Western Historical Company
Successors to H. F. Kett & Co., 1878

Transcribed by Sharon Elijah, September 8, 2013



agt agent I.V.A. Iowa Volunteer Artillery mkr maker
carp carpenter I.V.C. Iowa Volunteer Cavalry P.O. Post Office
clk clerk I.V.I. Iowa Volunteer Infantry prop proprietor
Co company or county lab laborer S. or Sec. Section
dir dealer mach machinist st street
far farmer mech mechanic Supt Superintendent
gro grocer mer merchant Treas Treasurer
    mfr manufacturer    


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Aikins, E. W. , farmer, P.O. Pedee; owns, with his son, 160 acres, valued at $50 per acre; was born May 24, 1824, in Morgan Co., O.; moved there to Henry Co., Ill., in 1853, and to this county in 1856. Married Mary D. Cope April 22, 1847; she was born Oct. 28, 1828, in Harrison, O.; have one son—Albert A., born Jan. 23, 1849. Mr. A. has been a member of the County Supervisors one term, also Justice of the Peace ten years, and is at present Township Clerk. Rep.

Bachelder, Geo. H. , laborer, Sec. 6; P.O. Springdale.

Bachelder, Ira , carpenter, Sec. 6; P.O. Springdale.

Bailey, P. , far., Sec. 19; P.O. Springdale.

Baldwin, G. , laborer, Sec. 10; P.O. Pedee.

Baldwin, L. , far., Sec. 27; P.O. Atalissa.

Barkhurst, J. , far., Sec. 23; P. O. Atalissa.

Berry, I. , far., Sec. 32; P.O. Pedee.

Bolon, J. , far., Sec. 30; P.O. Springdale.

Bonsall, J. W. , far., S. 6; P.O. Springdale.

Bonsall, Joshua W. , far., Sec. 30; P.O. Springdale.

Bowersock, Emmer , dealer in dry goods, groceries and general merchandise, Pedee; born May 22, 1845, in Columbiana Co., Ohio; his father, Jesse Bowersock, moved to this county in 1846, and settled in this township; has been in business here four years. Married Hannah M. Gill April 2, 1867; she was born April 17, 1850; have one son—Clarence, born June 14, 1868. Republican.

Briggle, G. , far., Sec. 15; P.O. Pedee.

Briggle, Jacob , farmer, Sec. 15; P.O. Pedee; owns 210 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre; born March 15, 1806, in Germany; came to Bedford Co., Pa., in 1832, and to this county in 1842; entered his present farm from the Government. Married Elizabeth Burgett in 1840, in Pennsylvania; she was born in Pennsylvania; she died in this county November, 1855; she left three sons—John, George and Joseph. Second marriage to Mrs. Harriet Cottar, Jan. 1, 1857; her maiden name was Sutliff; she was born July 15, 1827, in Ohio; has four children living—Adam, Mary, Albert, Peter; lost one—Harriet A. Cumb. Presbyterian; Democrat.

Brown, D. B. , far., Sec. 4; P.O. Pedee.

Buckman, C. A. , far., S. 27; P.O. Atalissa.

Buckman, Ed. , far., S. 27; P.O. Atalissa.

Burnett, Andrew, lab., S. 21; P.O. Pedee.

Burnett, Cinderella, S. 21; P.O. Pedee; has a farm of 233 acres; she was born Oct. 15, 1808, in Fayette Co., Pa.; her maiden name was Nixon; she married Thomas Burnett July 2, 1829, in Ohio; moved to this county in 1850; he died Aug. 12, 1877; he was born Nov. 14, 1803, in same county, Pa., she was. He was an Elder in Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of which she is also a member.

Burnett, D. H. , far., S. 27; P.O. Atalissa.

Burnett, Isaac, far., S. 9; P.O. Pedee.

Burnett, Nathan, far., S. 32; P.O. Pedee.

Calahan, Samuel, far., S. 10; P.O. Pedee.

Canniff, John, far., S. 35, P.O. Atalissa.

Carney, J. N. , far., S. 13; P.O. Atalissa.

Carney, John, far., S. 11; P.O. Pedee.

Carney, T. J. , farmer, S. 13; P.O. Atalissa; owns 112 acres of land in this county, and 120 in Adams Co.; born Aug. 16, 1818, in Hunterdon Co., N.J.; parents moved to Tompkins Co., N. Y., in 1828, and came to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1833; his mother died while there; went to Coshocton Co., in 1835, and made his home at his uncle’s, followed droving and peddling clocks for about four years; then went to Muskingum Co. and followed the marble business till 1854, when he came to this Co. Married Isabel Williams, daughter of Col. Williams of Loudon Co., Va., June 2, 1842; she was born July 8, 1824; have ten children living—Jasper N., John W., Wm. D., Frances M., Thos. J., Mary, Ann, Jane, Margaret and Belle; lost three. Member of A.F. & A.M.; Democratic.

