Cedar County, Iowa


Transcribed by Sharon Elijah, April 4, 2015

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B.B. Teams Complete Successful Season

    The three Clarence High School basketball teams completed their regular season with Wheatland. The results of the season’s play gave 36 victories against a total of 16 defeats. The girl’s team had the best record with 17 wins and 4 losses. The boys started the season with one veteran and a squad of small boys had a mediocre year winning 12 and losing 9. The boy’s seconds won 7 and lost 3 for a .700 average. Lloyd Hasselbusch and Edwin Decker will be mainstays on the team for one more year. The games played here and away from home are listed below with scores:


Date Town Cla. Ops.
Nov. 24 Durant, here 63 9
Nov. 28 Lowden, there 26 23
Dec. 8 Stanwood, there 28 35
Dec. 12 Springdale, there 17 33
Dec. 15 Grand Mound, here 28 18
Dec. 22 West Branch, here 23 37
Jan. 5 Calamus, there 41 13
Jan. 12 Springdale, here 18 35
Jan. 19 Wheatland, there 20 28
Jan. 23 Durant, there 21 15
Jan. 26 Calamus, there 31 27
Feb. 2 Lowden, here 16 34
Feb. 13 Grand Mound, there 30 13
Feb. 16 Wheatland, here 30 16
Feb. 23 County Meet    
      Durant 51 15
      Lowden 27 29
      Springdale 20 15
      Stanwood 23 26
March 1 Sectional Meet    
      Center Point 21 10
      Alburnett 23 21
      Martelle 39 13
  Totals 569 487


Date Town Cla. Ops.
Dec. 8, Stanwood, there 23 13
Dec. 12 Springdale, there 43 17
Dec. 15 Grand Mound, here 48 17
Dec. 22 Alumni, here 32 15
Jan. 5 Calamus, here 27 19
Jan. 12 Springdale, here 60 15
Jan. 19 Wheatland, there 25 33
Jan. 25 Calamus, here 34 29
Feb. 2 Stanwood, here 25 23
Feb. 10 County Tournament    
          Springdale 33 19
          Bennett 29 17
          Stanwood 17 28
Feb. 13 Grand Mound, there 40 23
Feb. 16 Wheatland, here 47 26
March 10 Sectional Tournament    
          Center Junction 22 15
          Miles 26 23
          Calamus 33 25
          Stanwood 37 35
March 15 District Tournament    
          Grundy Center 13 22

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Date Town Cla. Ops.
  District Tournament (con’t)    
          Wellsburg 19 48
          Quasqueton 25 23


Date Town Cla. Ops.
Nov. 24 Durant, here 52 12
Nov. 28 Lowden, there 17 24
Dec. 15 Grand Mound, here 23 4
Jan. 5 Calamus, there 40 2
Jan. 19 Wheatland, there 15 19
Jan. 23 Durant, there 20 14
Jan. 26 Calamus, here 21 10
Feb. 2 Lowden, here 14 21
Feb. 13 Grand Mound, there 11 3
Feb. 16 Wheatland, here 17 10
  Totals 230 119

Wapsi 8 Conference Standings

First Teams

  W. L. Pct.
Stanwood 6 1 .857
Wheatland 8 3 .727
Bennett 5 2 .714
Clarence 6 3 .667
Lowden 5 7 .416
Calamus 2 9 .183
Grand Mound 1 9 .111

Girl’s Team

  W. L. Pct.
Clarence 7 1 .875
Calamus 6 3 .667
Wheatland 5 3 .625
Stanwood 3 3 .500
Bennett 0 8 .000
Grand Mound 0 7 .000

Second Team

  W. L. Pct.
Lowden 11 1 .921
Stanwood 3 1 .750
Bennett 4 2 .667
Clarence 5 3 .625
Wheatland 5 5 .500
Calamus 2 8 .200
Grand Mound 0 8 .000

Conference Trophy Presented

    The girls basketball team was presented with the much desired silver trophy, a handsome statuette mounted on a black base that designates the team as conference champions. At the beginning of the season local fans had little hope for a title combination remembering that four members of last year’s regular line-up were lost by graduation while Calamus, Wheatland, and Stanwood were fortified with veteran squads. The 1934 team mowed down all . . .

