Melton Harrington was the earliest settler in this township. He selected a home on Section 3, in the spring of 1854.
Ichabod Richmond and family arrived May 21, 1854, and located on Section 15. Noah Porter came about the same time and located on Section 16. In July, H. Bockholt located on Section 26, and H. Kniffkin located on Section 33. John McRae came on October 7, of the same year, and settled on Section 10. Jas. D. Sankey, S. K. Davis and W. H. Taylor also located in the township in the fall of 1854. Among those who arrived in 1855 were W. F. and N. C. Peck, Albert Dexter, Frank Evert and Clarence Bacon. During the years 1856 and 1857 quite A number arrived, who were prominent in township affairs.
Franklin township was organized September 6, 1858. The first election was held at the house of Ichabod Richmond, April 2, 1855. The number of votes cast was 17, and the officers elected were: Ormel Clark, clerk; J. F. Barker, W. H. Taylor and John McRae, trustees; Ichabod Richmond and Simeon Peck, justices; Noah Porter and W. M. Peck, constables.
The first house was built by Melton Herrington in the spring of 1854 and was built of logs.
The first marriage was that of Henry White, of Buchanan county, Iowa, to Elizabeth Richmond, in 1856, her father performing the ceremony.
The first white child born in the township was Frank McRae.
The first death was that of Mary Ellen Kerr, September 27, 1854, and eight days afterward her father, Francis Kerr, was numbered with the dead.
The first school was taught by the Widow Greeley in the winter of 1855, in the house of I. Richmond, and the second school was taught in the house of J. M. Ellis, in the winter of 1856, by Mrs. J. M. Ellis.
The first school house was built during the tall of 1857. It was a log house 16x20 feet in size. The bench seats were made of inverted slabs with wooden pins for legs.
The first religious service was held in the house of Mrs. Elizabeth Kerr, by Rev. Mr. Abbott.
The first postoffice was established on Section 22, at the home of Thomas Fortner. It was called Eagle, and Thomas Fortner was the postmaster. The next was Grove Hill, established in the summer of 1859. Francis Harwood was the postmaster.
A blacksmith shop was opened in 1856, Geo. Haun being the proprietor. In 1882 a store was opened by Howard Page, which did a good business during its existence.
The first flowing well in the county was struck on the farm of B. F. Call, on the southwest corner of Section 15. Other flowing wells were struck later, and there are now quite a number in this and other townships along the Wapsie Valley.
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