Cedar County, Iowa

Articles on Lowden School

Lowden School, 1915

All pupils who had an average of 90 percent or above both in recitation and deportment were excused form their final examinations. Following is a list of the pupils who were excused.

High School: Alma Heiner, Luanna Dircks, Margie Lillis, Clara Kemmann, Ida Eggert, Beulah Hansell and Lydia Brammer.

Grammar Room: Louise Pancratz, Meta Heiner, Ella Horstman, Mathilda Miller, Alice Lillis, Alma Koch, Freda Boettcher, Noami Roach, Edward Conrad, Esther Petersen, Rica Klueber, Dorothy Runkle, Arnold Koch.

Intermediate: Lyle Reid, Alfred Muesing, Carl Klueber, Irene Kinney, Leona Hopkins, Willie Klueber, Cyrus Kemmann, Ferdinand Conrad, Vera Clemmens, Herman Plate, Lawrence Kemmann, Lee Mohr, Edna Pancratz, Eileene Lillis, Harry Lohmann.

Officers for the 1915-16 Lowden High School were president, Margie Lillis; vice president, Luanna Dircks; secretary, Lydia Brammer and treasurer, Hale Reid.

Source: The May 28, 1915, issue of the Lowden News.

Page updated January 15, 2011

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