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PERKINS, Shirley Wayne: 1883-1904


Posted By: Volunter: Sherri
Date: 4/28/2013 at 13:45:14

Shirley Wayne Perkins was born Sept. 14th, 1883, near Bonaparte, Iowa, and died at the home of his parents, on the second day of Jan. 1904. Aged 20 years, 3 months and 18 day.

Shiley(sp) was the only son of James and Luella Perkins, who with one sister Gertrude, are left to mourn the loss of a loving son, and brother.

The greater part of his life has been spent at the family home.

He was educated in Bonaparte.

He wished to be a printer, and worked about one year with Sherman Bros. until last February, when his health failed. He grew worse rapidly, and was confined to bed for the past twelve weeks, and all that loving hearts and hands could do, could not prevail against that dread disease, consumption.

He professed faith in Christ and on the seventh day of October received the sacraments of baptism and united with the Methodist Episcopal church.

Funeral services were held from the M. E. church on Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1904. Interrinent [sic] in the Bonaparte Cemetery, Rev. Erskine officiating.

To the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during our recent sad bereavment(sp), the loss of son and brother, we desire to extend our heartfelt thanks and assure them that their kindness and words of sympathy will always be gratefully remembered.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Perkins and daughter.

Resolutions of condolence and respect adopted by Friendship Camp, No. 134 Royal Neighbors of America, Bonaparte, Iowa.

Whereas, The Supreme Ruler of the Universe has seen fit to call from our esteemed Neighbor, Ella Perkins her only son: Therefore be it

Resolved, by the camp that we do at this time extend our most heart felt sympathy to our Neighbor, Mrs. Perkins and her family with a prayer that God may comfort them as he alone can Comfort.

Resolved, that a copy of those resolutions be spread on the minutes of the meeting, a copy furnished to the family and published in the Bonaparte Bee.

"We shall sleep, but not forever,
In the lone and silent grave;
Blessed be the Lord that taketh,
Blessed be the Lord that gave.
In the bright, eternal city,
Death can never, never come;
In his own good time he'll call us
From our rest to home, sweet home.:

Mrs. Mary Batchelor
Mrs. Cornelia Wilson
Mrs. Almira Sargeant.

Source: Van Buren Co. Genealogical Society Obituary Book C, Page 24, Keosauqua Public Library, Keosauqua, IA


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