Cedar County, Iowa


Transcribed by Sharon Elijah, April 4, 2015

Pg 4

Name – Keith L. Benner-Superintendent
Home-Fredericksburg, Iowa
Degree and College-Iowa State Teachers College, B.A.
Number of years at Clarence-3
Subjects-Science and coaching
Name-Jenna Beadle-Principal
Home-Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Degree and College-Cornell College, B.A.
Number of years at Clarence-24
Subjects-Mathematics and Latin
Name-Hilma Richardson-High School
Home-Mason City, Iowa
Degree and College-Coe College, B.A.
Number of years at Clarence-7
Subjects-English and Speech
Name-Robert R. Hyde-High School
Home-Marion, Iowa
Degree and College-Coe College, B.A.
Number of years at Clarence-1
Subjects-Social Science and Physical Training
Name-Mildred Martin-Grades
Home-Wilton Junction, Iowa
Degree and College-Iowa State Teacher’s College, diploma
Number of years at Clarence-2
Grades-Seventh and eighth
Name-Edna Engelking-Grades
Home-Clarence, Iowa
Degree and College-Iowa State Teacher’s College, diploma
Number of years at Clarence-1/2
Name-Ida Kopplin-Grades
Home-Waterloo, Iowa
Degree and College-Iowa State Teacher’s College
Number of years at Clarence-3
Name-Mildred Olson-Grades
Home-Calamus, Iowa
Degree and College-Iowa State Teacher’s College, diploma
Number of years at Clarence-3
Grades-Three and four
Name-Elizabeth Lawson-Grades
Home-Olin, Iowa
Degree and College-Iowa State Teacher’s College, diploma
Number of years at Clarence-1/2
Name-Ina Cruise-Grades
Home-Olin, Iowa
Degree and College-Iowa State Teacher’s College, diploma
Number of years at Clarence-Seven

Pg 6


Phyllis Bixler “Fuzzy” Arnold Kahl “Kayo”
    Annual Staff-4 Frederick Kock “Nut”
    Girls’ Baksetball-2-3-4 John Kembel “Runt”
    Girl’s Glee Club-1-2-3-4     Baseball-2-3-4
    Declam-2     Track-3-4
    President-3     Track Captain-4
    Co-Captain-3     Pep Club Member-3
Irene Debner “Deb” Harold Kroemer "Sledge"
    Girl’s Glee Club-3-4 Leona Meier “Lonie”
Cornelia Frubois “Corky”     President-1
    Annual Staff-3-4     Girl’s Basketball-3-4
    Pep Club Member-3-4 Richard Meyer “Rich”
    Girl’s Glee Club-10     Baseball-2-3-4
    Declam-1-2-3     Baseball Captain-4
Velma Geadleman “Get”     Boy’s Basketball-2-3-4
Otto Hansen “Butch”     Boy’s Glee Club-1-2-3
    Boys Glee Club-1-2     Track-3-4
    Boy’s Basketball-1-2-3-4     President-4
    Baseball-1-2-3-4 Lloyd Phillips “Fink”
    Orchestra-2     Boy’s Basketball-2-3-4
    Basketball Captain-4     Baseball-1-2-3-4
    Vice-President-3     Orchestra-2
Ronald Harness "Ronny"     Boy’s Glee Club-1-2-3
    Baseball-2-3-4     Track-3-4
    Pep Club Member-4     Vice-President-4
    Track-4     Annual Staff-3-4
Leone Hein “Oney”  
    Girl’s Glee Club-3-4  
    Secretary and Treasurer-3  
    Girl’s Basketball-4  


Lloyd Phillips “Fink” (cont.) Eloise Sonnemaker “Wese”
    President-2     Girl’s Glee Club-4
    Orchestra-2 Helen Sonnemaker “Sonny”
    Boy’s Glee Club-1-2     Girl’s Glee Club-3-4
    Secretary and Treasurer-4     Accompanist-4

(this section of class of seniors was found on Pg 34)

Elna RIx Donald Scott “Scotty”
        Girl’s Basketball-4         Track 3-4
Everett Rix “Ringo”         President-2
        Boy’s Basketball-3         Orchestera-2
        Boy’s Glee Club-2         Boy’s Glee Club-1-2
          Boy’s Basketball-3-4
          Secretary and Treasurer-4