Case, John, farmer, Sec. 18; P.O. Pedee.

Collins, Josiah, far., Sec. 32; P.O. Pedee.

Coney, Jay C. , far., Sec. 34; P. O. Atalissa.

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Cooper, R. W. , carp., sec. 15; P.O. Pedee.

Corker, A. , far., Sec. 28; P. O. Atalissa.

Cope, Charles, farmer; Sec. 34; P.O. Atalissa, Muscatine Co.; owns 128 acres of land, valued at $50 per acre; born July 15, 1834, in Harrison Co., O.; came to Muscatine Co. in 1855, and to this county in the Fall of 1870; enlisted in Co. G, of the 2d Iowa Cav., Sept. 14, 1861, and was mustered out in Oct. , 1865; participated in the battle of New Madrid, siege and second battle of Corinth, Miss., also Holly Springs, Water Valley, Coffeeville, Iuka, and Nashville, Tenn. Married Mary Guild Dec. 8, 1870; she was born in Ohio in 1848; have two children—Edith A. and Sarah C. Republican.

Corker, Luke, blacksmith, P.O. Pedee; Sec. 21; owns 120 acres of land, and his wife owns 100 acres, all valued at $50 per acre; was born May 18, 1818, in Lancaster Co., Pa.; went to Wayne Co., O., in 1838, and in 1852 to Williams Co., and this county in 1855. Married Catharine Lightfoot Oct. 1, 1840, in Ohio; she was born Aug. 20, 1821, and died July 7, 1867. Married Mrs. J. A. Wyant in Dec., 1868; have five children by first wife—Emma J., Esther M., Elizabeth, Archibald and Julius; lost four—Annetta, William, Agnes and Lee. Member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Democrat.

Cress, Henry, Sec. 16; P.O. Pedee; owns 143 acres of land, valued at $45 per acre; born Feb. 27, 1831, in Pennsylvania; parents moved to Wayne Co., O., in _____, and returned to Pennsylvania in _____; was there one year, then came to Jefferson Co., this State, in 1845, and to this county in 1849. Married Mary Walter Oct., 1859; she was born in 1839 in Ohio; have eight children living—George, Willard, Ida M., Nancy, Herbert, Amy, Chester, and an infant not named. Lost two—John H. and Anna B. Cumberland Presbyterian; Democrat.

Crees, J. H. , miller, S. 35; P. O. Atalissa.

Crees, Neely, farmer, P. O. Pedee; owns 300 acres, valued at $50 per acre; was born Oct. 5, 1833, in Allegheny Co., Pa.; his parents moved to Medina Co., Ohio, when he was about 2 years old and to Wayne Co. in 1837, and in 1844 returned to Pennsylvania for one year, then moved to Wapello Co., Iowa, in 1845, and to this county in 1849. Married Emma J. Wyant Feb. 26, 1853; she was born in Stark Co., Ohio, Sept. 17, 1845; have five children living—Isaac W., Sarah M., Julia S., John T., and Judith A.; lost two. Member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church; Democrat.

Creps, Henry, far., Sec. 10; P.O. Pedee.

Davis, A. T. , farmer, Sec. 17; P.O. Pedee.

Davis, C.D. , far., Sec. 17; P. O. Pedee.

Doty, Danl. D. , farmer, Sec. 14; P.O. Atalissa; owns 115 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre; born March 21, 1833, in Butler Co., Ohio; came with his father, John Doty, to this county in June, 1840; in 1851, returned to Ohio and back to this county in 1872. Married Miss M. F. Vail Feb. 14, 1865, in Dart Co., Ohio; she was born May 20, 1844, in Butler Co., Ohio; have two children—Willie V. and Clarence V. Democrat.

Doty, John, far., Sec. 14; P.O. Atalissa.

Durfee, James, far., S. 22; P. O. Atalissa.

Durfee, John, far., S. 22; P. O. Atalissa.

Duple, Jacob, farmer, Sec. 21; P.O. Atalissa, owns 185 acres of land, valued at $50 per acre; born in Frederick Co., Md., Nov. 3, 1827; went to Marion Co., Mo., in 1847, and in the Spring of ’53 went to California; followed mining till Spring of 1858; returned to Missouri, and the following August came to this county. Married Dorcas Hines Sept. 7, 1859; she was born in Ohio March 11, 1837; have four children—Herchel E., William, Nellie and Anna R. Member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church; Democrat.

