22nd North Iowa Band Festival Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa June 14, 1960
To view enlargement of the Carleton L. Stewart article below, click on the thumbnail image then the magnifying glass icon on the webpage that comes up; to return to this webpage, click on your brower's 'back' button.
To view enlargement of the Band Festival Queens article below, click on the thumbnail image then the magnifying glass icon on the webpage that comes up; to return to this webpage, click on your brower's 'back' button.
HOSTESSES COMMITTEE - Queen candidates to the 22nd North Iowa Band Festival, honoring Carleton L. Stewart and the American Bandmasters Association, will be served throughout the day and evening by this hostess committee. Left to right, front row are Mrs. Paul Morgan, Mrs. L. W. Lichtenberger, Mrs. William Turner, Mrs. Carleton Stewart, Jr., Mrs. Charles Schaffer and Mrs. Ray Berggreen; back row, Mrs. Vern Fobes, Ms. A. E. Clouse, Mrs. J. E. Christopherson, Mrs. W. D. Hogeland and Mrs. J. B. Chauncey, Mrs. William Cameron was not in the picture.
To view enlargement of Joyce Rice's article below, click on the thumbnail image then the magnifying glass icon on the webpage that comes up; to return to this webpage, click on your brower's 'back' button.
The 22nd North Iowa Band Festival - Iowa's first and original - will be celebrated Flag Day, June 14 in Mason City. It is one of the biggest celebrations held annually in the North Iowa and Southern Minnesota area. Thousands of high school musicians will congregate in Mason City to parade and play under the honored guest, Carleton Stewart, president of the American Bandmasters Association. Thousands of spectators will see Joyce Ann Rice, America's champion, perform with the batons. County and city officials handle the flow of traffic and other problems in connection with the festival. The Mason City school system turns over its facilities for use by the visiting schools. ORGANIZATIONS besides the service clubs and retailers of Mason City back the project, which has grown to be one of the largest festivals in the country. Ray Seney is again chairman of the entire festival. C. E. Blanchard is co-chairman. Others on the executive committee are Paul Behm, P. O. Brunsvold, Stan Davis, Dave Butler, Dan Klempnauer, E. A. Norem, Carleton Stewart, Jr., Al Gemaehlich, Karl Johannsen, Jack MacNider, R. J. Foster, R. L. Bergo, C. R. Swartling and Lester Milligan, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, which sponsors the event. Harold Winston is general chairman of the parade. Al Gemaehlich is parade co-chairman. Jerry Krieger is float chairman; Henry Ludens, co-float chairman. Cee Calkins is in charge of bands. Harold Walton is policing and spacing. Ted Enabnit is in charge of convertibles for queen candidates and distinguished guests. TELEPHONES and communications are in charge of Stan Reynolds. Public address system for Central Park and stadium is in charge of Herb and George Radio Service. Boyd Arnold and the Fire Department are in charge of street decorations. George E. Mendon and Willis Fitzgerald, in charge of platform and seats in Central Park. Master of ceremonies for the park will be Dick Morel and other members of Toastmasters Club. Bruce Holland, KRIB, will introduce the queens at the park. Distribution of tickets and supplies will be the job of Thomas C. Teas. Al & Dick's will have the service truck. Charles Kraft will be in charge of bleachers. Leo Risacher and John Hrubetz will be in charge of police duties. Leo Allstot and the 40 & 8 will be in charge of ushering. Byron Seymour will have the standby program in case of rain. Bob Mott will be in charge of connections for the park PA system. John C. Berens will be in charge of scouts. Paul Tantrow, the tent in Central Park. Combs Advertising Co., signs. Keith Sandborn will deliver checks at the bandmasters luncheon. C. E. BLANCHARD is chairman of the host committee to the queens at the festival. Others on the committee are LeMoine Adams, Joe Bittner, Jerry Chait, Robert Foster, Al Kenrock, Jay McDonald, James Nelson, Syd Perry, Randy Peterson, Dave Ribble, Bob Sarset, Charles Swartling and E. I. Urdangen. Mrs. Charles Schaffer, Chairman, and Mrs. William Turner, co-chairman, head the hostess committee for the queens. Other serving on the committee are Mrs. Vern Fobes, Mrs. J. B. Chauncy, Mrs. Carleton Stewart, Jr., Mrs. Ray Berggeen, Mrs. A. E. Clouse, Mrs. J. E. Christopherson, Mrs. L. W. Lichtenberger, Mrs. W. D. Hogeland, Mrs. Paul Morgan and Mrs. William Cameron. The judges committee for the queen candidates consists of Harold Johnson, non-voting chairman, and the service club presidents, Stan Davis, Rotary; Dr. J. F. Biebesheimer, Lions; Ed Gage, Kiwanis; Bill Oleson, Exchange; and David Butler, Junior Chamber. Bill Wagner and the Rotary Club will be in charge of getting the bands into the stadium at night; Lions Club will furnish ushers for Central Park; Floyd James and Fred Wagner and Kiwanis Club will usher at the night show. Larry Frisch and the Exchange Club will usher for the reserved seat platform. THE JUNIOR CHAMBER will be in charge of the queen's throne. Janet Baird will be in charge of First Aid. L. E. Snell will be in charge of ambulances. Rollo C. Keithahn will be in charge of car parking. Tyler Stewart will be in charge of the flag raising. A. E. Smith and Ed Babcock will be in charge of communications at the night show. The Dick Bailey will be hosts for the twirler. Harley Klemas and Maynard Nelson will be in charge of special shows at the theaters.