Can you Imagine

Mr. Benner with a voice like Arlene Von Rodens?
Edwin Decker and Leone Hein going opposite directions?
Miss Richardson without her ear-rings?
Miss Beadle married?
Eloise Sonnemaker and Liberta Long not walking to school together?
Lawrence Ruther not asking Miss Beadle to go down town at noon?
Leona Meier with nothing to do at school?
Bergman and Fedderson without candy?
Elmer Kroemer raising his hand in class?
Alberta Young with no cosmetics on?
Frederick Decker driving with one hand and staying in the middle of the road?
Melvin Long and Esther Miller not sitting together in Government class?
Mr. Hyde without an answer for a remark made?
Vivian Kirkpatrick doing a fan dance?
Arnold Kahl not reading a library book?
Elna Rix not talking?
Helen Sonnemaker not wanting to play opposite Lloyd Phillips?
Kate Baltisberger and Grinny Rix walking down the street together?
Ruthy Leinbaugh quarreling with her classmates?
Arthur McCrea with a dirty face?
Elwood Bunge not sleeping in school?
Lloyd Phillips with no water in his squirt gun?
Dod Kelly wondering what she will be doing on a Sunday Night?
Melvin Long with his lessons prepared?
Alyce Kelly not tearing Windy Decker’s shirts?
Donald Scott not writing Dod Kelly a note?
Cornelia Frubois not receiving special delivery letters?
Lloyd Hasselbusch not smiling at Phyliss?
Elmer Stock loafing after school?
Fisher not coming to school in his Model T?
Tittle not having her lesson prepared?
Ellie Hasselbusch without his curls?
Verna Mae Brink causing a disturbance in assembly?

Pg 8


Sponsor Robert Hyde
Editor-in-chief Lloyd Phillips
Associa to Editor Dorothy Kelly
Business Manager Cornelia Frubois
Associate Manager Edwin Decker
Artist Arthur Mc Crea
Associate Artist Wilma Tittle
Sports Lawrence Hartig
Activities Alice Kelly
Reporter Phyllis Bixler
Classes Henry Klatt


President S. L. Mc Leod
Directors E. C. Hasselbusch
Harry Crist
William Mingst
Secretary A. W. Kemmann
Treasurer Arnold Ruther

Pg 10


Velma Baltisberger “Kate” Dorothy Kelly "Dod"
Verna Mae Brink “Verny”     Annual Staff-2-3
    Girl’s Basketball-2-3     Girl’s Basketball-2-3
Leonard Conrad “Coony”     Secretary and Treasurer-1
    Baseball-1-2     Declam-1-2
    Class Vice-President-3     Girl’s Glee Club-1-2-3
    Pep Club Member-1-3 Elmer Kroemer “Slow”
Edwin Decker "Windy"     Class President-1
    Baseball-1-2-3 Liberta Long “Liberty”
    Secretary and Treasurer-3     Girl’s Basketball-1-2-3
    Basketball-1-2-3     Girl’s Glee Club-1-2-3
    Track-2-3     Declam-2
    Boy’s Glee Club-2 Melvin Long “Lung”
    Annual Staff-2-3     Baseball-1-3
Leo Fisher “Fish” Esther Miller “Essie”
    Baseball-2-3     Girl’s Glee Club-2-3
    Track-4 Burrel Oberholser “Louie”
Norbert Goldsmith “Goldy” Lester Schnabel “Butch”
Elwood Hasselbusch “Ellie”     Boy’s Glee Club-1
    Baseball-1-2-3     Baseball-2
    Pep Club Member-2 Louella Smith "Smitty"
Lloyd Hasselbusch “Nuts”     Pep Club Member-3
    Boy’s Basketball-1-2-3 Elmer Stock “Dan”
    Baseball-1-2-3     Boy’s Basketball-1-2-3
    Vice-President-1     Baseball-1-3
Irene Hein “Ike”     Track-3
    Girl’s Basketball-3     President-2-3
    Girl’s Glee Club-3     Declam-1-2
Alyce Kelly “Legs” Wilma Tittle “Tittle”
    Annual Staff-3     Pep Club Member-2
    Girl’s Basketball-1-2-3     Girl’s Glee Club-1-2-3
    Girl’s Glee Club-1     Declam-1
    Girl’s Basketball Captain-3     Annual Staff3
    Declam-1 Arlene Von Roden “Squirt”
    Pep Club Member-1     Declam-2
      Girl’s Glee Club-2

Pg 11

Can You Imagine

Leonard Conrad not winking at the girls?
Lester Schnabel with his book closed during recitation?
Paul Hasselbusch in a bad humor?
Rich Meyer not getting jealous when somebody else smiles at Fuzzy?
Otto Hansen at home 7 nights a week?
Freddy Kock not whispering to Leone Hein?
Selma Kline not stealing a look at Otto and at the same time writing a letter to Wheatland?
Irene Hein’s sweater pulled down?
Harold Kroemer on a date?
Velma Geadleman without Wilbur?
Eldon Fedderson and Edwin Decker with their mouths closed?
Ronald Harness without a car to drive?
Liberta Long and Eloise Sonnemaker not having a confidential talk?
Norbert Goldsmith wearing overalls to school?

