North Iowa Band Festival Tuesday, June 18, 1940Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa
[Page 19] The Mason City high school band added a dash of color to its music during the past year, in the form of five drum majorettes. The girls are, from left to right: Loretta O'Hearn,Elaine Holt, Lorraine Johnson, Betty Lou Greenman and Maxine Wilson.

BARBARA JACKSON No. 1, Miss Clarksville Barbara Jackson of Clarksville is the first entry of candidates for queen at the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18, it was announced by the Chamber of Commerce Friday.
Miss Jackson, a senior in Clarksville high school, was selected by the band to represent that community in the fifth annual musical spectacle.
Miss Jackson, daughter of Gay Jackson, Clarksville mail carrier, has been a member of the Clarksville high school band for four years and drum major of the organization three years.
The Clarksville queen candidate is also interested in dramatics and has taken an active part in this extra-curricular program the past four years. She ranks third highest in her class scholastically. |

JEAN CARNEY No. 2, Miss Marble Rock The high school students of Marble Rock selected Jean Carney to represent that community at the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Miss Carney, who is a junior in the high school, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carney, who live on a farm near Marble Rock.
The Marble Rock candidate for queen at the giant festival of bands and pulchritude, is interested in such extra-curricular activities as band, drama and 4-H club work. She has been a member of the high school band eight years, starting when she was far down in the grades.
Miss Carney had a prominent role in the junior class play, has held offices in her class and in the band. She also is a member of the girls' glee club. |

MARVYL GUTH No. 3, Miss Meservey The Meservey school band elected Marvyl Guth [as the] candidate from that community for queen of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Miss Guth, senior in the Meservey high school, is a daughter of Frank Guth, Meservey farmer.
The Meservey queen candidate has been a member of the high school band two years. She also is interested in other activities. She has been a member of the girls' glee club four years, is a member of the mixed chorus and took part operettas in her freshman and sophomore years.
Miss Guth has taken part in various one act plays, the junior class play and she has a leading role in the senior class play. She has been secretary of her class all four years of high school. She was a member of the Meservey girls' basketball team. She also ranks high scholastically and has an excellent attendance record. |

CHARLOTTE ANNE FOSS No. 4, Miss Belmond The high school at Belmond elected Charlotte Anne Foss to represent that community as candidate for queen of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Miss Foss, who is in the sophomore class, sings with the high school choruses and small groups, is a reporter on the school paper and one of the leaders in her class scholastically. She likes to read modern fiction, enjoys historical movies, athletics and symphony music.
The Belmond candidate for the role of Miss North Iowa queen of the huge band festival is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Foss. Her father is a Belmond tailor.
Her selection was made after three nominations had been presented to the student body by the high school band. |

BETTY FANNIN No. 5, Miss Britt The faculty selected Batty Fannin, senior in the Britt high school, as that community's candidate for queen of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Miss Fannin, the faculty members point out, has been "successful in everything she undertook, but still is well liked and popular with the entire student body."
The Britt candidate has had leading parts in plays, operettas, orchestra and band during her four years of high school. She played in the percussion section of the band for the last five years.
Miss Fannin is the daughter of Mr. and Mr. Fannin of Britt. Her father is a carpenter. |

MARGARET ANDERSEN No. 6, Miss Rudd High scholastic rating coupled with achievements in extra-curricular activities distinguishes Margaret Andersen, chosen by band members of the Rudd high school to make that community's bid for queen of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Miss Andersen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Andersen, lives on a farm near Rudd. She is a member of the senior class.
The Rudd high school faculty rated Miss Andersen as one of the three outstanding students from the standpoint of citizenship. Her high school career has been a busy one because of the many activities in which she has participated. She ranks with the upper five in her class of 20 scholastically.
She has been a member of the girls' glee club and sextet for four years, mixed chorus for two years and was a member of a girls' trio last year. She has also been a cornetist in the band for four years, won first division ratings in declamatory work for two years, has taken part in one-act plays, has held offices in her class for two and has had the leading part in both the junior and senior plays. |

EVELYN PUEGGEL No. 7, Miss Ventura The community of Ventura selected this high school girl as its candidate for queen of the North Iowa band festival. Evelyn Pueggel will be one of a large number of girls from all parts of North Iowa to participate in the big parade of pulchritude and musical organizations in Mason City June 18.
Miss Pueggel, a senior in the Ventura high school, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pueggel, who live on a farm.
The Ventura candidate, along with other girls from each community participating in the festival, will be feted in several events on the program of the big music festival.
Miss Pueggel ranks third in her class, scholastically, played first chair saxophone for four years in the band and orchestra, is a member of the girls' sextet and the glee club and is active in class plays and other school activities. |

DELLA KADUCE No. 8, Miss Klemme Girls from the farms appear to be popular as candidates for queen of the North Iowa band festival this year.
Della Kaduce, chosen by the high school student body to represent that community at the big Mason City musical event June 18, is also a farm girl. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kaduce, who live on a farm a half mile northeast of Klemme.
Miss Kaduce was a junior this year in the Klemme high school. She sang in the school glee club and mixed chorus and took part in a number of community activities. She is active in church work, is treasurer of the young people's Bible class and sings in the church choir. |

INEZ BRUNSVOLD No. 9, Miss Kensett A brilliant performance in the field of music stands out in the four year high school career of Inez Brunsvold, Kensett's bid for the coveted role of queen of queens at the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Miss Brunsvold, member of the 1940 graduating class of the Kensett high school, has played in the school band four years and had the role of cornet soloist last year. She won first place in the Kensett music contest as a cornet soloist, got first place in the Kensett music contest as a cornet soloist, got first division rating at the district contest in Clear Lake and second division rating at the state meeting in Waterloo.
The Kensett candidate was a member of the girls' sextet, which won first division rating at the Clear Lake contest. She also has been a member of the brass sextet and one of the girls' glee club, singing soprano. She had a prominent role in the senior class play this spring and took active part in the operetta, "A Main in Japan." She is a member of the girls' athletic association of the Kensett high school.
Miss Brunsvold is the daughter of Clarence A. Brunsvold, farmer living near Kensett. She was chosen queen candidate by the Kensett band members.
Photo by Russell. |

MARY HUGHES No. 10, Miss Clear Lake Clear Lake's candidate for queen of the North Iowa Band festival in Mason City June 18 knows something about royalty. She was the class attendant from the high school at the May king and queen celebration at the lake in 1938 and again in 1940.
Miss Hughes is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hughes of Clear Lake. Her father is a salesman. A member of the 1940 graduating class, she has had an outstanding career in high school as a member of the girls' glee club, mixed chorus, girls' sextet, Hi-Tri, class basketball teams, drama club and girls' athletic association.
Miss Hughes took part in the junior class play of 1939. She is now acting president of the Hi-Tri and the girls' glee club and secretary-treasurer of the drama club. She also has made a crediable (sic) record scholastically during her four years of high school. She was selected by the high school as Clear Lake's candidate for festival queen. |