To view enlargement of the following three queens pages below, click on the thumbnail image then the magnifying glass icon on the webpage that comes up; to return to this webpage, click on your brower's 'back' button.
Candidates for Miss North Iowa of 1960:
GAYLE SLEPER Miss Titonka Gayle Sleper will be Miss Titonka as candidate for the title of Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active in the mixed chorus, girls glee club, marching band, softball and basketball. She is president of the student council and was Homecoming Queen. Miss Sleper is a daughter of Evert Sleper, Route 2, Titonka. Her father is a farmer. |
ELLEN MAAHS Miss Whittemore Ellen Maahs was chosen to be a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 15. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in basketball, softball, bowling, vocal music, mixed chorus, girls chorus and is [a] majorette in the band. Miss Maahs is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Maahs of Whittemore. Her father is an electrician. |
PAT LIBERSKY Miss St. Ansgar Pat Libersky will be St. Ansgar's candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She plays saxophone solo and trio, piano and organ, and is accompanist for vocal groups. She is a member of the honor society, F.T.A., and F. H.A. Miss Libersky is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harland Libersky, St. Ansgar. Her father is cashier of the St. Ansgar Citizens State Bank. |
ANGELA BRANDAU Miss Rockford Angela Brandau was chosen Miss Rockford as a candidate for the title of Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in vocal music and band and is a member of the annual staff. Miss Brandau is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Brandau of Rudd. Her father is a farmer. |
DEE ANN DREIER Miss Hampton Dee Ann Dreier will be Hampton's candidate for Miss North Iowa in the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is a member of the National Honor Society, editor of the school paper, member of Quill and Scroll and student council. She is also a member of the F.T.A., pep squad, Thespians, pep band, pit orchestra, concert band, marching band and girls glee club. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Dreier, Hampton. Her father manages a lumber company. |
JUDY LINDAMAN Miss Aplington Judy Lindaman was chosen Miss Aplington as a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A junior, she was elected by the band, mixed chorus, girls sextette and is accompanist for the glee club and contest solo work. She is a member of the student council and National Honor Society. Miss Lindaman is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Lindaman, Aplington. Her father is an insurance salesman. |
RUTH HARMS Miss Burt Ruth Harms will be Miss Burt, as a candidate for the title of Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active in the mixed chorus, girls glee club, girls sextette and madrigal. She is a member of the concert band and a drum major in the marching band. She has been [a] cheerleader two years and is secretary of the senior class. Miss Harms is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harms, Burt. Her father is a farmer. |
MARIANNE ANDERSON Miss Thompson Marianne Anderson was chosen Miss Thompson, a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the high school. She is active in sports, especially basketball, and is [a] cheerleader, pep club officer, school paper officer, band officer and librarian, class officer and Homecoming Queen. She is a member of the marching band, concert band and flute trio. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson. Her father is a manager of Skelly Co-op. |
JUDY BOELMAN Miss Alexander Judy Boelman will be Miss Alexander as candidate for Miss North Iowa at the North Iowa Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active as a majorette in the band, mixed chorus, glee club, trio, sextette, mixed quartet and solo. She also is on the annual staff, newspaper staff and in dramatics. Miss Boelman is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Boelman. Her father is in the trucking and corn shelling business. |
