Joseph Rabb 1788-1866
Posted By: Rich Lowe (email)
Date: 1/11/2003 at 15:24:19
I Joseph Rabb of the County of Van Buren and State of Iowa, desiring to prepare for death, and being of sound mind and memory, do make and declare this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all previous testimentary writings of whatsover kind made by me, that is to say:
Item 1st. I hereby make and appoint my son Samuel Rabb, and William J. Johnson, son of my beloved wife by her former husband, executors of this my last will and testament.
Item 2nd. I hereby give and bequeath to my beloved wife Nancy Rabb all the money I may have on hands at the time of my decease, and I hereby direct my executors aforesaid to pay the sum over to my said wife so soon as they shall have qualified for the discharge of their duties.
I also bequeath to may wife aforesaid two horses, two sets of harness, one for plough and one for wagon, and one two horse wagon, she to choose all of said articles, from among such of each kind, as may be on the place at the time of my death, also two cows, six hogs, two sows & pigs, 1 harrow, and four beds and bedding, all other household and kitchen furniture, including the clock.
Item 3rd. I also direct that my said wife shall have the use of the farm, without rent or other payment except taxes and necessary repairs, for the full term of three years from and after my death, if she shall so long live, and I further direct that at the expiration of said term, if she should yet be alive, upon her leaving the place my executors shall pay her the sum of One Hundred Dollars.
Item 4th. I give and bequeath to my step son Joseph A. Johnson my half a certain reaper & mower now owned by said Joseph A. and myself.
Item 5th. I hereby direct that a certain note now held by me executed by David W. Sewall amounting to two hundred dollars, together with the interest thereon shall be deducted from the share herein after bequeathed to my daughter Mrs. Mary Ann Sewall, and said not given up to my said daughter.
Item 6th. The bequest herein before made to my wife Nancy Rabb an upon the express condition that she shall relinquish all her dower in the Real Estate of which I may die seized.
Item 7th. I give and bequeath to my children Samuel Rabb, Elias Rabb, William Rabb, Mary Ann Sewall, and Emily Murphy all my Estate Real and personal not herein otherwise disposed of share and share alike after the payment of all first debts, funeral expenses and expenses of settling my estate in the probate court. And I order my said executors to sell and convey to the highest and best bidder for cash, all my real estate, at the expiration of three years after my death, unless a majority of my children should decide other wise.
Item 8th. I hereby direct my executors that so soon as they shall have sold the personal property belonging to my estate, and not herein specifically bequeathed, and have got the money for the same, they shall pay said money over to my said daughter Emily Murphy immediately, and take her receipt thereof as her share of the estate as provided in Item 7th being an advance payment of so much on her share.
Item 9th. I hereby direct my executors to procure a red cedar log six feet long and fourteen inches in diameter sawed in two length wise, neatly dressed down to be painted white, and on the head board the following inscription, "Joseph Rabb born in Fayette County Pennsylvania, April 19th 1788, Died in Iowa on ________ , 18__" And on the foot bard "J.R." the letters cut into the wood and then painted - the head board to be set two feet deep in the ground at the head of my grave, and the foot board to be set at the foot of my grave one feet lower than the head board.
In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand this 18th day of April 1864.
Joseph Rabb
Signed in our presence
by Joseph Rabb and we
witness the same at his
request.Bertrand Jones
G. _. BaileySee link to actual document:
See Grave Marker Photo
Van Buren Documents maintained by Rich Lowe.
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