BETTY JANE CHRISTENSEN No. 11, Miss Thornton Reading over the school record of Betty Jane Christensen one may well see why she was chosen by the Thornton high school band to represent that community at the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Miss Christensen was valedictorian of the 1940 class, received the citizenship pin for girls, as well as the key given through the merit system. She was editor of the high school annual and president of the girls' athletic association. She has been a member of the Girls Scouts for several years.
Miss Christensen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Christensen of Thornton. Her father is the manager of the Sondergaard Produce company of Thornton. |

EUNICE POTTER No. 12, Miss Dumont Active in all school activities including dramatics, music and sports is Eunice Potter, chosen by the Dumont high school band as the candidate of that town at the festival of queens and bands in Mason City June 18.
Miss Potter, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Potter of Dumont, was born in Wisconsin and moved with her parents to Dumont in 1934. She had lived in Dumont three years when her father was transferred to a post in Holland, Mich.
The minister was recalled to Dumont in June, 1939, and in just a year's time Eunice has become popular with the student body and band members. She is an honor student. &nsp; |

MAVIS GORDON No. 13, Miss Joice The unanimous choice of the high school assembly was Mavis Gordon for the role of the Joice candidate for queen of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Although she is only a junior in high school she has been a member of the band five years and is a trombone soloist, ranking second a the district contest in Clear Lake. She also is a piano soloist, having studied since she was 7 years old. She accompanies the mixed chorus, the girls' sextet and several instrumentalists, as well as singing in the girls' glee club.
Miss Gordon also is a member of the typing team, a member of the girls' athletic association, has had a straight "A" through high school and her attendance record is unique - eight years without absence of tardiness.
With such a candidate Joice is confident of a showing at the Gargantuan (sic) spectacle, although this is the first time Joice has participated in the band festival. It might also be stated here that under the direction of J. W. Schar, the Joice band won a superior rating at the district contest at Clear Lake and went to Waterloo, where it was rated excellent.
The Joice candidate is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Gordon of Joice. Mr. Gordo is a general store owner in Joice. |

BOBBIE MAE MOSTROM No. 14, Miss Hanlontown Music, drama and athletics are among the extra-curricular activities that have interested Bobbie Mae Mostrum, Hanlontown choice for queen of the festival of bands and pulchritude in Mason City June 18.
Chosen by the band, Miss Mostrom will be among that array of beauties at the Mason City spectacle.
Miss Mostrom is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mostrom, who live on a farm near Hanlontown. She is a member of the junior class, plays a clarinet in the school band, is a member of the girls' glee club and the girls' sextet. She took part in the senior class play, enjoys athletics and sports of all kinds and was a cheerleader for the basketball team this year. She also is president of her class. |

MARTHA HENDERSON No. 15, Miss Nora Springs Among the candidates for queen of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18 will be Martha Henderson of Nora Springs.
Miss Henderson will be one of that select group from the communities of North Iowa out of which will come the queen of the festival, the girl who will preside over the grand finale spectacle and massed band concert in the evening.
Miss Henderson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henderson. Her father is the proprietor of the Henderson Garage at Nora Springs.
A member of the 1940 graduating class, Miss Henderson has had leading roles in both the junior and senior plays. Among her activities while in school was that of clerk of high school book store. |

MAY LUCILLE FORT No. 16, Miss Rockford The Rockford high school band selected May Lucille Fort to represent that community as queen candidate at the North Iowa band festival which will make Mason City the mecca of the northern part of the state on June 18.
Miss Fort is the daughter of Rev. Charles G. Fort, pastor of the Methodist church at Rockford, and Mrs. Fort. She is a member of the senior class and during her grade and high school days has distinguished herself in the field of music.
She is a member of the concert band, clarinet quartet, girls' woodwind trio, girls' sextet and madrigal group. She had done extensive vocal solo work and was one of the Rockford entries in the regional music contest at St. Paul. She went to the state contest as a clarinet soloist in 1939.
Word comes from Rockford that the band festival is one of the highlights in events for the band and is looked forward to eagerly by all the members throughout the year. |

JANICE ANDERSON No. 17, Miss Clarion Out of Clarion in 1939 came the girl who was chosen queen of the North Iowa band festival. Out of Clarion in 1940 comes Janice Anderson, another challenge to that array of beautiful girls that will form the main attraction of the festival in Mason City June 18, One of these will be selected as Miss North Iowa, the 1940 queen.
Miss Anderson was elected by the school to represent her community. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Anderson and lives on a farm near Clarion. She is a member of the 1940 graduating class of the Clarion high school.
While in school Miss Anderson participated in many activities. She was a member of the high school drama club, had the lead in the several high school plays, was a member of the student council and chairman of the program committee. She was a member of the Sub-deb club and Outing club, girls' social organization.
Miss Anderson has been exceptionally active in 4-H club work, was a member of the county demonstration team and plans to attend Iowa State college at Ames to major in home economics. |

JEAN MARR No. 18, Miss Riceville Being selected as the queen candidate of Riceville at the coming North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18 is just one of the honors that have come to Jean Marr.
Miss Marr won the D. A. R. citizenship award for Mitchell county. A member of the graduating class of the Riceville high school, she has been a member for four years of the band and glee club. She also has been a member of the mixed chorus and has taken special instruction in the piano.
The Riceville candidate also has taken part in school dramatics, having had roles in the junior and senior plays, as well as one act dramas.
Miss Marr is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Marr and lives on a farm her father operates near Riceville. She was selected as the queen candidate by the Riceville Music Mothers. |

SHIRLEY BEARDMORE No. 19, Miss Waukon The band of Waukon high school selected Shirley Beardmore their candidate of that community for queen of North Iowa band festival, which will draw thousands of persons to Mason City June 18.
Miss Beardmore, whose home address is Dorchester, is the daughter of Arthur Beardmore, Allamakee county farmer. She is a sophomore in the Waukon high school.
Some indication of the popularity and talent of the Waukon candidate is shown by the fact that she us a high school cheer leader, a member of the girls' glee club and the girls' sextet. It can be seen that she naturally would be a member of the Pep club. Her hobbies are sewing, swimming and hiking.
The fact that Miss Beardmore is the 19th entry in the contest of queens is an indication of the tremendous interest throughout North Iowa in the coming festival. |