SONDRA MEYER Miss Colwell Sondra Meyer will be Miss Colwell and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the high school student body. She is active as a band twirler and in the girls glee club. She is secretary-treasurer of the senior class, co-captain of the girls basketball team and business manager of the school annual. Miss Meyer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Meyer, Colwell. Her father is a Standard Oil bulk tank truck driver. |
KAY SEID Miss Ayrshire Kay Seid was chosen Miss Ayrshire to be a candidate for the title of Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A junior, she was elected by the band. She is active in the band, mixed chorus, girls chorus and is [a] cheerleader. She is treasurer of the F. H. A. and is a member of the dramatics club. Miss Seid is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seid, Ruthven. Her father is a farmer. |
CAREN RAMSE Miss Swea City Caren Ramse will be Miss Swea City, a candidate for the title of Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active in the clarinet trio, band, mixed chorus, girls glee club, sextette and vocal solo. She was the Algona (?) Band Queen, vice president of the student council, secretary of the senior class, president of the Music Club and Homecoming Queen. She was also in the class play, state speech contest and on the paper staff. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ramse. Her father is a farmer. |
BEVERLY SCHAEFER Miss Britt Beverly Schaefer will be Miss Britt as a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is a past class officer, president of the band, and member of the swing band, pep band, mixed chorus, instrumental and vocal small groups, president of the glee club and a member of the annual staff, library staff and senior class play. Miss Schaefer is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer, Britt. Her father is a farmer. |
NORMA SCHMIDT Miss Thornton Norma Schmidt will be Miss Thornton and candidate for the title of Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in glee club, mixed chorus, band, and basketball. She is senior class president, member of the annual staff and paper staff. Miss Schmidt is a daughter of Edith Schmidt. |
JANET SCHAGER Miss Alden Janet Schager will be Miss Alden, a candidate for the title of Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active in the marching band, glee club and mixed chorus. She is a cheerleader, in class plays, member of the student council, class officer, district M.Y.F. president, Hardin County "Typical 4-H Girl," and attended a United Nations Washington Seminar. She is a daughter of Harold Schager, Alden. Her father is a farmer. |
CHARLOTET STUBBE Miss Dumont Charlot Stubbe has been chosen Miss Dumont as a candidate for the title Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is a member of the mixed chorus, girls trio, majorette in the marching band, tympani player in the concert band, and a member of the drum ensemble. She is a member of the basketball team, annual staff and newspaper staff and was Homecoming Queen. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stubbe, Aredale. Her father is a farmer. |
DEANNA LAU Miss Algona Deanna Lau will be Miss Algona as a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in the marching band, concert band, pip band and a band project committee, girls chorus, GRA, FHA, intramurals, play crew, annual staff and homeroom officer. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Lau, Algona. Her father is the owner of the Star Roller Rink. |
CAROL PRIES Miss Elkton Carol Pries will be Miss Elkton as candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A junior, she is active in band, chorus, cheerleading, G.F.A., and student council. Miss Pries is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emory Pries, Sargeant, Minn. Her father is a farmer. |
MAXINE LUKE Miss Graettinger Maxine Luke will be Miss Graettinger as candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in concert and marching bands, plays saxophone and is a majorette. She also plays in a dance band, pep band and saxophone quartet. She is president of the band, vice president of student council, is a member of the Pep Club and business manager of the annual staff. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mr. Alfred Luke, Graettinger. Her father is a farmer. |
KAREN TWEDT Miss Armstrong Karen Twedt will be Miss Armstrong as a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She plays snare drum and tympani in concert band and snare drum in the marching band and is a majorette. She also plays in the drum ensemble. She is active in girls glee club, girls sextette, vocal solo and mixed chorus, class play, F.H.A., cheerleader, and basketball. She is the daughter of Mrs. Olai Opsal. |
LINDA PEARSON Miss New Hampton Linda Pearson will be Miss Hampton as candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A junior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in German Club, History Club, Commercial Club, news staff, student council, Pep Club, Drivers Club, and is [a] cheerleader and baton twirler. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pearson, New Hampton. Her father is a territory manager for John Deere and Co. |
