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William Henry King


Posted By: Connie Swearingen (email)
Date: 9/21/2010 at 16:13:12

History of Woodbury County, Iowa 1984

William Henry King
By Dorothy Glover

The King family originate in Scotland and migrated to Canada in the early 1800’s. William King was born at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, in 1835. His wife, Louisa Agnes Carll, was born in 1844, at New Harmony, Indiana, located along the Wabash River. Her parents, Annie Scofield and Sir Louden Carll (originally this may have been MacCarll), were also born in Scotland. Louden was knighted by the Queen for some deed of valor, hence the title, Sir.

William and Louise had eleven children – six girls and five boys. They were living at Waterloo, Iowa, in the early 1860’s where nine of the children were born. About 1882 or 1883 the family moved to Fairbury, Nebraska, where the remaining two children were born. They finally settled in Dakota County, Nebraska, near Homer. William had been married previously and had two children, George and Alida. William and Louise later moved to a farm at Renville, North Dakota, where Louisa died in 1905. After her death, William returned to Canada and was killed in 1909 when his team of horses bolted when frightened by a train.

William Henry was born in 1870. In 1891, he married Nettie Jones. She was born in 1870 at Nevadaville, Colorado. Her parents were Mary Elizabeth Pilgrim, born in Dakota County, Nebraska, and Charles S Jones, born in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. Charles Jones’ father was born in Wales. William H and Nettie had six children -- Hazel, 1892, Lloyd, 1894-1973, Ethel, 1897-1897, Guy, 1898-1964, Nellie, 1904, and Clara, 1907-1957. About 1901, they went to Boughton, North Dakota, to settle a claim and lived in a sod house for the year or two they were there before returning to Homer. In 1909, the family moved to Sioux City, Iowa.

For many years William H worked as night watchman at The Sioux City Stockyards. Both Lloyd and Guy were long time employees of the Gas Company. Hazel married Yale Finley. They ad one daughter, Dorothy Jane, who had two daughters, Randy and Toni from her marriage to Randall Tracy. She is now married to John ‘Bill’ Glover and lives at Lawton, Iowa. They had one son, Mark. Lloyd married Gertrude Newman. Guy married Daisy Smith and had one son, Guy Vincent. He married Dorothy Conrad and lives in Florida. They had tow children, Jacqueline and Guy Vernon, who died when he was eight years old. Nellie and her husband, Walter Stewart, live in Sioux City. Clara married Theodore Torgerson and had one daughter, Clara Louise, who married Lyle Schmidt and lives in Sioux City. They had one daughter, Shawn.

We younger ones were not around to hear our grandparents, William and Nettie, play for barn dances – he the fiddle and she the bass and harmonica – but we have many fond memories of Granddad playing the fiddle for us after Sunday dinner with his foot stomping in time to the music.


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