DORIS KOCH No. 20, Miss Waverly Active in 4-H club work and past president of her club is Miss Doris Koch, chosen by the Waverly high school band to represent that community at the band festival and parade of queens in Mason City June 18.
Miss Koch was on the state demonstration team in 4-H work last year, representing Warren township and Bremer county. She is eligible to write in the state scholarship contest at the University of Iowa in Literature II.
The Waverly candidate is a member of the student council of her high school, plays first violin in the school orchestra and is a member of the glee club and mixed chorus. She is interested in home economics, dramatics and sports.
Needless to say Miss Koch lives on a farm. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Koch, Route 3, Waverly. |

DOROTHY INGLIS No. 21, Miss Hampton A banker's daughter was chosen as Hampton's bid for the role of Miss North Iowa, queen of the music festival to be held in Mason City June 18. Miss Inglis, a member of the junior class, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Inglis. Her father is the president of the Hampton State bank.
Miss Inglis, who is 16 years old, likes horseback riding, swimming and tennis.
The program for her and other queen candidates will include honor places in the parade, in the noon luncheon and the mass band concert and crowning of the queen at the evening program. |

EUNICE MUHLENBRUCK No. 22, Miss Latimer A glamorous bass drummer was chosen by the band of the Latimer high school as the candidate of that community for queen of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Besides playing the drum in the band, Miss Muhlenbruck also participated in other musical activities, including the singing of first soprano in the glee club and sextet. She played basketball and took leading parts in the junior and senior class plays.
Miss Muhlenbruck, member of the 1940 graduating class, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Muhlenbruck of Latimer. Her father is a carpenter. |

JEAN ZIESEMER No. 23, Miss Garner The whole student body of the Garner high school participated in the vote that brought about the election of Jean Ziesemer as candidate for queen of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Interest in the coming festival is growing daily and their registration of queen candidates is taking place at the office of the Mason City Chamber of Commerce.
Miss Ziesemer, member of the 1940 class, has been twirler for the high school band at Garner for the past four years. She was also a member of the glee club and likes swimming and other sports. She ranked in the upper brackets of her class scholastically.
The Garner candidate, who will be feted along with many other girls from other North Iowa communities at the big Mason City spectacle, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ziesemer. Her father is a barber. |

Miss FRANCES HILL No. 24, Miss Lake Mills The high school student body at Lake Mills chose Frances Hill, a sophomore, to represent the community at the caravan of queens and musical organizations at the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Miss Hill is the daughter of H. L. Hill, custodian at Rice Lake, and Mrs. Hill.
Musical activities participated in by Miss Hill included mixed chorus, girls' glee club, girls' sextet, mixed quartet, soprano soloist, operetta and band. She also plays tennis, swims and plays basketball.
Miss Hill was secretary and treasurer of the freshman class in 1938-39. She participated in school dramatics, is a member of the girls' athletic association and vice president of the Epworth league at the church she attends.
Miss Hill and other queen candidates will be feted at a special luncheon in their honor and will be centers of attraction in the forenoon parade and the evening spectacle. |

BEULAH LEE EDGINGTON No. 25, Miss Sheffield Music and dramatics were the favorite high school activities of Beulah Lee Edgington, Sheffield's candidate for queen of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Sheffield, it will be recalled, was the home town of Shirley Morgan, who was elected queen of the festival in 1938. That was the first year of the festival in which the queens appeared to add glamor (sic) to the big annual summer spectacle.
Miss Edgington is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Edgington and lives on a farm near Sheffield. She was a member of the 1940 graduating class and had the distinction of being salutatorian at the commencement exercises.
Miss Edgington played in the band two years and has taken an active part in dramatics. She had one of the leading roles in the senior class play this year. |

PEARLETTA BELLOWS No. 26, Miss Greene A popularity election in the in the Greene high school resulted in the choosing of Pearletta Bellows as the candidate of that community for the queen of the North Iowa band festival June 18, when all roads will lead toward Mason City.
Miss Bellows, daughter of Mrs. Kate Bellows of Greene, is particularly interested in sports, especially football. She enjoys music and has taken part in school glee clubs. She has been a member of the Greene high school band and has developed skill as a twirler. Her favorite amusements are movies and dancing.
The queen candidates will ride in the morning parade in special cars. They will attend a noon luncheon in their honor at the Hotel Hanford and be guests of the festival committee at a theater performance in the afternoon. In the evening one of the candidates will be crowned queen of the festival. |

HAZEL MAE MULLER No. 27, Miss Humboldt "Smile and the world smiles with you; frown and your frown alone."
The, her associates say, is the basic philosophy of Hazel Mae Muller, chosen by the marching band of the Humboldt high school as candidate for queen at the band festival here June 18.
Miss Muller, daughter of Mrs. Lillie Muller of Humboldt, was a member of the 1940 graduating class of the high school. Her favorite studies were home making and English and so well does she like home making that she is planning to continue her studied in that field at Iowa State Teachers college of Iowa State college.
Outside of her studied at high school, Miss Muller's main interests have been cheer leading, class plays and singing in various groups. Her favorite sports are swimming, basketball and tennis. |

ADELINE LANGROCK No. 28, Miss Osage Outstanding in both music and athletics is Osage's bid for the reigning beauty of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Miss Langrock, daughter of Lee H. Langrock, salesman, and Mrs. Langrock, has just completed her junior year in Osage high school, in which she was an outstanding student.
Miss Langrock has been active in both instrumental and vocal music for the past three years in high school. She plays a baritone in band and orchestra, and sings contralto in the school chorus. She also sang in the glee club, madrigal group and girls' trio. She represented the school at the state music contest with a contralto solo. She is also a prominent performer in the marching band.
While attending high school she has been outstanding in athletics. She played forward on the basketball team. This year she was chosen honorary member of the all girl high school basketball team. She also received a C. A. A. award this season in view of her past year's athletic work. |
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MARVEL MADSEN No. 29, Miss St. Ansgar President of the junior class and recognized as one of the most popular girl in the St. Ansgar high school is Marvel Madsen, candidate of that community for the music festival in Mason City June 18.
Miss Madsen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Madsen and lives on a farm near Taopi, Minn. One of her hobbies is helping her mother raise chickens and collecting stamps. After being graduated from high school she plans to take up nurse's training.
Chosen by the St. Ansgar high school student body as that community's bid for recognition at the band festival. Miss Madsen is one of the leaders of her Sunday school class at the Methodist church. She has taken an active part in dramatics and is a member of the high school mixed chorus and girl's glee club.
As secretary of the Newburg township 4-H club Miss Madsen represented that club at the annual 4-H camp at Clear Lake last summer, where she was elected as "Spirit of the Camp." |

ARLENE RAYHONS No. 30, Miss Hayfield The high school students at Hayfield chose a saxophone player as their candidate for queen at the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Arlene Rayhons, the Hayfield choice for the reigning sovereign of the big spectacle, has played saxophone in the high school band for four years. She also has been a member of the school glee club.
A member of the 1940 class of the Hayfield high school, Miss Rayhons has been prominent in dramatics, participating in class plays and holding an office in the dramatic club.
Miss Rayhons is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rayhons who live on a farm in Hancock county. |

