Washington Irving School, Waverly, Iowa
3rd and 4th grade classes, 1921-22

1st row: Paulus Moss or Mauss-?-Reuben Juditch-Harold Walthers-?-?
2nd row: Grace Cooper-Jessie Poole-Lorena Scheifelbein-Mary Ellen Wieres-?-Nevlyn Parrott-Irma Smay-Oraglee Moehling-Dorothy Tegtmeir-Beulah Waltimate
3rd row: Della Moehling-Ardath Hart-?-Esther Grawe-?-Virginia Kingsley-Rosella Sager-?-(can't remember 1st name) Waltimate -Robert Brooks-teacher
4th row: Burr Boyd-Roger Herrmann-Floyd Arns-Harold Bills-?-?-Lena (can't remember last name)-?
Photo submitted by Kay Bebout (daughter of Oraglee Moehling).
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