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. . . opposition until Wheatland was met on the Wheatland High floor, where the girls lost their only conference game. A fine record and we are proud of our girl’s team this year and you can look forward to another successful season as only two members of the first team are being lost by graduation.

Sectional Tournament

    The local basketball team closed a successful season at the sectional tournament in Cedar Rapids on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd days of March. Clarence defeated Center Point 21-10 in the first round and came through with a well earned victory over the highly rated Alburnett quintet in the second round game 23-21. The Redbirds were behind 13-4 at end of the first half. A determined ralley found them only four points short of the lead at the end of the third quarter. The teamwork and hardwork of the locals brought the score up to 21-19 with a minute left. Captain Hansen took a well-timed pass from Bunge, dribbled down the floor, and dropped in a neat two-pointer to tie the score. With only seconds left Bunge got the tip at center and Phillips returned the ball to him and with the entire crowd yelling “Shoot” Bunge let go of the ball—it sailed high and true and dropped through the net for the margin of victory as the gun sounded the end of the game. The entire team played their best and deserve credit for this well earned victory which placed them in semi-final round of the tournament against Martelle. This game was played Saturday afternoon and although our boys put up a game fight they could not cope with the size and ability of the great Martelle team and lost 39-13. Martelle won the tournament. This was the last game for Otto Hansen, Richard Meyer, and Lloyd Phillips, regulars on 1934 team. Hansen brought his high school career to a fitting close in this tournament. He was a marked man in every contest and yet came through with points at the most critical moments. Hansen has scored 244 points during the season and has scored more points in his high school competition than any other player who has graduated from the local institution. Meyer and Phillips deserve credit for the fine way in which they have helped the team. Neither have figured in scoring to any great extent and yet their team play and defensive ability made them valuable members on the squad.

West Branch wins County Tournament

    The Eighth annual Cedar County tournament was won by the West Branch high school when they defeated a smooth working Bennett team, in the final game on the evening of February 24, 24 to 12. Clarence opened the tournament with a 51 to 15 victory over Durant high and then met Lowden who had drawn a bye. This game proved to be one of the features of the tournament, full of thrills, and with the score close all the way. Lowden led at the quarter 8 to 5, but the C. H. S. five had an 18 to 17 margin at the half way mark and were behind again 21 to 20 at the third quarter. They jumped into a four point lead early in the fourth quarter, and, with 50 seconds to play, were leading 27 to 25, when Hansen called time out to prepare for the Lowden drive. Lowden had the ball out of bounds, they took one long shot and it tied the score with seconds to play. Bunge tipped it into the hands of a Lowden player who shot from the side and the ball rolled around and in for the winning points just before the gun ended the game, a heart breaker for our boys after they had completely outplayed the winners and handled the ball more than three-fourths of the time.

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    The losers of the first and second round games met in consolation series and after Springdale had won over Durant, the local team functioned well to earn a 20 to 15 win over Springdale; and that placed them against Stanwood who had won over Tipton. Stanwood had an advantage of having played one less game than Clarence and left the floor at the half leading 16 to 9. They increased that lead to 21 to 14 before the locals put one last scoring drive to bring the score up to 23 against 26 for Stanwood as the final whistle blew. The officials and coaches commended the smooth teamwork and clean play of the locals and the conduct of the boys was a credit to the school. The tournament was the closest, the most evenly matched, and the most exciting in county history.

Free Throw Contest

    A free throw contest was held this year. The object of this was to shoot twenty-five charity tosses each week during the entire basketball season. Each boy on the second had an opportunity to do this. It has been found that these free tosses have helped in the most critical moments in deciding the winner. During the season 450 shots were taken by each player.