MARVEL FRERICKS No. 31, Miss Allison Another farm girl joins the procession of glamorous queens for the North Iowa band festival. The band of the Allison high school elected Marvel Frericks the candidate of that community for the role of Miss North Iowa, queen of the gigantic spectacle to be held in Mason City June 18.
Miss Frericks is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Frericks, who live on a farm near Allison. She is a member of the 1940 graduating class of the Allison high school. During her four years in high school she participated in numerous activities.
Miss Frericks was a member of the band for the past two years, in the glee club two years and secretary-treasurer of the glee club this past year. She was in the senor class play and served as president of her class in 1938. |

BETTY LOU OLSON No. 32, Miss Eagle Grove Being elected by the high school band as the Eagle Grove candidate for queen of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City is not the first honor that has come to Betty Lou Olson.
Miss Olson was chosen the homecoming queen by the high school student body last fall. She was the honorary Martha Washington at the high school George and Martha Washington ball.
Musical activities stand as the favorites of Miss Olson, who was a member of the1940 class of the Eagle Grove high school. She was a member of the high school mixed chorus, the girls' glee club, madrigal group, girls' sextet, and the girls' trio.
Miss Olson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olson. Her father is a farmer. |

MARJORIE ANN ISAACS No. 33, Miss Thompson Marjorie Ann Isaacs was chosen by the Thompson high school band to represent that community as Miss Thompson at the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
The Thompson candidate, who is at 16 years of age, will be a senior next year. When through school she plans to study music.
Miss Isaacs is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Isaacs of this community. Her father is secretary-treasurer of the Winnebago county agricultural conservation association. She was elected on the basis of her personality, popularity, work in school and faithfulness as a band member.
Miss Isaacs is first chair clarinetist in both the concert and the marching bands, which received division II ratings at the national contests in 1939 and 1940. The brass quartet, of which she is a member, took national honors last year at Minneapolis.
Activities in which Miss Isaacs is engaged include that of pianist at the Methodist church and Sunday school, as well as accompanist for the adult and children's choirs. She has won honors in declamatory work. She has taken part in school plays, an operetta in 1938 and had a leading role in the junior class play. For two years she has been a reporter on the Cub staff, the high school weekly newspaper.
Vocal work has also been a prominent interest in Marjorie Ann's life. This year she was a member of the mixed chorus and accompanist for boys' and girls' glee clubs. She also accompanied several instrumental soloists.
She plays forward position on the girls' basketball team and is regularly in the starting line-up. |

FRANCES MAE BRENDEN No. 34, Miss Fertile Violin work, both in solo work and small groups and in orchestra, is the chief activity of Frances Mae Brenden, Fertile's candidate for queen of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18. She is recognized by her associates for inexhaustible initiative and for doing exceptionally work in both school and outside activities.
Miss Brenden's two hobbies are stamp collecting and raising flowers. She lives on a farm near Fertile and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Brenden.
The candidate from Fertile is a junior in high school. She was selected at a school election for the role of Miss Fertile. |

JUNICE BEECROFT No. 35, Miss Wellsburg Band members have selected Junice Beecroft as the representative of that town at the North Iowa caravan of queens and bands here June 18.
Miss Beecroft, who will be among some two score of girls from all North Iowa to be entertained at the festival, as a member of the 1940 graduating class. She was a member of the glee club, played basketball, participated in one act plays, senior play, junior play and other extra-curricular activities.
The Wellsburg candidate is the daughter of Mrs. Sophia Beecroft. She and other queen candidates will be royally entertained at the festival. They will participate in the parade, be special guests at a noon luncheon and form one of the main attractions at the spectacle in the baseball stadium. |

MAURINE HEETLAND No. 36, Miss Ackley The band of the Ackley high school chose Maurine Heetland as that community's candidate for queen at the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18.
Miss Heetland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Heetland, was a member of the 1940 class in high school. Her father is cashier of the Ackley Strand theater.
The Ackley bid or queen of Mason City's mighty musical event is 17 years of age, likes boating, swimming and skating. She had major roles in the junior and senior class plays and held many class positions during her high school career. |

MILDRED HERMUNDSTAD No. 37, Miss Kiester An accomplished piano student is Mildred Hermundstad, who will come from the southern edge of Minnesota to join the procession of North Iowa queens at the band festival in Mason City June 18.
Miss Hermundstad was chosen by the school band at Kiester, Minn., to represent that community at the musical spectacle. She is the daughter of Olaf Hermundstad, cashier of the First National bank of Kiester.
A member of the 1940 graduating class of the Kiester high school, Miss Hermundstad made an outstanding record in all musical activities while in school. She played cornet and oboe in the high school band. She was a member of the high school chorus four years and accompanist two years. She is in constant demand for piano solos.
In recognition of her achievements, Miss Hermundstad received a special musical award at graduation. She was salutatorian of her class with and average of .93 for four years. |

JANINE McGILL No. 38, Miss Northwood The Norwood high school band voted to send Janine McGill to Mason City to participate in the procession of queens and bands here June 18.
Miss McGill, daughter of I. C. McGill of Northwood, is a member of the junior class and served as assistant editor of the N. H. S. News. Next year she will be editor-in-chief.
The Northwood candidate is a cornetist in the band and a member of the girls' glee club.
Present indications are the procession of pulchritude at the band festival this year will be the largest and the most glamorous ever held. The queens will have special places in the parade and will be guests of honor at a noon luncheon in the Hotel Hanford.
In the evening performance at the Roosevelt baseball stadium one of the candidates will be crowned queen of the festival. |

VIRGINIA HOSTETLER No. 39, Miss Swaledale The Swaledale school band selected Virginia Hostetler as the candidate of that community for queen of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City Tuesday, June 18.
Miss Hostetler, who was graduated from the Swaledale high school this year, was salutatorian of her class. During her school career she has been active in vocal music, taking part in glee club and sestet work. She has also been prominent in school dramatics, having leads in both the junior and senior class plays.
The Swaledale candidate is the daughter of Mrs. Dorothy Carr Hostetler and lives on a farm a few miles from Swaledale. |

JEANETE KLINEFELTER No. 40, Miss Alexander Sports and dramatics are the favorite activities of Jeanette Klinefelter, chosen by the Alexander high school band as the representative of that community in North Iowa's caravan of queens.
Miss Klinefelter, daughter of Elias Klinefelter, Alexander blacksmith, will be one of the array of beautiful girls forming the center of attraction at the North Iowa band festival here June 18.
A graduate this spring of the Alexander high school, Miss Klinefelter is 17 years old. She had major roles in the junior play last year and in the senior play this year, She also was circulation manager of the school newspaper, "The Key." |

