Hughes, Adaliza (Matteson) 1831 - 1911
Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 5/19/2024 at 21:00:43
Source: Decorah Republican Mar. 2, 1911 P2 C5
On Tuesday afternoon, February 28, after months of suffering which was borne with that patience and fortitude that have been marked characteristics of her life, Mrs. D. H. Hughes passed away at the family residence on Broadway, aged 79 years and 6 months.
Adaliza Matteson Hughes, oldest daughter of Austin Matteson and Almira Field Matteson, was born September 2, 1831 near Watertown, N.Y. March 13, 1855. She married Daniel Henry Hughes and came with him at once to Decorah, where, within the first year, they began to make their home on the same grounds where the family home now stands. Here were born to them four children,--Lou, Fred Henry, Frank Matteson and Ada (Mrs. C. R. Ammon), who, together with a grandchild, Harry Clark Hughes of Minneapolis, alone of her immediate family survive her, the husband having died in August, 1863, at Port Hudson, La., and none of her father’s family having outlived her.
Throughout her long residence in Decorah Mrs. Hughes has taken an active interest in the welfare of those about her. While of a quiet and home loving nature she has always found time to devote herself to interests that she considered of vital importance to her fellow man and has drawn to her numerous friends who join in condolence to her children in their bereavement.
The funeral will be held this afternoon at the residence at three o’clock, Rev. Mahlon Willett officiating, and the remains will be deposited in the vault at Phelps cemetery.
Phelps Cemetery
Winneshiek Obituaries maintained by Jeff Getchell.
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