Ellyson, Zadock, farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. West Liberty.

Fagan, Pat, farmer, Sec. 14; P.O. Pedee.

Fagan, T. , farmer, Sec. 22; P.O. Pedee.

Faires, J. , far., S. 20; P.O. West Liberty.

Fenstermaker, Benj. , farmer, Sec. 30; P.O. West Liberty.

Fenstermaker, Eph. , farmer, Sec. 19; P.O. West Liberty.

Foley, J. & T. , fars, S. 23; P. O. Pedee.

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Gaskill, Israel, farmer, Sec. 32; P.O. West Liberty.

Gibson, John W. , farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. West Liberty.

Gibson, Thos. V. , farmer, Sec. 29; ; P.O. West Liberty; owns 152 acres of land, valued at $8,000; born in Mahoning Co., Ohio, Feb. 28, 1841; moved with his father, Samuel Gibson, to this county in the Fall of 1854. Married Mary T. Lewis Feb. 18, 1864; she was born in this county April 6, 1846; have two children—William L. and Emma M. His father died in September, 1860, and his mother died May 3, 1870. Republican.

Gifford, Charles, farmer, Sec. 30; P.O. West Liberty.

Gifford, D. W. , far., Sec. 33; P.O. West Liberty.

Gifford, R. B. , Sec. 28; P.O. West Liberty; owns 110 acres of land, valued at $6,000; born Nov. 13, 1836, in Noble Co., Ind.; came from there to this county in the Fall of 1854. Married Mary J. Harland, of Fort Wayne, Ind., May 24, 1860; she was born Jan. 3, 1839, in Miami Co., Ohio; had one son—Arthur L., born Jan. 5, 1863 and died Oct. 13, 1865. Republican.

Graham, H. , far., Sec. 10; P.O. Pedee.

Gray, E. A. , far., S. 29; P.O. Springdale.

Gray, J. W. , far., S. 29; P.O. Springdale.

Gruwell, A. C. , far., S. 29; P.O. Springdale.

Guthrie, E. , lab., S. 17; P.O. Springdale.

Guthrie, G. A. , far., S. 18; P.O. Springdale.

Hamiel, John L. , farmer, Sec. 33; P.O. Pedee.

Harden, A. , far., Sec. __; P. O. Springdale.

Harper, H. , far., Sec. 5; P.O. Springdale.

Harper, S. M. , far., S. 26; P.O. Atalissa.

Hartupee, D. W. , farmer, Sec. 30. ; P.O. West Liberty.

Hawk, C. D. , far., Sec. 19; P.O. West Liberty.

Hawk, John, farmer, Sec. 23; P.O. Atalissa, Muscatine Co., Ia.; born April 5, 1825, in Cumberland Co., Pa.; parents moved to Wayne Co., Ohio, in 1831; he went to Williams Co. in 1847, and to Wells Co., Ind. in 1853, and from there to this county in 1856, and to his present farm in 1867. Married Caroline Schwinehart Dec, 7, 1843, in Ohio; she was born March 3, 1823, in Montgomery Co., Pa.; have six children—Cornelius, William, Harriet, John, George and Mary; lost three—Jacob, Levi and Emma. Democrat. Mr. Hawk owns sixty-nine acres of land, valued at $50 per acre.

Hawk, Wm. , far., Sec. 14; P.O. Atalissa.

Hines, Alex. , far., Sec. 28; P.O. Atalissa.

Hines, J. , far., Sec. 28; P.O. Atalissa.

Hines, P. , far., Sec. 18; P. O. Springdale.

Hoch, A. , farmer, Sec. 16; P.O. Pedee; owns a farm of 100 acres, valued at $50 per acre; born March 4, 1828, in Lebanon Co., Pa.; came to this county in the Spring of 1840. Iowa Tp. then embraced all of the county west of Cedar River; there were only nine families in the township; he has hauled dressed pork to Dubuque and sold it for $1.25 per cwt. Married Cinderella Burnett June 3, 1852; she was born Jan. 19, 1835, in Wayne Co., Ohio; have four children—Edmund K., Kate C., Addie and Nellie. Is a member of the Cumb. Presb. Church; Democrat.

Hoch, E. K. , far., Sec. 21; P.O. Pedee.

Hoch, Gustavus, far., S. 16; P.O. Pedee.

Honey, Hugh, far., S. 22; P.O. Pedee.

Houragan, M. far., S. 22; P.O. Pedee.

Hutchinson, J. L. , far., S. 5; P.O. Pedee.

Jack, Calvin, far, S. 10; P.O. Pedee.