ELSIE BECHTEL No. 41, Miss Buffalo Center Popular vote in the Buffalo Center high school is the Buffalo high school in the selection of Elsie Bechtel to represent the school and the community as candidate for queen at the North Iowa band festival, which will bring thousands converging on Mason City June 18.
The Buffalo Center candidate is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bechtel. Her father is district supervisor for the American Crystal Sugar company of Mason City. She is a member of the 1940 graduating class.
While in school Miss Bechtel was a member of the band, in which she played the bell lyre. She also was a member of the girls' glee club and the girls' sextet. She had the lead in the junior class play and took dramatics for two years and was an honor student during her four years of school. She served at secretary-treasurer of her class. |

DOROTHY L. CULVER No. 42, Miss Manly An unusual school record is that of Dorothy L. Culver, chosen by the Manly high school as candidate for queen of the gigantic band festival in Mason City Tuesday, June 18.
The Manly candidate received the eighth grade American Legion citizenship award, the high school as candidate for queen of [missing], was valedictorian of her class at the 1940 commencement exercises.
Miss Culver was on the typing and shorthand teams of her school, served as class president, Girl Reserve president and participated in such school activities as debate, glee club, band and basketball.
Miss Culver is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Culver. Her father is the editor and printer of the Manley Signal.
- Photo by Russell

FERN WOOD No. 43, Miss Alden In the group of girls who will be feted as candidates for queen of the North Iowa band festival in Mason City June 18 will be Fern Wood, choice of the Alden high school for the reigning sovereign of the huge spectacle.
Miss Wood was chosen by the high school band at Alden as the representative of that community. She is the daughter of Keith Wood, building contractor.
Among the activities participated in by Miss Wood are glee club, mixed chorus, girls' sextet, junior class play and one-act plays. |

AUDREY KIMBLE No. 44, Miss Forest City The Forest City high school band selected Audrey Kimble as the girl to represent the school and the community as candidate for queen at the North Iowa band festival Tuesday, June 18, in Mason City.
Miss Kimble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Kimble, has attended school at Forest City for three and a half years, being graduated with the 1940 class. She and her parents moved to Forest City from Mora, Minn. Her father is a salesman for the Hubbard Milling company.
In school Miss Kimble was a member of the girls' glee club and orchestra. She served as class secretary and treasurer. She plans to enroll in Waldorf college next year, preparatory to entering nurses' training. |

EMMA CALLAHAN No. 45, Miss Rockwell Talent in many fields of activities has been shown by Emma Callahan, Rockwell high school band choice for queen of the festival in Mason City June 18.
Besides playing forward on the girls' basketball team, Miss Callahan plays the violin and the piano. She has been a member of the school orchestra for three years. She was circulation manager of the school newspaper and sang alto in the girls' sextet, which got a rating of excellent in the district contest.
Her alto voice was also a part of the high school glee club for three years. She plays left field on the girls' soft ball team.
Miss Callahan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Callahan of Rockwell. Her father is an automobile mechanic. |
| | | |

