she was a Foreign Exchange Student last summer, visiting Chile. She has a 3.25 grade average, plays flute in the concert band, is first majorette in the marching band, editor of the annual, a National Honor Society member, cheerleader and in the class play. She is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Bergen, Northwood.

Miss Britt

Sara Horstman is the choice of the Britt High School Band as its candidate for Miss North Iowa at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she is a member of the band, a drum majorette, president of the girls chorus and assistant director of the mixed chorus. She is a cheerleader, member of the Future Homemakers and Future Teachers of America, Pep Club, newspaper staff, debate team, G.R.A. and class play. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Horstman, Britt, her father farms.

Miss Eagle Grove

Christine Moffitt will represent Eagle Grove High School Band as its candidate for the title, Miss North Iowa, at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she was the Homecoming Queen of 1963-64. She is a varsity cheerleader, member of the band, choir, National Honor Society, Future Nurses Club and the Pep Katz. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moffitt Jr., Eagle Grove, her father is terminal manager for Ellsworth Freight Lines, Inc.

Miss Woden - Crystal Lake

Jean Meyer is the Woden - Crystal Lake Band's choice for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival. She plays first clarinet in both concert and marching bands and has a Division I rating in piano and clarinet. She is active in girls glee club, mixed chorus, Madrigal Singers, instrumental and vocal ensembles and is president of the band. She is a member of the National Honor Society, in the class play and basketball and softball. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Meyer, her father farms.

Miss West Bend

Sharon Rolfson was elected by the West Bend Community School Band as their queen at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A straight "A" student and member of the honor society, this senior attended the science institute for high school students at the University of Iowa. She participates in vocal music, is manager of the girls basketball team, plays in the concert band, is majorette in the marching band and has Division I rating in trumpet trio. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Rolfson, her father manages a grocery store.

Miss Cylinder

Doris Ann Blass is Cylinder High School Band's queen for the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. She is a member of the concert and marching bands and small ensembles, girls sextet, quartet, trio and mixed quartet, sings solos and in the chorus and girls glee club. She was chosen outstanding Home economics student, named on the Iowa Daily Press Association's Girls Basketball Honor Roll, and also has been a member of the softball team four years and in speech work three years. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Blass, her father farms.

Miss Nora Springs

Carole Larson is the Nora Springs High School Band's choice for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she is a veteran of four years in the concert, marching and dance bands and [is a] cheerleader. She is in the chorus, a cornet soloist Division I rating, in the cornet trio and brass sextet, class plays, Homecoming Queen, annual editor and letter winner in girls basketball. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Larson, Nora Springs, her father farms.

Miss Rake

Carol Koppen is the choice of Rake Community School Band for candidate for the title of Miss North Iowa at the 26th annual North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she has been active in band, glee club, mixed chorus, managing editor of the newspaper and editor of the annual. She won the Betty Crocker Homemaking Award. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Koppen, Elmore, Minn., her father farms.

Miss Dumont

Peggy Ritter is Dumont Community School Band's queen for the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. She will compete with many other candidates for the title Miss North Iowa. A senior, she is in the saxophone section of the band, in the girls glee club, member of the mixed chorus, and it a cheerleader. She has attended Dorian Music Festival two years and the State Music solo and ensembles contests annually. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ritter, Aredale. Her father farms.

Miss Hubbard

Ramona Schwinger is Hubbard High School's queen to represent their school at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A junior, she plays in the concert, marching and pep bands, is instrumental soloist, in woodwind quartet, quintet, trio, girls glee club, mixed chorus, double mixed quartet, senior choir and accompanist for the junior choir. She also is active in girls track. Daughter of Myron and Beulah Schwinger, Hubbard, her father farms.

Miss Belmond

Barbara Packard is the choice of Belmond Community School Band for queen at the 26th annual North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she is a member of the band, choir, F.H.A. secretary, Drama Club secretary active in one-act plays, small groups, solos and the annual staff. She plays oboe in the concert band. Her favorite pastime is riding horses. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Packard, Belmond, her father is an electrical contractor.

Miss Dows

Carol Kreitlow is the candidate chosen by the Dows High School for the title Miss North Iowa at the 26th annual North Iowa Band Festival. A junior, she is a member of the marching band, concert band, clarinet quartet, girls sextet, double mixed quartet, girls chorus, mixed chorus and madrigal. She plays on the softball teams and is [a] cheerleader for all varsity sports. She is a member of F.H.A. and F.T.A. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Kreitlow, Galt, her father farms.

Miss Elmore, Minn.

Janet Thompson is the Elmore, Minn., High School Band's candidate for the title of Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival. A senior, she is president of the band and first chair saxophone and soloist in the band and dance band. She is accompanist for the chorus, member of the National Honor Society, Student Council secretary, F.T.A. and F.H.A. member and salutatorian of her class. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Thompson, Elmore, Minn., her father farms.

Miss Corwith - Wesley

Kathy Wolter is the Corwith - Wesley Community School Band's candidate for the title of Miss North Iowa at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she is active in the concert and marching bands, cheerleader, in class plays, class officer, Homecoming Queen, girls track, girls glee club and mixed chorus. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wolter, Corwith, her father is superintendent of the Corwith - Wesley Schools.


Ginni Jensen is the Graettinger Community School Band's choice for their candidate at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she is percussionist in the Graettinger marching, concert and pep bands. She is a member of the annual staff. She represented her school at the Estherville Band Festival last fall. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jensen, Graettinger, her father is a farmer.