Jack, O. C. , farmer, P.O. Pedee; owns 220 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre; was born Aug. 6, 1812, in Botetourt Co., Va.; came to Franklin Co., Ind., in 1819, and to Tippecanoe Co. in 1829. Married Sarah J. Payner Aug. 6, 1840; she was born Sept. 25, 1822 in Vigo Co., Ind.; moved to this county in the Spring of 1842; settled at what was called Mason’s Grove, above Gower’s Ferry, and came on to his present farm in the Spring of 1844. Muscatine was then his market; have sold good wheat for 25 cents per bushel, and part trade at that; dressed pork for from 75¢ to $1.00 per cwt.; have six children living—Mary A., Iona H., Calvin, Olney, Charles and Alice; lost six. Has been Township Clerk, Trustee and member of School Board several years. Democrat. Mr. Jack was engaged in running a canal boat line in 1834, from Hagerstown to Lawrenceburg on the Ohio River, and the follow- . . .

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. . . ing year ran a boat on the Wabash and Erie Line, from the mouth of the Tippecanoe River to Terre Haute, and later still, was employed in constructing a similar line from Peru to Logansport, Ind., where he constructed the first boat over the route. His career in this department of commerce was marked with signal success, and his record was unimpeachable.

James, D. , far., S. 32; P.O. West Liberty.

James, Wm. , far., S. 32; P.O. West Liberty.

Jenkins, G. H. , far., S. 24; P.O. Atalissa.

Kelley, Thomas, farmer, S. 15; P.O. Pedee.

Kennedy, Wm. , farmer, S. 31.

Kimberly, A. E. , far., S. 29; P.O. West Liberty.

Kirby, Isaac, far., S. 19; P.O. West Liberty.

Kirby, J. , far., S. 19; P.O. West Liberty.

Knott, Benj. , far., S. 26; P.O. Atalissa.

Knott, John, farmer, S. 26; P.O. Atalissa, Muscatine Co.; owns 100 acres of land; born Sept. 5, 1845, in Clermont Co., Ohio; parents moved to Muscatine Co., Iowa., in the Spring of 1855, and he came to this county in 1874; enlisted in the service of his country during the late rebellion in Co. E., of the 18th Ia. Inf. June 1, 1862, and was honorably discharged Feb. 9, 1863, and enlisted again in March, 1864 in Co. D. of the 24th Ia. Inf. and was mustered out Sept. 18, 1865; participated in the battles of Springfield, Mo., was also under Banks in the Red River expedition and battle of Marksville Plains, and with Sheridan in Shenandoah Valley raid and at battle of Winchester, Va., Fisher Hill and Cedar Creek; in the latter had the fore and middle finger of his right hand shot off; his grandfather on his father’s side served in the war of 1812 and his great grandfather in the American Revolution seven years; the canteen he carried is now in the possession of John Knott. Married Jennie P. Thompson, Sept. 19, 1875; she was born May 1, 1858, in Butler Co., O.; have two children—Harrison H. and John M. Christian; Republican.

Lafrentz, John, far. S. 31; P.O. West Liberty.

Larne, Cyrus, far., S. 17; P.O. Pedee.

Larne, George F. , far., S. 16; P.O. Pedee.

Larne, Geo. E. , far., Sec. 9; P.O. Pedee.

Larne, Joel S. , far., Sec. 9; P.O. Pedee.

Larne, R. , farmer, Sec. 22; P.O. Atalissa.

Leonard J. , far., Sec. 5; P.O. Springdale.

Lesenea, J. , far., Sec. 11; P.O. Pedee.

Lewis, I. W. , farmer; Sec. 34; P. O. Atalissa, Muscatine Co.; owns 250 acres of land, valued at $50 an acre; born May 5, 1834, in Columbiana Co., O.; came with his father, Wm. Lewis, to this county in June, 1846, who died Oct. 2, 1877. Married Jane E. Pierce June 12, 1856; she was born Feb. 14, 1835, in Frederick Co., Md.; have four children—Henry F., born March 16, 1857; Joseph E., born May 19, 1859; Inez V., born May 14, 1863; Lottie E., born Nov. 9, 1870. Cumberland Presbyterian; Democrat.

Lewis J. S. , far., Sec. 27; P.O. Atalissa.

Lightfoot, D. , far., Sec. 14; P.O. Atalissa.

Lightfoot, Wm. , far., Sec. 24; P.O. Atalissa.

Linn, Jas. , carp., Sec. 10; P.O. Pedee.

Linn, Moses, farmer; P. O. Pedee; owns a farm of 117 acres, valued at $40 per acre; born Dec. 22, 1819, in Washington Co., Penn.; when about 18 years of age, went to Muskingum Co.; remained there till the Fall of 1855, then came to this county; settled on his present farm in 1864. Married Hannah Garner March 17, 1842, of Ohio; she was born Aug. 19, 1824; have five children living—James, Randall, William, Jane and Lorette; lost four—John, Joseph, Jennett and George. Democrat.