ANNA OLSON No. 46, Miss Elmore Anna Olson, elected by the Elmore, Minn., high school band to represent the community at the North Iowa band festival in Mason City Tuesday, already know something about the role of being a queen. She was queen of the carnival in her home community in 1939. She is entered as a candidate for the queen of the mighty musical festival that will draw thousands to Mason City Tuesday.
That Miss Olson, who was graduated from high school this spring, was a leader in numerous school activities is evident. She served as president of the Home Economics club, president of the Etti Kelt club, treasurer of the freshman class, vice president of the sophomore class, played leads in both the junior and senior class plays and ranked fifth in her class of 28 in the four years scholarship average. She was a member of the school glee club.
Miss Olson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Olson and lives on a farm near Elmore. |
The Globe Gazette Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa Saturday, June 12, 1940, Page 25
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Glamor (sic) Girls Coming from Rural Districts They'll Form Part of Big Festival Here Pictures Preceding Page
[Page 10] Many of the girls chosen candidates for queen at the North Iowa band festival in Mason City Tuesday, June 18, are from the farms. To date the following 19 girls from the farms have been chosen to be part of that array of glamor (sic) that forms the center of interest in the huge spectacle.
Miss Marble Rock - Jean Carney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carney. Active in 4-H club work, band, drama and girls' glee club. Member of band for eight years.
Miss Meservey - Marvyl Guth, daughter of Frank Guth, Meservey farmer. Member of basketball team, band, girls' glee club and chorus. Took part in operettas.
Miss Rudd - Margaret Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Chris Anderson. Cornetist in band four years, won first division rating in declamatory work for two years.
Miss Ventura - Evelyn Pueggel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pueggel. Third in her class at Ventura high school. Played first chair saxophone in the band and orchestra, member of girls' sextet and other musical groups.
Miss Klemme - Della Kaduce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kaduce, who live on a farm a half mile northeast of Klemme. Active in school glee club, mixed chorus and community events.
Miss Kensett - Inez Brunsvold, daughter of Clarence Brunsvold, farmer living near Kensett. Member of 1940 class of Kensett high school. Excellent cornetist and soprano, singing with Kensett school musical groups.
Miss Hanlontown - Bobbie Mae Mostrom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mostrom, who live on a farm near Hanlontown. Clarinetist in high school band. Enjoys athletics and sports. Cheer leader for basketball team this year.
Miss Clarion - Janice Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Anderson, Clarion farm family. Active in 4-H club work. Member of the county demonstration team and plans to attend Iowa State college at Ames, majoring in home economics.
Miss Riceville - Jean Marr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Marr, lives on a farm near Riceville. Won D. A. R. citizenship award for Mitchell county. Member of high school band and glee club. Active in dramatics and vocal organizations.
Miss Waukon - Shirley Beardmore, daughter of Arthur Beadmore, Allamakee county farmer. High school cheerleader. Member of girls' glee club and sextet. Hobbies are sewing, swimming and hiking. Sophomore in Waukon high school in past year.
Miss Waverly - Doris Koch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seth R. Koch, Route 3, Waverly. On state demonstration team in 4-H club work, representing Bremer county. Member of high school student council and musical organizations. Interested in home economics, dramatics and sports.
Miss Sheffield - Beulah Lee Edgington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Edgington. Salutatorian at 1940 commencement of Sheffield high school. In band two years and active in dramatics.
Miss St. Ansgar - Marvel Madsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Madsen and lives on a farm near Taopi, Minn. Represented Newburg township at annual 4-H club girls' camp at Clear Lake last summer, where she was elected "Spirit of the Camp." Among her hobbies are collecting stamps and helping in chicken raising.
Miss Hayfield - Arlene Rayhons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rayhons, Hancock county farm family. Prominent in high school dramatics. Played saxophone in band four years. Member of girls' glee club.
Miss Allison - Marvel Frericks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Frericks, who live on a farm near Allison. Member of 1940 high school class. In band and glee club two years. In senior class play.
Miss Eagle Grove - Betty Lou Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olson. Chosen homecoming queen by high school student body last fall. Honorary Martha Washington at George and Martha Washington ball. In many musical activities.
Miss Thompson - Marjoie Ann Isaacs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Isaacs. Her father is secretary-treasurer of Winnebago county agricultural conservation association. First chair clarinetist in concert and marching bands. Also in vocal groups and on girls' basketball team.
Miss Fertile - Frances May Brenden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Brenden. Excels as a violin player both as a soloist and in small groups and orchestra. Hobbies are stamp collecting and flower raising.
Miss Swaledale - Virginia Hostetler, daughter of Mrs. Dorothy Hostetler and lives on a farm. Graduated from Swaledale high school this spring as class salutatorian. Active in glee club and other vocal music work.
The Globe Gazette Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa Saturday, June 15, 1940
This picture shows the new steel and tile base ball stadium, which was being prepared Monday for close to 2,500 members of 54 bands and drum corps, which will take part in the grand finale of the North Iowa band festival Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Occupying special seats of honor on a platform in front of the stadium will be the 46 candidates for queen, one of whose number will be chosen the reigning sovereign of the spectacle. The thousands attending the spectacle will be seated on temporary bleachers and on the ground in a great semi-circle in front of the stadium. In the event of rain the ceremony will take place in the Roosevelt fieldhouse, shown in the background.