Hansen 286 out of 450
Hartig 284 out of 450
E. Decker 269 out of 450
F. Decker 268 out of 450
L. Hasselbusch 245 out of 450

Clarence Girls Win Third Place Honors at District Tournament

    Wellsburg and Grundy Center presented too much scoring power against the local sectional champs in the District Tournament this year at Wellsburg, and, by virtue of their victories over Clarence and Quasqueton, won the final round of the State Meet held in Des Moines. Clarence opened the tournament with Grundy Center on Thursday night, March 15, and were leading at the half 8 to 7. The Spartanettes proved to be too much for the locals in the last quarter and won 22 to 13. On Friday night the C. H. S. sextette played Wellsburg, the team that won third place at Des Moines last year, and the team that boasts first place this year. Although outscored 48 to 19, the locals were not outplayed or outfought, and the officials acclaimed the Clarence girls as the best team that had ever come out of Eastern Iowa. In the final game against Quasqueton, the team lived up to expectation and pulled another game out of the fire with a brilliant last half rally. Trailing 14 to 6 at the half, the Clarence forwards began to click and the entire sextette gathered speed as the minutes ticked away, and with two quick shots early in the fourth quarter, Clarence grabbed a 21 to 20 lead and were never headed in the mad scramble that followed—that netted the local’s team their only victory in the District Competition. The final score was 25 to 23.

Clarence Stuns Stanwood in Finals of Section 37 to 35

    The Clarence Girl’s Basketball team brought home the Sectional championship Saturday night March 10th, when they came through with a stunning victory over the powerful and rangy Stanwood team in the second overtime period in the most thrilling game of the tournament at Center Junction.

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    The champs played great basketball throughout the tournament and deserved the honors won. The Center Junction game was a hard fought contest, and a prize victory since Center Junction had won every game on their home floor, but the Clarence girls downed them with a 22 to 15 victory. Then Miles, who had beaten a strong Olin team and had won 17 straight games including the Jackson County Tournament, fell before the scoring onslaught and clever floor work and passing of the locals. The score was 26 to 23. Calamus, who has been defeated only twice during the season were met in the semi-finals and put up a great fight but could not match shots with Kline and Harness in the final quarter. The score as the gun went off was 33 to 25. Then came the last but not least game with Stanwood in the final round of the meet. To the deadly accuracy of Thelma Harness, diminutive Clarence forward, goes the distinction of keeping the local team in the race for sectional honors. Twice she came through in the most crucial moments. With Stanwood leading and only 25 seconds to play she stepped to the free throw and spilt the net with the point that tied the score, tossed in a field goal in the first overtime period to again tie the score, then missed a free throw that might have won the game, recovered the ball, and rammed home the basket with a perfect shot that won the game. What ordeal with so much at stake! Fans, player, and coaches were nerve wrecked during the hectic ten minutes, but the team played on unaware of the sideline pressure and came through with the most coveted victory of the season. At the final gun the score stood 37 to 35.

    The locals completely outclassed the Stanwood team in basketball technique, but could not cope with the tall guards and forwards that played for Green and White. The height advantage had made Stanwood a pre-game favorite so the victory was doubly prized.

Fall Baseball

    For the first game of the fall season of baseball, Clarence played Durant. It was a well fought game and an overwhelming victory, 20-1, especially considering they had lost five players by graduation the preceding spring. The man on the mound for the victims, Raymond Schlicting, was formerly of Clarence.

     Clarence lost a heart-breaking game to Lowden in the second game of the season. The home team had a 3-1 lead in the last part of the seventh inning with two men out and two strikes on the third man, when the jinx of Lowden began to work. They managed to slip in three runs making the final score 4-3. The home sackers were disappointed and then and there resolved to break the jinx the following spring.

     The third game was played at Bennett. This was a very well played game, with very good hardwork. This was rewarded by a 9-2 victory.

Spring Baseball

    The opening baseball game for this spring was played at Stanwood. With very good headwork the team managed to trample on the green-and- whites with a victory 14-0. Hansen was the man on the mound and pitched a nice game.

     On April 17, the C. H. S. went to Calamus to play. It was found that the easterners had developed their team greatly. By much hitting the locals battered a 8-2 victory home.