BONNIE NOLAN Miss Belmond Bonnie Nolan will be Miss Belmond as a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is [a] clarinetist in the concert band and twirler in the marching band. She plays in small instrumental groups and serves as secretary for the band. She is business editor of the paper and is in dramatics and a cappella choir and is vice president of Quill and Scroll. She is a member of the National Honor Society. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Nolan, Belmond. Her father is a pharmacist. |
SALLY TENOLD Miss Northwood - Kensett Sally Tenold will be Miss Northwood - Kensett at the North Iowa Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in mixed chorus, band and various instrumental and vocal small groups. She also is an accompanist, cheerleader, class officer and president of the student council and member of the annual staff. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn O. Tenold, Northwood. Her father is secretary of the Farmers Mutual Insurance Assn. |
KAREN PRICE Miss Lakota Karen Price will be Miss Lakota as a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she is active in mixed chorus, girls glee club, secretary of the band, junior class president and member of the student council. She has been in class plays and was attendant for the homecoming queen. She is on the annual staff, is forward on the girls basketball team and [a] cheerleader. She is a daughter of Louis Price. Her father is a farmer. |
BONNIE TEEPLE Miss Nora Springs Bonnie Teeple will be Miss Nora Springs at the North Iowa Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is a drum majorette in the marching band and plays snare drum in the concert band. She is a forward on the girls basketball team, is feature editor on the annual staff and is in the art club. She has been in class plays and won the right to represent Iowa in the national "Make It Yourself With Wool" sewing contest in Texas. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Teeple, Nora Springs. |
AVIS BOCHMANN Miss Hansell Avis Bochmann will be Miss Hansell at the North Iowa Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She plays first-chair saxophone in the band and has Division I rating for solos and trio. She is accompanist for small groups and helped win Division I ratings in vocal solos, trios, girls' quartet, mixed quartets, and double mixed quartets. She was in the All State Chorus and on the all-conference basketball team. She has been class officer four years, on first team in basketball four years and on the newspaper staff and annual staff. She is an honor student and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bochmann, Aredale. Her father is a farmer. |
JANET JENSEN Miss Kiester Janet Jensen will be Miss Kiester at the North Iowa Band Festival June 14A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is a member of the band and chorus. She is president of the G.A.A., vice president of the Library Club and member of the Home Ec. Club, Glee Club and Triple Trio. She is a daughter of Edwin Jensen, Kiester. Her father is a farmer. |
JEAN HOEPER Miss Plainfield Jean Hoeper will be Miss Plainfield at the North Iowa Band Festival June 13. A senior, she was chosen by the band. An honor student, she plays tenor saxophone in the band and has a Division I rating in saxophone quartet. She also is in mixed and girls chorus. She was Plainfield queen in the Waterloo Band Jubilee in 1959 and is president of the senior class. She is active in class plays, is on the annual staff and manages the girls basketball team. Miss Hoeper is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Hoeper. Her father is a truck driver. |
JANICE FRERICHS Miss Rake Janice Frerichs will be Miss Rake as candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active in the concert band, marching band, pep band, instrumental ensembles and the girls glee club. She has held many offices and is a member of the student council. She was a cheerleader and Homecoming Queen, was in both junior and senior plays, and scholastically is in the top five in her class. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Frerichs, Buffalo Center. Her father is a farmer. |
JUDY RASMUSSON Miss Emmons Judy Rasmusson will be Miss Emmons as a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active in the band, chorus, girls sextet, class plays, F.H.A. and the newspaper staff. She also was an attendant for the Homecoming queen. She enjoys all kinds of sports. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rasmusson, Emmons, Minn. Her father is a rural mail carrier. |
KATHRYN ALT Miss Sentral Kathryn Alt will be Miss Sentral as a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active in the marching band, mixed chorus, girls glee club, mixed quartet, and is [a] cheerleader and class secretary. She is also in the class play. Miss Alt is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Alt, Fenton. Her father is a farmer. |
