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Horan, Daniel 1847 - 1908


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 6/14/2021 at 19:37:01

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Apr. 7, 1908, FP, C6

Dan Horan Dies Suddenly.
Dan Horan passed away very suddenly at his home near Plymouth Rock on Sunday evening. He was in his usual health, having attended church at Plymouth Rock during the day, and had seated himself at the supper table and was in the act of drinking a cup of tea when he was seized with an intense pain in the right side of his head, just above the ear. The pain gradually progressed downward to his heart and he passed away at about nine o’clock before the arrival of Dr. Kessel, who had been summoned. Mr. Horan had always been seemingly a stout, healthy man for his age and good for many more years of life, and consequently his quick demise is a surprise and shock to the community.
The funeral takes, place to-morrow at the Plymouth Rock Church.

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Apr. 17, 1908, FP, C2

Mr. Daniel Horan pased{sic} away at his home at Plymouth Rock, Iowa, April 5, 1908, at the age of 61 years. Mr. Horan was born in Queen County, Ireland, March 7, 1847. When about 3 years of age he came to America, settling at Plymouth Rock, Iowa, where he was united in marriage to Mary Wilbur in 1883. He remained at Plymouth Rock, where he spent the rest of his life.
Eleven children were born to them, nine of whom survive: Patrick, Lizzie, Dannie, Katie, Mabel, Johnnie, Lucy, Edna, and Raymond. Two died, William and Mamie.
During his life at Plymouth Rock, he was known by his friends and family as a kind hearted and honest man. He was liked and respected, not only in this vicinity but by all who knew him.
The funeral was held at the St. Agnes church at Plymouth Rock, Iowa, where he had always been a faithful member. Wednesday morning April 8th, at 10 o'clock, Rev. Father Fitzgerald officiating, he was laid at rest in St. Agnes cemetery. One sister, Mrs. Wm. Toben of Madison, S. D., and one brother, Patrick, of Madison, S. D., survive him.

St. Agnes Cemetery

Winneshiek Obituaries maintained by Bruce Kuennen.
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