To view an enlargement of the above newspaper page, click on the photo; to return this webpage, click on your brower's 'back' button.
Following is the list of bands and directors:
Ackley | . . . | Marilyn Ridout | | | Alden | . . . | Marilyn Ridout |
| | Alexander | . . . | Clyde Freeman | |
| Algona | . . . | Dan Jensen | | | Allison | . . . | Gordon L. Cosner |
| | Aplington | . . . | R. C. Baskins |
Belmond | . . . | F. F. Griffen | | | Britt | . . . | Durwood Griffen |
| | Buffalo Center | . . . | Wilbert Graber |
Clarion | . . . | C. A. Burmeister |
| | Clarksville | . . . | G. D. Boshart | | | Clear Lake | . . . | John Kopecky |
Clear Lake Jr. Drum Corps | . . . | John Kopecky | | | Dumont | . . . | M. W. Seipp | | | Eagle Grove | . . . | Marcus G. Boe |
Eldora Training School | . . . | I. A. Lowell | | | Elmore, Minn. | . . . | A. W. Hull |
| | Fertile | . . . | A. T. Grundahl |
Floyd | . . . | E. A. Sheldon | | | Forest City | . . . | Hugh J. Croft |
| | Garner | . . . | Harry K. Smith |
Greene | . . . | R. O. Morris |
| | Hampton | . . . | F. O. Griffen | | | Hanlontown | . . . | Lowell Lyford |
Hayfield | . . . | Marion G. Arends | | | Humboldt | . . . | O. Clifford Anderson |
| | Joice | . . . | J. W. Schar |
Kensett | . . . | Ralph Geer | | |
Kiester, Minn. | . . . | L. B. Olson | | | Klemme | . . . | Bernard Overheim |
Lake Mills | . . . | Daniel L. Martino | | | Latimer | . . . | Marilyn Ridout |
| | Manly | . . . | Lawrence Hahn |
Marble Rock | . . . | O. K. Conklin |
| | Mason City | . . . | Carleton L. Stewart | | | Mason City Monroe Jr. High | . . . | J. J. Fitzgerald |
Meservey | . . . | Margaret Huntsberg | | | Nora Springs | . . . | E. L. Snyder |
| | Northwood | . . . | L. T. Dillon |
Osage | . . . | Frank Piersol | | | Riceville | . . . | Lester R. Yager |
| | Rockford | . . . | Leigh Humstad |
Rockwell | . . . | Charles F. Muelder | | | Rudd | . . . | Leon W. Krafft |
| | St. Ansgar | . . . | Donald I. Barrows |
Sheffield | . . . | Merideth Griffing | | | Swaledale | . . . | Clyde Freeman |
| | Thompson | . . . | J. F. Tesar |
Thornton | . . . | Byron E. Dillon | | | Ventura | . . . | John Kopecky |
| | Ventura Jr. Drum Corps | . . . | John Kopecky |
Waukon | . . . | Darwin T. Maurer | | | Waverly | . . . | Robert Bagley |
| | Wellsburg | . . . | R. C. Baskins |
[Page 5]
13 Committees Responsible for Organization of Band Fete NICHOLS IS HEAD OF WORK DONE BY GENERAL GROUP Fifth Annual Festival Is Result of Immense Amount of PlanningWhenever any community plans and stages a gigantic event like the fifth annual edition of the North Iowa band festival, it takes much thought and organization
to make it run off smoothly. Behind the scene lies an immense amount of work and planning, the thought and effort put forth by the 13 various committees which have so painstakingly laid out every detail of the vast enterprise. And so it has been with the band festival which will attract thousands of North Iowans to Mason City Tuesday. * * *The general committee - the co-ordinating group - headed by W. L. Nichols, chairman. Other members of the committee are: John P. Vance, D. G. Klempanauer, C. E. Blanchard, C. A. Parker, Carleton L. Stewart, Don W. Wieder and Lester Milligan. An item of no small importance in the festival is the parade. Chairman of the parade committee is Dr. John W. Hood, with Robert Stoyles, Jay Tubbesing, John Morrison, John Pauley, George Van Neal, Dr. R. E. Griswold as members of the committee. Floats are necessary to any parade of this kind, and Allen D. Patton heads this committee. Other members are Ted Brubak, Joe Bittner, Rex Nelson and Don McCullough.
The marching committee consists of C. F. Weaver, chairman, W. V. Loring and E. T. Olson. * * *Chairman of the program committee is Mr. Vance, assisted by John Price and Mr. Stewart. The committee in charge of the selection and presentation of Miss North Iowa is headed by Mr. Blanchard, assisted by Mr. Klempnauer, Carl Merkel, Henry Kimmel and H. L. Green. This group chooses the judges and makes arrangements for the presentation of the queen. Five of the 11 judges who will select the queen will be hostesses at the event. The names of the other six will not be revealed until after the queen has been chosen. Chairman of the hostess committee is Miss Bea Lynch. Other members are Miss Ramona Liesveld, Miss Irene Holman, Miss Myrtle Oulan and Mrs. Francis Darland. W. A. Storer and James Rae will handle arrangements for headquarters of the visiting bands. * * *Co-chairmen of the committee which will look after reserved seats for distinguished visitors at both the morning parade and the stadium finale are Fred Wagner and George Mendon. They will be assisted by a committee from the Rotary, Lions and Kiwanis clubs. The reception for distinguished visitors will be handled by a committee including Mayor and Mrs. Arleigh Marshall, honorary chairman, and city Manager and Mrs. R. E. Robertson, Supt. R.B. Irons, Mr. Rae, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. James, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Kiester. Three men are looking after police, parking and platforms arrangements. They are Police Chief Harold E. Wolfe, G. E. McEldoon and H. H. Boyce. * * *Carl Parker leads the all important finance committee of 50 men. Members of this committee are: Bill Nichols, Mr. Vance, Joe Price, F. M. Humphry, Mr. Kimmel, H. E. Van Essen, Paul Pappas, Les Hawkins, A. M. Ady, Mr. Klempnauer, Jake Douglas, Tad Martin, Fritz Olson. Mr. Blanchard, W. N. Davidson, Dan McCloud, William Burger, F. R. Fockler, Mr. Mendon, H. E. Wormhoudt, Mr. Merkel, W. P. Tyler, F. . Pauley, Mr. Weaver, A. C. Bryant, Mr. Rae, Mansel Burns, C. V. McCarthy, Don Gilbert, George Harrer, K. K. Kier. Jack Bobler, Lyle Dillon, J. A. Johnson, Nate Rosenbaum, Carl O. Keith, Blake Patton, Bert Farrer, Fred J. Wagner, Roger Flickinger, Ross Potter, L. S. Sanders, F. L. Purdon, M. W. Sorole, H. L. Gore, Mr. Van Nest, Don Innes, Don Fitzgerald and E. C. James.
[Page 5]