CAROL SEVERSON Miss Carpenter Carol Severson will be Miss Carpenter as a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the high school. She plays clarinet and alto sax in the band and has won all-state and state contest honors. She is in the glee club and mixed chorus. She is on the basketball team, is class president and class editor of the annual. Miss Severson is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orvie Severson, St. Ansgar. Her father is a farmer. |
DOROTHY SCHOTT Miss Joice Dorothy Schott will be Miss Joice as a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in vocal groups and received a Division I rating for her solo at the state music contest. She also received a Division I rating at the state speech contest. She was in class plays, basketball and softball and was captain of the cheerleaders two years. She is a twirler and drum major, editor of the school paper and assistant editor of the year book. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Schott, Joice. Her father is a mechanic. |
DELORES OBERHELMAN Miss Renwick Delores Oberhelman will be Miss Renwick as a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in the band, mixed chorus and girls glee club. She is president of F.H.A. and was Homecoming Queen. She is in the senior class play, is in journalism and has played basketball four years. Miss Oberhelman is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Oberhelman. Her father is a farmer. |
KAREN STOLL Miss Frost Karen Stoll will be Miss Frost as a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active in the band, mixed chorus, class plays, clarinet quartet and is editor of the annual. She is an honor student and will attend Mankato State College in the business department. Miss Stoll is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stoll, Frost, Minn. Her father is a grocer. |
BETTY TOLAND Miss Ruthven Betty Toland will be Miss Ruthven and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is an honor student and music letter winner. She is active in the marching band, pep band, concert band, mixed chorus, girls glee club, girls quartet, girls trio, duet and vocal and piano soloist. She has a Division I rating in dramatics, interpretive reading and extemporaneous speaking. She is on the newspaper and annual staff, is manager and letter winner in basketball and member of the art club. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clancy Toland, Ruthven. Her father is a farmer. |
EVELYN HANSMEIER Miss Woden - Crystal Lake Evelyn Hansmeier will be Miss Woden - Crystal Lake and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in basketball, softball, girls glee club and mixed chorus, is a band majorette, a member of the annual staff and in class plays. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hansmeier, Forest City. Her father is a farmer. |
DIANE YOST Miss Alden Diane Yost will be Miss Alden (Minnesota) and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A junior, she was chosen by the band. She is president of the band and active as percussionist. She is feature editor of the school paper, senior cheerleader and a member of Spanish Club, F.H.A. and girls glee club. She is vice president of the junior class. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Yost, Alden, Minn. Her father is a farmer. |
JAN JOHANNS Miss Osage Jan Johanns will be Miss Osage and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. A member of the band, she also is G.R.A. president, president of Future Teachers, past secretary of the National Honor Society, member of the annual staff, cheerleader, and vice president of her class as a sophomore. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johanns, Osage. Her father is a farmer. |
SHARON CARSTENS Miss Blairsburg Sharon Carstens will be Miss Blairsburg and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is an honor student, editor of the Echo school paper, varsity cheerleader, basketball letter winner, in the mixed chorus and girls glee club, concert, marching and pep band, and Division I rating in three state contests. She is vice president of her class and is music librarian. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Carstens. Her father is a farmer. |
JANET RODEMEYER Miss Sheffield Janet Rodemeyer will be Miss Sheffield and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active in the concert band, mixed chorus, girls chorus and instrumental groups. She is a cheerleader, annual staff editor, member of the Future Teachers Association and Homecoming attendant. She is a daughter of Mrs. Milo Rodemeyer. Her father is deceased. |
LINDA FISHER Miss Garner - Hayfield Miss Linda Fisher will be Miss Garner - Hayfield and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in the band, chorus, school newspaper, Rainbow, church choir and dramatics. Miss Fisher is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher, Garner. Her father is a painter. |