Lloyd, S. , far., Sec. 17; P.O. Pedee.

Long, E. B. , lab., Sec. 4; P.O. Pedee.

Long, E. P. , far.; P.O. Pedee.

Longerbram, A. J. , far., Sec. 30; P. O. Springdale.

Longerbram, Wm. , far., Sec. 30; P.O. Springdale.

Lundy, Chas. , E., far., Sec. 8; P.O. Pedee.

Lundy, Eli, far., Sec. 5; P. O. Pedee.

McCann, John, far., Sec. 31; P.O. West Liberty.

McCune, Frank, far., Sec. 33; P.O. West Liberty.

McDermet, M. , far., Sec. 27; P.O. Atalissa.

McNamee, Pat, stone mason; Sec. 10; P.O. Pedee.

McSparen, P. , far., Sec. 28; P.O. Atalissa.

McVey, James, far., Sec. 15; P. O. Pedee.

Mackey, Alex. , far.; Sec. 9; P. O. Pedee.

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Martin, Daniel, far.; S. 15; P.O. Pedee

Mather, C. E. , mer.; S. 6; P.O. Springdale.

Mather, John, far.; S. 7; P.O. Springdale.

Mather, Samuel, Jr. , far.; Sec. 6; P.O. Springdale.

Mather, Wm. , merchant; Springdale.

Maxon, W. , far.; S. 32; P. O. Springdale.

Maxon, T. W. , farmer; Sec. 29; P. O. Springdale; owns 120 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born June 30, 1837, in Harrison Co., O.; came with his father, Wm. Maxon to this county in April 1839, and settled on the farm now owned by James Phelps, on Sec. 32, T. 80, R.3, where John Brown used to train his men. Enlisted, at his country’s call, in Rock Island, July 24, 1861; went to St. Louis and on to Ft. Scott, where he was camped for Winter; was joined to Col. Montgomery’s Kansas Reg’t Vol. Inf. and Cavalry; served under him one year; was transferred to the 10th Regt., under Col. Cloud; was in the battle of Prairie Grove, Ark., Dec. 7, 1863; most of his service was fighting guerrillas; was mustered out as Commissary Sergeant in 1865. Married Lydia Yates in Oct., 1865; she was born in 1838, in Ohio; have five children—Hillis A., Willard S., Candace, Rufus, and Hannah. Is serving his second term as Justice of the Peace. Republican.

Meusch, John M. N. , far.; Sec. 20; P.O. Pedee.

Meusch, Joses S. , far., S. 20; P.O. Pedee.

Millet, Alfred, Sec. 31; P.O. Springdale; owns eighty acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born Feb. 3, 1837, in Liverpool, Eng., came to the United States in 1838; settled in Wilmington, Del., and was in the State till 1848, then west to Chester Co., Penn.; went to Ohio in 1852; in Fall of 1853 came to Iowa and stopped during the Winter at Overman’s ferry, Muscatine Co.; his mother died there; the following Spring came to this county. Married Sarah Jones Feb. 3, 1859; she was born Oct. 23, 1836, in Derbyshire, Eng.; have eight children—Sabrah A., Sarah E., Alice V., Mary F., Lucy R., Louis W., Albert F., and Lee M. Independent.

Millett, Wm. , far.; S. 31; P. O. Springdale.

Milnes, Abel, far., S. 33; P. O. Atalissa.

Montgomery, Thos. , farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Springdale.

Moore, Jesse, far., Sec. 33; P. O. Atalissa.

Moore, John, farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Pedee.

Moore, Sam’l , farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Pedee.

Morrison, Isaiah, farmer and dairyman, Sec. 5; P.O. Springdale; owns eighty acres of land, valued at $5,000; born Dec. 9, 1809, in Rutland Co., Vt.; went to Erie Co., N.Y., in 1828, and to this county in Spring of 1853; has lived in Gower, Springdale and Iowa Townships ever since. Married Rachel Smith Jan. 2, 1932, in New York; she was born Oct. 20, 1814, in Vermont; have ten children living—David, Elizabeth, Augustus, Edwin, William, Noel, Samuel, Rebecca, Reuben, Mary, Adelbert, John; Edwin was killed by border ruffians in Kansas; Noel was killed at battle of Winchester, Va.; Augustus and William were also in service of their country. Mr. Morrison is a member of the French Church, Gurney. Republican.

Moylan, J. , far.; S. 30; P. O. Springdale.