Miss Allison - Bristow

Ellen Lindaman is the Allison - Bristow Community School Band queen for the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she has been on the girls basketball team three years, is a member of the concert, marching and swing bands, brass sextet, trumpet trio, cornet quartet, mixed chorus, girls glee club, trio, sextet and mixed quartet. She is an instrumental and vocal soloist, student council member two years and assistant editor of the yearbook. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lindaman, Bristow, her father farms.

Miss Garner - Hayfield

Janet Grieman will represent the Garner - Hayfield High School Band as queen candidate for the Band Festival. A senior, she plays French horn in the concert band and is drum majorette in the marching band. An honor roll student, she has been a cheerleader and member of the girls glee club and mixed chorus. Member of the student council and annual staff, she is active in speech and dramatics and was student director for the senior play. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Greiman, Garner, her father farms.

Miss Charles City

Anne Sturdivant is the choice of the Charles City High School Band for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival. She is active in the concert and marching bands, orchestra, chorus and girls glee club. She is secretary-treasurer of the band and was a flutist in the Iowa All-State Band. She is active in speech, class play, secretary of the History Club, member of F.T.A., and National Honor Society. A senior, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Sturdivant, Charles City. Her father farms.

Miss Ventura

LaVonne Anderson is the queen of the Ventura Community High School for the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she has been in the band, mixed chorus and girls glee club four years each. She is an accompanist for soloists, and is a member of the National Honor Society. She played basketball four years, softball two years. She is a member of the F.T.A., newspaper staff, pep club, student council, and is a class officer and homecoming queen. She is the daughter of Eva Hall, Ventura.

Miss Cal Community

Kay Johansen is the CAL Community High School Band's choice for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she is in the concert and marching bands, drum major, twirler and cheerleader. She is in the mixed chorus, girls glee club, girls sextet, class play and on the annual staff. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Johansen, Latimer. Her father is a farmer and automobile salesman.

Miss Northeast Hamilton

Sue Keane is the choice of the Northeast Hamilton High School Band for queen candidate at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she has been active in band and vocal music through high school. She plays clarinet in the band. She also was starting guard on the girls basketball squad and is a good student. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Keane, Williams, her father is a distributor of petroleum products.

Miss St. Ansgar

Linda Howe is the choice of the band of St. Ansgar High School for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she plays Bb Clarinet in the concert, marching and pep bands and has Division I ratings in clarinet ensembles. She is band secretary and is active in F.H.A., pep club, G.R.A. and German Club. She also was homecoming queen candidate. She is the daughter of Mrs. Harold Howe, St. Ansgar. Her father is deceased.

Miss Ledyard

Linda Pingel is the Ledyard Community School's choice for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival. She was chosen by the band, in which she plays cornet. She also is in the German and stage bands, mixed chorus, girls chorus, small groups, basketball, softball, F.T.A., annual staff, school paper and student council and a class officer. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pingel, Ledyard. Her father farms.

Miss Twin Rivers

Melody Hansen is the choice of the Twin Rivers High School Band for candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival. A senior, she is band secretary-treasurer, directors of the pep band, speech club secretary, homecoming queen, first team all-conference in basketball, 3rd and 4th teams all-state. She is active in track, all-school play, student council, softball, G.R.A. and newspaper staff. Her father, Royal Hansen, Bode, is a farmer.

Miss LeRoy - Ostrander, Minn.

Ilene Bergland has been chosen by the senior band of LeRoy - Ostrander High School for queen of the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she is secretary of the band, vice president of the chorus and a member of F.H.A., the annual staff, National Honor Society, secretary of the student council and cheerleader. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bergland, LeRoy, Minn. Her father operates a clothing store.

Miss Iowa Falls

Jackie Tjaden is the Iowa Falls High School Band's candidate for Miss North Iowa at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A junior, she is active in marching and concert bands, the Girls Athletic Association, girls golf and Language Club. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Tjaden, Iowa Falls. Her father is employed by the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company.

Miss Sheffield

Ruth Compton is the choice of the Sheffield - Chapin Community School Band for queen at the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she is in the band, chorus, is drum majorette, member of the annual staff, cheerleader and in plays. She is a soloist, both vocal and instrumental, president of the [? omission}, and in the stage band and in instrumental and vocal small groups. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Compton, Sheffield.

Miss Canton, Minn.

Starlett Barnes will be Canton, Minn. High School's queen at the North Iowa Band Festival June 9. A senior, she is vice president of the band and assistant band director. She is head majorette, "A" rating drum soloist, in the chorus and small groups, vocal soloist, officer in her class, student council and F.H.A., annual and newspaper staffs, class plays, Honor Society and cheerleader. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barnes, Canton, Minn. her father farms.

Miss Sentral

Jaqueline Laabs is the band's choice for Sentral Community School queen for the North Iowa Band Festival. A senior, she plays French horn in the concert band, is a baton twirler in the marching band and drum majorette. She is in Division I in instrumental ensembles and vocal groups, in mixed chorus and girls glee club and is editor of the yearbook. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laabs, Lone Rock, her father farms.

Transcriber's Note: Biographies for the following queen candidates were not available:
Miss Alden, MN, Maxine Rasmussen; Miss Bancroft, [misidentified as Janice Henriksen]; Miss Bricelyn, Evelyn Legred; Miss Clarion, Janaan Peyton; Miss East Chain, Patricia Peterson; Miss Fredericksburg, Joan Murphy; Miss Hampton, Betty Grace; Miss Postville, Marilyn Smith; Miss Ruthven [misidentified as Cynthia Rakow]; and Miss Spring Valley, Mary Atwood.




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Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2018



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