JUDY HILL Miss Dows Judy Hill will be Miss Dows and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She has played percussion in the band since she was in the fifth grade. She was layout committee chairman for the school annual and co-editor of the newspaper. She had lead parts in both the junior and senior class plays. She is president of the band and senior class. She has had an "A" grade average her last two years. Miss Hill is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Hill, Dows. Her father is a farmer. |
JOANN HIPPEN Miss Buffalo Center JoAnn Hippen will be Miss Buffalo Center and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in the band, playing tenor saxophone, vocal music, is president of the Girls Recreation Association, annual editor, in dramatics and is program chairman of the Future Teachers Association. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hippen, Buffalo Center. Her father is a farmer. |
MARLYS HELD Miss Geneva Marlys Held will be Miss Geneva and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in the band, chorus, small groups instrumental and vocal, school dance band, basketball, newspaper staff, editor of the annual, junior and senior class plays, secretary and valedictorian of the senior class. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Held, Geneva. Her father is a farmer. |
CAROLE GRONBACH Miss Twin Rivers Carole Gronbach will be Miss Twin Rivers and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active as a cheerleader, member of GRA and in vocal music, including the girls trio, glee club and mixed chorus. She was queen at the Band Day at Algona and Homecoming Queen. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Gronbach, Livermore. He father is a masonry contractor. |
RUTH EILEEN MILLER Miss Rodman Ruth Eileen Miller will be Miss Rodman and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active in the band and chorus and is student manager for the girls basketball team. She is also an officer in the band and chorus and snare drummer in the marching band. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Dale Miller, Rodman. Her father is a farmer and does custom trucking. |
GENESE HANSELMAN Miss West Bend Genese Hanselman will be Miss West Bend and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in the band, mixed chorus, girls glee club, girls sextette and brass sextette. She is on the annual staff, newspaper staff and in the all-high school play. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hanselman, West Bend. Her father is a farmer. |
JUDY JOHNSON Miss North Central Judy Johnson will be Miss North Central (Manly, Plymouth and Hanlontown) and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She has been a twirler in the band four years and a majorette two years. She is active in the chorus and glee club and is a cheerleader. She is secretary and vice president of her class and is secretary of the student council. She is also on the annual staff. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Johnson, Kensett. Her father is a farmer. |
JOAN PYTLESKI Miss East Chain Joan Pytleski will be Miss East Chain (Minn.) and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active in the school band and chorus, school newspaper and yearbook and music. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pytleski, Fairmont, Minn. Her father is a farmer. |
MAUREEN ALLISON Miss Greene Maureen Allison will be Miss Greene and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in band, mixed chorus, glee club, basketball, tennis, speech and class plays. She also is active in small groups, both band and vocal, and is drum majorette. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allison, Greene. Her father is manager for Interstate Power Company at Greene. |
JANICE EDWARDS Miss Ledyard Janice Edwards will be Miss Ledyard and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in the band, girls chorus, softball, class plays and pep club. She has served as majorette, cheerleader, class officer, band officer, mixed chorus officer and officer of the student council. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Edwards, Lakota. Her father is a farmer. |
JANE ARMATIS Miss Rockwell - Swaledale Jane Armatis will be Miss Rockwell - Swaledale and a candidate for Miss North Iowa in the Band Festival June 14. A junior, she was elected by the band. She is a baton twirler and a member of the girls glee club. She is active in softball and cheerleading and is a Red Cross representative and class secretary. She was this year's FFA Chapter Sweetheart and was a polio queen candidate. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armatis. Her father is a farmer. |
