West Branch Times, West Branch, Iowa, Thursday, Thursday November 24, 1892
Transcribed by Sharon Elijah, June 4, 2018
Wednesday morning at 8:30 the fire alarm was sounded from the school-house bell, and black smoke could be seen issuing from almost every window in the building, very soon a large crowd assembled at the scene, all the fire-extinguishers in town were brought to the rescue, and bucket lines were formed from the nearest wells, but the fire which was around the flues and pipes connected with the furnace, baffled every effort that could be made with the means at hand. Principal Kelley was among the first to arrive and one of the last to give the building up to the flames, getting thoroughly drenched from head to foot.
After it was found that the building could not be saved, an effort was made to rescue the furniture, school books, and library, but the smoke was so dense and the heat too intense inside the house to make any headway, and the whole business was doomed to destruction together. All that now remains of the West Branch School building and its contents is a heap of ashes and four tall desolate looking flues. The fire undoubtly originated in some way from the furnace in the basement, but just where or how, will probably remain a mystery, and no blame appears to rest upon any-one in particular. The house was a large wood structure containing four department rooms, two recitation rooms, a library, besides a hall and cloak rooms. The total loss will reach close to $7000 with $3000 insurance, fully $1000 of the loss will fall to the pupils in books. The loss of the large and carefully selected library will be seriously felt. A car load of coal and several cords of pine kindling had been stored in the basement only a short time ago. A meeting of the Board of Education has been held and it was resolved to continue right along with the school, some of the churches have already offered their buildings for the purpose, and it is probable school will open again next Monday. Had this fire occurred in almost any other place in town it would have been impossible to have kept it from spreading, but don’t let us think now the fire is over and we are out of danger, this is a warning to what may come next, and don’t forget that misfortunes seldom come single.