     The home team went to Wheatland on April 24th. With Hansen as pitcher and Decker behind the plate, the C. H. S. shut . . .

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. . .out the W.H.S. team 4-0 making the second shut out in the season.

     Tuesday, May 1st Clarence walloped Lowden to a score of 15-5. After having lost to Lowden in the county baseball tournament, the Clarence nine won over the eastern neighbors in a 15-5 victory. The home sackers played heads up throughout the whole game and were rewarded by winning with a large score. With Hansen on the mound and “Gabby” Decker behind the bat, the team showed no weakening or over-confidence. This victory placed the C.H.S. team above the L.H.S. team in the Wapsie 8 Conference standing.

     Games to come:          Tues. May 8-Bennett-here         Thurs. May 10-Stanwood-here


    Track candidates were numerous this year and they made a fairly well balanced team. The entire team consists of: Edwin Decker, Richard Meyer, John Kembel, Lloyd Phillips, Kenneth Crist, Francis Kembel, Frederick Decker, Richard Goldsmith, and Leo Fisher. The Third Annual Wapsi 8 Conference Track and Field Meet will be held at Clarence, Saturday, May 12. All the conference schools have entered teams.

Track team Defeats Grand Mound

    Preparations for this meet resulted in satisfactory and encouraging score when Clarence netted many points against Grand Mound in a meet held at Clarence April 20.

    Clarence 60 1/3
    Grand Mound 46 2/3

    The high score man for Clarence was Decker obtaining 15 ¼ points, and Phillips came closely behind with 15 points.

Clarence takes Second honors at Tri. Meet

    Stanwood received first place honors in a Triangular Meet held at Stanwood on April 23. Clarence missed first place by only three points.

        Stanwood 66
        Clarence 63
        Olin 12

    The local team gave the green-and-white a real battle but could not cope with Stanwood’s fleetfoots.

County Track Meet

    The annual Cedar County Track and Field Meet was held at Tipton, on April 30, under the lights. The outstanding event for Clarence was the shot put. Decker heaved it 39 feet 10 ½ inches which gave him first place, the only blue ribbon won by the locals. Again the Stanwood thinclads won over the C.H.S. team.

        Mechanicsville 71
        Tipton 65
        Stanwood 15
        Clarence 13

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Bennett Takes Tournament

    Bennett took home the first place trophy after the final game with Lowden in the Annual County Baseball Tournament at Clarence on April 27-28. The opening game was played between Lowden and the home team, Friday, P.M. which proved a thriller. After the C.H.S. team had kept their opponents down for three innings they began to rally and it was a tie. In the last part of the last inning the locals made an error which proved costly and Lowden won 6 to 5, which made the locals eligible to play in consolation round. After Stanwood had lost to Bennett, they were also eligible to play for the consolation trophy. Clarence did very much headwork and won 11 to 5. The home sackers played in the finals for consolation of Friday afternoon with Durant who had lost to Lowden. The C.H.S. team knew they had to get this trophy so they played heads-up ball all the time. They managed to make five runs at the beginning of the game and no more runs were made throughout the rest of the game. The final score was 5-0. In the finals for the first place trophy Bennett played against Lowden. This proved to be the biggest battle of the meet. Lowden led Bennett most of the game 1-0, but in the last part of the seventh inning Bennett squeezed in a run which tied the score. This score was not changed in the remaining part of the game. An extra inning was played and Bennett made another urn which won them the game. It was a 2 to 1 victory.


    The other day in Psychology Mr. Hyde asked Otto Hansen: “Do you suppose your opportunities are better today than 20 years ago?”
     Otto brightly replied: “Well, I don’t just exactly remember how things were 20 years ago.”

    One day during Psychology class Otto Hansen wasn’t paying just the strictest attention. Mr. Hyde, in order to catch him up, gave him this statement to verify:
     “An introvert is a day-dreamer.”

    Otto dumbfoundedly replied:
     “Well, what am I supposed to do about it?”

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