Rogers-Knutson House 315 N. 3rd St., Clear Lake IA
The Rogers-Knutson House was built by Francis Medad (F. M.) Rogers and his family in 1895, six years after moving from Mason City to Clear Lake to purchase the Clear Lake Bank. The Clear Lake Banks was the predecessor of the current Clear Lake Bank and Trust.
F. M. was born May 20, 1838 in the Buffalo, NY area. F. M. moved with his family from that region in 1855 and settled in the current Rockwell, Iowa area.
He was a farmer, served in the Civil War from August 1862 to July 1865, became clerk of the district court in Mason City for six years, was co-owner of a clothing store and moved to Clear Lake in 1889.
In Clear Lake, he was a member of the board of education, member of the city council and mayor of the community in 1895-1896. He and his wife, Phebe Locena (Richardson) had seven children.
F. M. died Sept. 4, 1916 and Phebe passed away May 9, 1938. Both are interred in the Mason City Elmwood Cemetery.
Clarence A. Knutson was a life-time resident of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. He purchased the home from the Rogers in 1920 when Clarence was the president of Clear Lake Bank & Trust Company [First National Bank of Clear Lake before reorganization.] He served his county as a representative
to the Iowa Assembly 1923 - 1929. Clarence was the Republican nomination for governor of Iowa but was defeated in the primaries. He married Miss Hazel Irene Wood of
Mason City on June 2, 1908. Clarence was elected Mayor of Clear Lake in 1916 and served in this capacity for two
terms. He served his community as master of the Masonic Lodge, president of the Rotary Club, chancellor commandery
of the Knights of Phythias, president of the Iowa Retail Hardware Association, member of the consistory, Knights
Templar and Az-Ga-Zig Shrine. Clarence owned and operated a hardware business in Clear Lake for many years. This venture led to another investment, the Iowa Hardware Mutual Insurance Company, of which he was president from 1931 to 1960 when he became chairman of the board.
Hazel, who played a complementary role in Clarence's political endeavors, was active in approximately fifteen clubs and organizations at the state, local and national level. She was the president of the Iowa League of Women Voters in 1926. The Rogers-Knutson House was the site for the Governor's Day Tea for several years. Clarence was born June 16, 1885, and died September 27, 1960.
Hazel Irene (Wood) Knutson was born September 3, 1886, and died June 8, 1967. Clarence and Hazel
were interred at Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery, Mason City.
The Rogers-Kuntson House is located two blocks from the shores of Clear Lake. It features an excellent variety of Late Victorian architectural elements. It follows an irregular plan that includes Eastlake incised bargeboards and porch fretwork, and Queen Anne leaded, etched and colored windows and decorative stickwork on some of the gable ends. The house has an exuberant roofline that features a jumble of gables, gabled dormers, and jerkinhead dormers. Only minor changes have been made to the interior. Many, if not most, of the origianl architectural elements remain, which includes the original electric brass chandeliers, oak floors and an exception wood staircase that receives light from three tall stained glass windows. In 1920 the attic was furnished with a portion made into a playroom. Currently the attic is now an apartment.
The house was placed on the National Register of Historic Places September 9, 1982.
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SOURCES: John Rogers, F. M.'s great-grandson;;
Submission by Sharon R. Becker, November of 2013; updated November of 2018