REGINA PRAIL Miss Janesville Regina Prail will be Miss Janesville (Minn.) and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She has been a member of the band four years and has been active in mixed chorus, girls chorus and girls sextet. She is a member of the GAA Club, president of the Shakespearean Club and member of the National Honor Society. She is a member of the Science and Math Club and is active in debate and dramatics. She is a senior majorette in the marching band. She is co-valedictorian of her class and annual editor. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Prail, Janesville, Minn. Her father is a farmer. |
CAROLYN MURPHY Miss Lyle Carolyn Murphy will be Miss Lyle and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A junior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in the band, chorus and saxophone quartette and is a cheerleader and member of the school paper staff. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Murphy, Lyle, Minn. Her father is a gas truck driver. |
MARY ESTELLE KANNING Miss Truman Mary Estelle Kanning will be Miss Truman and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by winning the Miss Harvest Festival Contest last fall. She is active in music and plays piano and French horn, is editor for the yearbook is Future Homemakers president, member of the National Honor Society and finalist for the Miss Minnesota contest. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kanning, Truman, Minn. Her father is a veterinarian. |
SHARON LEEGARD Miss Forest City Sharon Leegaard will be Miss Forest City and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is a member of both the concert and marching bands and has been a twirler three years. She is in the mixed chorus, girls glee club and small groups. She is a member of the student council, Future Teachers and annual staff. She also is in plays and operettas. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leegaard, Leland. Her father is a farmer. |
MURRILL GRISHAM Miss Cylinder Murrill Grisham will be Miss Cylinder and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is president of the band, had a Division I rating in state music contest horn solo, is in vocal groups, chorus and solo work, basketball, softball, speech, class plays, newspaper and annual staffs, pep band and home ec. club, member of the student council and school librarian last year. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Grisham, Cylinder. Her father owns a gas station, motel and restaurant. |
KAY FLYNN Miss Wells Kay Flynn will be Miss Wells and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in the band, madrigal group, mixed chorus, Future Homemakers of America, Girls' Athletic Association, and is a cheerleader and member of the school paper and school yearbook staffs. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Flynn, Wells, Minn. Her father is a farmer. |
ANN HOWARD Miss Cresco Ann Howard will be Miss Cresco and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in the band, mixed chorus, girls glee club, accompanist for large and small groups, president of the Thespian Troupe, member of the National Honor Society, soloist at the Dorian Music Festival at Luther College, in the G.R.A., drama and speech. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Howard, Cresco. Her father is a service station manager. |
MARGARET WHYTE Miss Goldfield Margaret Whyte will be Miss Goldfield and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A junior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in the band, plays clarinet, is a twirler in the marching band and sings in the glee club and chorus. She also is active in basketball, softball, speech and dramatics. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Whyte, Goldfield. Her father is owner of the school busses. |
JUDITH CHURCHILL Miss Spring Valley Judith Churchill will be Miss Spring Valley and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by judges of a Miss Spring Valley contest. She is active in band, playing drums and marimba, and is a cheerleader. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Churchill, Spring Valley, Minn. Her father is a farmer and school bus operator. |
ARLENE MOE Miss Lake Mills Arlene Moe will be Miss Lake Mills and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A junior, she was chosen by the band. She is treasurer of the junior class, a twirler in the band, in the chorus, mixed quartet, girls' sextette, girls' trio, GRA and on the annual staff. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hamlet Moe, Lake Mills. Her father is a mechanic. |
MARY SCHEETZ Miss Ventura Mary Scheetz will be Miss Ventura at the Band Festival. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is active in mixed chorus, glee club, concert and marching bands and small groups. She attended the all-state music camp at the University of Iowa and sang in the all-state quartet. She is active in dramatics and served in F.T.A., the annual and paper staffs, pep club, cheerleading and as basketball manager. She received the John Phillip Sousa Band Award. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scheetz, Ventura. Her father is treasurer and office manager of the Dewey Electric Company, Ventura. |
