Buena Vista County, IA
USGenWeb Project

Extracted from:  Wegerslev, C. H. and Thomas Walpole. 
 Past and Present of Buena Vista County, Iowa
Chicago:  S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1909, p. 418-19.

Transcribed by Mary Alice Schwanke and Cyndi Vertrees

Biography of  George M. Walrod, D. V. S.

In a history of the professional interests in Buena Vista county mention should be made of Dr. George M. Walrod, who for fifteen years has practiced at Storm Lake and during this period has given evidence of his ability in his chosen profession. He was born in De Kalb county, Illinois, in 1854, and is the eldest son of a family of seven children, whose parents were Jonas and Eliza (Eaton) Walrod, both of whom were natives of the state of New York. The father was of German lineage and devoted his life to the occupation of farming. When a young man he removed westward to Illinois and settled upon a farm in De Kalb county, where he resided until 1877, when he took up his abode on a farm in Sac county, Iowa. There he lived for some time but before his demise removed to Lake View, where his remaining days were passed in honorable retirement from labor. He had prospered as the years had gone by, and by his industry and careful expenditure had gained a handsome competence that enabled him to live retired in his later years. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and gave his political support to the republican party. He died in 1894, at the age of sixty-eight years, while his wife passed away in October, 1900, at the age of sixty-nine years. She had removed to Ohio in her girlhood days, but they were married in the state of New York.

Dr. Walrod was reared in the usual manner of farmer lads. He attended the country schools and alternated his time between the schoolroom and the fields for, as his age and strength increased he assisted more and more largely in the work of the farm until his marriage. He was about thirty-one years of age when he withdrew from agricultural life and turned his attention to commercial pursuits, purchasing a drug store at Lake View, which he conducted for four years. It was a logical step from that business to the practice of veterinary surgery, and in preparation therefore he entered the Ontario College at Toronto, Canada, in 1892, and was graduated in 1894. The same year he opened an office in Storm Lake, where he has since engaged in the practice of his profession with good success. He here conducts a hospital supplied with all modern appliances, and his ability places him with the ablest representatives of the profession in Buena Vista county. He is a member of both the State and American Veterinary Associations.

In 1882 Dr. Walrod was married to Crilla Wilcox, who was born in the state of New York in 1862. They are the parents of five children: Cora, wife of G. W. Foley, connected with railroad interests; Cuthbert; Perry; Eugene; and Frances. The parents are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, in the work of which they take an active and helpful interest. Dr. Walrod is now serving as a member of the board of stewards and is also active in the work of the Sunday school. In politics he is somewhat independent, supporting both the republican and prohibition parties as his judgment dictates, but he is a man of strong temperance principles as indicated by his membership in the Independent Order of Good Templars and he likewise belongs to the Court of Honor.