W. L. NICHOLS General Chairman |

DR. JOHN W. HOOD Parade Chairman |

ALLEN D. PATTON Floats Chairman |

C. F. WEAVER Marching Chairman |

JOHN D. VANCE Program Chairman |

C. E. BLANCHARD Queen Chairman |

CARL PARKER Finance Chairman |

Jean Marsh Wright Photo
MISS BEA LYNCH Hostess Chairman |

W. A. STORER Band Headquarters Chairman |

FRED WAGNER Reservations Chairman |

GEORGE MENDON Reservations Co-Chairman |


HAROLD F. WOLFE Parking, Platform Chairman |

WENCIL KREJCI Ushers Chairman |
[Page 23]
Parents of Queens, Town and School Officials to Be Guests They'll Attend Luncheon at Hanford Honoring Girls Acceptances Received From Most of 50 Towns Represented
Officials from each of the 50 communities outside of Mason City, to be represented at the festival, will be special guests at the noon luncheon to be held as part of the program Tuesday. At this luncheon, which will be held at the Hotel Hanford, the queen candidates will be special guests. Parents of the queens are to be guests. Following are listed most of the officials:
Ackley - Otis Rule, mayor; F. C. Green, school superintendent; Mrs. Laura Knight, president of the Music Mothers; Mrs. Herman Heetland, parents of the Ackley queen candidate; and Marlyn Ridout, bandmaster.
Alden - A. D. Pettinger, mayor; Clyde Mease, school superintendent; Mrs. Alice Nelson, Mrs. Alice Nelson, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood, parents of the Alden queen candidate; and Marlyn Ridout bandmaster.
Alexander - George Dunn, mayor; Ray Richards, school board president; Mrs. H. J. Stoffer, president of the Music Mothers; and Clyde Freeman, bandmaster.
Algona - Gaylord Shunway, school board president; Otto B. Laing, school superintendent; John McDowell, school principal; and Dan Jensen, bandmaster.
Allison - George L. Arnold, mayor; W. C. Shepard, school board president; Vane A. Patterson, school superintendent; Mrs. W. B. Nicholas, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. George Frericks, parents of the Allison queen candidate; and Gordon Cosner, bandmaster.
Belmond - Mrs. A. W. Loats, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Foss, parents of the Belmond queen candidate; and F. F. Griffen, bandmaster.
Britt - H. R. Brooks, school board president; L. Shies, school superintendent; Mrs. Mennie Baker, school principal; Mrs. Fred Holek, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Fannin, parents of the Britt queen candidate; and Durwood Griffin, bandmaster.
Twirlers are going to have their own special performance at the grand finale program of the band festival at the Roosevelt baseball stadium Tuesday evening. Above are pictured three of those twirlers of the Mason City high school band. They are from left to right: Maxine Wilson, Elaine Holt and Betty Lou Greenman.
Buffalo Center _ G. L. Costigan, mayor; Dr. G. F. Dolmage, school board president; J. E. Smith, school superintendent; Miss Kruse, school principal; Mrs. J. C. Koppen, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. W. Bechtel, parents of the Buffalo Center queen candidate; and W. Graber, bandmaster.
Clarksville - H. W. Fields, mayor; Glen Loman, school principal; Mrs. Floyd Asher, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Gay Jackson, parents of the Clarksville queen candidate; and G. D. Boshart, bandmaster.
Clarion - The school board president; the school superintendent; the president of the Music Mothers; the parents of the Clarion queen candidate, Janice Anderson; and the bandmaster.
Clear Lake - Dr. A. B. Phillips, mayor; Harry Freeman, president of the school board; T. G. Burns, school superintendent; Mrs. Verne H. Peterson, president of the Music Mothers; Mrs. John Hughes, mother of the Clear Lake queen candidate; and John Kopecky, bandmaster.
Dumont - Music Mothers president; parents of Dumont queen, Eunice Ruth Potter.
Eagle Grove - R. C. Albaugh, school board president; C. L. McDowell, school superintendent; Mrs. and Mrs. Lloyd Olson, parents of the Eagle Grove queen candidate; and Marcus Boe, bandmaster.
Iowa training school, Eldora - D. R. McCreedry, school board president; O. S. Von Krog, school superintendent; Alma Akkerman, school principal; and I. A. Lowell, bandmaster.
Fertile - Harley Ouverson, mayor; J. A. Ouverson school board president; A. A. Grooters, school superintendent; Louis Larson, school principal; Mrs. Norman Jorgenson, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brenden, parents of the Fertile queen candidate; and Alvin T. Grundahl, bandmaster.
Floyd - J. P. Barney, president of the school board; Mrs. Barney and Mrs. Clark Anderson, Music Mothers president.
Forest City - Emil Anderson, mayor; Harmon Lundberg, school board president; George D. Eaton, school superintendent; Mrs. Stella Norstrud, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kimble, parents of the Forest City queen candidate; and Hugh Croft, bandmaster.
Garner - S. T. Tweed, school superintendent; and Harry K. Smith, bandmaster.
Hampton - A. D. Rankin, school superintendent; Mrs. Joe Liebendorfer, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Inglis, parents of the Hampton queen candidate; and F. O. Griffen, bandmaster.
Hanlontown - Henry Dobel, mayor; G. E. Trustem, school board president; John Micklick, school superintendent; Arlouine Frees, school principal; Mrs. Darlene Florence, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mostrom, parents of the Hanlontown queen candidate; and Lowell Lyford, bandmaster.
Hayfield - George Ritter, school board president; D. J. Norton, school superintendent; Mrs. Leonard Beonk, Music Mothers president; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rayhons, parents of the Hayfield queen.
Joice - J. E. Bang, mayor; Mrs. L. A. Iverson, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Gordon, parents of the Joice queen candidate; and J. W. Schar, bandmaster.
Kiester, Minn. - Joe Ellingsor, mayor; Lewis Almberg, school board president; L. B. Olson, school superintendent and bandmaster; Willard Linquist, school principal; Mrs. B. A. Talle, president of the Music Mothers; and Mrs. Olaf Hermndstad, mother of the Kiester queen candidate.
Kensett - Oral Tenold, school principal; Mrs. A. O. Auestad, Music Mothers president; Mr. and Mrs. C. Brunsvold, parents of the Kensett queen.
Klemme - W. C. Keraus, representing Mayor Paul Grange; Dr. A. H. Dulmes, school board president; A. L. Kingery, school principal; Mrs. Paul Mueller, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. John Kaduce, parents of the Klemme queen candidate; and Bernard Overhelm, bandmaster.
Lake Mills - C. Hylbak, mayor; E. A. Kingland, school board president; A. A. Busby, school superintendent; Mrs. Fordyce, school principal; Mrs. Ruth M. Cowley, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. H. Hill, parents of the Lake Mills queen candidate; and Don Martina, bandmaster.
Latimer - Mrs. R. G. Dohrman, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. George Muhlenbrock, parents of the Latimer queen candidate; and Marlyn Ridout, bandmaster.
Manly - H. H. Schulte, mayor; James Hungerford, school board president; George D. Williams, school principal; Mr. and Mrs. A. Culver, parents of the Manly queen; and Lawrence Hahn, bandmaster.
Marble Rock - Ralph Wilson, mayor; Fred Barnett, school board president; Glenn Cleveland, school superintendent; Arnold Hemphill, school principal; Mrs. Fred Barnett, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carney, parents of the Marble Rock queen candidate; and O. K. Conklin, bandmaster.
Meservey - Dr. G. Earl Jurgenson, mayor; W. Hartfelder, school board president; G. W. Berrier, school superintendent; Mrs. Laura Wackerbarth, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. F. Guth, parents of the Meservey queen candidate, and Miss Margaret Huntsberger, bandmaster.
Nora Springs - Karl Volkmann, mayor; Kenneth Shanks, school board president; Henry Foster, school superintendent; Fred Larson, school principal; Mrs. Ralph Bowley, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henderson, parents of the Nora Spring queen candidate; and E. L. Snyder, bandmaster.
Northwood - Guy C. Toye, school board president; E. A. Prehm, school superintendent; Mrs. Albin Heiny, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McGill, parents of the Northwood queen candidate; and L. T. Dillon, bandmaster.
Osage - Gus E. Swanson, mayor; H. E. LaRue, school board president; G. H. Sawyer, school superintendent; W. D. Addison, school principal; Mrs. W. A. Wright, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Langrock, parents of the Osage queen candidate; and Frank Pierson, bandmaster.
Riceville - Lloyd Richmond, school board president; Samuel Tyler, school superintendent; Mrs. Grace McKibben, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Marr, parents of the Riceville queen candidate; and Lester Yager, bandmaster.
Rockford - B. C. Sullivan, mayor; L. H. Smith, school superintendent; Miss Hazel Plumley, school principal; Mrs. G. H. Galvin, president of the Music Mothers; the Rev. and Mrs. G. H. Ford, parents of the Rockford queen candidate; and Leigh Hohmstad, bandmaster.
Rockwell - Dr. J. C. Kalser, school board president; Fred Helton, school superintendent; Edgar Jahr, school principal; Mrs. D. E. Vosburgh, president of the Music Mothers; and . F. Muelder, bandmaster.
Rudd - E. W. Cheney, mayor; I. W. Edie, school superintendent; Mrs. Harold Hofler, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Chris Anderson, parents of the Rudd queen candidate; and Leo Kraftt, bandmaster.
St. Ansgar - John Bernstein, mayor; Sherwin Kleinwort, school board president; Mr. Larson, school superintendent; Mrs. Otto Knutson, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Madsen, parents of the St. Ansgar queen candidate; and Donald Barrows, bandmaster.
Sheffield - H. D. Hoffman, school superintendent; Mrs. Henry O. Timmerman, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Edgington, parents of the Sheffield queen candidate; and M.R. Griffing, bandmaster.
Swaledale - Lester Bonner, mayor; Cato Lundt, president of the school board; Lee Caler, school principal; Mrs. A. von der Linde, president of the Music Mothers; Mrs. D. C. Hostelter, mother of the Swaledale queen candidate; and Clyde Freeman, bandmaster.
Thompson - Mrs. Arthur M. Larson, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Isaacs, president of the Thompson queen candidate; and John Tesar, bandmaster.
Thornton - Floyd Hemming, school board president; D. C. Davis, school superintendent; Mrs. Lora Throssel, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Christensen, parents of the Thornton queen candidate; and Byron C. Dillon, bandmaster.
Ventura - James Hyde, mayor; Lawrence Bless, school board president; Howard Smith, school superintendent; Mrs. Everette Fetrow, school principal; Mrs. James Hyde, president of the Music Mothers; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pueggel, parents of the Ventura queen candidate; and John Kopecky, bandmaster.
Waverly - J. H. McBurney, school superintendent; K. V. Stephenson, school principal; Mr. and Mrs. Seth Koch, parents of the Waverly queen candidate; and O. W. Bagley, bandmaster.
Wellsburg - C. W. Ross, mayor; John Doyen, school board president; Charles Hill, school superintendent; E. V. Manchester, school principal; Mrs. W. H. Meyer, president of the Music Mothers; Mrs. N. Beecroft, mother of the Wellsburg queen candidate; and Mr. Baskins, bandmaster.
[Page 11] Here they are, all 46 of the queen candidates, in colorful gowns as they appeared at the luncheon given in their honor at the Hotel Hanford Tuesday noon as part of the program of the North Iowa band festival. Among them was the girl who was crowned Miss North Iowa, queen of the festival at the grand finale in the Roosevelt baseball stadium Tuesday evening. (Lock photo, Kayenay engraving.)
Transcriber's Note: All throughout these editions of the Globe Gazette there was distressing news of unrest and rumblings of war. I left the headline of the Wednesday, June 19, 1940 issue intact as an example.
Photographs courtesy of The Globe Gazette
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2018