A History of the County, its Cities, Towns, &t.,

A Biograpical Directory of its Citizens, War Record of its Vol-
unteers in the late Rebellion, General and Local Statistiecs,
Portaits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men, His-
tory of the Northwest, History of Iowa, Map
of Cedar County, Constitution of the
United States, Miscellancous
Matters, &c.


Western Historical Company
Successors to H. F. Kett & Co., 1878

Geographical Situation 109
Topography 109
Drainage System 110
Rivers 111
Lakes 118
Springs 119
Prairies 120
Geology ~ includes: 120
      The Azoic System 121
      Lower Silurian System 122
      Upper Silurian System 123
      Devonian System 123
      Carboniferous System 124
      Cretaceous System 129
      Peat 130
      Gypsum 131
      Sulphate of Lime 135
Climatology 137
Discovery and Occupation 139
Indians of Iowa 147
Pike's Expedition 151
Indian Wars 152
Black Hawk War 157
Indian Purchase, Reservations and Treaties 159
Spanish Grants 163
Half-Breed Tract 164
Early Settlements 166
Territorial History 173
Boundary Questions 177
State Organization 181
Growth and Progress 185
Agricultural College and Farm 186
State University 187
State Historical Society 193
Penitentiaries 194
Insane Hospitals 195
College for the Blind 197
Deaf and Dumb Institution 199
Soldiers' Orphans' Homes 199
State Normal School 201
Asylum for Feeble Minded Children 201
Reform School 202
Fish Hatching Establshment 203
Public Lands ~ includes: 204
     The 500,000 Acre Grant. 204
     The 16th Section Grant. 205
     The Mortgage School Lands. 205
     The University Grant. 206
     The Saline Grant. 206
     The Des Moines River Grant. 210
     The Des Moines River School Lands. 210
     The Swamp Land Grant. 211
     The Railroad Grant. 212
     The Agricultural College Grant. 217
Public Schools 218
Political Record 223
War Record 229
Number Volunteers 233
Number Casualties - Officers 234
Number Casualties - Enlisted Men 236
Population by Counties:
      Adair-Jones      Keokuk-Wright
The Northwestern States ~ includes: 242
     Illinois 240
     Indiana 242
     Iowa 243
     Michigan 244
     Wisconsin 245
     Minnesota 247
     Nebraska 248
Constitution of the United States of America and its Amendments 250
Miscellaneous Information:  
Practical Rules for Every Day Use 265
Names of the States of the Union & Their Significations 271
Population of the United States 271
Principle Countries of the World, Population & Area 273
Agricultural Statistics of Iowa (Census of 1875) 274
Abstracts of Iowa State Laws:  
     Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes275
     Descent, Wills & Estates 275
     Taxes 275
      Jurisdiction of Courts ~ includes:
     Limitation of Actions,
     Jurors, Capital Punishment
     Married Women 282
     Exemptions from Execution 282
     Estrays ~ includes:
     Wolf scalps,
     Damages from Trespass, Fences
      Mechanics' Liens 285
     Roads and Bridges 286
     Adoption of Children 287
     Surveyors and Surveys 287
     Support of Poor 287
     Landlord and Tenant 288
     Weights and Measures 289
     Definition of Commercial Terms 289
     Forms ~ includes: 290
      Notes 290
      Orders 290
      Receipts 290
      Bill of Purchase 290
      Confession of Judgement 290
      Articles of Agreement 291
      General Form of Agreement 291
      Agreement with Clerk of Services 292
      Bill of Sale 292
      Notice to Quit 293
      General Form of Will for Real and Personal Property 293
      Codicil 294
      Satisfaction of Mortgage Form 294
      One Form of Real Estate Mortgage 295
      Second Form of Real Estate Mortgage 295
      Form of Lease 296
      Form of Note 296
      Chattel Mortgage 298
      Warrenty Deed 298
      Quit Claim Deed 299
      Bond for Deed 299
      Suggestions to those Purchasing Books by Subscription 300

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