Scientific Advice to High School Boys:
-              If she gets mad—Controller
-              If she gets up in the air—Condenser
-              If she will come half way—Meter
-              If she will come all the way—Receiver
-              If she is a poor cook—Discharger
-              If you think she is unfaithful—Detector
-              If she can run—timer
-              If she can sing—tuner
-              If she is young find out—wattage

Pg 14


Lavonne Baltisberger “Balser” Lawrence Hartig “Hartig”
    Girl’s Basketball-1     Boy’s Basketball-2
Laverne Bergman “Bergy”     Baseball-1-2
    Boy’s Basketball-1-2     President-1
Elwood Bunge “Bung”     Declam-1
    Boy’s Basketball-1-2     Annual Staff-1-2
Kenneth Crist "Kenny" Herman Helmold “Pete”
    Baseball-1 Selma Kline “Kline”
    Track-1-2     Girl’s Basketball-1-2
Frederick Decker “Fritz” Robert Long “Beans”
    Baseball-1-2 Arthur McCrea “Snook”
    Track-1     Annual Staff-1
    Boy’s Basketball-2     Secretary and Treasurer-2
Pauline Edler “Slatz”     Pep Club Member-1-2
    Declam-1     Declam-1
    Girl’s Glee Club-2 Irene Meyer “Meyer”
Eldon Fedderson “Detroit”     Girl’s Glee Club-1-2
    Baseball-1 Lester Rix “Grinny”
Richard Goldsmith “Dutch” Lawrence Ruther “Gutes”
    Baseball-1-2 Honora Sonnemaker “Sunny”
    Boy’s Glee Club-1 Evelyn Steffins "Stiffy"
    Track-2     Secretary and Treasurer-1
    Vice-President-2     Girl’s Glee Club-2
Leroy Hansen "Lee" Marvin Tacker "Slim"
    Baseball-1-2     Baseball-2
    Boy’s Basketball-2     Boy’s Basketball-2
Thelma Harness “Thelmy” Mearl Toerber "Link"
    Girl’s Basketball-1-2     Baseball-1-2
    President-2 Fern Winey
    Vice-President-1 Ruth Winey
    Girl’s Glee Club-1 Alberta Young "Young"
      Girl’s Glee Club-1-2
      Pep Club Member-2

Pg 16


Hilda Behrens "Bill" Vivian Kirkpatrick “Kirt”
    Girl’s Basketball-1     Girl’s Glee Club-1
    Girl’s Glee Club-1 Henry Klatt “Hank”
Leonard Behrend “Low”     Annual Staff-1
Florence Buckley “Tuffey”     Vice-President-1
    Girl’s Glee Club-1 Melvin Koth “Billy”
Melvin Drake “Duck” George Lane “Dewey”
Dorothy Fedderson “Freddy”     Secretary and Treasurer-1
Charles Harness “John”     Baseball-1
Paul Hasselbusch “Pike” Ruth Leinbaugh “Ruthy”
    Baseball-1     Girl’s Glee Club-1
Truman Hobbs "Hobbs" Mildred Stock "Mil"
Charles Hoffner “Hoff”     Girl’s Basketball-1
    Pep Club Member-1     Girl’s Glee Club-1
    Baseball-1 Myrtle Stock “Myrt”
Esther Ibsen “Ibs”     Girl’s Basketball-1
    Girl’s Glee Club-1 Girl’s Glee Club-1
Francis Kembel “Pete”  
    Pep Club Member-1  

    Miss Richardson-“What is another name for a Duchess husband?”
        Member of Class-“A Duchman.”

    Freshman talking about a certain language a play was written in:
        Miss Richardson-“It begins with J, that is, the Country does”.
        Member of Class-“Germany”.

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Page created April 4, 2015 by Lynn McCleary