KATHY HAGIE Miss Clarion Kathie Hagie will be Miss Clarion at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She plays bassoon in the band, is in the mixed chorus, F.H.A., Latin Club, Drama Club, cheerleader and secretary of the student council. She was in the senior play, reporter for the paper and on the annual staff. She was one of six girls selected by the Clarion brand of the American Association of University Women and Queen of the '60 Sweetheart Ball. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hagie, Clarion. Her father is president of a seed corn firm. |
LYLA DONALSON Miss Chapin Lyla Donaldson will be Miss Chapin and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is in the band, mixed chorus and small vocal and instrumental groups, editor of the yearbook, secretary-treasurer of the senior class and valedictorian. She was in junior and senior class plays and received a scholarship for "best all-around student." She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Donaldson. Her father is a farmer. |
MAURINE JOHNSON Miss Klemme Maurine Johnson will be Miss Klemme at the North Iowa Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She plays first clarinet in the band and is active in mixed chorus, girls chorus and small groups, both instrumental and vocal. She was in the junior and senior class plays, editor of the annual and valedictorian of the senior class. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Johnson, Klemme. Her father is a cattle buyer. |
BEVERLY KAY HILD Miss Charles City Beverly Kay Hild will be Miss Charles City and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was elected by the band. She is a member of the National Honor Society, the Future Teachers of America, pep club, senior finance committee, band and orchestra. She has been a twirler four years. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hild, Charles City. Her father is science teacher and track coach at Charles City High School. |
GWEN BAKER Miss Bancroft Gwen Baker will be Miss Bancroft and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She has been in the band four years, playing cornet, in all choral groups, on the newspaper staff, a class officer her sophomore and junior years, Division I rating in speech three years and in the senior play. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ditsworth, Bancroft. Her father is a farmer. |
KATHRYN ASNUS Miss Bricelyn Kathryn Asnus will be Miss Bricelyn (Minn.) and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A senior, she was chosen by the band. She is active in the G.A.A., F.H.A., band, chorus and on the school newspaper staff. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Asnus, Bricelyn, Minn. Her father is a farmer. |
CAROL JOHANSEN Miss Franklin Carol Johansen will be Miss Franklin and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A junior, she was elected by the band. She is active in the band, girls glee club and mixed chorus, and is a member of the school newspaper staff. Miss Johansen is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johansen, Latimer. Her father is an auctioneer and farmer. |
PATRICIA FOWLER Miss Huntley Patricia Fowler will be Miss Huntley and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. A junior, she was chosen by the band. She is pianist for the girls sextette and trio, boys quartet and mixed chorus. She plays baritone saxophone in the band and saxophone quartet, winning an "A" rating at the district music contest. She also won the same rating for solo work. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Fowler, Route 1, Winnebago, Minn. Her father is a farmer. |
RAE NELSON Miss Glenville Rae Nelson, a junior, will be Miss Glenville (Minn.) and a candidate for the title of Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. She was chosen by the band members. Miss Nelson is active in swimming, ice skating and sewing and is a pianist. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Nelson, Route 1, Glenville, Minn. Her father is a millwright. |
KATHY TAYLOR Miss Elmore Kathy Taylor will be Miss Elmore (Minn.) and a candidate for Miss North Iowa at the Band Festival June 14. She was elected by the band. During her senior year she was editor of the school annual, member of the band, chorus, a cappella choir, Homecoming queen attendant and student council member. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, Elmore, Minn. Her father is a
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Transcriber's Note: Biographies for the queens from the following high schools were not available: Boone Valley, Clear Lake, Corwith - Wesley, Fertile, Grafton, Kanawha, LeRoy - Ostrander, LuVerne and Meservey.
Photographs courtesy of The Globe Gazette
Submission by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2018