1953 Births
The Globe Gazette Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa Monday, June 01, Page 12
Births Reported
Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth WAGNER, Corwith, Saturday at Mercy Hospital.
Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Ed CORNELIUS, Plymouth, Saturday at Mercy Hospital.
Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Calvin ANDERSON, 218 12th S.E., Saturday at Park Hospital.
Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Harry ELLASON, Clear Lake, Sunday at Mercy Hospital.
Boy to Mr. and Mrs. DOnald JONES, Clear Lake, Sunday at Mercy Hospital.
Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey CHILDERS, 805 Polk N.W., Sunday at Park Hospital.
Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Walter GORMAN, Clear Lake, Monday at Mercy Hospital.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, November of 2014