The death of Mae Lulu Walker, wife of Fred Hillyer of Newton, Ia., occurred May 3 at their residence north of Newton brings to view the names of some early day Cedar County people. Her father, Andrew H. Walker, came to Cedar County in 1842 when a lad of 13 years. He was an active citizen, as the following discloses:
He was a soldier in the Mexican War, also in the Civil War, enlisting on Sept. 21, 1861, at Wilton as a member of Company D, Eleventh Iowa volunteers; commissioned as second lieutenant Oct. 3, 1861, and on June 6, 1863, was promoted to the captaincy of the Eleventh Iowa volunteers, Company F being honorably discharged Dec. 18, 1864. Was a residence of Rochester till his death, June 23, 1881.
The mother of Mrs. Fred Hillyer was Margaret Frain, born in Cedar County Oct. 15, 1842. She was the daughter of George and Mary Frain. George Frain came to Cedar County in 1838, the year in which the territory of Iowa was organized. He served for a short time in the Mexican War. He was the first to plant apple trees and other fruit in Iowa Township. The mill was run by water power furnished by Pedee creek.
Mae Lulu Walker was born in Rochester Sept. 22, 1878. She spent her early girlhood days in Rochester with her parents, going to Marshalltown in 1904, where she served as postmistress of the Soldiers’ Home for twelve years. She had served as assistant to her mother, who was postmistress at Rochester. She and Fred Hillyer were united in marriage April 26, 1916. From that time on her home was near Newton. She is survived by a brother, George F. A. Walker of Portland, Ore. Burial was in the Newton cemetery, conducted by Rev. Dr. Blanche, assisted by Rev. J. F. Hinkhouse, a nephew by marriage. Fred Hillyer is the son of David Hillyer, a Civil War veteran and of an early day family, and Alice Hinkhouse, the oldest child of the late Fred and Hannah Hunich Hinkhouse of Sugar Creek Township.