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 History - 1913 Industrial Edition



The Browning Literary Club was organized in 1899 and joined the I. F. W. C. in 1901. Since that time the club has been represented in state work by members serving at different times on household, economics, reciprocity and club program committees.

The Browning, in conjunction with the M. C. P.'s, entertained the Ninth district convention in 1901. While the work of the organization, as its name indicates, is primarily for the purpose of self-culture, any work of altruistic nature meets ready response from its members at all times.

The work resulting in the institution of the city library was begun in the Browning club and its members made a house to house canvas to urge upon women the necessity of using their right of franchise upon the question of special taxation, when the library tax was submitted to the voters.

A per capita tax of the club was voted this year for the scholarship fund of the State federation, and the club has pledged four benches for the manual training for boys of the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades--in case the school board shall install it in the schools. Their effort in the field of literature has resulted in the publication of a cook book, which, has meet such a cordial reception that the first edition is exhausted and the second edition is now in the hands of the publishers. While the membership is limited to twenty, the work of the club indicates that each member is a "live wire."

From: Industrial Edition, published by Atlantic News Telegraph, Atlantic, Iowa, 1913, pg. 29.

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