Negus, Bracken, farmer, Sec. 27; P.O. Atalissa.

Negus, J. , far., S. 7; P.O. Springdale.

Noering, Joachim, farmer, Sec. 30; P.O. West Liberty.

Norris, N. , far., S. 36; P.O. Atalissa.

Norris, Wm. , blksmth, S. 5; P. O. Pedee.

O’Connell, James , stone mason, S. 22; P.O. Atalissa.

Osborn, A. , far., Sec. 22; P.O. Pedee.

Peden, A. R. , farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. Pedee.

Parrott, J. T. , farmer, Sec. 29; P.O. Springdale; owns 87½ acres of land, valued at $40 per acre; born Aug. 16, 1832, in Fountain Co., Ind.; came to Johnson Co., Iowa, in 1853, lived there until 1861 with the exception of one year in Poweshiek Co., then came to this county; married Mary Hedges Oct. 12, 1854; she died in 1856, leaving one child, Anna, who died when between 1 and 2 years old; he then married Catharine Robinson, Jan. 4, 1860. She was born in Ohio, 1840; have four children living—Blanche C., Mary S., Milton S. and Charles L. Democrat.

Plendergeast, T. , far., S. 24; P. O. Atalissa.

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Phelps, C. , far., S. 6; P.O. Springdale.

Phelps, George, farmer, Sec. 31; P.O. Pedee; owns a farm in this county, with his brother William, of 140 acres, valued at $45 per acre; was born April 24, 1850, in Stark Co., Ohio; came with his parents to this county in 1851 and returned with them to Ohio in 1854, and back to Iowa in 1866. Married Berthemia Fairchild Feb. 4, 1875; she was born Feb. 12, 1850, in New Jersey; have one daughter—Pearl; she was born Dec. 29, 1875. Republican.

Phelps, James, farmer, Sec. 32, P. O. Springdale; owns 258 acres, valued at $50 per acre; born Feb. 28, 1819, in Gloucestershire, England; came to Columbiana Co., Ohio, in 1849, and to this county in 1851; was here four years; then went to Stark Co., Ohio, and remained there till 1866, when he returned to his county again and settled on his present farm. Married Hannah Hurst Aug. 18, 1850; she was born June 3, 1820, in Adams Co., Penn.; have four children—George, Wm. A., Albert and Caroline. Member of M. E. Church; Republican.

Pierce, W. , far. S. 14; P.O. Pedee.

Pilkington, Levi, farmer, Sec. 31; P.O. West Liberty.

Powers, B. , far., S. 26; P.O. Atalissa.

Potter, H. , far., S. 5; P.O. Pedee.

Potter, Jno. D. , far., S. 8; P.O. Pedee.

Preston, J. , far., S. 30; P.O. Springdale.

Reed, William L. , farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Pedee.

Riddle, C. , far., Sec. 23; P. O. Atalissa.

Riddle, R. , far., Sec. 23; P. O. Atalissa.

Roberts, I. T. , teacher, P. O. Pedee; was born Aug. 3, 1851 in Jefferson Co., Ohio; his father Preston W. Roberts, moved to this county in the spring of 1852, and died June 2, 1864, leaving a good farm of 220 acres, valued at $50 per acre, which is to be divided between six heirs. Married Nona Gill (daughter of Dr. H. C. Gill, of Springdale), Feb. 6, 1874, she was born May 25, 1855, in this county; have one son—Louis, born Dec. 15, 1874. Democrat.

Robinson, J. H. , Postmaster, Sec. 4; P. O. Pedee.

Romaide, Madison, farmer, Sec. 19; P.O. West Liberty.

Sanders, Silas, farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Pedee.

Sawyer, A. , retired, Section 8; P. O. Pedee.

Sawyer, A. J. , farmer, P. O. Pedee, owns ninety-three acres land, valued at $45 per acre; was born April 8, 1839, in Warren Co., Ohio; his father, Amasa Sawyer, who is now living with him, was born Dec. 10, 1799, in Maine, and came to Warren Co., Ohio, in 1816, and married Elizabeth Fryburger in 1822; she died in 1845, in Ohio, and in 1855, he moved to Iowa, and in the Spring of 1856 settled in Iowa Tp. A. J. Sawyer married Emma J. June 12, 1862; she was born June 27, 1843. Mr. Sawyer enlisted in Co. D of the 24th Ia. Inf. in August, 1862; was with Banks in his Red River Expedition, and was discharged at Savannah, Ga., in 1864. Democrat.

Schooley, Benj. , farmer, Sec. 7.

Shellhamer, Moses, farmer; Sec. 16; P. O. Pedee; owns 155 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre; born July 27, 1819, in Schuylkill Co., Penn.; parents moved to Crawford Co., Ohio, in 1826, and to St. Joseph Co., Mich., in 1829, and La Porte, Ind., in 1838; in 1841, he came to Stevenson, Ill., now known as Rock Island, and run the ferry between there and Davenport three years; then came to this county in 1844; was here three years, and remained twelve years working at his trade, ship carpenter and calker, then moved to Muscatine Co., and came on his present farm in the Fall of 1864. An incident in his life occurred June 5, 1844, while he was in the home of W. C. Long, north of Pedee, one of those wind storms so prevalent in Iowa, passed over tearing the house into fragments, even to the floor, bursting the doors open and whirling everything in the room, persons and all, Mr. Long, two children and hired girl; they were all scattered and clutching to whatever they could; strange as it may seem, none were killed. Married Mary Hoch June 23, 1844, in this county; she was born March 15, 1824, in Pennsylvania; have four children—Ellen, Kate, Leonard and Daniel B. Member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church; Republican.

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Smith, G. P. , farmer, fine stock and dairying business and one of the proprietors of Cold Spring Cheese Factory, near Springdale, Sec. 18; P. O. Springdale; owns a farm of 254 acres, valued at $15,000; born Sept. 19, 1812, in Rutland Co., Vt.; parents moved to Erie Co., N.Y., in 1816, and he came from there to this county in the fall of 1853, and commenced the dairying business the following year. Married Lydia Palmerton Oct. 4, 1837; she was born Aug. 12, 1818, and died Dec. 25, 1848. Again married, Clarissa R. Rathbun, Sept. 4, 1850; she was born Aug. 3, 1822; had five children by his first wife—Nathan E., Emily A., Daniel W., Hannah A. and Mary. Nathan A. was drowned July 7, 1877, in Cedar River, while assisting in the search for the bodies of the two sons of Mr. Worrall and Mr. Brown. Mr. Smith is a member of the Friends’ Church; Republican.

Smith, J. S. , far., Sec. 4; P. O. Pedee.

Stanton, Ed. , lab., Sec. 8; Pedee.

Swart, C. B. , far., Sec. 17; P.O. West Liberty.

Swart, J. H. , farmer; P.O. West Liberty; owns 160 acres of land, valued at $50 per acre; born June 22, 1830, in Ohio, opposite Wheeling, W. Va.; parents moved to Athens Co., O., when he was an infant; he came to this county in the Spring of 1857, and on his present farm in 1866. Married Harriet Gifford, of this county, in 1855; she was born Dec. 1833, in Ohio; have five children—Charle S. B., Henry T., Elsa M., Cora E. and Rebecca E. Mr. Swart has served as Township Trustee several years, and is acting as such now. Republican.

Swinehart, C. D. , farmer, Sec. 7.

Tatum, Lawrie, far., Sec. 31; P. O. Springdale.

Taylor, C. D. , far., Sec. 32; P.O. West Liberty.

Taylor, J. S. , farmer, Sec. 32; P.O. West Liberty; owns 200 acres of land, valued at $12,000; born June 17, 1827, in Wayne Co., O.; went into Guernsey Co. in 1848, and to Belmont Co. in 1851, and to this county in 1864; was Principal of the Bell Air Union School from 1859 to 1864. His occupation was teaching from 1845 to 1864, and taught three months in the West Liberty School. Married Alzira Dillon, of Belmont Co., O., in Sept., 1852, by whom he had one son—Chas. D; she died in March, 1856. Again married Lydia A. Nichols, of same county; she was born in Loudoun Co., Va., Feb. 21, 1833, by whom he had two children—Althea M. and Loren A. Charles D. is now attending the Agricultural College at Ames. His wife is a member of the Friend’s Church; Republican.

Teefy, John, far., Sec. 30; P, O. Springdale.

Turkle, James, far., Sec. 35; P. O. Atalissa.

Walker, J. M. , far., Sec. 28; P. O. Atalissa.

Walker, Lewis, farmer; P. O. Atalissa; owns 200 acres of land, valued at $10,000; born Feb. 11, 1822, in York Co., Pa.; went to Belmont Co., O., in 1838, and to this county in the Spring of 1854. Married Elizabeth Oxley Oct. 9, 1849, in Ohio; she was born April 13, 1825, in Ohio; have two children—Joel M., born May 27, 1852; Pinkney L, born April 9, 1857. Members of Friend’s Church; Republican.

Walter, Hannah (maiden name Michener), P. O. Atalissa, Muscatine Co.; born Dec. 12, 1816, in Chester Co., Pa.; parents moved to Belmont Co., O., in 1832, and in 1836 to Harrison Co., and married Daniel Walter, of Belmont Co., Aug. 11, 1836; he was born Feb. 17, 1812, in Chester Co., Pa.; moved to Morgan Co. in 1839; subsequently to Whiteside Co., Ill., and from there to this county in the Spring of 1853. Mr. Walter died Feb. 10, 1875, leaving his wife and eleven children to mourn his loss. Names of children—James, Mary, William, John, Wilson, Louisa, Joseph, Amy, Milton, Phoebe and Henrietta. James and John served their country during the war of the rebellion.

Walter, Jos. , far., Sec. 34; P. O. Atalissa.

Westfield, Thos. , far., Sec. 31.

Whisler, Conrad, farmer; S. 5; P. O. Pedee; owns ninety-nine acres of land, valued at $45 per acre; was born Feb 22, 1835, in Stark Co., O.; came to Center Tp., of this county, in the . . .

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. . . Fall of 1853, and to Iowa Tp. In 1868. Married Emeline Kizer March 11, 1858; she was born April 25, 1835, in Richland Co., O.; have four children George E., Nicholas L., Montana A. and Charles C. Mr. Whisler went to Montana Territory in 1862, and returned in 1864.

Wilson, Abram, far., Sec. 7; P. O. Springdale.

Wilson, Alex. , far., S. 29; P.O. West Liberty.

Wilson, D. , far, S. 29; P.O. West Liberty.

Wilson, George, farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Pedee; owns 191 acres, valued at $40 per acre; born May 22, 1832, in Jefferson Co., Ohio; came to this county in the Spring of 1853; worked by the month a year or two, then leased land and first bought 40 acres of land south of Pedee, and then eighty, and sold that and bought his present farm in 1865. Married Lovina Negus Aug. 28, 1853; she was born Nov. 12, 1835, in Ohio; have one daughter living—Rachel Ella, born April 12, 1864; have lost two—Esther died March 31, 1857; John C. died May 10, 1873. Mr. Wilson enlisted in Co. G. of the 24th Ia. Inf., and was in camp only six weeks and was discharged on account of disability. Republican.

Wilson, Westwood, far., S. 32; P.O. Pedee.

Wing, Turner, far., S. 4; P. O. Pedee.

Winn, John, far., S. 9; P. O. Pedee.

Winn, L. , far., S. 26; P. O. Atalissa.

Winn, Peter, far., S. 4; P. O. Pedee.

Wood, G. P. , far., S. 6; P O. Springfield.

Woods, H. M. , far., S. 29; P.O. West Liberty.

Woolley, George, far., S. 18; P. O. Springdale; born Feb. 5, 1833, in Delaware Co., Penn.; his parents moved to Columbiana Co., Ohio, when he was an infant; he came from there to this county in the Spring of 1858. Married Rachel E. Bregan, March 2, 1854, in Ohio. She was born June 26, 1833; have one child—Clementine, born March 24, 1856. Mr. Woolley owns a farm of 105 acres, valued at $6,500. Republican.

Worrall, John, farmer, S. 4; P. O. Pedee; owns eighty acres of land, valued at $40 an acre; was born Oct. 11, 1828, in Morgan Co., Ohio; came to this Co. in the Fall of 1856; settled at Pedee; remained there two years, and in the south part of township till Fall of 1869 came on this present farm. Married Jane Berry, March 28, 1851, in Ohio; she was born Sept. 6, 1829, in Ohio; have five children living—William B., born March 10, 1854; Lizzie M., born March 25, 1858; Geo. E., born July 18, 1860; Herbert E., born July 28, 1863; Hattie E., born Aug. 30, 1868; lost three—Charles A., Antrim and Albert N.; lost two by drowning. Member of M. E. Church; Republican.

Worrall, J. , far., S. 28; P.O. West Liberty.

Worrall, N. , far., S. 28; P.O. West Liberty.

Worrall, Wm. B. , far., S. 4; P. O. Pedee.

Wyant, J. G. , farmer; P.O. Pedee; owns eighty acres of land, valued at $50 per acre; was born Nov. 8, 1843, in Stark Co., Ohio; parents moved to this county in the Spring of 1854; enlisted Jan. 1, 1862, in Co. E., of 16th Iowa Inf.; was at the battle of Shiloh; from injuries received, was honorably discharged July 1, 1862. Married Mary A. Jack June 9, 1864; she was born Feb. 11, 1846 in this county; have no children. He has been a member of the School Board several years. Democrat.

Wymer, James, far., P. O. Pedee.

Wymer, Wm. , far., S. 10; P. O. Pedee.

Zarington, John, far., S. 11; P. O. Rochester.

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